From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Indonesia Outbreaks XIII

02 October 2006

Bronco Bill – at 13:35

Continued from here

raina – at 15:17

Here is my summary for now…I can post this elsewhere if it is too long.

-East Java province, hospitalized in Surabaya, Dr. Soetomo`s hospital, patients from Tulungagung

 - Suspected

-Other Information

-West Java province, hospitalized in Bandung, RS Hasan Sadikin hospital, patients from Sukaratu

 - Suspected
 -Other Information

-West Java province, hospitalized in Bandung, RS Hasan Sadikin hospital, patients from Sapan - Suspected

-West Java province, hospitalized in Bandung, RS Hasan Sadikin hospital, patients from Kahuripan, previously at Lembang Hospital for 2 days -Suspected

-Other Information

-West Java province, hospitalized in Tasikmalaya regional public hospital, patients from Cilumanjang - Suspected

Mae (42), wife of Ateng, not hospitalized


Six family members and neighbors -Other Information

Parents have evacuated children from the area

-Central Java province, hospitalized in Semarang Karyadi Hospital, patients from Kampung Suspected

Other Information

-Jakarta, hospitalized in Jakarta North Sulianti Saroso hospital -Suspected

-Other Information

-North Sumatra province, hospitalized in Medan, Adam Malik Hospital, patients from Tulungagung - Suspected


-Other Information

-North Sumatra province, hospitalized in Medan, Adam Malik Hospital, patients from Pagar Jati -Suspected

-South Sulawesi, hospitalized in Makassar Wahidin Sudirohodo - Suspected

-Other Information

-South Sulawesi, hospitalized in Makassar Wahidin Sudirohodo, “lived in Street Maccini” - Suspected

-Other Information

-South Sulawesi, hospitalized in Makassar Wahidin Sudirohodo, “Street Perintis” - Suspected

-Other Information

pugmom – at 15:53

getting ready in Banda Aceh/province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD): dated 10–2−06

Banda Aceh, (the News): the Health Service (Dinkes) the Province Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) formed the team of the alert health to anticipate the case of bird flu if this illness kind spread to humankind following the report mentioned eight from 21 regencies/the city in Aceh positive bird flu. “Praise the Lord, up until today, did not yet have the report on the existence of the patient suspect bird flu.”

However, we formed the team of the alert health as handling efforts immediately if being found by the case spread to humankind, the Dinkes NAD headword, Dr HT Anjar Asmara in Banda Aceh, on Sunday [01/10]

He explained, the official of the health namely ‘’‘the doctor and the nurse for the handling of the case of bird flu to the humankind was prepared in the government hospital that is the Public Hospital (RSU) Dr Zainoel Abidin the Banda Aceh City and RSU Cut Meutia, in the Lhokseumawe City. “Two government hospitals’‘’ has we the index finger as reconciliation for the patient who was suspected or positive mengindap the case of bird flu,” he said…..

pugmom – at 16:42

Bandung, West Java: another new patient (“SC”/14 months) to add to the two we learned about this am. dated 10–2−06. comment: now have ages for Wildan and Krisna.

 Bandung, Kompas — the Handsome Hospital Sadikin Bandung, West Java the arrival three again the patient suspect bird flu.

Two from three new patients suspect flu W of the brother’s older brother (20) and K (17) was’‘’ the citizen RT 05 Rw 05 Andir villages, the Kahuripan District, the Lembang Subdistrict, the Bandung Regency. A day before both of them experienced hot, two doves and a property chicken of one of the family’s members died suddenly, on Friday (29/9). Wahyuna (42), the patient’s uncle said, both of them were afterwards brought to his aunt’s house, Imas Sukaenah (31), the midwife in the Jaya Giri Hospital, on Sunday (1/10). Saw the sign that was experienced by his two nephews, Imas kemdudian asked that they were immediately brought to RSHS. Both of them arrived in the room of the RSHS isolation of Poinciana Tree Space around struck 01. 00, on Monday (2/9). “Kondisi him the cough pilek and rather hot, around 39 derajad celsius,” Managing Director words RSHS Cissy Rachiana Sudjana the officer Kartasasmita.

Around struck 15. 00 RSHS again received the patient suspect bird flu, namely Sc 14 months The citizen Street Sukawening RT 03 RW 06 Hegarmanah districts, the Jatinangor Subdistrict, this Sumedang Regency experienced breathless, the cough, and the temperature bada him achieved 38 levels celsius. Ayanda Sc, Ikin (33), explained, a week before his child was hot, two chickens in his village died suddenly. “Terus last night my child was hot. His morning was brought by me to the Tip Hospital Berung,” he said. The hospital side reconciled him to RSHS…..

pugmom – at 16:56

Medan, North Sumatra: New Case: “DL” female age 9 yo. dated 10–3−06.

Again, a female child was nine years it was suspected old suffered bird flu entered RSUP H Adam the Medan Owner, on Sunday night (1/10). Further casualties underwent the maintenance in space of the Longing isolation A. Information in the Serious Installation the Emergency (IGD), on Monday (2/10), mentioned casualties came from Serdang Bedagai with initials DL experienced the high fever achieved 38 levels celcius and breathless.

Casualties could undergo the maintenance in RSU Sergai, the characteristics that was suffered by casualties like suspect bird flu, furthermore the team of the health reconciled casualties to RS Adam the Owner to get the maintenance. “Initially casualties experienced the high fever since several days ago and finally was brought took medicine to the hospital.” From the beginning inspection, casualties experienced the fever and breathless, said a nurse.

Moreover, around casualties’s house was found by the poultry of the chicken kind died suddenly. Deputy Director Pelayanan Medis RSUP H Adam the Owner Dr M. Nur Rasyid Lubis, SpB during it was confirmed, justified a citizen Sergai suspect bird flu. The team of the health of the handling of bird flu has taken the sample of blood of casualties’s routine to be checked in the laboratory and gave antibiotik.

Beforehand the data was accepted from RSU Adam the Owner, was gotten by six citizens Deli Serdang suspect bird flu. However, the six casualties have at this time come home, because from results of the sample of blood was checked in the Health Laboratory of the Centre was not found positive bird flu.

pugmom – at 17:25

Bandung, West Java: reports of other cases. “Hir” age 12 months who is cousin to “SC” age 14 months. Then mention of possibly another patient named “Holy.” dated 10–3−06. comment: also sl. different names for Wildan and Krisna. Long, convoluted article with 3 Toggletexts—difficult to piece together. Tried to pull out relevant points. Might be wise to translate yourself to see if I missed anything.

Bandung, on Monday (2/10)…. ….After SC, not long afterwards followed his relatives that also still pre-schoolers, HIR (12 months), that was treated in special space ”suspect” bird flu, Poinciana Tree Space RSHS….

… On Monday (2/10) struck 1. 00 WIB Wil (20) and the TRAIN (17) entered Poinciana Tree Space. The older brother was siblings from Kp. Andir, the Kahuripan Warehouse Village, Kec. Lembang, Kab. Bandung this, was run off with to RSHS after experiencing signs of the high and breathless fever. According to their uncle, Wahyuna (42), beforehand dove birds belonging to the family, died suddenly….The TRAIN indeed had pneumonia a little, said the Chairman Tim the Control of Bird Flu in RSHS, Dr. Hadi Jusuf.

On the same day, two suspect that still pre-schoolers from Street. Sukawening RT 03 RW 06, Kel. Hegarmanah, Kec. Jatinangor, Kab. Sumedang, also was treated in Poinciana Tree Space. The two pre-schoolers who still were remaining at one house, were named Sc (14 months) and Hir 12 months Sc entered RSHS struck 16. 00 WIB, whereas Hir following to struck 19. 30 WIB.

Holy was the reconciliation patient from RS Ujungberung According to the official RS Ujungberung, Imas, when being brought to RSHS, Sc experienced breathless, the cough, hot achieved 38 Celsius levels. The “patient came this morning to RS Ujungberung,” said Imas.

Whereas Hir (the cousin Sc) that experienced the same sign, was brought made use of the Jatinangor Community Health Centre ambulance to RSHS.

According to the father Sc, Ikin (33), a week beforehand, two chickens belonging to his neighbour died suddenly. The distance of his house approximately five metre. But, Ikin said that both Sc and Hir often did not play with the chicken. “His doctor’s words were expected by bird flu, so was brought here,” said Ikin. . Therefore, Poinciana Tree Space was at this time occupied six suspect, that is, San (18), Az (9), Wil (17), the TRAIN (20), Sc 14 months….

Because basically we did not know the pandemic when happening

Because of that that important everyone knew first what happened, he said. Uptil now the message concerning the bird flu danger it was considered did not yet arrive at the community. The bird flu campaign in the school child’s circle, was carried out could through the production leaflet and intensified counselling….

Moreover, the reconciliation hospital was increased to ten in West Java

Beforehand only three reconciliation hospitals that is RSHS, RS Rotinsulu, and RSU Slamet in Kab. Garut….

pugmom – at 17:27

I am kinda tired right now, but if I count right and nothing has been double posted, I count a total of 8 new suspected cases just since this am.

EastTNat 17:29


pugmom – at 17:27

I appreciate all your efforts.

Commonground – at 17:36

I’m not counting Holy just yet. I’ve got 7.

Commonground – at 17:40
 Pugmom - at 17:25:

“Therefore, Poinciana Tree Space was at this time occupied six suspect, that is, San (18), Az (9), Wil (17), the TRAIN (20), Sc 14 months….”

[Is the San (18) in the above post, the Santi Susanti (18M) - hospitalized 9/28. . Cousin of Indra & Zakaria. Tested Negative. ?]

pugmom – at 17:44

yes, I believe so, and did you notice, they left off that new little fellow “Hir”?? Also, I had never heard of that hospital RS Ujungberung till today—completely new area for us I believe. CG: If you are rested, would you check my translation and cobbling together of info?? Thanx.

Commonground – at 19:13

pugmom - at 17:44 -I took that article (17:25), translated it, and copied the whole thing in a word document. 3 pages of single spaced information. Wow! I took some notes. What did occur to me, is that SC (14 months), Hir (12 months) (still don’t know about “Holy”)….are not from Lembang Subdistrict. I am really bad with the geography and this is what I have.
SC (14 months) - from Ujungberung?
Hir (12 months) - ambulance from Jatinangor Comm. Health Ctr. to RSHS.
No where does it mention Lembang Subdistrict.
I only have them as living in Bandung.
I have this note for locations of SC & Hir:
SC (14 mnths) & Hir (12 mnths) lived in one house.
This is all I have on Holy which is why I’m holding off posting as a patient:
“Holy was the reconciliation patient from RS Ujungberung.”
You did really well with that article. It was a doozy.

