Continued from here.
Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 09/25/06
Cases Discussed | Jun-06 | Jul-06 | Aug-06 | Sep-06 | Total |
Died, no test results | 2 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 11 |
Died, tested positive | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 11 |
Other tested positive | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 |
Symptoms, tests pending | 4 | 2 | 46 | 37 | 89 |
Tested negative | 0 | 6 | 25 | 5 | 36 |
Totals | 10 | 14 | 80 | 47 | 151 |
Grace RN---
You asked about the 664 tipping point, I referred to in my earlier post today….
From the way I understood the (now forgotten ) website…the “tipping point” they were referring to, was when the TOTAL number of bird-to-human cases reached ( APPROX ) 664 cases, there would be a 50 % chance that the next case would be a mutation that would be “THE ONE” ……and the chances are even higher with each case transmitted after that….
Now that we KNOW some of the SARS cases were actually/probably BF; and now that we KNOW some countries are NOT telling the truth about their number of cases….better figure that we ARE “THERE” …now. Don’t you think ?? :-(
The nephew I have been referring to; has found out, that in the h-h-h clusters that have happened already in Indonesia…with EACH jump within that cluster, the virus IS mutating !!
…..meaning if I get it from a bird, in 1 form, pass it on to my mother, in form # 2; she will pass it on to her neighbor, in yet another mutated form…. Now THAT’S frightening ! ….to think that with EACH PERSON, it’s mutating into … ???? WHAT ???
I have an email into that nephew; but I don’t make any promises on any more info. He make be “out” and can’t be reached, or he may not be ABLE to tell me anything, or things may be the same as his last info… If I find out anything new…I’ll post it asap.
I think they’re off by two, that should probably be 666.
Can I suggest that you post your rumor here?
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but until we get independent verification from someone else in Indonesia, and there are people who post here who have contacts there, your information from your nephew has to be regarded as a rumor. That doesn’t mean it’s not true, just that it hasn’t been verified.
Posted by Anonymous at 03:54 in the News Thread:
Fatimah Resmiati, from the West Java health office, said that a 25-year-old man died in Bandung on Sunday suffering bird flu symptoms, but he was buried without samples being taken for testing. His 20-year-old brother, displaying similar symptoms, was admitted to the same hospital with him, she said. He was transferred to Hasan Sadikin hospital, a government-appointed centre for bird flu treatment, where he was joined by the third brother, aged 15, on Monday. “As the three are blood-related and suffer from the same symptoms, we are suspecting a new cluster case here, but we still have to make the necessary tests to ascertain what they are suffering from,” Resmiati told AFP. Health officials probe bird flu cluster cases
Link for above post at 05:49:
On Tuesday, September 26 2006 13:05
one Member Cluster Bandung Bird Flu Positive Terinfeksi
Bandung — MIOL: A patient suspect bird flu that was treated in RS Handsome Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung since Sunday night (24/9), Zakaria Divine Guidance, 20, positive was infected by the virus H5N1.
The condition for the citizen Street.
Jakarta, the Gardener’s District Waru, the Batununggal Subdistrict, the Bandung City, that till Tuesday did not yet improve.
In the meantime, on Monday night (25/9), around struck 20.00 WIB, the brother of casualties’s youngest child, the precious stone Diamond, 15, also was run off with to RS Handsome Sadikin Bandung because he complained suffered breathless, had a headache and hot.
The “diamond complained was sick sepulang from delivering his older brother’s body was buried in Garut.”
Because frightened of suffering the illness like his two older brothers, he was at once run to RSHS off with, explained the mother of the two casualties, Nurjanah, 43.
Beforehand, on Sunday (24/9) full siblings the two casualties, Indra Jayakusuma, 23, died when being treated in RS Saint Yusuf.
Casualties could not be taken the sample of his blood, because of his body at once was brought to Garut was buried.
From the speech on the family, Indra and Divine Guidance had contact with the chicken died.
His days they maintained the dog, that for his food was received from chicken that has died, that was bought from the market.
“Results of the positive inspection of Divine Guidance blood terjangkit bird flu.”
His condition also did not yet appear to be improving, since the first time till two days was treated in Poinciana Tree Space, explained the Managing Director RSHS Cissy Rachiana Kartasasmita.
The chairman Tim the Handling of the Case of RSHS Hadi Jusuf Bird Flu added, the condition for Divine Guidance was classified as critical, in fact increasingly critical compared to when entering isolation space.
“His leucocytes descended, now pneumonia on the lungs increasingly spread, so as he suffered breathless difficult and must make use of respiratory aids,” he said.
While the condition for his youngest child’s brother, the Diamond, gradually improved.
Results of his blood inspection have been sent, but RSHS did not yet receive confirmation produced by his test.
On Tuesday, September 26 2006 16:01
Medan — MIOL: three patients suspect bird flu that still was treated in Space of the Longing Isolation A the Public Hospital (RSU) Adam the Owner, Medan, on Tuesday (26/9), continued to improve.
Public relations RSU Adam the Medan Owner, the Ginting rays said the fever that was suffered by three patients from the Fence Village of Teak, the Pakam The Deepest Part Subdistrict, of the Deli Serdang Regency that is BS, 33 (the father), Lt, 31, (the mother), and the child RS, 12, has been stable.
Results of the photograph thorax him also did not show to the side of the sign of pneumonia.
“Not there is flek-flek that headed to the sign of pneumonia,” said the rays, in RSU Adam the Medan Owner, on Tuesday.
Although the three patients have improved, tamiflu still continued to be given.
Usually the tablet antiflu the birds were given maximal a week.
If through a patient’s week improved, giving of his medicine was stopped.
Moreover, the three patients might not yet be returned because still was waiting for results of the sample of blood, the throat liquid and the nose of the Jakarta Laboratory.
The condition for the patient continued to be monitored.
‘’‘To anticipate the patient’s increase suspect bird flu in Deli Serdang, the North Sumatran Health Service has established the command post in this village and gave counselling continuously against the citizen by reducing health powers to the territory.
“The command post will be opened for 24 hours to accommodate the citizen’s complaints that resembled the high or breathless fever, so as to be able to be overcome quickly’‘’,” said the Head Sub the Prevention Service and the Eradication of the Illness and North Sumatran Sanitation of the Environment of the Health Service, the Service Sun.
Whereas the extermination, the side of the health service has co-operated officially livestock breeding.
Till September, was gotten by 16 regencies/the city from 25 regencies/the city in North Sumatra that terjangkit the virus H5NI. among them the Medan City, the Deli Serdang Regency, the Binjai City, the Serdang Bedagai Regency, the Langkat Regency.
It was other, the Karo Regency, the Dairi Regency, the Tapanuli Regency South, the Tapanuli Regency Middle, the shavings Regency, the Samosir Regency, the Tebing Tinggi City, and the Simalungun Regency.
From 16 regencies that his poultry terjangkit the virus H5NI, there is six that the assumption of bird flu attacked the citizen.
‘’‘That is the Simalungun Regency, the Medan City, the Binjai City, the Tebing Tinggi City, and the Deli
More on the 15 yr. old brother
On Tuesday, September 26 2006 12:29 WIB
Bandung — MIOL: the precious stone Diamond, 15, was run off with to RS Handsome Sadikin Bandung because of being expected tertular the bird flu virus.
The diamond was the brother of casualties’s youngest child suspect Zakaria Divine Guidance bird flu, 20, that still was treated in RSHS. Beforehand, their eldest child’s older brother, Indra Jayakusuma, 23, on Sunday (24/9) died with the sign terjangkit bird flu.
The three older brothers were siblings that was the citizen Street.
Jakarta, the Gardener’s District Waru, the Batununggal Subdistrict, the Bandung City.
They it was known carried out contact with the chicken died, because everyday Indra and Divine Guidance maintained the dog and gave ate kept him that with the chicken died.
The mother of casualties, Nurjanah, 43, said, the Diamond admitted to experiencing headache, hot and breathless, sepulang from the funeral of his eldest child’s older brother, in Garut.
Because frightened he suffered the illness that be the same as that was experienced by his two older brothers, the Diamond was at once run off with to RSHS, on Monday (25/9).
Now till Tuesday, the condition for Divine Guidance was still being critical.
The “condition for Divine Guidance very critical, in fact increasingly critical compared to when entering isolation space.”
His leucocytes descended, now pneumonia on the lungs increasingly spread, so as he suffered breathless difficult and must make use of respiratory aids, explained the Chairman Tim the Handling of the case of RSHS Hadi Jusuf bird flu.
Kasubdin environmental Sanitation Dinkes West Java Fatimah Resmiati said, if results of the inspection of Divine Guidance blood evidently positive bird flu, this possibility was cluster just.
Only, the conclusion still terkendala, because his older brother who died could not be taken the sample of his blood.
According to information of casualties’s family, Useful, the two older brothers were siblings began suffered hot and breathless, to Monday last week.
They just bought the chicken died and gave him to his kept dog.
“Both of them could go to the doctor, but was stated suffered flu and was asked to rest.”
Only, his condition was increasingly serious, so as on Saturday night, was brought by us to RS Saint Yusuf, flat Useful.
Overnight was treated in the hospital, the condition the two casualties increasingly worrying.
On Sunday early afternoon (24/9), the hospital side reconciled both of them to RSHS Bandung, but
Santi’s sister?
Again, the Patient Suspect Bird Flu in RSUD Dr Soetomo
The report on the Kompas Reporter of Nina Susilo
Surabaya, Kompas – the regional Public Hospital Dr Soetomo again received the patient with the assumption of suffering bird flu. At this time, the patient was treated in intensive observation space in the Anathesi Building old and was handled by the team of the doctor who was led by Dr Palilingan. The female patient berisial E (25) arrived, struck 23.00, on Monday (25/9). The patient was reconciled from RSU Dr Iskhak helped Great because of not having intensive observation space there. According to the Chairman of the Forum for the Press of RSUD Dr Soetomo Dr Urip Murtedjo SpB, the patient at this time in consciousness and did not make use of the respirator. At this time, medical treatment was carried out with gave tamiflu, antibiotik, and the infusion. The laboratory inspection, the photograph thorax, blood guess, and saturasi O2. According to Santi, the patient’s brother, in the last month dozens of chickens perliharaan their family died suddenly. Last week the youngest child’s brother Santi died after being treated 3 hours in RSU Dr Iskhak. Santi added, their neighbouring chicken then several days ago died and was stated positive Avian influenza.
Pugmom - at the Jatim website, you can use the search engine. If you go to page 4 of the search engine (flu burung) it will bring you up to 9/21 which was their last article on flu burung. Nothing is listed on page 5.
Zakaria divine guidance, the patient the Handsome Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, this Tuesday (26/9), finally had been stated positive was infected by the bird flu virus.
This was known after the hospital side accepted results of the laboratory test against the sample of blood and the patient’s saliva that were researched in Litbangkes Jakarta.
This matter it was said by the Managing Director of the Handsome Hospital of Sadikin Bandung Doctor Cisy the officer.
Divine guidance was the eighth bird flu patient who underwent the maintenance in the Handsome Hospital of Sadikin Bandung.
Beforehand, the sibling Divine Guidance, namely Indra Jayakusuma, died because of suffering the sign of the same illness, namely the fever that was accompanied breathless.
While the full brother Divine Guidance, the precious stone Diamond, up to now still is undergoing the maintenance in the Handsome Sadikin Hospital, after last Monday night began to undergo the maintenance because also experienced the fever and breathless.
Tim the Combination of Agriculture and the Health Service of the Bandung City of the Service, on Tuesday morning, began to check several poultries that was near the patient’s residence in the Gardener’s District Waru, the Batununggal Subdistrict, of Bandung.
If being found had the poultry that was infected by this virus, the planned team destroyed these poultries in a radius of one kilometre
More of the same. The picture in the article is VERY distrubing (at least it was to me)….., Bandung: plague Terrorism of bird flu in Bandung, West Java did not yet stop. On Monday night (25/9), the Handsome Hospital Sadikin Bandung (RSHS) again accepted the assumption patient of bird flu. The precious stone diamond was brought to the hospital because of pointing out the sign of bird flu like the high fever, the cough, as well as breathless. The diamond was the brother Zakaria Divine Guidance that was reconciled to RSHS the previous day because of bird flu. The condition for Divine Guidance personally till Tuesday early afternoon, still was weak. The temperature of his body on 38 Celsius levels. To breathe, Divine Guidance that still was isolated in this poinciana tree space must make use of ventilator aids [read: Indonesia 60 seconds]. The eldest child’s older brother Divine Guidance and the Diamond that is Indrajaya flowers died, Ahad set, when being treated in the Hospital Saint Yusuf, Bandung. Indra it was suspected was killed because of being infected by the virus avian influenza. If the three older brothers were siblings this was positive bird flu then this was the case cluster first bird flu in Bandung. Only in a year, was recorded by 53 Indonesian citizens was killed resulting from this deadly virus. The death rate in the Motherland was what was highest in the world. Currently only three free provinces bird flu. According to Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari, so that free from bird flu terrorism must him all the poultries were destroyed. “It should be that did not have the poultry in the mainland like in Vietnam the poultry was cleaned six months,” said he. Now the Head Desk the Control of the Department’s Bird Flu of Azhari Pomegranate Agriculture said, his side faced the hindrance in the program of the poultry vaccination, especially from the number of vaccines. The “fund for the handling of the limited same vaccine,” said the Pomegranate. As prevention efforts to have several matters that must be done, as guarding the cleanliness himself and the environment especially from the waste of the poultry, washed the hands with soap under water flowed, cooked the chicken and the egg fully, and vaccinated the kept poultry routinely. Did not lose important memeriksakan himself if being attacked by the high fever after contact with the poultry. (JUM/Tim Coverage 6 SCTV)
For some reason my Appleworks crashes when I try to open the 9/19 spreadsheet, so I’ve been working off the 9/12 spreadsheet. I can’t find anything for this Santi that was hospitalized for 3 hours and died.
Post @ 06:43
Could this be the boy that Post @ 06:43 above is talking about? Both are in E. Java?
Indonesia reports its 66th avian flu case
Sep 22, 2006 (CIDRAP News) – The Indonesian health ministry reported the country’s 66th H5N1 avian influenza case and 50th death today, this one in an 11-year-old boy who died Sep 18, according to several media reports.
