From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: WHO

23 December 2005

gs – at 20:13

don’t you feel, that we need another WHO ? One, which is independent from WHO, which has it’s own opinions and is competing with WHO1 ?

Just like we have different news agencies. The problem is too big for one WHO and they might follow their own interests there could be corruption in some areas. I would feel better if we had more than one WHO.

24 December 2005

dubina – at 03:17

I hesitate to say that I don’t trust them, but their public communication is now notoriously bad, and their “communicators” are well aware of the consequensces of bad communication. They know we’ve challenged their verity; they know the substance of that challenge, and so far they’ve had nothing (zip) to say about it.

Bout time for another photon torpedo.

dubina – at 03:28

Taken from the Rumors Page

• WHO Pandemic Influenza Phases - which phase are we in? added 12/13/05 o Fox news 5/23/05 So far, the H5N1 bird flu has been at stage 4: small, highly localized clusters of human infections. At this stage, the virus cannot spread easily from person to person. The new evidence suggests — but does not yet prove — that bird flu may be moving to stage 5. o Recombinomics 7/05 o Flu Wiki Forum discussion of whether phase 4 definition (or beyond) is currently satisfied 12/13/05 o Flu Wiki Forum description of WHO focus from 60 Minutes Bird Flu Segment 12/13/05

WHO Visit Detail Dec 15 2005

Flu Wiki By Exit Pages > Visit Detail Visit 187,893

 	 	[«]  [»]

Domain Name ? (Unknown)

IP Address 158.232.2.# (World Health Organization)

ISP World Health Organization Location Continent : Europe Country : Switzerland (Facts)

State/Region : Geneve City : Geneva Lat/Long : 46.2, 6.1667 (Map)

Language English (United States) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5 Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits

Time of Visit Dec 15 2005 3:26:55 am Last Page View Dec 15 2005 3:26:55 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL

Visit Entry Page http://www.fluwikie….=Forum.NewRumorsPage

Visit Exit Page http://www.fluwikie….=Forum.NewRumorsPage

Time Zone UTC+1:00 CET - Central European Time Visitor’s Time Dec 15 2005 9:26:55 am Visit Number 187,893

DemFromCTat 10:50

Good. They should be aware of the discussion.

Name – at 15:59

Why don’t we have a whole free market of WHOs to improve their communication and their overall response to our health needs?

Wait a minute, isn’t that exactly what led to Big Media with disco news, Reality TV & Hollywood gossip and a world that’s mostly blissfully unaware of H5N1? Or to Big Pharma, with daily spam selling us Viagra and Vioxx but no vaccines?

DemFromCTat 16:50

heh. A fully commercial WHO wouldn’t tackle H5N1… no profit in vaccines, etc. But their web page might have more ads.

24 May 2006

DemFromCTat 07:21

need to close thread due to volume on servers

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