Elder Berry – at 19:21

Have a friend on her way to Medan -

First of all, I am happy to post solely in the rumors category if you would like me to. I thought my friend who is an aid worker could be helpful if anyone has any questions. I just got an email from her with a loose itinerary.

In addition to Medan, she is also going to a town called Brastagi that seems to have family oriented cases.

She says that the people are starving so they see the chickens just killed and buried and their only food source removed without the government giving them something else - so they dig up the chickens when the workers leave… then cook them.

She is also headed for Nias which still has a UN base so she is going to see what she can find out there too.

I will let you know what I hear and if anyone has any particular questions, I will pose them. My pal does not know how much computer access she will have. Needless to say, I know she has a sat phone and I made sure she had all my contact numbers in case things really look bad there.

At this rate, I’ll be back on the pigs thread putting together a parachute trip into China to look around after all!

I hope this helps us get some additional info.

Edna Mode – at 19:56

pugmom – at 17:25

Am I reading this right. They have had to increase the number of “holding” hospitals from three to ten? If I am reading it correctly, in what span of time has this happened?

Elder Berry – at 19:21 First of all, I am happy to post solely in the rumors category if you would like me to.

I will absolutely defer to TPTB on this thread (those who have so selflessly given of their time to keep us all informed), but I (and probably others) would find it much easier to track if you posted on this thread. It is so hard to keep trying to reconcile all the various threads. Plus, at this point, I find information from firsthand sources actually in the trenches and involved in the developing situation to be as credible as anything being reported in the press.

pugmom – at 19:56

Elder Berry—that is great news! When you post on the rumors thread, just come to this thread and give us a small post to go check out what you have posted in Rumors. Can’t wait to hear what your friend says. Thankyou so much CG—that was a big help—to verify stuff when your own eyes are swimming. I agree with you, the only 2 patients from Lembang are Wildan and Krisna. But I think they are all being treated in Bandung. I think the hospital in Bandung is RSHS, except for Holy who is being treated in Ujungberung Hospital. I think that RSHS must be the really big and central hospital there in West Java. We hear it mentioned all the time.

pugmom – at 20:13

Elder Berry and Edna Mode: I really don’t care where you post, I am just thankful you are posting. There was a person that posted the other day some inside information here and Monotreme suggested she switch threads; I was just trying to save you some anxiety-provoking comments. Edna: I have posted over 2–3 articles just in the last month where the Indo government has increased the amount of make-shift isolation hospitals up to 40 in their country. I think they had about 10 or so before. They are gearing up, getting ready, ordering quick-results BF tests, ordering water purifiers, ordering ventilators, and I posted just today at 15:53 how Aceh is forming teams of doctors/nurses/experts to be able to handle the anticipated influx of human sufferers. And they have only had chicken deaths! (Reports of chicken die-offs and Positive AI tests just came out last week for this province.) One sees from all the translations (and most of these translations never get posted, as they are so repetitive) that they are massing together all the resources they can to fight this upcoming epidemic. And, of course, they are putting together a huge public PR/education campaign to try to get the village folk up to date. They are always talking about the rains coming (in Oct and Nov) and how they anticipate the virus really taking off in this change in weather.

FloridaGirlat 20:24

raina – at 15:17

excellent! You have tibets of information I do not have.

pugmom… You are amazing… I know the amount of work it takes to uncover those stories. Thank you

It is beginning to look worrying. I thought it would wait until Dec or jan to begin with the higher number of cases.

These next few months may tell us much we did not know.

Pixie – at 20:33

pugmom - if 6 or 8 new cases a day is not “really taking off,” then what do they feel Oct and Nov will bring?

Excellent work and many thanks, pugmom & Commonground. One of my personal pivotal moments will come when you all feel that all this information just cannot be captured anymore due to sheer data overload.

JWB – at 20:33

Elder Berry – at 19:21

She says that the people are starving so they see the chickens just killed and buried and their only food source removed without the government giving them something else - so they dig up the chickens when the workers leave… then cook them.

OMG! That made my heart skip a few beats! If that’s true, then we are definitely in a period where I am going to be GLUED to the news.

pugmom – at 20:50

Pixie—I have to tell you that they are talking alot about other diseases as well. They have as many articles on HIV as they almost do BF. I have also read alot on a rabies outbreak, a tetanus outbreak, and the usual stuff on Dengue. Disease must be rife over there. Also, it is very unsettling politically. They just had a bomb go off in Sulawesi yesterday (I believe I read it was in Sulawesi) and they have this ongoing violence and conflict between the Moslems and the Christians. The other day was the one year anniversary of the Bali bombing and it was in the news alot. They just convicted and executed some Christians for their prior murders of Muslims. There were large protests from the Christians over those executions. They are burning churches and mosques too. Plus the stuff you already know, as huge mudslides with poisoned water, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. I bring this all up as there is a huge backdrop to this whole viral event unfolding. And yet, unfolding it is, and I fear it will make all the other problems pale in comparison in a very short time.

Pixie – at 21:01

pugmom - Unfortunately, while the influenza of 1917–18 bubbled and then boiled, the world still kept itself embroiled in WWI. You would think that people would call a brief halt to all this excess turmoil (at least the part that is under their control)during a crisis like a pandemic, but if history is to be repeated, as it usually is, they will probably continue along their usual paths instead.

I agree that the tension between Christians and Muslims is at a very high point right now, and it has been barely supressed since the initial terrible murders at the Muslim school 5 or 6 years ago. All kinds of things seem to simmer for a long time and then boil over in Indonesia, don’t they?

Michelle in OK – at 21:29

pugmom and Commonground and Okieman… thanks so much for all the effort translating article.

Elder Berry… the statement about digging up chickens makes my heart sink. Both for the people’s situation there and for the danger that holds.

raina… great summary. A few different dates I have are as follows:

If I’ve misinterpreted, please let me know.

Also pugmom and Commonground, from the translation above I understand SC and Holy to be the same person. This would make the location for both SC and Hir Ujungberung (which is just outside of Bandung to the west.) I understand SC/Holy to have been reconciled from the hospital in Ujungberung to RSHS Bandung.

Influentia2 – at 21:41

Public relations RSU Dr Soetomo, Dr Urip Murtedjo SpB-KL PGD Pall Med, during it was confirmed through the telephone, on Monday early afternoon (2/10) said, because the patient was stated positive was attacked by the bird flu virus, then medical treatment and the maintenance must be carried out intensively and were carried out by therapy in accordance with the procedure continue to (protap) and giving tamiflu. In the meantime, the father, the mother and the grandmother Abram (that died as a result of being attacked by bird flu) was stated by the negative and at this time still in the handling of the Health of the East Java province of the Service. The member Tim the Command Post of the East Java province of Bird Flu of the Health Service Drs Zaenal Arifin MSc, said, Tim the East Java Bird Flu Command Post will continue to carry out the monitoring against the community with the high risk, like the poultry breeder, the veterinary surgeon, the connected official direct with the poultry, the doctor and the official of the hospital that handled the patient posistif bird flu. Moreover, his side also carried out research and development epidemilogi in the handling and the prevention of the bird flu virus. Did the public’s communication, that is creating the community’s vigilance towards the bird flu virus, as well as preparing the reconciliation hospital, that is RSU Dr Soetomo Surabaya, RSU Soedono Madiun, RSU Syaiful Anwar Malang, and RSU Sugan in Jember. Whereas, for the socialisation program, consisted of the primary socialisation that is the socialisation that was done by the community health centre and the sub-district head and the secondary socialisation, that was done by Dinkes East Java and the East Java Livestock Breeding Service. At this time in Indonesia had 68 positive cases terinveksi the bird flu virus and 51 died. Whereas in East Java had 4 positive cases terinveksi bird flu and two died that is Surabaya one person, Tulungagung one person and one maintenance insider, as well as one person from Kediri has recovered. Zaenal hoped, if in and around us had the death of the poultry suddenly, immediately reported to the local Livestock Breeding Service and should be not thrown away at random, but must be destroyed by means of being burnt afterwards was buried. “ika had the complaint as the sign was sick flu, immediately contacted the doctor or puskesmas,” he added. (yan)

Influentia2 – at 21:49 October 2; the greetings Subdistrict, Ngluwar and Srumbung, the Magelang Regency, that was judged by the danger towards the bird flu threat October-November 2006. In three subdistricts the breeder not tighter in carry out biosekuriti and the vaccination. The head of the Health Field of the Animal, the Livestock Breeding Service and Magelang Regency fisheries drh Haryanto, described the breeder in this territory as commercial but his scale was small, namely 1000–2000 tails of the chicken. “Sedangkan that the routine did biosekuriti and the vaccination usually the commercial breeder the scale besar,” he said, on Monday (2/10). ‘’‘According to him, in October up until November was estimated the change in the season happened from dry to rainy. Because of this must be anticipated with biosekuriti and spraying of the pen and the vaccination.’‘’ Magelang Regency efforts to anticipate bird flu apparently very serious.

Edna Mode – at 21:50

Pugmom, Thanks for explaining that to me.

Pixie – at 21:01 Unfortunately, while the influenza of 1917–18 bubbled and then boiled, the world still kept itself embroiled in WWI. You would think that people would call a brief halt to all this excess turmoil…

Pandemic may well put an end to the excess turmoil as it did in 1918.

Michelle in OK – at 22:49

Influentia2… thanks also to you for all the translations. I’ve posted the grandmother of Abram as negative per the above.

Michelle in OK – at 22:55

Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 10/02/06

Cases DiscussedJun-06Jul-06Aug-06Sep-06Oct-06Total
Died, no test results2243011
Died, tested positive4323012
Other tested positive013105
Symptoms, tests pending4247454102
Tested negative062511042
pugmom – at 23:29

Bandung, West Java: new info on “SC???”. Now have a name, but as usual, the age is different. article dated 10–3−06., Bandung: the Handsome Hospital of Sadikin Bandung, West Java, again treated a flattest patient bird flu.