Runizar Ruesin, head of Indonesia’s bird flu information center, told Reuters the boy died at a hospital in Tulungagung in East Java province. An Associated Press report said the boy died 2 days after getting sick and just hours after he was admitted to the hospital
From what I can discern, there are now two questionable “clusters”. The 23 year old brother,who died, his 20 year old brother and their 15 year old brother/sister. (I have read both genders in recent reports)
and the death of the 11 year old and now his little sister is also hospitalized…
Can one of you with the map/geography skills please tell me how far apart these “clusters” are from each other?
Yes, and don’t forget the cluster of 5 in Medan, North Sumatra. (see update at (06:19). So we have a cluster in East Java, a cluster in West Java and a cluster in Sumatra, (another island west of Java). And who is this Santi? Why is that name familiar? I can’t find him on the summary either. (see post at 06:43). Was it Santi that died and now his 25 yo sister “E” is sick?? I think the reference to the 11 yo in post at 12:13 is Abram the 11 yo who died in Tulungagung, East Java, the other day. I think he is different than Santi. I think I will go try to print off the latest summary—I don’t know if one is ready, haven’t heard from Michelle yet today. Like Monotreme keeps saying, it is the dates of onset that are important to show H2H. Now those 2 brothers from Bandung, West Java apparently came down with symptoms the same day, but now a 3rd sibling may have it, which puts the incubation period right for H2H. So does the Santi/sister “E” case.
Pugmom—this is an article I got from Niman….Could Santi be the family name?
Surabaya, Kompas – the regional Public Hospital Dr Soetomo again received the patient with the assumption of suffering bird flu.
the patient was treated in intensive observation space in the Anathesi Building old and was handled by the team of the doctor who was led by Dr Palilingan.
The female patient berisial E (25) arrived, struck 23.00, on Monday (25/9). The patient was reconciled from RSU Dr Iskhak helped Great because of not having intensive observation space there.
According to Santi, the patient’s brother, in the last month dozens of chickens perliharaan their family died suddenly.
Last week the youngest child’s brother Santi died after being treated 3 hours in RSU Dr Iskhak.
The summary is up to Sept 19th, so I think Michelle is working on the latest one now. (BTW—Thailand just reported another confirmed Human death.) Don’t you wonder if the virus that is killing in Thailand looks identical to the virus that is killing in West Java, or East Java, or Sumatra????
I was thinking it was the 11 year old since he died so soon after being admitted to the hospital, and I believe this is Niman’s assumption as well.
As far as dates…the 11 year old developed symptoms on Sept 16 and died the 18th. Today is the 10th day from his onset date and today is the 26th. 10 days exactly…
In the chart at the top of the page there seems to be a 1:2 test positive to negative ratio. If this has been noticed elswhere I’m sorry. Can’t keep up with everything.
more info on “E” from Tulungagung. Do you think it is Abram’s sister? He was from Tulungagung too. article dated 9–26–06
RSU Dr. Soetomo received the Patient Suspect Burung
Flu Ssnet| RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya again received the patient suspect bird flu, reconciliation from RS Tulungagung. Reported by MARTHA the reporter the Surabaya Voice, on Tuesday (26/09), this female patient reconciliation from RS. Tulungagung that entered IRD RSU Dr. Soetomo on last Monday (25/09) the night, struck 23. 00 WIB. Dr. URIP MURTEJO said, the patient came in the condition to experience the ISPA sign that in the critical condition happened Pnemoni. Generally the condition for the patient relatively stable. From the patient’s information, beforehand had the family’s member who has died with the sign like bird flu. In the area of the patient’s residence also was found by many chickens died because of the bird flu virus. Tim RSU Dr. Soetomo at once carried out observation of the lungs, and monitored respiration from the patient. Dr URIP MURTEJO that also Deputy Director Bidang Pendidikan and the Research RSU Dr Soetomo said, the sample of blood from suspect bird flu has been sent to the Health Lab in the area of the East Java province, and the Department of Health. While being waiting for the laboratory test, the patient will get the maintenance of bird flu therapy until recovered. This patient was the patient to four that was handled by RSUD Dr. Soetomo, and all the patients that were treated recovered. URIP words, all that was because of reconciliation carried out fast, so as the patient that in handled in the condition was not yet serious, the Lab test but also supportive medicine so as the patient who was treated could recover. For the maintenance of bird flu, the government gave away all the fees.
yes Snowhound, it must be Abram’s sister and you are astute to point out the 10 day incubation period. Also interesting the 2:1 (neg:pos) test results, Torange.
As an FYI, Libby from Atlanta just posted a thread called the Lost Letter. She has a relative in Bali and some other contacts in Indonesia and she is offering to help. Thought all of you might want to hook up with Libby.
OK boys & girls, what do you make of this?
would have liked to be a fly on the wall for that meeting…
Sept 27/06
The Nation
“A 59-year-old man from Nong Bua Lamphu was yesterday declared the latest victim of bird flu, bringing Thailand’s death toll to 17 since the disease was first detected in 2004.
The man is the third confirmed death from the infection this year. Officials said he was the first to die of complications rather than H5N1 itself.
“This case study has taught us that having the antiviral drug oseltamivir at hand doesn’t necessarily mean we can cure it,” said Dr Kumnuan Ungchusak, head of the Bureau of Epidemiology.
The case was the first that took almost a month from the day the patient fell ill to his eventual death, compared to past cases in which victims died within a few days of falling sick, Kumnuan said.
The Nong Bua Lumphu man, who lived in Nong Sang district, fell ill on July 14 with high fever and muscular pains. He was treated at the nearby primary care unit, but his condition did not improve, said Dr Prat Boonyawongwiroj, the permanent secretary for Public Health. Before his death, the man had been transferred to the Nong Sang district hospital and then to the Nong Bua Lumphu provincial hospital, where he died on August 10, the doctor said.
At first, doctors treating the man were not aware he had been in contact with sick chickens before falling ill, Dr Thawat Suntrajarn, the director-general of the Disease Control Department, said.
About two weeks after becoming ill, his wife finally told doctors he had touched some sick chickens earlier, Thawat said, explaining that was why doctors suspected he had leptospirosis instead of bird flu.
The patient had nursed about sick 40 chickens and treated some of them with a herbal drug, but most eventually died, Thawat said.
An autopsy revealed the man had succumbed to a drug-resistant bacteria called Acinetobacter, he said, adding the patient was given the antiviral oseltamivir right after his wife told doctors he had been in contact with sick chickens.
When the man was initially taken in for treatment, he was tested for H5N1 even though it was not known at that stage whether he had been in contact with sick poultry, Department of Medical Sciences chief Dr Paijit Warachit said.
‘’‘The first advanced Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test detected no signs of the H5N1 virus, nor did several repeat PCRs conducted later after the man’s wife finally said that her husband had been in contact with sick chickens, Paijit said.
He was the first person to undergo nine PCR tests, yet the virus was still not detected until an autopsy was conducted on tissue taken from his lungs and faeces, he said. ‘’‘
Grace: I would rather have been a fly in their ointment! They need a good kick in the keister to open up their secret society. Also Banshee: it would be great hearing from Libby’s relative—any news “on the ground” is invaluable. Maybe he can corroborate some of the info MadameSpinner’s nephew is reporting home.
Fatal H5N1 Cluster in Tulungagang Indonesia Recombinomics Commentary September 26, 2006
Surabaya, Kompas – the regional Public Hospital Dr Soetomo again received the patient with the assumption of suffering bird flu.
the patient was treated in intensive observation space in the Anathesi Building old and was handled by the team of the doctor who was led by Dr Palilingan.
The female patient berisial E (25) arrived, struck 23.00, on Monday (25/9). The patient was reconciled from RSU Dr Iskhak helped Great because of not having intensive observation space there.
According to Santi, the patient’s brother, in the last month dozens of chickens perliharaan their family died suddenly.
Last week the youngest child’s brother Santi died after being treated 3 hours in RSU Dr Iskhak.
The above translation appears to be describing the transfer of the sister of the 66th confirmed H5N1 bird flu case in Tulungagung who was brought to Dr Iskak Tulungagung at 19:00 and died at 22:45 on September 18. Samples were collected from 5 family members of the boy’s (11M) family, as well as 20 hospital workers at RSUD Dr Iskak.
The transfer of his sister one week after the death of the confirmed index case is cause for concern. It remains unclear if additional family members are hospitalized at RSUD Dr Iskak or health care workers have shown symptoms, but the collection of 25 serum samples from contacts suggest there were significant concerns over a week ago.
Although the latest WHO update describing the index case mentions the dead poultry of a month ago, it fails to describe the case’s hospitalized sister. The withholding of this information is cause for concern.
Media Sources
Phylogenetic Trees
Is this old news?
Indonesia confirms 68th human bird flu case
Hi all. I e-mailed an updated spreadsheet to Dude last night… hopefully it will be posted sometime today or tomorrow.
I’m off to input the 2 additional cases you’ve discussed above. I understand them to be as follows:
giraffe, the article you linked at 15:27 is regarding Diamond’s brother T(20M). I’ve checked, and it doesn’t yet appear that the WHO has posted updates regarding T(20M) or Abram (11M) although Indonesia has added them to their count.
Thanks Michele. I am always hesitant to post any news, because everyone else does such a great job of getting it in first. So this 20M has already been included in our (fluwiki) count?
giraffe at 16:44… yes, but please don’t be hestitant to post. It is very hard for everyone to keep track.
In fact, after reveiwing the spreadsheet, it appears that E(25) has also been included already. The information previously recorded was that Eni Wulandari (brother of Abram) developed a fever on 9/23. We didn’t know the age before, but he is included on the spreadsheet I forwarded to Dude yesterday.
Spreadsheet is on muse.
Snowhound1 at 12:13… I used the measure tool on Google Earth to get the distance between Bandung, W. Java and Tulungagung, E. Java. As a crow flies, the distance is about 300 miles; however, there doesn’t appear to be any sort of direct route between the two. The largest city between them appears to be Yogyakarta.
Thanks, Dude!
Michelle—thanx for new spread sheet—we seem to be outdating them faster than we can print them. “E” might be a female sibling, (ie, different than previously mentioned person with fever.) We will just have to get more news on them. They seem to be calling the patient a “female,” but the date and the relationship to Abram may make it the same person. Seems to be running in families lately, and they have lots of siblings over there.
pugmom at 17:41… now I’m puzzled again. The original article which listed the name Eni specifically states that blood tests were taken from Abram’s 2 parents, 3 older brothers, and 20 hospital staff (for a total of 25 people tested).
This article was posted by Influentia2 on the Indonesia Outbreak X thread on September 23 at 21:12. It is very legthy, so I’m not going to copy it here. It seems odd that they wouldn’t have tested a sister as well, if they were testing everyone else (unless possibly she is married and living away from home and wasn’t present).
I will add E (25F) since the gender differences are specifically referenced.
Michelle in OK - at 18:34 - I’ve been told that in the translation He becomes She and vise versa. This sentence is from an article (it may be the same one you’re mentioning) and it gives a name of one of the older brothers:
Article mentions that they tested 3 older brothers - one of which is named…”Casualties’s older brother was named Eni Wulandari”. So it could very well be one of the older brothers….they just said she instead of he.
Here’s the article I quoted:
Commonground at 18:45… you are right. It was from this article that I posted the relationship as a brother. But, the article posted above by Pugmom at 13:01 specifically states that the patient E(25) is a female patient. Thanks.
partial article detailing that there were wild boar in the environment of the siblings from West Java: article dated 9–27–06.
According to one of the cousins TJ, Dede Supriatna, a week beforehand, the older brother TJ, IJ (24), that died on Sunday (24/9) brought chickens died for dog food pitted his property that normally is pitted with the wild boar in the Sanding area, Garut. Sepulang from Garut, IJ and TJ began to be ill hot high, breathless, and hypotension. On Saturday night (23/9), both of them were run off with to RS Saint Yusup after beforehand went to the doctor the public….
On Tuesday morning was done by the taking of the sample. The extermination was carried out against 4 hens, 9 roosters, 3 chicks, 4 entog, 5 doves, and 3 dove birds….
comment: I wonder if “entogs” are hogs??
Michelle—I just printed off latest summary—such a relief to have that tool. Can you tell me quickly, ie don’t go to alot of work, who is NOT on it?? Thanx
There was a Santi in the first Garut outbreak — a 6 or 8 year-old girl, and a neighbor of Ai Siti. I have a hospital date of 8/17/06, and a note that she tested negative. Her father was listed as Iwan, and her mother as Surilah.
thankyou dbg—can you believe that was only a month ago?
I hadn’t even tumbled to that — it seems like so long ago.
An “entog” is a type of bird - like a duck or goose with what looks like growths on its face.
here is a link to a picture if that helps
thanx AnnieB
pugmom at 19:03… the only individuals not on the 9–25 upload which are now on the spreadsheet are as follows:
Oh thankyou so much Michelle-my brain is mush right not. Influentia2 and I have had a long conversation via email, have read all the old posts and picked it apart, and we are both afraid this “E” person might refer to a 2nd cluster in East Java, ie, not the Abram one, and is not Abram’s sister. Maybe someone else that is fresh can read yesterday’s and today’s posts and see if they can figure it out.
PS---it is pretty bad when you can’t keep the clusters straight. It must be the sign of something.
I think this confusion may get worse quite rapidly, pugmom. Bless you, and all, for your efforts.
Oh Thankyou so much Wolf—and thankyou for your kind and soothing words.
Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 09/26/06
Cases Discussed | Jun-06 | Jul-06 | Aug-06 | Sep-06 | Total |
Died, no test results | 2 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 11 |
Died, tested positive | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 11 |
Other tested positive | 0 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 5 |
Symptoms, tests pending | 4 | 2 | 46 | 38 | 90 |
Tested negative | 0 | 6 | 25 | 5 | 36 |
Totals | 10 | 14 | 80 | 49 | 153 |
Tulungagung, East Java: new case: Abram’s grandmother, name of Tukinem, now with symptoms and in hospital. dated 9–27–06 Influentia2: note, they give name of village. comment: finally some answers about names and relationships, and also note they are planning on “evacuating” all the family members to an isolation hospital if the test comes back positive. Also this “Eni” is 23 yo, so verdict still out on if it is “E”, (age 25 yo), or not.
