Continued from here
So many questions, so little time! Issues, rants, questions, ideas. Present them to the Moderators of FluWikie here.
There is an excellent post from FrenchieGirl on the last thread. Well worth reading.
Very well written, Frenchie Girl. Thank you for taking time on a Sunday to help. Keep up the great work.
We all need to better understand the spider and the web we weave.
Dem, did you get the email I sent you yesterday? Just checking to make sure it went through ok.
no, I don’t see it.
try again.
ST & Dem --- you can use me as a go-between if Dem’s software isn’t allowing emails…
Thanks, I will send another Email now to Dem to check if it is working.
I sent the Email 10 minutes ago so I don’t think Dem rec’d it.
Dem, would you please email me at
Well, I’ll try one more time….whatever happened with our plans for the fluwikie tee-shirts? Did it just not fly after all that work or were we directed to a website to order them & I just never saw the link or what?
thanks in advance, Rose
I think that once something is in the public record, for example, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” it can be quoted without the original source (newspaper or TV or even the speakers permission). I don’t think that anyone can stop a person from offering a public web site up for reference. If people try to trade on that name to make money in their endeavor, then that is another story. People acting in the public interest with no money changing hands, then you are pretty much home free. I think we are OK to list web sites. It is a matter of professional courtesy to keep people informed of your idea. I think if you all want to use Osterholm, then he deserves a courtesy heads up. I am not offering this as legal advice, but just as life experience of someone who has done many things that are law related. If someone wants to have the private nonprofit that fluwiki has become trademark the final design as a way to make money for the site, then do so. Maybe the final design can be sold here on the site as “ribbons” ready made for you to wear. I have no financial interest in this site, but I would like to see them benefit in some way for what they do. I would like to know where someone gets the idea that freedom of speech can be curtailed in any manner just because they have registered a domain name. Nothing protects you from being referenced in any publication…a card, a letter, a speech, a power point presentation etc. Sure would like to talk to that legal mind! Just for the record, I have created State and Federal Laws. I edited Chapter 93A The Consumer Protection Act for Mass. etc. I do not hold a law degree. I will post my comments on this threads and the ask the moderators thread as a courtesy.
ST and I are now communicating.
I have sent a reminder to all the mods to review the red ribbon thread for comments.
I’m-workin’-on-it – at 21:27 --- The person who was working on it, along with RiceWiki, has been “out of sorts” for a couple of weeks. That person should be back with us soon…
Thanks Dem
Bronco Bill – at 00:39 thanks — I’m more of a tee-shirt type than a ribbon activist — tee’s are just more leisurely & I was afraid they’d gone the way of the dumpster.
I’d like to add a new topic, but when I click Start a New Thread, there is no longer a place to put the title. Has something changed, or is it the pmwiki gremlins?
Too Much Anxiety Girl – at 09:54 --- Try here
In the Create New Topic field, click and type the name of your new thread. Then click Go.
Bronco Bill, How do I get unbanned at home. My work access and posting works fine.
BB — thank you. I do feel like an idiot, though. I’m SURE I knew that …. Thanks again.
Okidokie – at 11:04 --- contact the Moderators via email, most likely pogge.
Spam Alert on the Increades Cytokine thread! A long one.
SPAM on a closed thread — that’s odd. Increased Cytokine Production in H 5 N 1 Patients Thanks, TMAG
Okidokie at 11:04,
I haven’t blocked any new IP addresses in a few weeks. Exactly what happens when you try to post from home?
I do not know if this is the place to ask a question/make a suggestion but on the news thread today is the story of a U. Pittsburg cell based H5N1 vaccine. I know there has been a vaccine thread but the main questions are ones of safety, effectiveness, and speed/cost of production. Could we introduce a discussion of specialists about news items like this, if the mods think it is important enough? IF a cell based vaccine were proven (and did not act like the 70′s Swine flu did with unwanted, if uncommon, complications), wouldn’t it be possible to make hundreds of millions of doses in a few months? Of course, the virus might mutate, but if the sequences were followed and the vaccine adjusted, we might live with the virus. Or am I missing some risk or problem?
INFOMASS – at 14:21
If you want to discuss any news stories, you can always post the story again in the relevant threads and start the discussion. Or start a new thread if there are no relevant threads.
My short response to the U of Pittsburg vaccine is that it hasn’t started Phase I trial yet, so we are looking at quite a few years. Plus there may be an issue in Europe for a virus-vector expressed vaccine as it may be considered a GM product, which I believe has very stringent safety requirements. This does not apply in the US but commercial companies may be reluctant to make a product that has a potentially limited market.