A patient from Sumedang had a name Holy Rahmawati was 14 months old began to undergo the maintenance on Monday afternoon (2/10) struck 15. 00 WIB. Beforehand, Holy could be treated in the regional Public Hospital of the Berung Tip because experienced hot high, breathless and the cough. Because of the condition for the patient who continued to worsen finally the patient was reconciled to the Handsome Hospital of Sadikin Bandung.

The family said, the last few days chickens that was in his residence village, that is in Sukawening, Jatinangor, died suddenly. By being treated by him Holy in the Handsome Sadikin Hospital, then this hospital at this time treated five flattest patients bird flu.

pugmom – at 23:54

Semarang, Central Java: Now we hear Bimo has been under treatment for 1 week, but is doing better. dated 10–3−06. comment: age discrepancy again. Also wonder if the 26 patients mentioned in Central Java are current???

 Parma Andika - Semarang, the Bimo Alamsyah Condition (2) the patient suspect bird flu that also the Citizen Kedungpane Semarang Central Java that was treated in RS Kariadi Semarang Java gradually improved after almost a week underwent the maintenance.

Was like this was sent by the Section Head the Health of the Central Javan province, Budi Harja to the reporter in Semarang, Central Java, on Tuesday (3/10). He explained, although at this time results of the laboratory inspection of Bimo did not yet go out, but he continued to be given by the handling of the foundation against the bird flu patient…

His condition increasingly improved….

It was further that Budi said, in the Central Javan province personally had 26 patients suspect bird flu that was treated in various reconciliation hospitals in Central Java

Therefore, the distribution of medicine tamiflu was given priority to RS reconciliation and around 10–20 percent of the community health centre from 852 community health centres in Central Java. Dinkes Central Java at this time still had 5. 000 tablets tamiflu that was ready to be distributed.

03 October 2006

Influentia2 – at 05:29

The doctor’s public hospital Wahidin Sudiro Husodo, Makassar, South Sulawesi, on Tuesday (3/10), again accepted two children who it was suspected suffered bird flu. Dion, seven years, and his brother, Mustari, four years, was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus because they once contact with the poultry that died because of bird flu. Was based on the medical note, the two children suffered the high fever, issued mucus from the lungs and coughs. As far as this is concerned the team of the doctor took the sample of blood of the two patients to be checked in Jakarta. The two children increased the list of assumption casualties of bird flu in five last days in Makassar. Beforehand two children were named Paturungi and Apriani also was treated in isolation space the same hospital also because of being expected by bird flu. (ORS/Tim Coverage 6 SCTV) lupitan6 dated 10/3

crfullmoon – at 05:55

15:17, Jakarta …”Department of Health lab official sick, doesn’t say with what?”

So many people. (Sept 20, 2006 from, …”Jabotabek Metropolitan Area: Larger Than New York: Today, the metropolitan area has 25.3 million people, less than Tokyo’s approximately 35 million, but more than third place New York’s 22 million. Nearly two-thirds of the population lives outside the city of Jakarta, in the four suburban regencies and the four large cities. This estimate is well above the numbers cited in many sources. Some sources use city of Jakarta or include far less of the suburbs that belongs in either the metropolitan or urban area definitions”…)

Commonground – at 07:15

[posting just to note that we don’t know the half of it. These 5 people tested negative after Fajar Dawn (9) died 9/22 & was confirmed.] Update: North Jakarta - Mariyani diagnosed with typhus
The citizen of the Penang Hut the Flu Negative Burung on Tuesday, October 03 2006 | 02:22 WIB

The Interactive TIME, Jakarta: the Sample of blood and throat mucus of five citizens of the Policewoman’s School the Penang Hut, Southern Jakarta, of the complex was not infected by the bird flu virus. The inspection was carried out the Body of the Department of the Health of Health Research And Development was linked with the death of the Dawn, a child 9 years, the citizen of this complex, resulting from the virus. “This means that did not have the spread to other humankind,” said the Goddess R. Anggraeni, the spokesperson the Ethnic Group of the Southern Jakarta Community of the Health Service, in his office yesterday. The five people were Muhamad Faisal, 15 years, Abdulah (36), Azwar (15), Sumarni (39), and Sri Fortune (37). Beforehand, one of the neighbours the Dawn, Maryani, was also run off with to the reason hospital suffered influenza and the high fever. It was male that 24 years could be treated to the Hospital Republic of Indonesia State Police Soekanto, Jakarta East, before being reconciled to the Sulianti Saroso Infection Hospital, last September 26. “From the report there, Maryani evidently contracted the sign of typhus,” said the Goddess. Since Thursday last week the Maryani condition improved and his fever descended. The death of the Dawn increased long the list of casualties was killed resulting from the deadly virus. At the time already 52 people that died and placed Indonesia in the highest place of the country that his casualties were tallest in the world.

Commonground – at 07:35

MAKASSAR— the South Sulawesi Service of Province Livestock Breeding, took the sample of blood of a chicken, birds, and the cat, belonging to Sarida, the citizen Street. Prosperously, the Karuwisi District, the Panakkukang Subdistrict, on last Sunday.

Okieman – at 07:56, Bandung: Ahmand Kosasih direct sujud thank heavens and cried confused after the medical team of the Handsome Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, West Java, permitted the precious stone Diamond to come home, on Monday late afternoon (2/10). Beforehand, Ahmad’s daughter could be treated for eight days in isolation space because of being expected terjangkit the bird flu virus. Doctor Cissy Prawira said, the Diamond was permitted to come home the reason for the condition for his health improved. The patient was also stated by the appropriate bird flu negative results of the test the laboratory of the Health of the Body of the Department’s Research And Development. “All has filled the condition to be returned in accordance with the condition produseril,” said the Main Managing Director RS Handsome Sadikin this [read: three patients in Bandung the Bird Flu Negative]. Ahmad Kosasih that lost his two sweethearts, Indra Jayakusumah and Zakaria Divine Guidance, resulting from bird flu said will not maintain the poultry again. He claimed to be the trauma when in the future the deadly virus again claimed his family’s member. Now the other patient, Santi Susanti, although being stated by the bird flu negative and his condition increasingly improved was still not permitted to come home through to results of the VCR inspection third was received by the side RS Handsome Sadikin.

Yesterday, RS Handsome Sadikin again received three patients suspect bird flu. Two among them the older brother was siblings the citizen of the Andir Village, the Lembang Subdistrict. Whereas one him, the child was the citizen’s 14 months Jatinangor, Sumedang. old With the entry of the three patients, at this time Poinciana Tree space was treating five assumption patients of bird flu. In the meantime, the citizen of the Gisikdrono Village, Semarang, West, Central Java, in accompanied by the official from the local Livestock Breeding Service destroyed the nonpedigreed chicken by means of being burnt. This step was taken following the death of the nonpedigreed chicken, since yesterday. Nevertheless, was not yet ascertained whether the poultry terjangkit the bird flu virus. Therefore, the official will check the example of blood as well as sprayed disinfektan to turn off the spreading of the virus H5N1. The death of the poultry not happened in the Gisikdrono territory. Beforehand the middle of the week set, the citizen also found several nonpedigreed chickens dying suddenly. Moreover, in this village of a pre-schooler, Bimo Alamsyah, was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus so as to have to be treated. (BOG/Tim Coverage 6 SCTV),130183,1,0,1159875513.html, Makassar:

the doctor’s Public Hospital Wahidin Sudiro Husodo, Makassar, South Sulawesi, on Tuesday (3/10), again accepted two children who it was suspected suffered bird flu. Dion, seven years, and his brother, Mustari, four years, was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus because they once contact with the poultry that died because of bird flu. Was based on the medical note, the two children suffered the high fever, issued mucus from the lungs and coughs. As far as this is concerned the team of the doctor took the sample of blood of the two patients to be checked in Jakarta. The two children increased the list of assumption casualties of bird flu in five last days in Makassar. Beforehand two children were named Paturungi and Apriani also was treated in isolation space the same hospital also because of being expected by bird flu. (ORS/Tim Coverage 6 SCTV),130209,1,0,1159875669.html, Makassar: the Hospital Doctor Wahidin Makassar, South Sulawesi, was still treating four patients suspect bird flu in isolation space. The four patients were Faturuni (7 years), Perishable (8 years) and the older brother’s two patients were siblings, Mustarisa (7 years) and the Lamp (6 years) was placed in the room was separated. The Perishable condition and Faturuni increasingly improved. Whereas Mustarisa and the Lamp, the temperature of his body was still revolving 38–39 Celsius levels, coughs, and breathless. Mustarisa and the Lamp entered the hospital, on last Monday. In two weeks, around the Perishable residence, one of the patients suspect Bird Flu was received dozens of tails of the chicken died in a medadak manner. The chicken died with gejalan was similar terjangkit bird flu as the cock’s comb was blue keunguan. The citizen a four cleaned the chicken that died that without filling the standard penangangan bird flu. None used the mask and gloves. This case did not yet receive attention of the Perternakan Service and the Makassar Health. Because, up to now, not even one official that came to check the health of the citizen and the poultry. In the meantime, the condition three from five patients suspect bird flu that was treated in the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung, West Java, did not yet improve. Holy (14 months), the new patient from Sumedang, West Java and Wildan as well as Krisna from Lembang, Bandung, his condition was still feverish, bantuk, and breathless. Holy entered RSHS, on last Monday in the afternoon, whereas Wildan and Krisna to Ahad the night set. According to the Managing Director RSHS Bandung, the doctor Cisi the officer, results of the laboratory of the three last patients did not yet go out and just could be known in two days in the future. Now two other patients, Azis from Tasikmalaya, West Java and Santi, the cousin’s brother Zakaria Divine Guidance that died resulting from bird flu, his condition increasingly improved. From two sample inspections of blood, both of them were stated by the bird flu negative. Currently, Great and Yanti was kept waiting for results of the third inspection to ascertain the condition for his health. Because of this both of them must be still being treated in RSHS. Isolation Space (BEY)

pugmom – at 08:50

From what I can tell, the only “new” patient from the reports above is Faturuni, age 7 yo. I believe that “Dion” and “Mustari” are the “”Lamp” and “Mustariza” we cataloged yesterday. Well, at least the ages are the same. Date of admission is off by one day. But I think Faturuni is new. What do the rest of you think?