Surabaya-Sun the Abram Death, 11, villagers Kaligentong, Pucang Laban, Tulungagung because terjangkit the bird flu virus on September 19 2006 had consequences.
Suspected the virus has crept to the family’s other member. The full sibling Abram, Eni Wulandari, 23 to suspect pengidap bird flu because experienced hot high that was accompanied by the cough. Since Monday night (25/9) Eni was treated in isolation space of RSU Dr Soetomo.
Whereas Tukinem, the grandmother Abram, has begun to be sick and undergo the inspection more intensive was compared by the family’s other member. Deputy Director Bidang Pendidikan & the Research (Diklit) RSU Dr Soetomo, Dr Urip Murtedjo SpB-KL PGD Pall Med, explained that the Eni condition at that time in observation. Eni also could beraktivitas normally for example to be able to go in isolation space, ate without help of the implement or ornag other, and was not installed the respirator (breath aids).
“As far as this is concerned we monitored and carried out appropriate therapy protap (the procedure continue to) the AI patient like the blood inspection and giving tamiflu.” See you later was gotten by results of the blood inspection of WHO, said Urip after being in a meeting in Director’s Conference Room.
In the meantime, the Section Head the Health of the Tulungagung Regency Dr Rukmi through Kasubdin the Eradication of infectious diseases, Baharudin says, today on Wednesday (27/9), the East Java Health Service will take the sample of Tukinem blood to confirm whether the virus that killed Abram also infected the grandmother.
“This for anticipation whether the spread happening apart from Eni,” he said answered the Sun, on Tuesday (26/9). Baharudin did not explain the Tukinem condition, except him had the story of asthma and now the health him was worse compared to the family’s other member.
Apart from to Tukinem, the East Java Health Service will take the sample of blood at least six students SDN Or-oro ombo the Abram place went to school
“We must confirm whether that happened to the Abram grandmother asthma or H5N1,” he explained. The matter produced by the sample of blood 5 people of the Abram family, including Eni that was taken on Saturday (23/9), Baharudin did not yet receive. “Until currently we do not yet receive information from the province.” Usually, if could have been known, the province immediately informed, he said.
When the test was positive, said Baharudin, his side will evacuate all of the family’s Abram member to RSUD Dr Iskak, Tulungagung
As is known, there were six people of the deceased’s family Abram that was taken the sample of blood’ and swap.
That is, Sutris and Sriah (parents Abram), Winda, Eni Wulandari, Santi (the older brother Abram) and was increased by Tukinem, the grandmother Abram
Contacted was separated, the Section Head Tulungagung Danduk Sudarham Livestock Breeding, said the attack of the bird flu virus was in Tulungagung acknowledged by the danger crept into the other area, like Blitar, Trenggalek and Kediri….
Pugmom 00:36
I am glad you found this article with all the details.
“See you later was gotten by results of the blood inspection of WHO,”
From your article above, I wonder what the WHO update will have to say when they get around to releasing it?
Bird Flu Claims Indonesia’s 52nd Victim Two brothers taken ill after feeding their dog with chicken
Indonesia was hit by a new record in terms of the number of bird flu deaths after Sunday when a 23-year-old man in Bandung died of the bird flu virus.
His 20-year-old brother is in a critical condition and is now getting medical treatment at Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung. Their relatives explained that both suffered from a high fever and found it hard to breathe after feeding their dog with dead chickens they had bought near their home.
The 23-year-old man was the 52nd victim of bird flu in Indonesia. “According to the symptoms, we suspect that they are a new cluster (of the bird flu virus),” said the head of environmental health department at West Java office.
Don’t know if we had gotten the official result on him or not, so sorry about the repost if that is the case. Thanks, y’all!
I suggest taking a look at the New Rumor thread and DennisC – at 10:39. It may help put several things in perspective.
I’m not sure if this is the place to post, but did we know there was an Indo Flu Blog? Old news? I stumbled across this from another link. It’s in Indo language, so obviously can’t read, but maybe some translators could check into this (if they haven’t already). Sorry if this is old stuff.
cabingirl - at 12:02 - I checked out the site, and you can visit the Rumors page to see my post.
I also found the flu blog (it was announced on CrofsBlog). He is an Indonesian doctor who just started a blog this Sept. He writes and researches alot about AI. I have read his blog (translated it), and it is just general information and education on the virus. However, last night I emailed him with questions about Tulungagung, especially if there were 2 separate clusters going on there right now. He has not responded yet, but I will share, of course, with you any info he may render.
Bandung, West Java: citizens voluntarily having blood checked to see if it has gone H2H. dated 9–27–06
…….Moreover, several voluntary also citizens were taken the sample of his blood to know whether the spreading of the virus happening antarmanusia and among the Divine Guidance family. Results of the laboratory it was estimated just were received a week afterwards. Till today, Divine Guidance was still being treated intensive in the Handsome Hospital of Sadikin Bandung……
not on topic, but found in an Indo newspaper: dated 9–27–06
Sydney, on Tuesday- A aircraft passenger from Vietnam that landed in Sydney, Australia was run off with to the hospital to undergo the upper inspection dugan terjangkit the bird flu virus. Was like this this was revealed by the side Departeman the Australian Health in Sydney (27/9). The similar matter was revealed by the New South Wales Spokesperson state Health Department that mentioned the man was approximately 30 years old was seen more unhealthy when arriving in the Sydney airport, consequently he was afterwards brought to the hospital to mejalani the inspection. Besides this, he then said this person had the biography in the area that many poultries in Vietnam, as well as could contract influenza. “This person had the story lived in the area that was occupied the poultry in Vietnam, moreover he then contracted influenza,” he said. While the health experts in Sydney believed that the available sign to this person resembled the sign to pengidap bird flu. In Australia personally till at this time had never been found by the case of bird flu.
pugmom - 14:09
They’re saying now that the fellow may have been smuggling heroin. Let’s hope that this helps highlight the panflu problem for some people.
Bird flu man may have been drug courier
September 27, 2006 - 11:49AM
A man who sparked a bird flu scare when he became ill on a flight to Sydney from Vietnam may have been a drug courier whose illness was caused by a heroin-filled condom bursting in his stomach…..
pugmom- 13:29 Thanks for all your hard work. Maybe he could be “recruited” for future developments.
cabingirl—wouldn’t it be nice to have him as a link in our news chain. Someone really “on the ground.” We will just have to wait to see if he responds—I give it less than 50–50.
I just posted the other day, I was wondering when it was going to hit Banda Aceh: dated 9–27–06
Banda Aceh (Antara News) - Eight from 21 regencies/the municipality in the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) was reported positive terjangkit the bird flu virus (Avian influenza/AI the variant H5N1) that attacked several poultries in this area.
“At this time had eight regencies/the city that has been stated positive bird flu, the” NAD” headword of the Service of Province Livestock Breeding, drh……..
pugmom - I couldn’t believe it wasn’t happening in Aceh - just thought the civil unrest there was stopping reports getting through. Now we wait 10 days again for reports in people? How I so wish I had not found that pattern ….
Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 33
27 September 2006
The Ministry of Health in Indonesia has confirmed the country’s 68th case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The patient is a 20-year-old male from Bandung, West Java. He developed symptoms of fever and cough on 17 September and was hospitalized on 24 September. He remains hospitalized.
The man’s 23-year-old brother developed symptoms on 16 September. He died of respiratory disease on 24 September, two hours after admission to hospital. Infection with the H5N1 virus is suspected for the 23-year-old male, but cannot be confirmed as no samples were collected for testing. Both men had direct contact with dead chickens when feeding carcasses to their dogs. Local agricultural authorities also found evidence of H5 infection in household birds.
A third sibling, a 15-year-old female, was hospitalized on 25 September after developing symptoms of fever and cough. Initial test results received on 27 September were negative for the H5 virus subtype and positive for the H1 subtype, indicating an infection with normal seasonal influenza. She remains hospitalized in a stable condition.
Of the 68 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 51 have been fatal.
partial article reiterating critical condition for Zacharia in Bandung, but I posted it as it states the experts are worried the virus has mutated to become H2H. dated 9–27–06
He was stated positive was infected by the bird flu virus after his sibling, Indra Jayakusuma died with the same sign, Ahad set. However, until being buried, there was no taking of the sample of Indra blood. This case made the experts worried the possibility of the occurrence cluster bird flu. Moreover, the sister Divine Guidance that was 15 years also old suffered the same sign.
The case cluster this bird flu made the experts worried the bird flu virus has bermutasi became the virus that easily spread antarmanusia
This was worried will cause pendemi potential bird flu killed millions of humankind’
According to Fatimah Resmiati, the official of the health in Bandung, Divine Guidance still in the critical condition…..
PS----I wonder if the experts are parroting back what the WHO people on the ground are worried about?? Just a thought.
“The first member of the family to succumb to the disease was the 23-year-old elder brother, who died Sunday afternoon. He died before being admitted to hospital and before any samples were taken, but as his younger brother, 20, and his 15-year-old sister have since been admitted to Hasan Sadikin General Hospital”
The brother has now died……
Indonesia: Bird flu claims 52nd victim
“bird flu patient suspected of being a member of a new cluster of infections died Thursday, his doctor said, raising the toll in the nation hardest hit by the disease to 52.
The 20-year-old Indonesian died at 2:20 a.m. at Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung city, said Hadi Jusuf.
His brother died Sunday with symptoms of bird flu before samples could be taken, and his sister, hospitalized with high fever and respiratory problems, also is being treated as a suspected case.”
Apparently Zacharia has died. Found info on FT, but this is the original source for info: (It has not shown up in the Indo MSM press yet.) dated 9–27–06
Indonesian patient with bird flu dies, raising country’s toll to 52
The Associated Press
Published: September 27, 2006
JAKARTA, Indonesia A bird flu patient suspected of being a member of a new cluster of infections died Thursday, his doctor said, raising the toll in the nation hardest hit by the disease to 52.
The 20-year-old Indonesian died at 2:20 a.m. at Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung city, said Hadi Jusuf.
His brother died Sunday with symptoms of bird flu before samples could be taken and his sister, hospitalized with high fever and respiratory problems, also is being treated as a suspected case…..
If we are to keep up with Indonesia’s count of positive patients, Indra (23M) who died will have to be shown as positive. This is out of the ordinary, because several articles have stated that he was buried before any blood tests were done. Perhaps a nasal test has resulted in the positive count.
The other two changes today were showing Diamond as negative (although continued hospitalization seems unusual for seasonal flu) and adding Abram’s grandmother as a suspected infection.
Ok, what if question…the sister has regular seasonal flu and she has been obvously around her brothers that died of h5n1. What are the possibilties, I just want others feedback. thanks
yes Michelle—I think you got it all.
I also have a question. Can there ever be a co-infection of H5N1 and H1N1 without reassortment?
Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 09/27/06
Cases Discussed | Jun-06 | Jul-06 | Aug-06 | Sep-06 | Total |
Died, no test results | 2 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 10 |
Died, tested positive | 4 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 12 |
Other tested positive | 0 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 5 |
Symptoms, tests pending | 4 | 2 | 46 | 38 | 90 |
Tested negative | 0 | 6 | 25 | 6 | 37 |
Totals | 10 | 14 | 80 | 50 | 154 |
KimT, I see several possibilities: 1) she was placed on Tamiflu and they are just not seeing enough viral load to register as a positive. 2) the virus has mutated so much that their tests are hard pressed to see the new mutations 3) she has both H5N1 and a normal human strain and is a possible “mixing vessel”. 4) she has just the seasonal flu. 5) she has something else.
I would guess #1. I am sad to point out that she is the exact age of the peak of the H5N1 CFR curve. I hope that she is one of the lucky ones that come out of this with strong antibodies. But,I express my sorrow for the family for their losses.
Human Source Ruled Out in Indonesian Bird Flu Case (Update1)
“….Test results on a 15-year-old sister who also developed respiratory symptoms indicated she has seasonal flu, not H5N1, I Nyoman Kandun, the health ministry’s director general of disease control and environment, said in a text-message today.
The 20-year-old’s condition isn’t improving and his breathing is being supported by a ventilator, while the sister is getting better, Hadi Yusuf, a doctor treating the siblings, said in a telephone interview today. Both patients are receiving Roche Holding AG’s Tamiflu antiviral medicine, he said.
“ third sibling, a 15-year-old female, was hospitalized on 25 September after developing symptoms of fever and cough. Initial test results received on 27 September were negative for the H5 virus subtype and positive for the H1 subtype, indicating an infection with normal seasonal influenza. She remains hospitalized in a stable condition.”
So it sounds like they had a positive H1 test but all her brothers had H5 and died. It isn’t looking good. I sure hope they test for exact sequences. Here is Niman and NS1 when you need them?
My question would be, could exposure to a seasonal flu supress your immune system enough to decrease your C.Storm response to H5N1?
KimT - What we don’t want the virus to do is to obtain a receptor (carried within one of the proteins - hemagglutinin - the “H” part) which makes the virus more easily trainsmissible (the ability for the virus to more easily invade the cells within the nose and throat - one of the common characteristics of seasonal influenza). If H5N1 reassorts with H1N1, for example, the “H” could pick up this unwanted characteristic.
thats what I was thinking, Thanks Dennis and Pixie
On Thursday, September 28 2006 11:00 WIB
Jakarta — MIOL: Zakaria Divine Guidance, the young man 20 years that including in cluster bird flu in Bandung finally had died on Thursday the dawn.
The condition for casualties had not shown the progress since entering and being treated in Poinciana Tree space RS Handsome Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung, on Sunday (24/9).
“Casualties died exact to 02.”20.
Before dying, casualties experienced breathless difficult and already several days lost the awareness, explained the Head of Space of the Poinciana Tree Isolation Block Rasmita, on Thursday.
Around struck 05.30, the Divine Guidance body that was wrapped plastic and the case were closed the meeting was brought by his family.