I’m going to put this in the Haemagglutinin vaccine thread because there are related but different considerations.
There’s spam the thread FindingOtherPreppersDeutschland2
I wonder if all of the recent <null content> threads that are being created represent a Denial of Service attack. It was recently acknowleged that the speed of the forum is inversely proportional to the number of open threads. Is someone exploiting that weakness?
Dennis in Colorado – at 20:11 --- I’ve been keeping a pretty keen eye on the Forum, and there’ve only been a few empty threads posted. I think if we were under a DoS attack, we’d see hundreds of threads popping up everywhere…
Usually when I see a thread that has gone nowhere quickly, I try to close it just to keep it off the Forum…
I think if we were under a DoS attack, we’d see hundreds of threads popping up everywhere…
A DoS attack wouldn’t have to go to the trouble of trying to create threads. It would be enough to overwhelm us with read requests which is the form that kind of attack normally takes.
Could we please have a new thread for the red ribbon campaign? It is getting really long. Thank you.
SPAM ALERT IN : IncreasedCytokineProductionInH5N1Patients
IF this thread is closed how can it still have spam written to it??
The ‘bots call the code directly. They don’t need the comment box.
The Spam’bots still have it in their sites. pogge knows the details of how it’s done, but somehow they’re holding the backdoor open even after the thread is closed.
DOH! Sorry…didn’t mean to step on ya!
BB, I notice that I can post to a close thread if I have already have it on my screen and am still filling out the comment. I haven’t tested it, but it might be possible to post from a saved thread page that was saved before it was closed.
DennisC – at 22:19 --- I’ve seen that several times when I’ve blitzed the Forum. And you’re right…if you have a thread open in your browser, and someone else closes it at the same time, your post will still show up as the final post
Please help the computer dummy!! I thought I’d try playing in the Wiki sandbox, but it seems to be full of other important information. How do I get to play? You really don’t know how brave I am being! gina
Hurricane Alley RN – at 23:47 --- Go ahead and play. Once you’ve got it the way you like it, click on Preview then scroll down. If it looks the way you want, just click cancel and the sandbox will revert back to what it looked like before you started.
I’m not sure what all that is in there either. You should be able to do what you want either at the top or the bottom of that stuff without affecting it
Bronco Bill, Thanks for the info. If I’m not successful, I will pass the info on to you because it needs to go in your new thread! gina
more spam—and kiddy porn apparently—on the H5N1 Thread—
Dear Mods, does it helps to warn you every time there is spam on the poor Increased Cytokine thread? It seems it’s got hit again for the second time(today you can always tell- the poster’s name is a give-away) Thanks.
Dear Mods, does it helps to warn you every time
Yes, because it bumps the alert up to where we can see it.
The map posted on the Indonesia case summary thread was a bit blurry. Is there a better format for posting a map/photo on the forum? I can do a PDF, tiff, bitmap, and several others. I will do it differently if it helps. One of my concerns is that as additional cases from other geographical areas occur the map will get very cluttered and difficult to read. I can make the labels smaller, but they may also get fuzzier. Let me know if there is a better file type to use for this. Thanks.
I can make the map bigger… but pdfs are best because they retain sharpness at every size. IIRC, tiffs are hard to do with PmWiki.
PS If want to send me a .pdf, I’ll repost.
tiffs are hard to do with PmWiki
And some of our silly machines don’t like .tiff files…
I mede it bigger… check the pic for clarity. Perfect size is width=1000 pixles.
DemFromCT – at 20:25
Just now read your post. I will redo as a .pdf. Give me a few minutes.
Mods— I think we have a little, uhm, situation on the board.
yes, it seems so and it’s seems to be slowing down the wiki
Bumping for visibility
got it…
You’ve got mail. It’s a .pdf and has a little bit of color added, per your email.
Bronco Bill, sorry, but I bumped things that were a few days old i think.
Laura—’sokay…shouldn’t be a problem. Thanks for doing what you do…it helps…
Is it time for a new Indonesia Outbreak discussion thread - the current one is very long.
I am loathe to just start one - you may want to copy some of the recent posts over or something?
Good morning.