“The two children increased the list of assumption casualties of bird flu in five last days in Makassar. Beforehand two children were named Paturungi and Apriani” also was treated in isolation space the same (from post at 07:56)---so there are 5 children there now, 1.Paturungi 2.Apriani (Perishable) 3.Mustariza 4.Dion (Lamp) 5.Faturuni. Note they range in age from 4 yo t 8 yo.

anonymous – at 08:53

Just found out my friend most likely will be able to do short text messages via cell phone while on the ground in Indo. I will post in the rumors thread, but put a brief note here for anyone who wants to go over there and check it out.

Elder Berry – at 08:53

Just found out my friend most likely will be able to do short text messages via cell phone while on the ground in Indo. I will post in the rumors thread, but put a brief note here for anyone who wants to go over there and check it out.

pugmom – at 09:02

Quote from Pixie at 20:33 last night: “One of my personal pivotal moments will come when you all feel that all this information just cannot be captured anymore due to sheer data overload.”

This was so strange, as I had just written a personal email to Commonground, stating the exact same thing, and worrying that this time may be fast approaching.

Orlandopreppie – at 09:28

A new day, and a new count starts. I just wanted to say a sincere “Thank you” and “God bless you” to those who spend so much time keeping us informed. If I could I’d bake you the biggest batch of your favorite baked good and deliver it with a huge hug. I know this sounds extremly corny, but I very grateful for your efforts.

Orlandopreppie – at 09:28

A new day, and a new count starts. I just wanted to say a sincere “Thank you” and “God bless you” to those who spend so much time keeping us informed. If I could I’d bake you the biggest batch of your favorite baked good and deliver it with a huge hug. I know this sounds extremly corny, but I am very grateful for your efforts.

Orlandopreppie – at 09:29

sorry, I twitched!

Commonground – at 10:38

pugmom at 08:50:
I still have the same four - regardless of what this article says. Here is what I have:
Patarungi (7), Apriani (8), Mustariza (4) (sibling to Lamp), and Dian (aka Lamp) (7).
This is a quote from the above article:
The four patients were Faturuni (7 years), Perishable (8 years) and the older brother’s two patients were siblings, Mustarisa (7 years) and the Lamp (6 years) was placed in the room was separated.
IMHO (first time I’ve used that phrase….), I believe that Faturuni (7) is Patarungi. Perishable (8) is Apriani. Mustarisa (7) is Mastariza (4), Dian (aka Lamp) (7) is Lamp (6).
Does that make sense??

NoFluingAroundat 11:16

Commonground – at 07:15

Update: North Jakarta - Mariyani diagnosed with typhus

If i’m not mistaken, there was a death a couple of months ago in Indonesia, where the patient’s cause of death was stated to be Typhus, however, later tests concluded BF. Will try and search for the link.

Commonground – at 11:43

NoFluingAround - Wow! What a wonderful memory. We need you here, thanks!!

DennisCat 12:01

NoFluingAround – at 11:16 Typhus -try this, it should help you start- Aug 19

“nine suspect H5N1 bird flu patients from Cikelet Village in Garut, West Java who have either died or are hospitalized. Additional media indicate the nine year old daughter of Euis Lina, Dea, has also died. She was initially diagnosed as a typhus patient, but had bird flu symptoms. Thus, the total number of reported cases, including the two siblings who are not hospitalized but have symptoms, is now twelve.”

pugmom – at 12:03

Orlando Preppie: about that big batch of our favorite baked goodies----now just exactly what is holding you back!!!

Commonground – at 12:11

DennisC & NoFluing Around - at 12:01 - … it’s coming back to me. I remember. phew!// Orlando Preppie, I really like homemade brownies with big chunks of walnuts or pecans in them….. :-)

Commonground – at 12:19

I did a crude count of the cases on my list, beginning around 9/18 - 2 weeks ago. I have 31 people listed. 4 deaths. Confirmed Positive and still alive: 1 person. All the rest have either gone home, tested negative or we haven’t heard any updates. So, I don’t think we have a reason to panic right now. What do you all think?

raina – at 13:57

I don’t think we have a reason to panic, but I do still wonder why we saw such a dearth of suspected cases from mid August to mid September, and are seeing so many now. It was such a sudden change.

Has there been an awareness campaign going on? Are newspapers suddenly deciding to report on suspected cases more? Was a “tamiflu” blanket masking cases back then? Are there really more cases now than there were then?

AnnieBat 14:53

Perhaps the awareness campaign means people are seeking medical attention more readily? Remember before, there would be 2 or 3 deaths in a family before a person was brought to the hospital. We are not getting those same reports in the past week or so.

Michelle in OK – at 17:00

Link to Media Indonesia Online

The patient suspect bird flu that was treated in special isolation space the patient of bird flu of the regional Public Hospital (RSUD) Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, currently reaches six people.

This increase happened on Tuesday (3/10) dawns, after beforehand have been treated by four patients, namely Patturungi, 7, Vani, 8, the Lamp, 4 and Mustrisa, 7. The two additional patients were Nur Azis, 6 and Muh Salsabil, 6.

Patturungi that was domiciled at Street Flamboyan, the District, Mattoangin, the Mariso Subdistrict and Vani that were domiciled at Street Makmur, the Karuwisi District, the Panakkukkang Subdistrict was treated in RSUD Wahidin on the same day, that is since Saturday (30/9). Whereas the Lamp and Murtarisa that were the brother’s older brother were treated since Sunday (1/10). Nur azis and Muh Salsabil the citizen of this Makassar Subdistrict was beforehand treated with the Lamp and Mustira in maintenance space of the child RSUD Wahidin, Makassar.

Parents Mustaria, Nursia, 45, claimed last week to be his seven chickens died suddenly, but was not known by his cause. The chicken died this only was buried around the house. Because of spreading him the case of this bird flu, the South Sulawesi Service of Province Livestock Breeding, took the sample of blood of a chicken, birds, and the cat belonging to Sarida, the neighbour Vani, the citizen Street. Prosperously, the Karuwisi District, the Panakkukang Subdistrict…

Influentia2 – at 17:46

Could this be the 26 suspect cases from Pugmom’s post at 23:54?

On October 03 2006 [the News archives] 24 was attacked by Diarrhoea, 2 died Not To Mention the problem of bird flu in the Garut Regency abates, currently emerged penykait that for a long time has died by claiming 2 lives and 24 citizens of the Cibiuk subdistrict yesterday must be run off with to the Limbangan community health centre the tap was attacked by diarrhoea. Before being run off with to the community health centre Limbangan to 26 people early experienced vomited the excrement was accompanied by the headache headache dikepala, so as with this sign they were forced to have to be run off with to the Limbangan community health centre. Said by the Head of the Community Health Centre of Limbagan Dr H Edi Kusmayadi they came to their Community Health Centre to come to the community health centre in time simultaneously, “awal him 14 afterwards improved ten and that 14 that the arrival not bersamaan,” he said. From this number 18 people were still being treated in the Community Health Centre that was led by him, whereas 6 people have been allowed to come home him masing masing. Named by Edi, the patient that was treated in this Limbangan community health centre from 14 that came with him 6 people came from the Ciawi village kepuh the Majasari Village, 4 people from the Cibiuk Village kaler 2 people from the village Cikawung the Cipareuan Village and the village Cihanja the Lingkungpasir Village 2 people, whereas the rest of them were still not known. Was based on information that was received by them came to the Community Health Centre not simultaneously but was in stages that is from last Friday (27/9) of the villagers Majasari and came only 1 person, and 2 days after that came 5 people, “yang other came simultaneously that is the date 1 and 2 Oktober,” he said. Said by Edi, the main cause of the occurrence of the plague of this diarrhoea was caused food that was consumed by the citizen ketia was opened and the predawn meal dibulan Ramadhan, “dan also the possibility by prila I lived that not prila I lived clean and sehat,” said Edi. Moreover had one family according to Edi that equally fast-breaking as a result of eating cendol that was bought by them. Moreover this night (2/10) was reported from the number of patients that from him ‘’‘14 that came to the Limbangan community health centre of the amount to improve to 24 people even it was reported as many as 2 people died. Resulting from this incident by seeing the number of patients who increased then could be said according to Edi was the Extraordinary Incident (KLB) and must be striven for so that immediately did not spread against the other citizen.’‘’

Influentia2 – at 17:47

14 that came to the Limbangan community health centre of the amount to improve to 24 people even it was reported as many as 2 people died. Resulting from this incident by seeing the number of patients who increased then could be said according to Edi was the Extraordinary Incident (KLB) and must be striven for so that immediately did not spread against the other citizen.

My editing skills lack. Sorry.

Influentia2 – at 18:10

In case someone wonders what Cendol is I found this by googling for the recipe.

Cendol, which is the dish that one family ate is named after its main ingredient, Cendol , short strands of cooked dough made with green pea flour and the green juice of pandan leaves.It is served with shaved ice and plenty of fresh santan (coconut cream) and gula melaka (palm sugar).

Several articles I googled said this is served by vendors, so maybe this is a sanitary issue, but we should still keep an eye on it for more developments I think, since Pugmom’s article mentions suspect bird flu cases at 23:54.

What do you all think?

JWB – at 18:57

Influentia2 – at 18:10 What do you all think?

What do I think? I think you people are AMAZING!

Influentia2 are you a detective?

Thanks again for everything you all are doing. You are bringing the frontlines to us.

Influentia2 – at 19:15

JWB 18:57

All the people who search and translate are amazing. We are all detectives in a way. Now we need to keep an eye on the situation there if we can and watch how this plays out.

pugmom – at 19:26

Getting serious in North Sulawesi: dated 10–4−06.

 Manado, Sulutlink.

From became an epidemic him the Bird Flu virus in North Sulawesi, was responded to seriously RI Health Minister, Siti Fadila Supari. He said, this virus was the threat for the Indonesian community, especially North Sulawesi It is not surprising, he urgent so that the government of the province responds seriously to this problem….

Although the condition for this area has improved from this plague, but, Fadila hoped the government must continue to have to not monitor and keep him quiet. “ the Regional Government must be more preceptive responded to the problem ini,” his message….

….the White House spokesperson, Boy Rompas SH, said will continue to guard against and take the step in anticipation against the possibility of the arrival of the Bird Flu threat in North Sulawesi….