The body was planned will beburied in pemakaman
The family in Banyuresmi, the Garut Regency, was adjacent with his older brother, who has been buried because of the sign of the similar illness, last Sunday (24/9). At this time RSHS was still treating the brother Divine Guidance, the precious stone Diamond, 15, because of the similar sign. However, the condition for the patient continued to gradually improved. RSHS personally still was waiting for results of the inspection of Diamond blood, that was not yet known till Thursday. ‘’‘Up until Thursday, RSHS Bandung was recorded treated 56 patients suspect and confirm bird flu. From this number, eight people confirm bird flu’‘’. With the death of Divine Guidance, significant already six patients confirm bird flu in RSHS Bandung that was not rescued. Parents of casualties, Ahmad Kosasih, 46 and Nurjanah, 43, that guarded casualties since the first time entered RSHS was seen really heaved. Beforehand, the full sibling Divine Guidance, Indra Jayakusuma, died when being treated in RS Saint Yusuf, on Sunday (24/9), and his youngest child’s brother the Diamond was also treated with the same sign in RSHS Bandung. “Half of the two, I was still seeing him.” His condition indeed had not improved from since the first time was treated, but I did not suspect him of following his older brother, explained Nurjanah. Divine guidance and Indra in daily him maintained several dogs that were trained to go hunting. To give ate, they bought chicken that has died, that was bought in the traditional market. In the meantime, after doing the taking of the sample of the poultry around casualties’s house in Gg Laksana, Street. Jakarta, the Bandung Service of City Agriculture found the existence [I know article is long, but contained relevant info.], Bandung: the Spreading of the bird flu virus in the Bandung City, West Java, spread.
The last area that was stated the endemic area of the bird flu illness in the Bandung City was the Gardener’s District Waru, the Batununggal Subdistrict, the deceased’s residence Zakaria Divine Guidance.
Divine guidance that was stated positive terjangkit bird flu died on Thursday at dawn earlier in the Handsome Hospital of Sadikin Bandung.
Since 2005, the endemic area of bird flu in the Bandung City was in the Gegerkalong District, the Tarogong Round, the Asih Round and Pasirluyu.
However, since 2006, the endemic area of bird flu improved to nine districts, namely Margasenang, Margasari, Cigadung, Dago, Sukagalih, Sekejati, Sindang Jaya, the Gardener Kangkung and the Gardener Waru.
To anticipate the spreading of the bird flu virus that increasingly spread, the Bandung Service of City Livestock Breeding carried out depopulation or the extermination of the poultry in the Gardener Waru.
The official also also took the sample of blood 11 dogs that was was not far from the deceased’s house Divine Guidance.
Now the data of the Health of the Department’s Research And Development mentioned that till September 2006, the positive case of bird flu to humankind in Indonesia spread in nine provinces.
As many as 68 people were stated positive bird flu and 52 people including dying.
The Special Capital District of Jakarta was recorded by as many as 19 positive cases of bird flu, 16 including dying.
In West Java, was recorded by 22 positive cases of bird flu, 17 people died.
In Banten, was found by eight positive cases, seven including dying.
Now in North Sumatra, was recorded by seven positive cases of bird flu, six died.
The case in North Sumatra became the case cluster biggest in Indonesia.
In Central Java, was recorded by three positive cases, two died.
Whereas in East Java was found by four positive cases of bird flu with three including dying.
In Lampung, from three positive cases of bird flu that was found, there were no casualties died.
Now in West Sumatra, there was one positive case that succeeded in being cured.
In South Sulawesi, one-satuny the case that was found did not succeed in being rescued.
The positive patient the bird flu died.
The official of the Surabaya Hall of the Health Laboratory took the sample of blood the member of the family of the bird flu patient, Eni Wulandari, that at this time was treated in the doctor’s Hospital Soetomo, Surabaya.
The taking of the sample of this blood was carried out against Tuminem, Nenek Eni Wulandari that was 70 years old.
Tuminem beforehand complained the fever and the head of the headache, like the sign were sick that was experienced by Eni Wulandari.
Beforehand, on September 18 set, the full brother Eni, Abram died in RS the doctor Iskak, Tulungagung, resulting from bird flu.
According to the Tulungagung note of the Livestock Breeding Service, hundreds of chickens around casualties’s house, for the last month died suddenly.
Expected as a result of being attacked by the bird flu virus.
Now the citizen Kaligentong, the Pucang Laban Subdistrict, East Java, especially that live in around the Eni house, claimed concerned with the threat of the bird flu virus, although the official of the health and livestock breeding carried out several steps in anticipation.
The citizen hoped the government more active completed this problem
Other small animal? Exerpt:
Prof Dr Ir Hasnudi Ms: the Import of the Chicken Seed Turn Off the Breeder’s Business Sumut
on Wednesday, 27–09–2006
anang anas azhar Medan the Business – Medan
“He also worrying, the chicken seed that was imported that will bring the illness to Indonesia.
In fact, Indonesia at this time already the bustle handled the bird flu illness that attacked the poultry and the other animal.
If being increased with the available illness in the seed of the import chicken, then the government will add was overwhelmed”.
Commonground this maybe far fetched, but they did talk about vaccinating goats a day or so ago.
I forgot about that. Thanks worrywart! I was thinking more like “dogs”.
We’ll find out about the dogs soon since they are testing them now. Hope the dogs don’t turn out to be a vector in addition to the “other animal”. If the dogs test positive , there probalby would be a panic, don’t you think.-Reminds me of the “dog cull” in China.
toggletext from
Medan, Kompas – six areas in the North Sumatran Province did not yet carry out the vaccination.
In fact this area including 16 areas in North Sumatra that since 2005 then was stated as the place of the spreading of the bird flu virus.
Some sides worried the spreading emergence of the same virus because of the nonexistence of the vaccination.
“Dari our data, the area that did not yet carry out the Simalungun Regency vaccination, Toba Samosir, Tapanuli North, Pakpak Bharat, and Dairi.
Some of the areas promised will take in the near future ini,” said the Section Head the Health Veteriner the Livestock Breeding Service North Sumatran Nurdin Efendi Lubis, on Thursday (28/9).
The plan is, the North Sumatran Livestock Breeding Service distributed 2.17 million doses of the vaccine all through the area to prevent the spreading of the virus.
Along with same was distributed disinfektan totalling 2.
625 litre.
“Kami worried, they who did not yet carry out the vaccination will make the area again was attacked by the virus.
Now the area that not yet will be attacked like the area lain,” said he.
For the case emergence of bird flu in 2006, respectively the government of the regency/the city in North Sumatra destroyed the poultry 84.
653 tails.
The last case happened in the Hutabagusan Village, Sihite Ii, and Matiti I, the Subdistrict Dolok the Humbang Hasundutan Regency Bun.
Since July 2005, in North Sumatra was gotten by 16 regencies/the city, 37 subdistricts, and 49 villages were attacked by the bird flu virus.
The area including six new areas that were attacked in 2006 in Kabupten Karo, Dairi, Simalungun, Deli Serdang, Tapaluni Middle, and Humbang Hasundutan.
According to Nurdin, the prevention of the spreading of the bird flu virus especially in the affected area the first virus was carried out by means of the extermination of the poultry.
The further step was with sprayed disinfektan in the poultry pen to destroy cause germs of the illness.
Further, said he, the hose must around the community’s one week carry out the vaccination to prevent the new illness emergence.
“Vaksin contained the illness seed that was weakened to stimulate the emergence of resistance of the animal body.
This vaccine was useful to prevent the arrival of the same illness like that happened sebelumnya,” said he.
The chairman Pananggulangan the Karo Sumbul Sembiring Virus of Regency Bird Flu said did not yet have the development just was related to the spreading of the virus in his area.
North Sumatra
Notice the article starts talking about the 25M,10M, 15F event we know of then adds:
five members of a family were sent to the Adam Malik Hospital in Medan after all of them were suspected of having the bird flu virus. Two of them were released on Monday but another died on the same day.
Here is a long article from an on-line newspaper in Bandung. I decided to post most of the article even though it is so long, because I believe there is some new info here.
Two patients ”Suspect” Bird Flu entered RSUD Tasikmalaya
TJ Finally Meninggal Bandung, (HOMEWORK).
- After being treated five days in Handsome Sadikin Space of the Hospital Poinciana Tree (RSHS) Bandung, suspect bird flu had the initials TJ (20), finally died on Thursday (28/9) struck 2. 20 WIB. On The Same Day, casualties’s cousin, San (18), that took part in delivering the TJ body to Garut, entered RSHS Poinciana Tree Space and was stated as suspect bird flu.
On the same day, San that remained at one house with TJ, was run off with to Poinciana Tree Space and was stated as suspect. San arrived in RSHS approximately struck 14. 00 WIB.
According to Ayi Sumaryati, the official of the field of the Community Health Centre of Kiaracondong Bandung, since the inspection on Tuesday (26/9), San has shown signs like the cough, pilek, and the fever. Therefore, the community health centre side at once wrote the recipe took the form of vitamin C, medicine pereda flu and medicine penurun hot, to prevent the condition more serious. “Kemudian on Wednesday (27/9) we took his blood for the inspection more comprehensive, but the San condition at that time still was not yet really healthy. And today (Thursday-red. ) the determination for the inspection again, enggak knew him he went along to Garut,” said Ayi.
‘’‘Apart from San, he also worried one of the neighbours TJ, Gugun Useful (19), that already five days showed the cough and the fever. However, when being checked by the community health centre side, his body heat has begun to descend to 36.2 Celsius levels. Gugun that yesterday was met in his house, more chose quiet. He only hoped bird flu medicine could be immediately found. “Gugun quite frightened was infected, his matter he often to the side of (the TJ house). Even, several days ago he could sleep in the room TJ,” said roses (21), the nephew TJ.’‘’
In the meantime, the brother TJ, IM that was treated in RSHS was stated by the negative contracted the virus H5N1. That was based on results of the second sample test by Balitbangkes in Jakarta.
Touched on concerning the demographic factor of the Bandung City that densely-populated, till at this time, did not yet have the explanation concerning the influence of the geographical location on the process of the spread of the virus of AI. “Namun, must have special vigilance because of having the indication of the spread antarmanusia,” said the Head of the Centre of the tropics Illness and the Infection (TDIC) the Airlangga University, Dr. C. A. Nidom. Beforehand, Dr. Nidom had expected the existence of the spread antarmanusia. The case of bird flu in the Bandung City, continued he, increasingly strengthened his assumption. ‘’‘Moreover, Dr. Nidom also believe in had also the role of the functioning other mammal as the virus adaptor. He suspected the dog that ate chicken carcasses of playing a role as the virus adaptor.’‘’
The patient in Tasik
‘’‘In the meantime, two patients suspect bird flu namely Atg (50) and his child, Mus (13), from the Cilumajang Village, Kec. Kawalu, the Tasikmalaya City, entered space of the isolation of the regional Public Hospital (RSUD) the Tasikmalaya City, on Thursday (28/9) struck 16. 00 WIB. the two patients, already almost a week experienced the high fever, coughs, and breathless.’‘’
According to NY.
Mae, the wife Atg, beforehand had 20 chickens belonging to the Atg family that died suddenly. This chicken was taken his sample, to be researched by the Livestock Breeding Service, the Tasikmalaya City. The section head the Health of the Tasikmalaya City, Dr. Ahmad Haris, said, his side has coordinated with Dinkes West Java. Hoped, the team from Dinkes West Java on Friday morning (29/9), has been in RSUD Tasikmalaya.
Some of my highlighting did not take, so here is the portions in the above post I wanted to make bold.
Moreover, Dr. Nidom also believe in had also the role of the functioning other mammal as the virus adaptor. He suspected the dog that ate chicken carcasses of playing a role as the virus adaptor.
In the meantime, two patients suspect bird flu namely Atg (50) and his child, Mus (13), from the Cilumajang Village, Kec. Kawalu, the Tasikmalaya City, entered space of the isolation of the regional Public Hospital (RSUD) the Tasikmalaya City, on Thursday (28/9) struck 16. 00 WIB. the two patients, already almost a week experienced the high fever, coughs, and breathless.
Wow!--−4 new cases possible, 2 in Bandung and relatives/neighbors of Zacharia, AND 2 new cases in Tasikmalaya, relatives with same dates of onset!! Here is a little blurb on Tasikmalaya:
Tasikmalaya, city, southwestern Indonesia, on the island of Java, in West Java Province, on the Banjar River, near the Galunggang volcano. A hill resort and a road and rail junction, the city serves an area in which rice, rubber, grain, and peanuts are grown. The production of wicker was formerly important to Tasikmalaya. In 1948 an independent Muslim state was established, centered on Tasikmalaya, but was soon overcome by the Dutch, who at the time claimed Indonesia as a dependency. Population (1980) 165,297.
Tasikmalaya is a city and regency in southeastern West Java, Indonesia, between Bandung and Purwokerto on the southerly of the two major road routes across Java. The area is located in the mountainous Preanger region of Java at an elevation of 351 metres (1,151 feet). There is also volcanic activity in the regency. On April 5, 1982, the volcano Gunung Galunggung erupted, causing major damage through lahar and ash projection.
The population of the entire regency (the city and rural area around it) is about 1.58 million. Like most of West Java, it is mostly populated by Muslim, ethnically Sundanese people, with a small Indonesian Chinese minority.
Pixie – at 23:32 9/27/06
re: “If H5N1 reassorts with H1N1, for example, the “H” could pick up this unwanted characteristic..”
How ironic if this were to occur. 1918, meet 2003, together you could produce the 200? panflu….
4 clusters going on now—1. Bandung, West Java 2. Tulungagung, East Java 3. Medan, North Sumatra 4. Tasikmalaya, West Java
Also, we should have heard about all those relatives of Abram’s by now and the 20 or so HCW’s that were possibly exposed at the hospital. Tulungagung is annoying silent right now.
negative test results on Eni Wulandari from Tulungagung, East Java: dated 9–29–06
Results of the sample test of EW blood age 23 from the Big Hall the Health Laboratory of the East Java province, through the Section Head the Health (Kadinkes) the East Java province, Dr Bambang Giatno Rahardjo MPH, has been stated the negative was infected by the bird flu virus.
Nevertheless, RSU Dr Soetomo continued to guard against the condition for the patient and to treat him in accordance with protap the handling of the bird….