I have managed to create a page on the main wiki, on which I am going to collect the testimonials of the 1918 Spanish Flu from the various threads in the forum. Question: Should I use them whole, with typos/grammar/etc., including non relevant material? Or should I edit them to make them easier to read, clean them up? I could, I suppose, make them look nice and at the end of the testimonial I could have a link to a new window for the original unabbridged text? What do you suggest?
I want to promote the realization that the coming flu, if it’s H5N1, is nothing like an ordinary flu, it’s more like a dreaded hemorragic plague, and that it means we all must do something about this illness, at our level, prepping, and at the world level, making others aware. I think that some of these testimonials would hit stronger than just reading a book one buys. These are testimonials that a live FluWikian is making direct here, someone you can talk to and ask questions.
Thank you for your advice.
add “comments edited for typos, etc” at the beginning, edit them and link to originals.
Wherever else you put it, a link from this 1918 Pandemic page should be placed.
OK. Many thanks
Bronco Bill - This may have been asked already, can the links be converted to pop-ups or new windows instead of how it is now. IT would be a great help.
I don’t know the capabilities of PMWiki, but if you’re using Internet Destroyer….er, I mean Explorer, you can right-click on a link and choose Open in New Window. Netscape and FireFox are pretty much the same.
Dem and others. We are trying to format and post the final copy of our card on the Red ribbons thread. I tried to do it, but need some help. Would any of you be able to help us? Thank you for your support and efforts! : )
Email them to me and I can have a go. anon_22 AT hotmail DOT co DOT uk
Spam appears to have started the Pandemic Conscripted Volunteers thread.
I need pogge to delete that page. I don’t have that particular password.
jewelry spam on Increased Cytokine production
I really wish they’d stop thanking us for the nice site. It just rubs salt in the wound.
At least their polite about it! ;-)
Would the Mods be willing to put Okieman’s map of cases in Indonesia on a Wiki page? I think it would be useful to be able to link to it from the Wiki side. I would like to link to it from the Indonesia page.
This is a very useful map and I think alot of people will want to look at it. However, if all the links to it are to a thread on the forum side, it might slow the forum down.
Perhaps create a link on the Science|Demographic Page and call it Indonesian Human Cases (July 26 - Aug 29 2006)
This would require updating 2 pages every time Okieman updates the map, but I think it would be worth it.
Sure, but the link to the map is already on the wiki. Just copy the link:
it is now on server one at:
DemFromCT – at 22:00
I think what Monotreme is suggesting is that we upload a copy of the image to the wiki server so that when it’s called from a wiki page it won’t impact on the forum server’s load. And I think he has a point so I just downloaded a copy from here and uploaded to the wiki server. To display the image from Science category, use the following:
To display from any other category, such as Geographic, use the following:
Thank ya’ll for all your hard work. When we come out the other side of this mess, a lot of people will be thanks you for helping them save their own lives. I know I will.
Without this site I would be doomed.
i did the same (the 22:00 link) but put it in geographic to be close to Indonesia ;−0
I just saw that. I’ll take it out of Science since we don’t need it twice. To display it on a wiki page, all that’s necessary is:
You don’t need to include the entire URL in the Attach statement.
Thanks for the map. It helps to have a visual depiction of the situation. Scary though.
SPAM in the Cytokine thread…again
Got it. Thanks.
Dear Folks,
Could you please change or clarify the name of this thread so that it says something about managing the website or whatever?
I keep expecting to find questions like, “Melanie, how did you enjoy your trip to Hong Kong? Did you stop by the Chicken DeLux Cafe while you were there? Are they still serving raw chicken livers as an entre?” instead of stuff about the fluwikie itself. I keep hoping for the former….
SaddleTramp – at 13:15
Actually, we do get questions like that!
The title is fairly self-explanatory as it says Ask Questions of the Moderators Here. I usually try to open the first post with something like you see in the first post here. And there have been posts with questions similar to what you show.
I can name the next installment of this series to anything your heart desires…within reason, of course. And the next thread is coming up soon, as this one is getting long…
please leave it named what it is. ;-)
What questions to ask is up to you all.
Thanks! Here’s one….where in the world is Melanie??
Is saw her on the NYC thread quoting old movies :-)
Melanie has been as sick as the proverbial dog for the last month and is just starting to come out of it now.
Oh no! So sorry!! I hope you feel much better very soon! We’ve missed you.
Hope you’re feeling better Melanie.
Speaking of the NYC thread, could one of the Mods please fix the sidescroll? I think it’s caused by a URL in CCJach – at 09:34.
Closed for length. More of your questions here