… Menkes RI gave help with a value of Rp 10 billion of the Rp help plans 3 billion for the development of the Public Hospital (RSU) in Minsel as well as help of the car and the motor to operational the midwives so that the health service to the community is reached well.

FloridaGirlat 19:27

I think that children are more prone to vomiting and diarrhea than adults are with AI.

My thoughts are this is probably something else.

also: NoFluingAround – at 11:16 There are been several patients that have been initially diagnosed with something else. Dea was not the only one diagnosed with tyhpus. If I have time I will look

AnnieBat 19:30

I question that Cendol would be the common cause over such a wide area. From speaking with families who experience this each year, during Ramadhan, food cannot be prepared or consumed during the hours of daylight, and most families prepare the morning meal the evening before. They also tend to prepare their own food so, unless a base ingredient is from a common source, it is not likely to be associated with a particular vendor.

pugmom – at 19:43

‘’‘Semarang, Central Java: Bimo is negative and went home. dated 10–3−06.

Bimo, pre-schoolers in RS Kariadi the Semarang Bird Flu Negative, on October 3: the Baby under the age five years (pre-schoolers) was named Bimo Alamsyah (2,7) that beforehand was treated in isolation space of RS Kariadi Semarang was stated by the bird flu negative

“We carried out three times of the laboratory test against the patient who was sent to Letbangkes Jakarta and results of the negative.” Results of this test we received on Monday (2/10), said the Specialist Doctor the Child the Consultant the lungs of RSUP Kariadi Semarang, Dr. Dwi Wastoro Dadiyanto, Sp. AK. in Semarang, on Tuesday (3/10).

He said, the citizen of the Dawung Hamlet, the Kedung Pane District, of the Mijen Subdistrict, RT 04/ RW III Semarang, could be moved to normal maintenance space. However, because the patient improved and results of the negative laboratory, then that was relevant was permitted to come home

The “patient has come home yesterday the night (on Monday, red) and the recheck of the patient’s lymphocytes that beforehand totalled 2.” 900 or not all that 100 below normal, results were normal, said Dwi Wastoro that also the team’s member of the handling of RS Kariadi bird flu…

pugmom – at 19:51

Bandung, West Java: condition of 5 patients improving. dated 10–3−06.

Lima Suspect Bird Flu in RSHS Bandung improved Bandung, on October 3: the Condition for the health of five people suspect bird flu that was treated in RS Handsome Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung continued to improve.

The four patients were Santi, 18, the citizen of the Gardener Waru, the Bandung City, of Ajis, 9, the Tasikmalaya citizen, Kusna, 17, and Wildan, 20, both of them the citizen of the Andir Village, Lembang, the Bandung Regency, as well as Holy Rahmawati, 14 months, the citizen Jatinangor, the Sumedang Regency. The “condition for the patient generally continues to improve.” From five patients, just two patients that his status already clear, that is the negative terjangkit the bird flu virus. Both of them were Santi and Ajis, explained the member Tim the Handling of RSHS Sri Sudarwati Bird Flu.

Now three other patients, Kusna, Wildan and Holy, the sample of his blood has been sent to Jakarta, and results of the new possibility on Wednesday (4/10) was known. Santi, Ajis, Kusna and Wildan, his condition continued to improve, and their breathing has been normal.

This patient did not need respiratory accessories again, and entered the restoration period. Now Holy, that entered poinciana tree space on Monday afternoon (2/10), still experienced the cough and breathless. Although his body heat has been far decreased, and the team found the existence of the liquid in his lungs.

Michelle in OK – at 20:29

Influentia2 at 17:46… Do you think I should add these cases in Limbangan to the spreadsheet? We don’t have names or ages, but it is of concern that so many became ill at once. Another option is to simply note it on the second sheet, as we did the sick communtity in Rumoong Low, without adding them to the count. Which do you prefer?

Limbangan is just southwest of Semarang (the location of Bimo who tested negative.)

Influentia2 – at 20:48

Michelle in OK 20:29

A note on the second sheet like Rumoong Low is fine with me. I don’t think we will forget to check on this situation in the future, but if everybody else wants them added to the spreadsheet that is fine with me too.

Influentia2 – at 20:53

Some news out of Bali:

Worriedly Bird Flu, the Citizen Pejeng was Restless Gianyar (Balinese Post) - the Citizen Pejeng Middle, to be precise the Intaran Series was made restless with the existence of several of the citizen’s chickens that experienced grubug (died suddenly-red) since znumanyz weeks ago. The available citizen near this chicken coop worrying in case that was caused by the virus avian influenza (AI) or that was known with the bird flu illness. Was based on the citizen’s information in Balinese Terkini, BP (3/10) as well as observation of the reporter, on last Tuesday (3/10) in the location, to be precise on the west of the Temple Pusering the World, Pejeng, Tampaksiring, the nonpedigreed chicken in the pen belonging to Mr Suada died in turns. From the acknowledgment of one of the citizens I Made Suryawan, Mr Suada and one of his subordinates of Mr Rauh, they in no way knew the cause of the death of this chicken several last week. The chicken that died, by Rauh at once was burnt. The same thing was also said by the owner of the Fish Hook Pond on the side and the free course activity, Cokorde Big Great Yuda Pemanyun flowers. Not only dozens of nonpedigreed chickens belonging to Suada that died, the nonpedigreed chicken belonging to Wayan Teak also experienced the similar matter. By ‘his owner, this chicken carcass was afterwards thrown away into the chasm’, he said. Suryawam and Cok. Great said them suggested so that the owner of this chicken memeriksakan his chicken. This chicken coop land belonging to Dr. Riadi. Before ‘dying, this chicken was limp and could not go through to finally died’, said Cok Great. As the lay community, they then did not know precisely his cause. But, so warm him the reporting about bird flu in the mass media, was not wrong they were then anxious. According to them also, the chicken in the area, several of the him was supplied from the Animal Market beringkit. They hoped the related side immediately took the attitude. So as to ‘be able to give comfort to our citizen’, said Cok. Great. Contacted was separated, Kadis Perternakan, fisheries and Marine Gianyar, Ir. Dewa Breakingprep Nyoman Ngurah Raka Djaya, memeritahkan one of his staffs checked to the location. Raka Djaya admitted to not yet getting the report on results. However said he, several chickens that died that not was caused by the virus AI. If ‘having the chicken or the poultry kind that died suddenly 50 until hundreds of tails, just were suspected terjangkit bird flu’, he explained. ‘’‘Raka Djaya said the possibility of the death of this chicken was caused by the ND illness (grubug). This could happened because of the existence of the change in the season.’‘’

Influentia2 – at 20:54

Raka Djaya said the possibility of the death of this chicken was caused by the ND illness (grubug). This could happened because of the existence of the change in the season.

Obviously I have failed at bolding 101.

pugmom – at 21:16

WHO involved in appointing Bird Flu Research Center dated 10–3−06 comment: Wow, they are taking it out of the hands of the Jakarta folks. Must be a big move, probably a political move too, or maybe they felt Jakarta wasn’t performing well., Medan: the Health Body of the World (WHO) and the Department of the Health appointed the Medical Faculty the North Sumatran Islamic University (UISU) in Medan as the Centre of the Bird Flu Research in Indonesia.

This appointment in part because of the plague of the bird flu illness that increasingly spread in North Sumatra.

Uptil now, the Centre of the Bird Flu Research was always showered to the Department of Health Research And Development Body in Jakarta

The dean of the Medical UISU Faculty the doctor Aswin the Mystic Lubis said, his side has been ready to provide several rooms that will be used for the research activity. According to Aswin, WHO and the Department of Health considered Medical readiness of the Faculty’s side UISU. And at the beginning of November this year of all equipment of the laboratory of the bird flu research would have arrived. The Medical UISU faculty has also prepared the doctor’s four powers to follow training the bird flu research in Singapore.

Influentia2 – at 22:01

An update on the Lembang area October 3

Dinkes Monitor Lembangwas found 2 Suspect Burung the Health Service of the Bandung Regency monitored the Lembang region following was found 2 suspect bird flu.ACHMAD KUSTAEDI Kasubdin the Eradication of infectious diseases of the Bandung Regency of the Health Service as being reported by RUDIANTO the reporter the Danger of FM Bandung in the Surabaya Voice Net, on Tuesday (03/10), said, apart from has provided Tami adequate Flu in the Lembang Community Health Centre, his side also monitored intensive the Lembang area in 10 days in the future. Officially the Health also asked the community to not panic before results of the sample of the poultry were carried out to ascertain poultries around Lembang terjangkit bird flu or not.The citizen was also asked to take medicine to the Community Health Centre or the reconciliation hospital like RS Handsome Sadikin, when memilik hot signs of the body 39 Celcius levels, the cough pilek, was sick the throat and breathless.Now ERNAWAN the precious stone Kadis Livestock Breeding and Bandung Regency fisheries said his side will carry out the taking of the sample of blood of several poultries today that was around the residence of two villagers the Warehouse of Kahuripan Lembang Bandung namely WIL (20) and the TRAIN (17) that was stated suspect bird flu in RS Handsome Sadikin.Officially the West Javanese Health up until yesterday recorded totally had 107 people suspect bird flu, 23 positive was affected by bird flu and 19 people died.

Michelle in OK – at 22:15

Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 10/03/06

Cases DiscussedJun-06Jul-06Aug-06Sep-06Oct-06Total
Died, no test results2243011
Died, tested positive4323012
Other tested positive013105
Symptoms, tests pending4246436101
Tested negative062613045
Okieman – at 22:37

I do not think this is bird flu. It is likely a food or water borne disease. It does illustrate how fast hospitals can be over run by multiple patients suffering from disease.

On October 04 2006 [the News archives]

the Patient Diarrhoea improved, the Subdistrict Hall was made Maintenance Space that died improved one plague Patient of diarrhoea in the Subdistrict Cibiuk the Garut Regency continued to improve. Through to struck 22. 00 WIB on last Tuesday morning (3/10), the patient who was run off with to the Limbangan community health centre reached 31 people.