Who is this referring to? I’ve been away for a bit and just can’t figure it out…..
JAKARTA (Reuters) - “A 21-year-old Indonesian woman, the sister of a boy who died of bird flu earlier this month, is suffering from the same disease, the health ministry said on Friday.
The patient, currently being treated at a hospital in East Java province, had contact with sick and dead fowl, as had her brother, said Runizar Ruesin, the head of the ministry’s bird flu information center.”
Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 09/28/06
Cases Discussed | Jun-06 | Jul-06 | Aug-06 | Sep-06 | Total |
Died, no test results | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 12 |
Died, tested positive | 4 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 12 |
Other tested positive | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 |
Symptoms, tests pending | 4 | 2 | 46 | 40 | 92 |
Tested negative | 0 | 6 | 25 | 7 | 38 |
Totals | 10 | 14 | 80 | 54 | 158 |
Mama at 23:42… we are showing that E(25F), sister of Abram was hospitalized with symptoms. Abram is the only patient in E. Java who was confirmed positive this month. I wonder if this is a second sister or if an age has been misprinted?
MaMa—it is probably the woman in the article above, at 23:16. Her name is Eni Wulandari and she is usually quoted as being 23 years old. She is the brother of Abram who died a few days ago. Her first test has shown negative. Theyare both from Tulungagung, East Java. Their grandmother is also affected, and in the hospital.
Michelle—I think after reading my post from last night at 00:36, I have pretty much decided that indeed “E” and Eni Wulandari are the same person, ie a sister of Abram’s. That eliminates the question of whether there is a 2nd cluster going on in Tulungagung or not. (for now).
In the article that Mama posts at 23:42 , it says that the 21 year old is positive. At least that’s how I read “also suffering from the disease”. the 23 year old person tested negative. Unless they retested the 23 year old, they are different people.
Posted this on the news thread - thought it might be more helpful here in identifying the family
The 21-year-old woman is being treated in a hospital in Surabaya city in east Java province, said Nyoman Kandun. Her 11-year-old brother died from bird flu on September 18.
Indonesia another in Bandung cluster??
The Hasan Sadikin hospital has admitted another relative of the family showing bird flu infection symptoms. The 18-year-old is a niece of the brothers who lived with them at Kebonwaru, Batununggal district, Bandung. A 20-year-old man hospitalized here over the past week for infection with the deadly bird flu virus died Thursday, raising the nationwide death toll to 52, or roughly a third of the total deaths worldwide. The government confirmed the 20-year-old was positive for H5N1 earlier this week. The man’s 23-year-old brother died with bird flu symptoms on Sunday just before being admitted to the hospital.
A third sibling, a 15-year-old female, is currently being treated at the same hospital even though she has been declared negative for the virus.
Pugmom 00:20
I think this 21 year old might be another sister of Abram. Don’t forget there are still 19 HCW’s, the doctor, the grandmother and in one article(one about the culling near Abram’s home) it was stated that the officials also went to Abram’s school. Could it be possible that the negatives are appearing in Indonesian press and positives go straight to MSM like the Jakarta cases do that we don’t know about until they show up on newsnow? You might want to keep an eye out on newsnow for new positives, but this just a thought. It is close to the weekend and that has always seemed to be the trend for the news. Just my two cents for the day anyway. Gotta go to work.
pugmom-at 00:11-
You say their grandmother is infected. Whoah! ~8-{}
Jum’at, on September 29 2006 15:29 WIB
the HUMANITIES - Kesehatan
the Patient Suspect Bird Flu in RSHS Bandung Bertambah
Bandung — MIOL: The Number Of patients suspect bird flu in the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung improved to three people, namely the patient Int, 15, the brother Jakaria Divine Guidance that died resulting from bird flu, San, 18, the cousin Divine Guidance, and General 41, the citizen Bojongsoang, Kebupaten Bandung. “At this time, the number of patients that was treated in RSHS Bandung to three people, with the addition of one patient have the initials General that entered RSHS Bandung on Thursday (28/9) at dawn around struck 01.” 00 WIB, said the Chairman Tim the Handling of the Case of Bird Flu in RSHS Bandung, Dr Hadi Yusuf in Bandung, on Friday. According to him, General had signs almost resembled bird flu, namely the hot body since znumanyz days ago and experienced breathless, but did not have the sign of the cough and pilek, in fact had red spots on his hands. The “possibility of the patient could experience the illness of dengue fever dengue fever, but to ascertain him, we sent the sample of his blood to Balitbangkes in Jakarta”, he said. According to Hadi, the breathless cause of the Lay Person patient was not caused because of being penemonia him or the inflammation on his lungs, but was caused because of the infection by the bacteria that sepsis (heavy). He said, the Lay Person patient unclear had contact with the poultry, but was based on the speech from his family, that in the Lay Person house of the patient’s neighbour in the Village Sapan the Tegaluar Village, the Bojongsoang Subdistrict, the Bandung Regency had the chicken that died suddenly. About the patient Int and San, said Hadi, his condition has at this time improved, because the temperature of his body has descended, did not experience again breathless. The “possibility of the patient San that entered RSHS on Thursday early afternoon, the negative, but to ascertain him, we have sent the sample of his blood to Balitbangkes in Jakarta”, he said. Now the patient Int, continued he, has been stated the negative and the possibility were affected of the virus H1N1, namely normal flu. “Was based on results of the Balitbangkes laboratory in Jakarta totalling twice, the patient Int evidently the bird flu negative”, he said while saying to ascertain him the patient Int the negative, then his inspection must be carried out by as many as three times. With the existence of the patient who just entered that, the number the total patient that was treated in RSHS Bandung totalling 58 people, eight people among them positive bird flu, namely six people died and two other people were still living.
gharris at 04:40--who knows if it is Zacharia’s niece or cousin. First they call him/her “San” age 18 yo and then in your article they call the person a niece. Just shows you how inaccurate their reporting is over there. We deal with this all the time, it just seems par for the course. Now we will spend the next several days debating amongst ourselves whether it is male or female, the correct age, and the correct relationship, or if there is another person involved.
Jum’at, on September 29 2006 16:26 WIB
the HUMANITIES - Kesehatan
Klaster Bird Flu improved To Nine Kasus
Jakarta — MIOL: The Number Of cases of bird flu (Avian influenza/AI) gathered to humankind (klaster) in Indonesia improved to nine cases with he confirmed the case of the new infection in EW (21) and Ab (11) in Tulungagung, East Java. The official of the Command Post of the Health, Suhardaningrum, of the Department’s Bird Flu in Jakarta, on Friday, said results of the inspection of RT-PCR against the EW specimen, the older brother from the patient Ab that was stated positive was infected by the bird flu virus and died on September 18 2006, showed that the woman positive was infected by the AI virus. The case klaster bird flu beforehand also happened to Ze (27) and RF (14) in Solok (West Sumatra), AT (10) and the USA (18) in Bandung (West Java), the USA (29) and his five relatives in the Karo Regency (North Sumatra), Nr (13) and En (4) in the Indramayu Regency (West Java), Is (19) and IJ (18) in Tangerang (Banten), Hn (21) and HS (4) in Tanggamus (Lampung), Rd (34) and Fr (9) in Southern Jakarta (the Special Capital District of Jakarta) as well as Is (37) and S (8) in Tangerang (Banten). The increase the number of cases klaster bird flu always showed the concern would the occurrence of the spread of the AI virus (H5N1) from humankind to potential humankind caused the influenza pandemic. Nevertheless till at this time results of the research into Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) the virus that generally was spread by this poultry showed that the virus that infected all the patients in Indonesia was the kind of the influenza virus that spread from the poultry to humankind. The researchers beforehand also said that till at this time the change or the significant mutation in this virus that enabled the occurrence of the spread of the virus between humankind did not yet happen. The inter-member spread of the family that happened to almost all the cases klaster in Indonesia was estimated happened because of the equality susceptibilitas or the sensitivity of the peer of the family’s member towards the infection.
Tasikmalaya, West Java; New, and sl. different info on 2 cases. Note, they give full names now and Ateng is listed here to be age 60. The authorities had tested his dead chicken and found it to be BF negative. dated 9–29–06
Two patients were in Tasikmalaya expected by Bird Flu Tasikmalaya, Kompas - After a bird flu casualty from Bandung died, on Thursday (28/9), two patients namely Ateng (60) and Muslihan, 13 was suspected bird flu entered RSUD Tasikmalaya, on Thursday the following afternoon. The father and the child that also the citizen of the Subang Mountain Village, the Cilamajang District, of this Tasikmalaya City was reconciled to RSU Tasikmalaya because of showing the sign was similar to bird flu. Moreover, Ateng had the story of contact with the chicken before being sick. Now Muslihan in fact was sick for eight days when being reconciled to RSUD Tasikmalaya. Till Friday morning (29/9), the condition for the two patients improved. The temperature of his body still under 37 levels and respiration 22 times per the minute. On Friday early afternoon the team from the West Javanese Health Service came to Tasikmalaya to take the specimen and the patient’s neighbour of the patient’s blood.
Although before Ateng fell ill, many of his property chickens that died but results rapid the Tasikmalaya test of the Service of City Agriculture showed negative results….
CG/Influentia2--now what are we going to do (with them saying that Eni is positive?), when the article at 23:16 claims she is negative?? Are we back to that old conundrum of whether or not this is a different person?? I, myself, just think the negative test was a mis-report, and that this latest one stating she is positive is the correct one.
Two patients ”Suspect” Bird Flu entered RSUD Tasikmalaya
TJ Finally Meninggal
Bandung, (HOMEWORK).
- After being treated five days in Handsome Sadikin Space of the Hospital Poinciana Tree (RSHS) Bandung, suspect bird flu had the initials TJ (20), finally died on Thursday (28/9) struck 2.
20 WIB. On The Same Day, casualties’s cousin, San (18), that took part in delivering the TJ body to Garut, entered RSHS Poinciana Tree Space and was stated as suspect bird flu.
The OFFICIAL of the Handsome Hospital morgue of Sadikin Bandung carried the coffin ”suspect” bird flu, TJ (20) to be brought to the ambulance, on Thursday (28/9).
Beforehand, TJ was stated positive contracted the virus H5N1 (Avian influenza/AI) in the second sample test.
“Pasien TJ that was treated since Sunday and confirmed H5N1, last night died struck 2.
20 WIB,” said the Managing Director RSHS Bandung, Dr. Cissy R. Sudjana the officer, in press information, in his office, on Thursday (28/9).
According to Dr. Cissy, the TJ situation since being treated in RSHS has been bad although could improve the next day (on Monday, 25/9).
”Pukul sembilan his situation night worsened, and struck one morning began to have the disturbance pernapasan,” he said.
The disturbance of breathing that was experienced by TJ, very great.
Efforts resusitasi (bantuan breathing made use of oxygen, red), only remained through to struck 02.
20 WIB to the end TJ blew out the last breath.
In accordance with the procedure continue to the handling of the body of the bird flu patient, the TJ body was wrapped in the pocket of the body.
Approximately struck 5.
30 WIB, the body was despatched to Kp.
Probe the Stone, the Sukaratu Village, Kec.
Banyuresmi, Kab.
Garut to be buried in the funeral of the family.
Therefore, casualties died resulting from the bird flu virus in West Java till at this time 19 people from 23 people who were stated positive.
According to Kasubdin environmental Sanitation in the West Javanese Health Service, Dr. Fatimah Resmiati, suspect bird flu has spread in 18 regencies and the available city in West Java.
Now, according to the note of RSHS Bandung, the number of patients suspect bird flu that had been treated by as many as 57 people.
“Delapan including being stated positive and six including dying dunia,” said Dr. Cissy.
According to Ayi Sumaryati, the official of the field of the Community Health Centre of Kiaracondong Bandung, since the inspection on Tuesday (26/9), San has shown signs like the cough, pilek, and the fever.
Therefore, the community health centre side at once wrote the recipe took the form of vitamin C, medicine pereda flu and medicine penurun hot, to prevent the condition more serious.
“Kemudian on Wednesday (27/9) we took his blood for the inspection more comprehensive, but the San condition at that time still was not yet really healthy.
And today (Thursday-red.) the determination for the inspection again, enggak knew him he went along to Garut,” said Ayi.
Apart from San, he also worried one of the neighbours TJ, Gugun Useful (19), that already five days showed the cough and the fever.
However, when being checked by the community health centre side, his body heat has begun to descend to 36.2 Celsius levels.
Gugun that yesterday was met in his house, more chose quiet.
He only hoped bird flu medicine could be immediately found.
“Gugun quite frightened was infected, his matter he often to the side of (the TJ house).
Even, several days ago he could sleep in the room TJ,” said roses (21), the nephew TJ.
In the meantime, the brother TJ, IM that was treated in RSHS was stated by the negative contracted the virus H5N1.
That was based on results of the second sample test by Balitbangkes in Jakarta.
They are taking extra precautions with the burials. I didn’t realize they bathed the deceased before burial. Also, this explains the connection to Garut.
The coffin not Dibuka
Garut, (HOMEWORK).
- TJ bird flu casualties were buried by his family in his mother’s village, NY.
Nur Nurjanah in the Jolokbatu Village, the Sukaratu Kec Village.
Banyuresmi, Garut, on Thursday (28/9).
His two parents, Engkos Kosasih and NY.
Nur Nurjanah looked very sorrowful when delivering the funeral of his child.
The parents as though not henti was afflicted by the sorrow.
Beforehand, his first child, In (24) died five previous days, also because of the same cause.
Therefore, when TJ died in RSHS Bandung approximately struck 3.
30 WIB, both of them were really stricken.
Sir “Kosasi, and NY.”
Nur Nurjanah quite very sad during delivered to this cemetery, said, one of his relatives in the Village probed the Stone.
Moreover because of his child that other, IM (15) also still was treated in the same hospital.
According to information, the three children from the couple Engkos Kosasih from the Alley of Laksana Cicadas Bandung with NY.
Nur Nurjanah original the Village Probe Faozan the Village Sukaratu the Banyuresmi Kab Subdistrict.
Garut, was based on results of the doctor’s inspection that treated him it was suspected of being affected by the bird flu virus.
