30 June 2006
Bronco Bill – at 01:22
Good reading from Part 1 is here.
Any other ideas?
Bumped – at 01:43
lbb – at 07:42
I was thinking more in terms of, “What would I tell my brother and close friends (three people total) if TSHTF and I tell ‘em to bug out and come to my house.” These are people that I care about enough to not want to abandon, and whom I am working on very gently to nudge them in the prepping direction. Something along the lines of:
- Give yourself exactly fifteen minutes to load your car. Here’s your list: documents (I’m talking passport and wallet and checkbook, not six years of old tax returns), a few changes of warm clothing, nonperishable food, first aid supplies, a quick grab of whatever toiletries are in the bathroom, in that order. When your fifteen minutes are up, wherever you are on this list, you go. If you finish the list before fifteen minutes are up, you go.
- Avoid major routes, take back roads, or at least not interstates.
- Fill up your tank as quickly as you can if you go by a gas station without a line or a lot of people. While you’re there, if it’s got a mini mart, buy up a buncha powerbars, canned soup, batteries, spare flashlight, toilet paper, whatever stuff like that you can grab and be outta there in five minutes tops (including gassing up).
- If you find yourself going by a small store that’s a)open and b)not full of people, grab more stuff, but make it damn quick. Food, a jug of bleach, batteries, a tarp, etc.
22 August 2006
Closed - Bronco Bill – at 00:46
Closed to maintain Forum speed.