So as the number of patients on the whole till yesterday that was run off with to the Limbangan community health centre reached 55 people with the age that berpariasi from beginning the age 3 years to 90 years. From this number that died then improved one person, sehinga the number of the patient’s whole that died to at this time reached three people. Beforehand that died only 2 people that is NY Saodah (30) the citizen of the Sukasari RT Village 03 RW 06 villages Cibiuk Kaler the Cibiuk Subdistrict and Nn Nisa Permana (13) the citizen of the Gandasari RT village 01 RW 06 Cibiuk Kidul villages.

Both of them came to the community health centre on last Monday (2/10). However on the ferocity of this plague, both of them could not be helped. Whereas yesterday the patient that died that is witchcraft (90) the citizen of the Majasari RT village 03 RW 06 villages Majasari the Cibiuk Subdistrict came to the Limbangan community health centre on Saturday (29/9) that then, after getting the maintenance of witchcraft then could not be helped. In the meantime was said by the Division Head Administration of the Health of the Garut Regency of the Service Dr Hendi Wise Mkes yesterday, the number of diarrhoea patients that exploded this, not all of them could be accommodated in the Cibiuk community health centre, “kapasitas the Limbangan Community Health Centre only accommodated 50 people, so as we must open the emergency command post by treating the diarrhoea patient in the subdistrict hall Cibiuk,” said Hendy. The number of diarrhoea patients could also make the community health centre side be unstable with the medical equipment like the needle, inpus and that other.

Nevertheless Hendy that it was confirmed last night mentioned his side sent the medical equipment to the community health centre as well as the Cibiuk subdistrict, “barusan I telephoned he said the equipment already arrived disana,” Hendy words. In an effort to look for the upper cause of the plague of this diarrhoea, his side was named by Hendy took 6 sample water in the Cibiuk Subdistrict especially in four place villages of the diarrhoea patients came, “kita took 6 sample water with the place that was different to be researched in the Health Laboratory of the Area (Labkesda) in Bandung,” accused Hendy. However Hendy personally did not mention when results will be received by the Garut health service.

The regent visited the Diarrhoea Patient In the meantime upper spread him the plague of diarrhoea in the Cibiuk Subdistrict, yesterday (3/10) Garut regents of H Agus Supriadi as well as the government rank of the Garut Regency at once visited the Limbangan community health centre as well as several places in the Cibiuk Subdistrict that was expected by the occurrence origin of the plague of diarrhoea. In this Visit of Agus Supriadi mengintruksikan to the medical team in order to maximise the handling of the health so as to not cause fatalities that many.

Moreover ditempat that was expected by the plague origin diaera, Agus Supriadi made a plea to the community in order to live clean dam healthy, “kita must cultivate the clean and healthy life, this unuk avoided the plague of the illness like diarrhoea and that lainnya,” said Agus Supriadi. Moreover Agus Supriadi also towards the procurement of clean water means in this territory, mengintruksikan to the Building service and the Settlement to immediately strive for the artesian well to provide clean water means that were expected by the beginning of the occurrence of the plague diaerah this.

04 October 2006

Commonground – at 05:53
On Wednesday, October 04 2006 15:08 WIB
the Family Suspect Bird Flu in Makassar was checked Blood MAKASSAR — MIOL: anticipated the spreading of the virus Avian influenza (AI) or bird flu, Tim investigation AI the South Sulawesi Health Service took the sample of blood of the patient’s family that was expected suspect bird flu. The taking of the sample of blood was begun to the patient’s related family suspect bird flu, the Lamp, 4 and Mustrisa, 7. Moreover to their neighbour who was sick also was taken the sample of his blood. At least 6 people that was taken the sample of his blood, on Wednesday (4/10) by the team that was led by Asrianti. A neighbour the Lamp and Mustrisa that were taken the sample of his blood, Nurwan, admitted to to the team, experiencing the sign of coughs and the fever since Tuesday (3/10). Likewise the brother Nurwan, Nurhidayati, experienced breathless. Because physically the Nurwan condition was seen weak, the team suggested Nurwan and his brother were also treated in RSUD Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, where the six bird flu patients were treated. Before being treated, the Lamp and his older brother of Mustrisa could hold and throw the chicken carcass away died to the river behind his house in the Mariso Subdistrict, Makassar. Up to now, the Lamp and Mustrisa were still being treated intensive in space of the bird flu isolation with four other patients, Patturungi, 7, Vani, 8, Nur Azis, 6 and Muh Salsabil, 6. The condition for the six patients was not yet stable with the temperature of the high body between 37–39 levels celcius. (LN/OL-02).

Commonground – at 06:15 (Excerpt)
Temanggung (KR) - Dozens Of chickens not the race (talk to) property of the inhabitants in the Village Margisari the District Jampirejo the City Subdistrict, the Temanggung Regency died suddenly. The death of the chicken not only belonging to a breeder, but property of several breeders that was in the village. According to the speech on several citizens of the Margisari Village when being found by the reporter, yesterday, the death of chickens talk to this has taken place last week, chickens died suddenly that is the afternoon still will be healthy, afterwards tomorrow his day died stiff. ‘’Kami was really startled at the death of the chicken that suddenly, because of the afternoon when gave ate, chickens appeared healthy, but when the following morning, these chickens have died. With the reality, I afterwards reported him to the District that was continued to the Service terkait,” Sarmudi words (52) one of the local breeders of the chicken of the village race. The head of the Temanggung Field of Livestock Breeding of the agricultural Service, Martias Rusli that was confirmed KR yesterday said, the death several livestock in the Village Margisari the Jampirejo District was positive resulting from bird flu (Avian influenza). That, he said, was known after being done by the fast test (rapid test) that indicated was affected by bird flu. “Rapid test that had the level of the accuracy around 75 percent
‘’Juga gave the understanding to the citizen in order to not throw the carcass away sembarangan,’’ he explained. Acknowledged, despite already terjangkit bird flu but did not yet do the extermination, because of eventually will bring the impact of economics and social for his owner. ‘’Kalau evidently was scolded, and was vaccinated has been again safe need not be done by the extermination.
Terjangkitnya the bird flu illness was in the Margisari Village enabled tertular the similar virus from the Seroyo village. Because, during 2003 set, the same village once terjangkit the virus deadly bird flu hundreds, even thousands of chickens.

Commonground – at 06:49

On Wednesday, 04–10–2006
8 the Citizen of the Pioneer Suspect Burung Flu
Makassar, the Stand — As Many As eight citizens who lived in Street Perintis Breakingprep Kemerdekaan, Makassar, were taken the sample of his blood because of experiencing the sign that was similar to the bird flu sufferer. Two among them, the older brother was siblings, Dion (7) and Mustarisa (4), underwent the intensive maintenance in the Public Hospital (RSU) Wahidin Sudirohusodo, on Tuesday (3/10). Tim Dinkes South Sulawesi, Dr Rosmini, said, the taking of the sample of the family’s blood and the patient’s neighbour this was done for the test of the invasion of bird flu of the existence diagnosis. Apart from having the characteristics of bird flu, they who were checked had the history once contact with the sufferer suspect. The team of Avian investigation influenza (AI) combed the sufferer’s family in Street Perintis Breakingprep Kemerdekaan KM 8 No 8, the Tamalanrea District, the Biringkanaya Subdistrict. The official took the sample of blood of the patient’s four families, Budi (8), Agus (18), Sabang (70), and Asseng (65). The official also combed the patient’s neighbour. Two citizens, Nurwan (30) and Hidayati (21), kedapatan experienced the similar sign. The neighbour Dion that lived in Street Perintis Breakingprep Kemerdekaan KM 8 No 8 this took part in being taken the sample of his blood and was recommended to RS Wahidin to undergo the intensive maintenance. The team of AI investigation consisted of the medical staff from the Health Service (Dinkes) South Sulawesi, the Health Service (Dinkes) Makassar, and the official of the hall of the environment of the health technique (BTKL). In the sudden inspection the health service, the neighbour Dion, the Dawn (28), claimed, there was the chicken died in this territory. The chicken ‘belonging to the neighbour (Dion) he said was thrown away to the Tallo River’, he said. The dawn claimed, after Dion and Mustarisa entered the hospital, his two older brothers, Nurwan and Hidayati was feverish. Several citizens said, the chicken died this could be the material of the older brother’s toy was siblings, Dion, Mustarisa, and Budi. Increased from observation of the Stand, the sufferer suspect bird flu in RS Wahidin continued to improve. Till Tuesday (3/10), was recorded by six sufferers underwent the intensive maintenance in RS Wahidin ferns space. Six patients suspect this was their respective, Dion R (7), Mustarisa (4), Nur Asiah (11), Apriliyani, Paturungi, and Salsabil. ‘From six patients tesrebut, four among them, Dion, Mustarisa, Nurasiah, and Salsabil entered on the same day, on Monday (2/10). To accommodate the patient who continued to improve, the room bed of ferns space that was allocated for the sufferer suspect bird flu was forced to be increased. The official of ferns space, Sister Rita, said, each room in this isolation space initially only was filled up two beds. Together with the increase in the patient, the official increased respectively one bed in each room.

Commonground – at 07:07

From Pugmom at 15:53:
getting ready in Banda Aceh/province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD): dated 10–2?06
Banda Aceh, (the News): the Health Service (Dinkes) the Province Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) formed the team of the alert health to anticipate the case of bird flu if this illness kind spread to humankind following the report mentioned eight from 21 regencies/the city in Aceh positive bird flu.
[I found this today, 10–4. Keep in mind their practice of throwing the dead chickens in the river]
Banda Aceh (ANTARA News) - A massive flood inundated at least 166 houses in South Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) province, on Monday (Oct.2) due to the overflowing of the Singkil River after incessant rains in the past two days, an official said.

The flood waters which reached heights of 1.5 to 2 meters inundated Trumon sub-district forcing a number of people to take refuge on higher ground, Said Azhar, head of Trumon sub-district told ANTARA News on Tuesday.

The flood had also inundated a 200-meter stretch of the main road hampering the traffic flow in the region.

According to Said, a number of residents of Kapai Sesak village, about 100 km from Tapak Tuan, capital of South Aceh district or about 534 km south of Banda Aceh, capital of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province, took refuge by carrying their belongings to higher locations.

So far, there were no reports about aid being sent to the flood victims.

Meanwhile, a number of land trading goods carriers dealing with transportation route from Medan, capital of North Sumatra to West and South Aceh districts, have terminated their operational activities due to damaged parts of the main road in the regions.