In the meantime, according to information that was gathered by “HOMEWORK” in probed the Stone, like that the ambulance that brought the TJ body arrived, the local citizen asked to casualties’s family that the body was not issued from the coffin let alone being bathed again.
In other words, the TJ body was asked to be buried along with the case of the death.
Casualties’s family had finally accepted the community’s request.
“Yes, is it true that we could ask that the body should be not issued from the case of the death, let alone must be bathed again in this village.”
Not anything we then felt we took part in being concerned about the disaster.
We also felt worried the assumption of the bird flu virus will eventually spread to the available citizen here, said a citizen.
Now relatives of casualties’s family, Great Gumilar admitted to not knowing precisely the illness that was suffered by his nephew.
Tasikmalaya, Java: more info on Atang and Muslihah. Note here they say their poultry tested positive, and also, that they had been treated at a minor hospital facitlity first. Bandung, West Java: here they name the cousin “Santi”, which will confuse us, as there is another “Santi” in the East Java cluster. Plus they mention a patient named “Amas???” Is this the same as the General?? They appear to be from different villages. (I feel a headache coming on.) article dated 9–29–06, Tasikmalaya: the Plague of bird flu was still continuing to haunt several areas in the Motherland.
In Tasikmalaya, West Java, a father and his child must enter space of the bird flu isolation in the Tasikmalaya Public Hospital, recently.
Atang and Muslihah were expected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) because experienced breathless, the fever, and coughs. The two patients beforehand also have undergone the maintenance in the Kawalu Community Health Centre because of having the story of contact with his 20 kept chickens that were found died suddenly.
As for from results of the service inspection perternakan local the poultry belonging to the patient evidently was known positive terjangkit the AI virus the sub-type H5N1.
At this time the side of RSU Tasikmalaya also took the sample of blood of the two patients and sent him to the Hall the Bandung Research of the Laboratory of the Health Service. Results of the sample inspection of this blood up to now still are waited for. The two citizens of the Gunungsubang Village, the Tasikmalaya City, this was the first patient who entered space of the bird flu isolation in RSU Tasikmalaya that just stood this. Nationally already nine provinces were gotten by the positive case of bird flu with 52 casualties died. This area was Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, North Sumatra, South Sulawesi, Lampung, and West Sumatra.
In the meantime, the Handsome Hospital of Sadikin Bandung was again visited by two assumption patients was infected by bird flu.
A patient among them still had your relations or the cousin with the deceased Zakaria Divine Guidance that died yesterday resulting from the deadly illness. He was Santi Susanti the citizen of the Gardener’s District Waru, Bandung [read: Divine Guidance It Was Suspected was affected by Bird Flu in Garut]. Santi was reconciled to RSHS because of experiencing the clinical sign like bird flu.
Whereas Amas, the citizen of the Sapan Village, entered this hospital because of experiencing the high fever
In the meantime, the Diamond, the deceased’s brother Divine Guidance, that also underwent the maintenance evidently is stated by the bird flu negative and his condition currently increasingly improved. Beforehand the Diamond underwent the blood inspection totalling twice and results of the negative. However the Diamond must continue to be treated to the third blood inspection. If this further inspection stayed negative then he was permitted to come home.
Therefore, the community health centre side at once wrote the recipe took the form of vitamin C, medicine pereda flu and medicine penurun hot, to prevent the condition more serious.
Pugmom - I just thought I’d let you know that I was only able to search 3 sites this morning. Media Indonesia Online, Pikiran Rakyat and Kompas.
Makassar, South Sulawesi: new patient, “Patarungi” age 7 yo, date of onset about 9–26–06. (as well as more on the Bandung cluster) dated 9–29–06
comment: stated temperature was 45 degrees Celsius. Isn’t this really high, like incompatible with life?? Can someone give us that in Fahrenheit?, Bandung: Santi, the patient suspect bird flu was still being treated intensive in the Handsome Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, West Java.
The citizen Street Laksana, the Love Clan, the Bandung City, this was the cousin’s brother Zakaria Divine Guidance that died on Thursday at dawn yesterday resulting from bird flu. Santi was forced to be brought to Poinciana Tree space of RSHS Bandung after experiencing the high fever. Before being sick, Santi once contact with the chicken and remained at one house with Divine Guidance. Although experiencing the cough and the breath was not uniform, Santi did not make use of respiratory aids. According to Juju, the nephew Santi, the patient experienced the high fever after taking part in the funeral of Divine Guidance in Garut.
At this time, RSHS Bandung treated two people who were expected flattest bird flu. Beforehand the hospital belonging to the Government of this West Javanese Province treated as many as five patients suspect bird flu from several regencies and the city in West Java.
From South Sulawesi was reported, a child was seven years also old was maintained as the patient suspect bird flu. The unfortunate child is named Paturungi, currently, was treated in Wahidin Sudirohusodo space of the Hospital isolation, Makassar He was treated since three days set. The team of the doctor who consisted of the child’s expert and the internal disease expert have appointed this child as suspect bird flu. The team of the doctor also took the sample of Paturingi blood to be checked in the laboratory in Jakarta. According to the nurse’s information was on duty at the room of ferns, when being accepted in the Serious Space installation the Emergency, Paturungi experienced the high fever was accompanied by the cough and breathless. This morning, the temperature of the body the child then still was achieving 45 Celsius levels. Before being treated in the special room, Paturungi could be hospitalised in RS Labuang Baci Makassar. He was reconciled because his condition that did not show the progress, in fact increasingly showed the sign was infected by bird flu. Now the Paturungi family acknowledged, before the fever, the cough and breathless, Paturungi often direct contact with his kept poultry. Terpaparnya Paturigi by the bird flu virus increasingly strong because when the child was treated in the hospital, several of his kept poultries were found died suddenly. (Mg/DEN)
pugmom – at 08:05
45 degrees Celcius is 113 degrees Fahrenheit
Surely that number is a typo
pugmom - at 07:43 - I have a “Amos aka Gugun Ganawan (19) - symptoms 9/23. Neighbor of Indra. Hospitalized 9/28. The “General” post 06:53 is 41 yrs. old, “the citizen Bojongsoang, Kebupaten Bandung”. I’m not sure, but I think the “General” is not associated with the others?
That would be 113F..
just for reference…when a temp is given in Celsius the calculation to Fahrenheit is: 9/5© + 32= F
CG Amos is 19 and the General is 41, so must be different. But thanx for clarifying that Gugun and Amos are the same person. So far, for the last 12 hours or so we have had 6 new cases: to recap: 1.Santi Susanti from Bandung(Zacharia’s cousin) 2.Amos Gugun Ganawan from Bandung (Zacharia’s neighbor). 3.The general from Bandung. 4. Ateng age 60 from Tasikmalaya. 5. Muslihan age 13 from Tasikmalaya and Ateng’s daughter. 6. Patarungi, age 7, from Makassar, South Sulawesi.
Pugman at 07:43: Two different hospitals for these latest victims:
Tasikmalaya: the Plague of bird flu was still continuing to haunt several areas in the Motherland. In Tasikmalaya, West Java, a father and his child must enter space of the bird flu isolation in the Tasikmalaya Public Hospital, recently.
[now I have forgotten my whole train of thought here….I think I wanted to point out that the “General” is from “Bbongsoany, Kubupaten”.]
“At this time, the number of patients that was treated in RSHS Bandung to three people, with the addition of one patient have the initials General that entered RSHS Bandung on Thursday (28/9) at dawn around struck 01.”
Thanks guys for the info. Sorry I didn’t get back last night, my computer locked up when I posted here on this thread. Thankfully by this morning it decided to work again:-)
I sincerely wish the news wasn’t always so confusing. So this could be another sister…
My apologies as well for not helping more with the news lately, I’ve had to be away alot working(and I’ll be gone all of next week)and found that you all have done an excellent job of finding the news before I can get to looking for anything. … ~Ya fluwiki news team!~ …
My family is having a little financial trouble and I have to work as much as I can for the next lillt while. So I’ll help as much as I can when I’m home, but that won’t be alot for a bit- sorry.
MaMa - at 11:00, don’t worry, just do what you have to do. We all know you will help whenever you can. Now, you ask if this could be another sister. I don’t know which cluster you are referring to?
MaMa—good luck to you, we understand you need to do other things right now to help the family out. You will be back full-time soon, we all hope.
Commonground, thank-you for your kind words.
I was referring to the cluster in East Java. I posted an article last night that stated that the sister of a guy, who was H5N1 positive and died, was in hospital and tested positive for H5N1 too. I assumed the guy was Abram, but the age of the sister didn’t match up and the sister was supposedly negative for H5N1. So is the age misprinted? Was she re-tested and found positive the next time? Or is this possibly another sister? ….aaargh!
Thanks pugmom! I hope so too.
Mama - at 23:42:
East Java
Index Case: Abram (11) Died 9/18. Hospitalized 9/18. Symptoms: 9/16. . Confirmed positive. Died 3 hours after he was admitted.
Eni Wulandari (21) Sister of Abram. Hospitalized 9/25. Symptoms: 9/24. Tested Positive.
Dr. Soetomo`s hospital - Anathesi Building old
Tukinem - Abram’s Grandmother (70) Hospitalized.
Winda - n/a
Santi - Older Brother - n/a
6 students from Abrams School tested.
20 Medical Staff tested who treated Abram.
5 Family members: Parents: Sutris & Siyah. n/a
No, I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that all these people were in contact with one another. Always look for the simplest answer first.
Kadun is the an official from the Health Ministry, and Indonesian Ministers have downplayed what is happening there for quite some time:
Bird Flu Infection in Indonesian Family Suggests Genetic Link
By Karima Anjani
Sept. 29 (Bloomberg) — Bird flu infected a 21-year-old Indonesian woman whose brother died of the disease last week, adding to evidence that genetics may play a role in human infection, a health ministry official said.
The woman from East Java province tested positive for the H5N1 strain of avian influenza today, after she began treatment in the hospital four days ago. Her 11-year-old brother died from the virus on Sept. 18. Poultry had died around their home in Tulungagung district, said I Nyoman Kandun, director general of disease control and environment at the ministry.
`They’re genetically susceptible to the virus, which they were both exposed to from infected poultry,’‘ Kandun said in a telephone interview today. There is no evidence that the virus was passed from one sibling to the other, he said.
I just posted on the news thread an article from Thailand which quotes a Thai medical officer as saying that BF HAS mutated to become more easily transmissible between birds and humans and that this new virus has the ability to go H2H. They are calling it the “new mutant bird flu.” Are you all seeing any evidence of this in Indonesia?
banshee at 11:44. I’m not sure the report says a new strain has already evolved. The report isn’t entirely clear. In some ways it suggests that some bad mutations have happened, but it also says: “Nobody can tell when that will happen, so what we are doing is being very wary of poultry…”
It also says the virus has the ability to mutate and infect other humans.
It’s as if some mutations have happened that make them think that the SHTF mutations may well be coming, but they don’t know when.
Milo – at 12:07, I got the sense from the article that a mutation had already occured making B2H easier. I was wondering if perhaps easier B2H might also explain some of what is going on in Indonesia.
Banshee, after thinking it over again, maybe they are saying there is evidence that the virus has mutated in such a way that makes it easier for it to make the final TSHTF mutations?
Why can’t they just be clear about all this? Though I guess no one really knows how to predict what the virus is going to do. Maybe cloudy is about as clear as it’s going to get until it’s obvious that a pandemic has started.
banshee – at 12:14. Yeah, it did say clearly that the newest strains of H5N1 are more easily transmitted from birds to humans. I wonder how they know this. I wonder if they have new genetic data or is it just that more people are getting sick and they are guessing it’s B2H because that’s what everyone has to say to avoid panic about H2H or pigs / dogs / cats to humans.
banshee & Milo: Indonesia’s top virologist made some comments that were captured by Inky on yesterday’s news thread (9/28) that might have some bearing on the outbreak of news stories on “mutations.” It may be that the mainstream media simplified what they heard was happening:
InKy at 18:44 - “Namun, must have special vigilance because of having the indication of the spread antarmanusia,” said the Head of the Centre of the tropics Illness and the Infection (TDIC) the Airlangga University, Dr. C. A. Nidom.Beforehand, Dr. Nidom had expected the existence of the spread antarmanusia.The case of bird flu in the Bandung City, continued he, increasingly strengthened his assumption.Moreover, Dr. Nidom also believe in had also the role of the functioning other mammal as the virus adaptor.He suspected the dog that ate chicken carcasses of playing a role as the virus adaptor.”
My comments:
antarmanusia = human to human
The gentleman speaking here is Professor Chairul A. Nidom, Indonesia’s leading infectious disease expert. He is saying that he increasingly suspects that H5N1 is passing H2H, and also that some other mamal may be acting as a resevoir for the virus. He is the leading specialist on H5N1 in Indonesia, he says it has has been there since 2003, he predicted its spread throughout the islands, and now he is saying that he sees indications of H2H. Some more info on Dr. Nidom, from a Washington Post article published this time last year:
I can’t find the reference for this, but back in July, when the first fatal cases popped up in Thailand, Thai scientists had made a comment that the virus may be mutatimg and that was the reason it could not be detected on tests.
I think this article gives us a name for “General”. Same age and location that I have in my notes. Amah, 41 yrs old., Bojongsoane (I have typed Bbongsoang, but I think that’s my mistake….). I guess Amah is a Female? The only problem now is they mention 2 other patients, Diamond & Santi. They do not mention “Amos - Gugun Ganawan (19) (hosp. 9/28; neighbor).
The Handsome Sadikin hospital, Bandung, again treated the patient suspect bird flu namely Amah the citizen of the Sa’pan Village, Bojongsoang, the Bandung Regency, West Java. Amah, 41 years, was brought to RSHS Bandung, on Friday (29/9) at dawn, after experiencing the sign similar to bird flu. Apart from experiencing the cough that continually, the temperature of the Amah body also high achieved 39 levels celcius. Nevertheless, the Team Leader RSHS Bird Flu, Hadi Yusuf mnegatakan the condition for the Woman’s lungs Amah good so as to be able to not make use of respiratory aids. According to Hadi, the team of bird flu suspected Amah of suffering bird flu because of being known had held contact with his property chicken. Beforehand, the chicken belonging to his neighbour that only be at a distance 30 metre died suddenly. With the Amah entry, RSHS Bandung at this time treated three patients susfect bird flu. Two other patients were the precious stone Diamond and Santi. In the meantime, the condition for the patient suspect bird flu from Kebunwaru, Bandung, currently begins to improve. The two patients it was known still were having the family’s relations with Zakaria Divine Guidance, the positive patient bird flu that died on last Thursday. Moreover the precious stone Diamond, the full brother Zakaria Divine Guidance, was stated by the bird flu negative. According to Tim Bird Flu RSHS Bandung, results of the test eurologi and the blood test stated the Diamond only experienced normal flu or H1N1. The condition for the cousin’s brother the Diamond, Santi, that entered to RSHS on Thursday early afternoon currently also increasingly improved. According to the Team Leader Penanggulan Bird Flu, the doctor Hadi Yusuf, the temperature of the patient’s body that was 18 years old has descended. Moreover, Santi currently no longer experienced breathless and coughs. Up to now, RSHS treated 58 patients suspect bird flu. Eight patients were stated positive, and six including dying.
[Azis? From Tasikmalaya. Apparently they tested 6 people, the wife and neighbors? Correct me if I’m wrong. I have Atang (6) Father, and Muslihah (12) Daughter as the only two in Tasikmalaya].
The team of the doctor from the Health Service of the West Javanese Province, on Friday (29/9), took the sample of the citizen’s blood in the Gunungsumbang Village, the Kawalu Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya, West Java. Beforehand, in this area indeed was found by two patients suspect bird flu. The taking of the sample of blood was carried out against six people that is the wife of the patient suspect bird flu and the neighbour terdekat him. From the fast test, the team of the doctor found a child was 10 years old was named Azis experienced the sign like bird flu. Azis currently still in observation of the Kawalu subdistrict Community Health Centre. Moreover the Tasikmalaya Livestock Breeding Service also combed the poultry to the radius 500 metre from the patient’s house suspect bird flu. Nevertheless, was not found the affected poultry bird flu. Two citizens of the Gunungsumbang Village, Ateng and his child of Muslihah, since two days set was treated in space of the isolation of the regional Public Hospital (RSUD) Tasikmalaya. Both of them experienced the sign like bird flu
Corrections: Should say “Atang (60) Father.
Commonground - 13:36 was asking for more discussion on Indonesia, and I posted this on the PPF thread to get the ball rolling, but thought that I would also post it here. I would also like to point out that when I read this thread, the pain and suffering of the flu victims and their families comes across, and I often feel like whispering comments, just as if I were in a funeral parlor. The feeling makes for a very somber thread….
We all cannot thank you and the others on the Indonesian Outbreak thread enough for all of your time consuming sleuthing. I lurk on the thread all the time as well as trying to find out more information. You guys do such a great job with the news postings and a great job with the daily summary chart.
It’s hard to know what all to say about Indonesia. I believe that we are not getting the full story out of Indo. We are getting a partial piece, and that is very, very disturbing. I think that most folks are holding their breaths waiting to see if the Tamiflu blanket shreds, waiting to see if those daily summary numbers will skyrocket. I don’t like all of the stories about the mutations, especially considering the Thailand man with 9 negative results before the autopsy confirmed H5N1, very reminiscent of 1918. The news article that it might take THOUSANDS of cases before H2H is confirmed just fills me with the utmost dread. I guess I’m waiting for more than 25 in a cluster or for 100s to be reported as being sick in one day.
I’m very disturbed about Dr. Nidom with the hint of dogs as the mammalian reserve. That brings to mind the culled dogs in China around the first of August and the dogs in Florida who have been reported as having H3N2, (I think it was that flavor of the flu.)
I’m very disturbed with the reports of how the flu was very rampant this spring. We’ve now seen articles out of the UK and the US stating that flu absences were above normal for this spring. In 1918, it seemed to simmer from March until that fall when it exploded. Is that what we are looking at in Indo?
How does the recent news reports from the WHO about mutations fit in? Is this the beginning stages of concern on the part of TPTB? Is it just a little ahead or just a little behind of the flu wave? Are they mentioning mutations now because we’re going to have the TOMDVM cocktail of multiple mutations going pandemic at the SAME time?!?
Frustrating, frustrating, frustrating!!!! I wish that there were more data out there on 1918, and I wish that they would release sequences from NOW!
How much time do we have?
Oh, yeah, and what part will climate play in all of this? How will the rainy season help the flu? What will happen with the ‘mud volcano’ in East Java?
They are resettling thousands of people. The geothermal mud contains toxins that have caused respiratory and stomach illnesses in the surrounding area.
How will this affect the possible cluster in East Java? We know this virus likes moist conditions, and the mud will help provide that, just in time for the rainy season. Plus, you’re going to be cramming these people into emergency shelters which would seem to me would be amplification points just like the military camps in 1918.
I can hold the “we just don’t know”s in my left hand and spit in my right hand, and I’ll fill the right hand up before I’ll be able to fill my left hand up.
I search this thread several times a day. I agree with BRMM that it is sobering and somber. I too appreciate so much the time and effort of those who work so hard to translate and bring to the wiki this news. And I am torn. What can be said? I see what is happening, but mostly remain quiet. For about 4 years I worked with Hospice and sometimes this feels like the waiting that occurs before a long expected death. Time seems suspended and when one does venture out into the “real” world they don’t know what you have seen and heard and they don’t really want to. Perhaps the silence from other participants that sometimes accompanies this thread can be likened to the quiet whispering that respctfully occurs near the death bed. Just some thoughts. Thank you, Commonground and Pugmom.
From Liputan6, more details: It’s a bit long, I hope I am not duplicating. I’ve been away a few days and it’s hard catching up.
Eni Wulandari the citizen Tulungagung, East Java that was treated in RSUD Dr Soetomo, Surabaya was stated positive suffered bird flu. Several the previous day Abraham, the full brother Eni died after terjangkit the virus H5N1., Surabaya: A patient the regional Public Hospital of the doctor Soetomo, Surabaya was stated positive terjangkit bird flu. Eni Wulandari (21 years) the citizen of the Gentong Time, Pucang Laban, Tulungagung, East Java up until this Friday (29/9) still was receiving the intensive maintenance because his condition has not still improved.
Moreover two days set the medical team could install the respirator to help breathing the patient. Five previous Eni days were reconciled to the hospital because the temperature of his body rose for six days. Was based on results of the photograph x-rayed, the Eni lungs experienced the infection. According to the doctor Urip Murtedjo, Deputy Director RSUD Dr Soetomo, Eni had the history that was tight to the bird flu illness. He was the full sibling Abraham, the child that died on September 19 set as a result of being attacked by the virus avian sub-type influenza H5N1.
In Tasikmalaya, West Java, Atang and Muslihah the citizen of the Gunungsubang Village became the first patient who entered space of the bird flu isolation in RSU Tasikmalaya. The father and this child suffered the sign similar to bird flu, like breathless, the fever, as well as the cough. The hospital side currently is waiting for results of the inspection the Hall of the Research of the Health Laboratory in Bandung [read: the Father and the Child entered Isolation Space].
With this incident, nationally was gotten by the positive case of bird flu in nine provinces. Nine areas, namely the Special Capital District of Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, North Sumatra, South Sulawesi, Lampung, and West Sumatra. Casualties died reached 52 people. While the Department of the decisive Health of the case of bird flu that fell on the older brother was siblings in Tulungagung as the case cluster or the sufferer in as a family.
The Eni assurance and Abraham suffered bird flu was based on the Department of Health research of the Research And Development laboratory. Because they were still having the family’s relations then was categorised as the case cluster just.
Therefore during the last year has been nine cluster bird flu, that is in Tangerang two patients, Southern Jakarta two patients, Lampung three patients, Indramayu three patients, Tana Karo seven patients, the Bandung Regency two patients, West Sumatra two patients, and finally in Tulungagung two patients. The Department of Health was also researching the possibility of the occurrence cluster other in Bandung and Tasikmalaya. Although the number cluster improved, Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari denied it the spread from humankind to humankind happened. According to Siti, the virus H5N1 came from the waste of the poultry. Because of that the prevention of bird flu was stressed to the poultry. The National commission Bird Flu promised to take the concrete step to control the spread of bird flu from the poultry [read: the National Committee the Control of Bird Flu was formed]. Apart from having the number cluster biggest, Indonesia was also recorded as the country with the highest death rate of the bird flu sufferer in the world. From 71 positive cases of bird flu, 54 casualties died with 52 among them positive was attacked by this illness. (Ian/Tim Coverage 6 SCTV)
Blue Ridge Mountain Mom & Feather Pillow - you know what? You guys are right. This is a very somber thread, and really probably not the thread to make discussion. I will go over to the PPE or wherever, because I do need a connection. I post all the dreadful information, and have no one to talk to about it. Really I can’t contribute much, but I like to read about others discussing it, with their expertise. Agree it should be discussed elsewhere. You’re very welcome, thanks for the encouragement.
Blue Ridge Mom—thanx for posting your concerns here and over on the PPF thread. I have been puzzled for awhile about the other Fluwikian’s sometimes blase attitude about what is happening in Indo. I am pretty close to it as I am in the middle of cataloging all the cases, but I can’t see all the cases starting to pile up day after day, without having a chill go through my body with each case. There are clusters, maybe 5 right at the moment, and in different parts of Indo. That gibberish about the virus just attacking genetically similar relatives, is just ludicrous. Maybe that argument worked after Karo, but at this point in time, it does nothing but insult our intelligence. If I were an Indo citizen right now and had the means, I would be packing my bags and getting out.
More from Liputan 6 -
A patient in the doctor’s Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, of South Sulawesi it was suspected was affected by the bird flu virus. Paturangi already for the last four days the high fever and the cough were accompanied mucus to the lungs. To ascertain his illness kind, the hospital side took the example of Paturangi blood to be researched in the laboratory in Jakarta. According to the doctor Khalid Pious, the Secretary of the Control of RS Bird Flu Dr. Wahidin, on Friday (29/9), daily Paturangi that was seven years old was not free from the poultry. Because of the location of the Paturangi residence in Street Flamboyan, Makassar was the poultry farm region.
In the meantime, RS Handsome Sadikin, Bandung, West Java again treated two new patients with the clinical sign similar to bird flu. One of the patients, namely Santi Susanti (18 years) still the cousin Zakaria Divine Guidance, casualties died resulting from bird flu. The other patient was Amas (41 years) the citizen Bojongsoang, the Bandung Regency [read: the Bird Flu Patient in Bandung died]. To confirm whether the two patients were attacked by bird flu, the hospital side sent the sample of blood to Jakarta to be tested the laboratory. (Ian/Tim Coverage 6 SCTV)
Liputan 6 - Photo shows patients Atang and Muslihah together in same room - (father and son). Well, I understand they may wish to be together, but what if one has BF and not the other, or worse, one has BF and the other another kind of flu?
Are we seeing waves of flu clusters? It seems that we hear of a few simultaneous clusters, then nothing, and then more simultaneous clusters spread throughout Indonesia.
article found courtesy of the research also being done on FT. Seems like a new case to me. This patient is being treated in North Jakarta (the others were treated in Bandung (I believe this is correct.) Name: “Mariyani”. date of article 9–29–06.
comment: maybe someone that is keeping track of the hospitals used by the Zacharia cluster can confirm this is a different hospital.
The patient Suspect Membaik Jum’at
Bird Flu, on September 29 2006 | 11:59 WIB The Interactive TIME, Jakarta: Mariyani, the patient suspect bird flu that was treated in the Sulianti Saroso Infection Hospital, Jakarta North, yesterday improved. “His condition was stable and hot him began to descend,” said the Chairman Tim the Handling of RSPI Sulianti Saroso Bird Flu, Sardikin Giri the son, yesterday. However, the team of the doctor still could not confirm whether Mariyani terjangkit the bird flu virus. “Results of the laboratory inspection were still not obtained,” said Sardikin. His reason the official of the laboratory was from the Department of the Health being sick and was treated in our Hope Hospital, Jakarta West.
In this article ( - on subscription only), despite which I managed to get with my quick fingers, there are two subjects mentioned. The first has to do with the declaration of the Health Minister that in order to say that BF has become H2H, you need thousands of cases, not just small clusters of 20s. So we’ve heard about that, haven’t we? Then the second brings more names of sick people, do we have those? I can’t remember:
In the case of bird flu in the Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, the local government destroyed the poultry on a large scale in several villages. The extermination followed the discovery of one family in the Fence Village of Teak, the Pakam The Deepest Part, of Deli Serdang, that to suspect bird flu. The citizen Deli Serdang that was treated in the handling hospital of bird flu in Medan numbering three people. They were Binary Sitorus, 33 years, Lena Boru Tampubolon (31), and Retno Boru Sitorus (12). The regent Deli Serdang Amri Tambunan said the citizen was appealed to to destroy the poultry if was to the radius one kilometre from the location was found the positive poultry was affected by bird flu. At this time, said he, around 5.000 chickens were destroyed. The characteristics of the chicken that was ill H5N1, said he, the anus became dark, the beak issued the saliva, and the cock’s comb turned blue.
Everyone who works on posting to this thread:
We all do want to say thank you for all of your time and effort. There are a lot of mothers who search and post for this thread. I suspect that there are a lot of fathers here, too, but mothers have long played the historical role of keeping the family and community together, and that is so apparent to me on this thread. Long has it been the woman’s role to keep her finger on the pulse of the community, and this thread reminds me of what an awesome responsibility that is and how it is different for each generation. Frankly, I am in awe of the efforts put forth by the band on this thread because we can tell that it is gut wrenching to do this day in and day out. I am more thankful than I will ever be able to say, but your work will save lives.
FrenchieGirl – at 15:43
Those are the names of the people from the family of 5 that were hospitalized in Medan on September 20th that are still in the hospital. The other two children (Juli and Tika) were sent home. They also had another child, Marlina Bt Sitorus (11) that died on September 18th.