Kennedy, one of the local goods forwarding businessmen, said the land trading goods carriers terminated their operations for a week due to heavy damage of the high land roads of Alur Naga, Panorama Hatta and Tangga Besi.

Commonground – at 08:02
Medan the Business – Medan the Flood that sank some settlement territories of the Medan inhabitants, was the consignment flood. This it was stressed the Medan mayor Drs H Abdillah Ak MBA in inauguration gaps of the Head of the Community Health Centre in Dinkes Medan, on Tuesday (3/10). For the control of the casualties, Abdillah admitted to ordering the sub-district head to monitor the overflowing of water that still was flooding the citizen’s house. -snip-
Moreover, he continued, Pemko also ordered Dinkes Medan to drop the official off to the locations of the settlement of the inhabitants who were flood-stricken. -snip-
in the agenda that took place in the room of the female Service Dinkes the Medan City, Abdillah appointed 39 doctors as the Head of the Community Health Centre se the Medan City as well as three officials of the Executive’s Technical Unit the Area (UPTD), namely the Head of the Knowledgeable Clinic, the Head of the Medan Pharmacy Warehouse and the Head of the Health Laboratory of the Medan Environment
Abdillah said in bringing about the service the optimal health, Community Health Centre participation became the tip of his implementation spear. “Untuk that, to the Head of the new Community Health Centre so that seriously gave the health service not only served the patient, but also monitored to the field directly the condition for the environment penduduk,” Abdillah words. Moreover, he also hope for to the Head of the Community Health Centre that just was appointed, especially as the Head of the Community Health Centre treated Inap continued to monitor the plague of the dengue fever illness, the HIV, diarrhoea, bird flu as well as other infectious diseases. “Saya hoped that each Head of the Community Health Centre more gave priority to the patient from the family could not. Because from 2 million more the inhabitants of the Medan City, a big part not mampu,” he said.

worrywart – at 08:51

COmmonground thanks for getting all this info to us, personally don’t know how you do it. -all those neighbors being admitted and tested, are they all new patients for today? I don’t seem to be able to keep them all straight.

Michelle in OK – at 09:08

worrywart at 8:41… 2 of the patients hospitalized are new from the count last night.

We aren’t hearing any test results of patients in Makassar. There were 6 in September and now 6 more in October. We never received news that the patients from early September were released, but I guess they 4 must have been if only 8 are in the hospital now.

Michelle in OK – at 09:09

P.S. There is a reason I don’t usually type in the morning… more coffee.

pugmom – at 09:35

So, the rains and floods have started, both in Sulawesi and in Banda Aceh. And transportation roads are being cut off. I wonder if the flooding has anything to do with the diarrhea plague, although the diarrhea is occurring in Java. These rains are what they were so afraid of, in that they have intensified viral illnesses at this time.

pugmom – at 09:52

Semarang, Central Java: New case: “Farida” age 15 months. dated 10–4−06.

 Semarang - Bird Flu (avian influenza) attacked the poultry in Semarang, to be precise in the Lebdosari Village, the Gisikdrono District, Semarang West….

In the meantime, positive bird flu also attacked the poultry in the Purbalingga Regency.

According to public relations of the Regional Government Purbalingga Suprayitno that quoted Head information of the Executive’s Technical Unit the Health of the Purbalingga Animal of the Livestock Breeding Service, Maria Sri Maharsi Wulan, the case was found to last August 22 (comment: is this a previously unreported human case????)….

Bird flu had destroyed approximately 8.7 million poultries in Central Java during 2004

Further, the virus continued to spread to various regions in Central Java.The step in the mass extermination had never been carried out in this province.

‘’‘Pre-schoolers Terjangkit Farida, pre-schoolers were 15 months old, the citizen of the Bahbul village, the Citeras Village, Rangkasbitung, was expected strong at being affected by bird flu or being mentioned with suspect avian influenza. The conclusion of the assumption of the illness that was suffered by the daughter of the couple Aryati of the beginning (22) and Dandi (22), was based on results of the diagnosis x-rayed that was carried out by Dimyati, the child’s specialist doctor, on Tuesday (3/10).’‘’

Officially the Health and Social Welfare (Dinkessos) the Valley Regency was ascertaining this assumption by bringing Farida to RS Sulianti Saroso in Jakarta, on Tuesday (3/10), at the same time getting the intensive maintenance.

Farida began to enter and undergo the maintenance in RSUD this, on Monday (2/10) with the sign of the measles illness. However from results x-rayed on Tuesday morning, Dimyati concluded Farida suspect flu burung,” said one of the staffs RSUD Adjidarmo the Valley that did not want to be named by his name.

Suspect this bird flu was the first incident in the Valley, but was expected by the community to not panic…..

”Di between him from results of the test in Kebonwaru the City Bandung,” the West Javanese headword of the Livestock Breeding Service, Rachmat Setiadi, in Bandung, on Tuesday. The testing was carried out following the Tau death, the citizen Kebonwaru the Batununggal Subdistrict the Bandung City, because of bird flu…..

Commonground – at 09:52

Commonground - 06:49:
How to type this in a coherent fashion? My take on the article.
Nurwan (30) - Brother to Hidayati. Symptoms: 10/3
Hidayati (21) - Brother to Nurwan (30). Symptoms: 10/3
Dion (28) - Brother to Nurwan & Hidayati. No symptoms.
Entered hospital on 10/2:
Families tested:
Budi (8)
Agus (18)
Sabang (70)
Asseng (65
They have Nur Asiah (11). I have Nur Azis (6). ??
Salsabil entered on 10/2. Must be neighbor? Not listed as family?
Conclusion: Need more coffee. Also, Salsabil and Nurasiah are two new cases? They are not the two neighbors with symptoms on 10/3, whom are brothers……heads for the coffee pot……..

pugmom – at 09:55

Bolding for above:

‘Pre-schoolers Terjangkit Farida, pre-schoolers were 15 months old the citizen of the Bahbul village, the Citeras Village, Rangkasbitung, was expected strong at being affected by bird flu or being mentioned with suspect avian influenza. The conclusion of the assumption of the illness that was suffered by the daughter of the couple Aryati of the beginning (22) and Dandi (22), was based on results of the diagnosis x-rayed that was carried out by Dimyati, the child’s specialist doctor, on Tuesday 3/10

 Farida began to enter and undergo the maintenance in RSUD this, on Monday (2/10) with the sign of the measles illness. However from results x-rayed on Tuesday morning, Dimyati concluded Farida suspect flu burung said one of the staffs RSUD Adjidarmo the Valley that did not want to be named by his name…. 
Commonground – at 09:58

pugmom - at 09:35 - what I thought was interesting was your article, and mine today were dated the same. October 2. Yours states this: formed the team of the alert health to anticipate the case of bird flu if this illness kind spread to humankind. On the same day, mine reports the flooding. So they form a team to be alert for bird flu illness to spread to people at the same time they have the RIVER flood over. River….you know what’s been thrown in the river…… And I have read reports of the “mud (hot)” overflowing in various parts of Indo. Don’t know if they are flooding where the possible food poisoning is though. I saw an article yesterday where a guy was swimming in the mud to try and retrieve his belongings.

Pixie – at 09:59

linky for above:

Pixie – at 10:01

story didn’t post - will try again

pugmom – at 10:05

CG: Nurhidayati and Hidayati must be same person. I am glad you are trying to figure it out—another snarled up, tangled mess of names for us to pull our hair out over. I wonder if Michelle is ready to print a summary. I feel we are going to have more cases today. We are up to 3 new suspected cases already (and something like 4 other families being tested.) This big flurry is on the island of Sulawesi, the “Farida” baby is on the island of Java (just to refresh to geography for Fluwikians.) The diarrhea is occurring on Java too.

Commonground – at 10:06

Pugmom - at 09:55:
citizen of the Bahbul village, the Citeras Village, Rangkasbitung
I’m watching the area of Semarang/Kedunpane, as this is the community where the local citizens ate the goat that died. Does anyone know if the above locations are near this area?
P.S. The problem with bolding is that punctuation marks break it up. So I will bold individual sentences (no parenthesis or quotes can be included or it won’t work). If you have a whole paragraph, bold individual sentences throughout to make it work.

Pixie – at 10:10

Comment: Important story - they talk about the potential of being overwhelmed at the hospital (an important tipping point) and their plan to handle it. Plus updates on several patients.

‘’‘8 Positive patients and 6 people Meninggal RSHS treated 62 patients Suspect AI’‘’ PASTEUR, (GM). 04/10 - the Virus H5N1 (bird flu) continued disturbing. The number of patients increasingly the day increasingly improved.

Till Tuesday (3/10), Handsome Sadikin Space of the Hospital Poinciana Tree (RSHS) Bandung has treated 62 patients suspect avian influenza (AI). From this number, 8 people were stated positive and 6 people died.

The number of patients that to suspect bird flu and was run off with to Poinciana Tree Space made the RSHS side be enough to be overwhelmed. Apart from medical equipment, the medicine, and the medical staff, RSHS must also provide special maintenance space for the patient suspect this bird flu. Then, was chosen Poinciana Tree Space. Previously, this space was operation space. Since the SARS virus became an epidemic, the Poinciana Tree changed to maintenance space of the patient SARS. began 2003, together with the existence of the new illness bird flu, the changing-function then Poinciana Tree became special maintenance space of the patient suspect H5N1.

At this time, the room that was headed by Block Rasmita this had 9 rooms (9 bed) for the bird flu patient. Four rooms for the patient suspect and 5 other rooms for the patient probable (the level of the condition for his health was worse from the patient suspect, red). Other equipment, like the ventilator, bedside the monitor, and other was enough to be available.

Moreover, in the near future the Department of the Health (the Department of Health) will give help 19 item equipment to support the inspection and the maintenance of the patient. Help of equipment that will be given that including the ventilator, bedside the monitor, central the monitor, the laboratory implement, radiology mobile until the bed.

Till Tuesday (3/10), from 9 available rooms, 5 including being filled up by five patients was different. Three patients occupied the room in space suspect and two other in space probable. Therefore, remained at 4 vacant rooms and could be occupied. That became the question, if the patient continued to improve and room facilities did not satisfy, will be placed where the bird flu patient that was reconciled to RSHS?