MetroTV - - Photograph shows doctor (nurse?) taking a blood sample from a young child - HCW with just surgical mask, gloves and goggles - not anywhere near enough if child has H2H BF…
The taking of the sample of blood by the official Dinkes West Java in the Gunungsumbang Village, the Kawalu Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya. (Metro the TV), Tasikmalaya: Tim the doctor from the Health Service of the West Javanese Province, on Friday (29/9), took the sample of the citizen’s blood in the Gunungsumbang Village, the Kawalu Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya, West Java
Beforehand, in this area indeed was found by two patients suspect bird flu. The taking of the sample of blood was carried out against six people that is the wife of the patient suspect bird flu and the neighbour terdekat him. From the fast test, the team of the doctor found a child was 10 years old was named Azis experienced the sign like bird flu. Azis currently still in observation of the Kawalu subdistrict Community Health Centre. Moreover the Tasikmalaya Livestock Breeding Service also combed the poultry to the radius 500 metre from the patient’s house suspect bird flu. Nevertheless, was not found the affected poultry bird flu. Two citizens of the Gunungsumbang Village, Ateng and his child of Muslihah, since two days set was treated in space of the isolation of the regional Public Hospital (RSUD) Tasikmalaya. Both of them experienced the sign like bird flu.
raina – at 15:59 Thank you. How do I find that type of info easily so I don’t duplicate in the future? This article was dated today (or yesterday) and I looked up the names with Google search on FluWikie as indicated on the top left-hand corner, and it did not turn up the names in a FW thread…
pugmom – at 15:18
I do not think there is a blase attitude, but rather a resigned attitude of watching and waiting. Several different folks over the past year have stepped up to the plate and gathered the news as you are doing now. (Thank you for doing so.) MaMa was queen of the news thread for a while, but as noted above, life has a tendency to step in and disrupt the best of intentions. For one reason or another a lot of FluWiki veterans have gathered the news then stepped into the shadows, but are still lurking. After the cluster in Turkey, then the Karo cluster, and the Cikelet cluster …etc. many of the newshounds have stepped back over time. It takes a toll on a person. I have stepped back, but am still searching the news and contributing when I find something the current active newshounds have not found yet. I suspect I am not alone in this. Rest assured that all the past newshounds appreciate what you and the others do, because to a certain degree or another we have been there, done that.
For the newbies on the FluWiki forum, if/when the pandemic fires up there will likely be a lot of new names (to you) show up on the forum, of folks that were very active for a while but have faded into the shadows,…waiting. They have chosen to go on with their lives, while checking the wiki once a day for any developments. This is where the newshounds are so important. It is also important for “new” newshounds to step up every once in a while as “old” ones step down. You can be hypervigilant just so long. It is important to step down when it begins to dominate you.
That said, I have recently started to see a few of the “old” names show up lately. A comment here, a comment there. These are very knowledgeable folks that were frequent contributers early on to the FluWiki. As we get closer, they will have a more active part to play once again. They are watching and waiting.
Thank you to all the newshounds, past and present,… and future.
Bandung, West Java: more news on “Amah” (female), also known as the General, age 41 yo. Doctors saying not the symptoms of bird flu (she is having symptoms of bleeding and perhaps sepsis). Dated 9–30–06.
Batununggal, the Bandung City, the bird flu virus was expected hindered to Bandung City outskirts. Handsome Sadikin space of the Isolation of the Hospital Poinciana Tree (RSHS) Bandung, on Friday (29/9) approximately struck 1. 00, again accepted the new patient suspect bird flu. NY.
‘’‘A (41) the citizen of the Village Sapan the Tegalluar Kec Village. Bojongsoang Kab. Bandung was run off with to RSHS’‘’ because suffered hot and breathless, after his neighbouring chicken there are those that died suddenly.
However, results of the temporary inspection, NY. A did not head to bird flu, but rather to deman bloody dengue fever’ (DBD) or the difficult infection. According to the Chairman Tim the Control of RSHS Bird Flu, Dr. Hadi Jusuf, NY. A came to RSHS with the hot complaint the body for six days with one crowded day. Although A did not have the story of the cough pilek, several of his neighbouring chickens there are those that died suddenly in these weeks. “Unclear contact, only his neighbour had the chicken that died in the weeks, that is when A was sick,” he said. According to him, results of the physical inspection the A lungs clean
So, breathless that fast that, not was caused his lungs, but because asimidosis or had the illness/the difficult infection that could be caused by the bacteria or everything. The “condition for this mother was not feverish, the fast breath because asimidosis, that is on his blood his atmosphere was sour that was caused by the difficult infection.”
His lungs were clean, but his awareness indeed descended Moreover, there was the bleeding
So, we mikir also what not DBD, but we also did not ignore the possibility of bird flu, he said. Because, more he, the bird flu his clinical picture varied from beginning that light to that heavy, and could was begun from signs of the certain organ. Director RSHS, Dr. Cissy R. Sudjana the officer said, at this time RSHS treated three patients suspect bird flu. The last patient, A was sent from RS Majalaya as suspect bird flu. “However, we were still carrying out the inspection, because results of the blood inspection did not head to bird flu,” he said.
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Okieman - at 16:09 - Thanks for the post. Glad we can step in. At least as long as possible before it takes its toll.
Now on this newest patient.
Aziz (10) - Tested. Hospitalized (?)
Gunungsumbang Village
Kawalu Subdistrict
Article mentions others from the same area. (Atang, 60, Father), (Muslihah, 12, Daughter).
Okieman—it is so interesting to hear from a long-timer. I have been an avid news-searcher, a long-timer, but on a different thread. This thread is the best. I hope they all come back in and contribute when, and if, this gets totally out of hand. PS—sorry about the Kataku stuff above—that is my signal I am getting tired. I think I will go eat a ham sandwich.
FrenchieGirl – at 16:04
It is tough to keep track of whether a case is new or old or not because ages, genders, and even names are not always consistant. I’ve been keeping track of the current cases this week, organized into clusters, and when I hear of a possible new case, I go to the region and see if it’s similar in name, age, circumstance, whatever to another case. I also read the flu clinic board at current events, and the stories between here and there are not always exactly the same.
Here’s the case info I’ve collected for the week…sorry if it’s too long.
-East Java province, hospitalized in Surabaya, Dr. Soetomo`s hospital, patients from Tulungagung
- Suspected
-Other Information
-West Java province, hospitalized in Bandung, RS Hasan Sadikin hospital, patients from Sukaratu
- Suspected
-Other Information
-West Java province, hospitalized in Bandung, RS Hasan Sadikin hospital, patients from Sapan, Bojongsoang - Suspected
-West Java province, hospitalized in Tasikmalaya regional public hospital, patients from Gunungsumbang, Cilumanjang - Suspected
-Other Information Wife, Emay, reported 20 family chickens had died suddenly, samples have been taken, preliminary result is reported as both negative and positive in different reports Six people have been tested, including wife and neighbors
-Jakarta, hospitalized in Jakarta North Sulianti Saroso hospital -Suspected
-Other Information Department of Health lab official sick, doesn’t say with what?
-North Sumatra province, hospitalized in Medan, Adam Malik Hospital, patients from Tulungagung - Suspected
-Other Information
-South Sulawesi, hospitalized in Makassar - Suspected
-Other Information In contact with sick poultry that died recently
Did someone mention the possibility that there is not enough Tamiflu, or that it is not used effectively ? Here is an article straight from the Indo Ministry of Health, dated 27 September 2006,, which says “respectively the city and the regency got the allocation totalling 30 Tamiflu doses. ‘That only temporary stock.’” And which names some of the ten hospitals designated to treat bird flu.
Raina 16:49
That is alot of tough work and I appreciate getting to see it all right here. It takes a long time to go through the thread and read and then search and try not to repost especially after being away at work all day and trying to catch up and keep every case straight. I have been trying to find out about these test results of the HCW which should be known since last weekend was when this story was printed. So officials suspect Abram was infected by fertilizer,and you have his grandmothers name. This really clears a lot of questions I had up. Now if we could find out about these HCW’s that would be great.
I will repost a little here, maybe you will run across this somewhere. Thank you so much your summary has saved me a lot of time and answered some questions I had.
Most did not have 19 nurses and a person of the doctor that once direct contact with casualties, also was taken the sample of his blood. The sample of their blood will also be tested in BBLK Surabaya. ‘’‘The “nurses and this doctor also had the risk tertular.” Because of them also once contact with casualties Abram, explained Bahrudin.’‘’
Influentia2 – at 17:22
Sorry, haven’t seen any updates on the HCWs. :( I guess I would assume that means there haven’t been any positives, but you never can tell… would they release results if, for example, a HCW was positive, without being ill?
raina 17:35
I probably assume too much at times myself but I can’t even guess how news regarding a HCW would be handled at this point. One would assume that after releasing that they were tested at all, that if the tests were negative and would be ready in a day or two like Eni’s was, we would at least have heard that the tests were negative by now. At least that is what I would assume, but OTOH they may have been negative and not regarded as newsworthy? I don’t know but I sure would like to but like a lot of other thing regarding Indonesia I may never know or I may hear about it in the future. WHO knows:)
Medan, North Sumatra: new case. Initials “YT”. Another child 7 yo first treated at local hospital, now moved to isolation hospital. (confusing, as we also have a new case that is 7 yo from South Sulawesi today.) dated 9–30–09
Medan, was on the alert Online
A child was 7 years it was suspected old suspect bird flu entered RSUP H Adam the Medan Owner, on Friday night (29/9). Further casualties underwent the maintenance in space of the Longing isolation A. Information in the Serious Installation the Emergency (IGD) mentioned, casualties came from the Fence of Teak, the Pakam The Deepest Part, of the Deli Serdang Regency had the initials YT experienced the high and breathless fever.
‘’‘Beforehand, casualties could undergo the maintenance in RSU the Pakam The Deepest Part. However, because of being suspected suspect bird flu, the team of the health reconciled casualties to RSUP H Adam’‘’ the Owner to get the further maintenance.
Was based on the note was on the alert, the Fence Village of Teak became one of the regions that his poultry was destroyed by the Livestock Breeding Service Deli Was because of being suspected as the serious area terjangkit bird flu. Deputy Director Pelayanan Medis RSUP H. Adam the Owner Dr. M. Nur Rasyid Lubis, SpB togethered with Ginting rays public relations, SE when being contacted through the telephone selular him could not be contacted. Now, Kasubdin the Prevention and the Control of the Illness and environmental Sanitation (P2P and PL) Dinkes Prov. North Sumatra Dr. Surya Dharma when being contacted admitted to not yet learning the existence of the citizen of the Pakam The Deepest Part was suspected suspect bird flu, but also did not yet get the report to his side from the Deli Serdang Health Service.
A Message for all in the INDO group. I want you all to know that your efforts are invaluable. They are reviewed by almost all on the Wikie and I know for a fact that some of TPTB are looking at your work. Hang in there folks you are well loved by all of us.
partial article of what the authorities are saying and doing in Medan, North Sumatra: dated 9–30–09
On September 30 06 00:53 WIB Bird Flu in DS Mengkhawatirkan
Especially to the Citizen That witnessed the Extermination of Unggas
Medan, was on the alert Online
The bird flu threat in Deli Serdang began to be worrying especially against the citizen who witnessed the extermination of the poultry too close…..
At the same time, belasan the citizen that most children witnessed the extermination of the poultry from the distance that too close in fact less than one metre….
The sun explained, the person that was close to the location of the extermination of the poultry especially the official who carried out the extermination, was obliged to put on the individual’s protective equipment took the form of the mask, plastic clothes, gloves, shoes boot, the spectacles google and the hat.
If being not supplemented with the individual’s protective equipment, then this person must avoid the location of the extermination of the minimal poultry five metre. This aimed at preventing the occurrence of the spread of bird flu from the poultry to humankind. “Saw, the poultry that will be destroyed that usually always threw the waste away and whacked his wings so as to be worried by the available bird flu virus to this poultry spread around it.”
If this virus was inhaled by humankind, then the spread will happen said the Sun.
Raina---great summary of fast-moving events just recently. Have already printed it out and will use it to wade thru the ever-growing list of cases. It should help Michelle too, who really has her hands full. Anon 451--your words are appreciated.
pugmom at 18:49… I remember seeing the location of “Pakam The Deepest Part” before. I hope this isn’t an indication that the family cluster is spreading.
This quote is from a post by pugmom at 15:24 on the Indonesia Outbreak X thread: “One Family in the The Deepest Part Pakam was attacked by Medan Bird Flu, on September 25: one family consisted of five people in the Fence Village of Teak, the Pakam The Deepest Part Subdistrict, of the Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra”
and in the middle of all this, human greed raises it’s ugly head. dated 9–30–06
SRAGEN (KR) - the Section Head Livestock Breeding and fisheries (Kadisnakkan) Sragen, Ir Sri Hardiarti was sentenced by imprisonment for one year plus the Rp fine 50 million subsider imprisonment 2 months in the meeting in the District Court (PN) local, on Wednesday (27/9). The accused was stated was guilty because of abusing his authority for the profit himself was in the channelling of the fund of bird flu compensation or more known with Avian influenza (AI)…..
Pugmom - at 19:00. They are very very worried. When Taufik Zakaria (Sakaratu, Bandung, W. Java) passed away on 9/28, the community asked the parents to not bathe him before burial, as is the tradition in Indonesia. And they consented. Quite a big deal for them. Now, they (TPTB) are very concerned about being exposed to the poultry that are burned and culled. Inhaling the vapors. Wonder what caused the concern? They can not tie some deaths to poultry per se, so they are thinking of other vectors. Gee, speaking of vectors…..I guess we never got the results of the dogs they tested, have we?
raina – at 16:49
your summary of patients and details of events, helps give validity to what the Indo Team has been doing with such diligence. I had been trying to keep up with that, but now I seem to have gotten off on another project.
Please post your summaries also, so we have the opportunity to look at data from 2 different perspectives. Michelle does an amazing job of clarifying information. Pugmom, Commonground, Influentia2, Okie, a a few of the other “moms” have an incredible ability in locating,and translating news from foriegn newpapers.
Your accounts and reporting of the information gives both credibility. Thank you
Michelle, I knew I had heard about Pakam the Deepest Part too, just couldn’t place it. Is this the first report with actual initials?? I think so and is probably related to the post on Indo X.