The managing director RSHS, Dr. Cissy B. kartasasmita in his office said, room facilities in RSHS till at this time were still adequate. Cissy stressed, if indeed RSHS already did not enable treated again, the patient will be reconciled to RS the Rotinsulu lungs, Street. Ciumbuleuit Bandung. “If the patient that was treated by us already arrived seven people, we would RS Rotinsulu contact so that they carry out preparations.” So eventually, the patient who was not accommodated in RSHS will be sent there (RS Rotinsulu, red), he said. On that occasion, Cissy also welcomed the increase plan in the reconciliation hospital in West Java.

Beforehand, only three RS reconciliation, that is RSHS, RS the Rotinsulu lungs, and RSU Dr. Slamet Garut. Seven other that was planned was RS in Indramayu, Subang, Purwakarta, Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya, and Cirebon. “In this way, the service towards the patient will be more optimal.” Possibly RSHS was still continuing to become reconciliation from RS other reconciliation. For example when having the patient from RSU Dr Slamet Garut, his patient continued to be reconciled here (RSHS, red), he said.

About Tamiflu stock, Cissy said, until this Tamiflu stock in RSHS still sufficient. According to him, RSHS still had 700 more the Tamiflu tablet. “We” will “now treat 5 patients.” If one patient was each day given 2 Tamiflu tablets, in ten days most only how many. So, for our Tamiflu stock was not too worried, he explained.


In the meantime, the condition five patients suspect bird flu that still was treated in Poinciana Tree space of RSHS Bandung, on Tuesday (3/10) gradually improved. Nevertheless, the team of the doctor RSHS continued to carry out the monitoring and the verification against five patients.

The five patients were San (18), Az (9), WB (20), KKN (17), and SR (14 months).

The improvement of the condition for the five patients was sent by the Managing Director RSHS, Dr. Cissy B. Kartasasmita to the reporter in his office, yesterday.

Cissy said, the condition for the patient San, the deceased’s cousin IJ and T (positive bird flu) gradually improved. The hot sign, the cough, and breathless has been lost. Was based on results of three inspection times from Balitbangkes, San the negative was affected by bird flu. “Moreover if his condition will continue to improve, tomorrow (today, red) or the day after tomorrow (on Thursday, 5/10) he has been permitted to come home,” he said.

About the patient Az that from Kab.Tasikmalaya, Cissy also stressed, his condition has begun to be good. The temperature of his body began to be normal, namely 36.8 Celsius levels.

It was same that his matter with Az, continued Cissy, the older brother’s patient was siblings from Lembang, WB and KKN also has improved. “Although WB was still having the cough and KKN of few fevers, but generally their situation was good,” stressed Cissy.

The same thing also happened to the patient SR that just entered Poinciana Tree Space, on Monday (2/10). The citizen’s patient RT 03/RW 06 Kp.Sukawening, Kel.Hegarmanah, Kec.Jatinangor, Kab.Sumedang at this time his condition began to be stable.

In the meantime, the patient’s cousin SR, Herman (14 months), evidently was not treated in Poinciana Tree Space. Herman was only treated in the child’s space because of not having the indication of the affected assumption of bird flu. “There were no signs suspect.” The cough indeed was available, but he did not have high body heat and breathless. Moreover the doctor’s diagnosis, he only muntaber, said Cissy.

Commonground – at 10:16

I just figured something out here. Regarding post 09:52. The Salsabil that entered on 10/2 would be “Muh Salsabi” (6) from our current list. Nurasiah is most likely “Nur Azis” (6) from our current list. So our two new cases are Hurwan (3) and Hidayati (21).

Commonground – at 10:30

Correction: Should say above Hurwan (30).

pugmom – at 13:44

CG: yes, I think you are right about those names. So, to recap, we only have 3 new patients for today? (Nurwan, Hidayati, and Fatida?)

Commonground – at 13:47

Hi pugmom! Yes, 3 for today. Glad we got that figured out. Can you imagine what would happen if 10 at once were admitted to a hospital? I may throw the towel in.

NoFluing Around – at 14:11

DennisC – at 12:01 NoFluingAround – at 11:16 Typhus -try this, it should help you start- Aug 19

“nine suspect H5N1 bird flu patients from Cikelet Village in Garut, West Java who have either died or are hospitalized. Additional media indicate the nine year old daughter of Euis Lina, Dea, has also died. She was initially diagnosed as a typhus patient, but had bird flu symptoms.

DennisC & Commonground, again if I’m not mistaken…LOL, that is when the doctors were advised to give Tamiflu to anyone who remotely came close to exhibiting BF symptoms. The Girl was later a confirmed BF case.

NoFluing Around – at 14:14

I have no luck trying to find those links:o(, not as computer savvy as some you;o)

pugmom – at 15:03

Bandung, West Java: Santi negative and went home. dated 10–5−06.

 Bandung, on October 5: Santi (18), the citizen of the Kabon Waru District, the Batununggal Subdistrict, of the Bandung City, West Java, came home from the room of the Handsome isolation of Hospital bird flu of Sadikin Bandung after being stated by the virus negative H5N1, on Wednesday (4/10).

Although could remain a house with the positive patient bird flu that finally had died, Jakariyah Divine Guidance (20), Santi only contracted the Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA). Santi that at that time only was picked up by his father, Usep Setiawan (44), appearance shone. Santi claimed still will not eat the chicken or other poultry meat….

pugmom – at 15:38

Makassar, South Sulawesi: report says 3 people are critical. dated 10–5−06.

MAKASSAR — Three from six patients suspect (was expected) bird flu that was treated by RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo (RS WS), was reported critical

The three patients experienced the high fever bersuhu 38 Celcius levels. The condition for three patients who were treated in these Lontara I ferns weakened….. …Three children that his condition worrying that; Nur Asia, 11, Dion Rahmayanto, 7, and Mustarisa, 4 Two last names were the older brother was siblings. The three of them were treated in the room 2.

Whereas three other that his condition was seen improved was Muhammad Salsabil, 1,5, Paturungi, 7, and Apriani, 8 still was treated in the room 3.

The “status the six patients still suspect.” The sample of their blood still in Jakarta, so as to be not yet ascertained whether they really bird flu or not, said the nurse in the ferns building, Marnaeni Tadjang, on last Wednesday…

“We also still were waiting for results of the bribe or throat mucus and the patient’s nose,” explained Marnaeni…

In the meantime, Nursia that also parents of the patient were named Dion and Mustarisa revealed that his child has experienced the fever since the last eight days Dion’s stomach was in fact felt hard when being felt… “Dion’s condition breathless, his stomach was also hard. Not only Dion that was brought by him, his youngest child Mustarisa that also showed the sign of the fever was at once run off with to the hospital, last Monday October 2.

This cold drink trader said, Mustarisa often played with his chicken that was sick. Nursia indeed had seven nonpedigreed chickens. But, all of his chickens died after being sick three days….

Bachtiar brought his child to the hospital last Monday night, in the condition for the fever, the cough and vomited blood

JWB – at 15:48

stomach was in fact felt hard

What does that mean? Cramped?

pugmom – at 15:59

Bandung, West Java: saying there are 4 more negatives (other than Santi). dated 10–5−06. comment: I think this is just by “inspection” and not lab confirmed.

- Lima the patient suspect bird flu that was treated in Poinciana Tree Space of RSHS Bandung, was stated by the bird flu negative. San (18), the employee one of the socks factories, struck 13. 30 WIB, was permitted to come home.

Whereas, results of the inspection for the four patients suspect other, that is Wil (20), the TRAIN (17), and Az (9), also pointed out results of the negative and clinically the situation him improved….

pugmom – at 16:02

I just realized those names don’t total up to 4. Oh, well, what else is new?

pugmom – at 16:14

Tasiklamaya, Java: info on patients (not sure which two) dated 10–4−06. comment: it shows a picture of a man and a middle aged child in wheelchairs being wheeled out. I don’t know who they are referring to., Tasikmalaya: two patients who were treated in the Tasikmalaya regional Hospital, West Java, were stated by the bird flu negative. The father and the child the citizen of the Sembung Mountain Village, Cilamojang, of Kawalu, Tasikmalaya, who since last week were treated in the isolation space had finally been permitted to come home. Results of the team’s diagnosis of the doctor showed both of them suffered bronchitis and inpeksi the respiratory tract.

Now from the Valley, Banten, was reported that RSU Ajidarmo treated the baby was 15 months that were stated old suspect bird flu. Farida, the unfortunate baby currently undergoes the maintenance in special space. Farida was run off with to the hospital after experiencing the clinical sign like bird flu, namely the high fever….

pugmom – at 16:20

JWB at 15:48. The classical sign of peritonitis is a hard, rigid, board-like abdomen. Using a sign of perforation or spillage of bowel contents. Not usually associated with H5N1. He is also vomiting blood. In bad shape. May not be H5N1.

Commonground – at 16:51

The only two Father & Daughter I have in Tasikmalaya is Atang (60) Father, and Muslihah (12) Daughter. Hospitalized 9/28.

NoFluing Around – at 16:58

pugmom – at 16:14

Do we know if these patients were treated with Tamiflu?

DennisCat 17:02

Does anyone here know if the people in Indonesia are being told about social distance, about preparing, about SIP, and so on. I know that their “world” is different, but I don’t think I have seen any attempts by WHO to educate Indo about social distance methods. Surely there is some local official there that has read about St. Louis’s methods. Did I just miss it? I thought someone here might be reading the local papers and have a feel for it.

Commonground – at 17:08

DennisC - there is a public awareness campaign going on there. Good hygiene, report dead chickens to authorities, any sign of flu, report to local community center, cook chicken thoroughly. Social distancing was mentioned. It’s not that WHO doesn’t want to educate them, they have to be “invited” by the Indonesian Government.

Pixie – at 17:16

Do we know what the actual cause of death has been for the recent fatalities in Indonesia? Are they sucumbing to cytokine storms, complete organ failure, or something else? I think we assume cytokine storms are involved, but we are not hearing this talked about recently in the same way it was during the Turkey outbreak, for example.

Also, Dr. Cissy seems to be having good results lately. I wonder if he is augmenting his Tamiflu treatment with something else?

INFOMASS – at 17:20

Or is the virus getting less nasty? That would be something to hope for. Could be both - better treatment earlier and viral shifts?

Commonground – at 17:30

NoFluing Around - at 16:58 - I just went back in this thread to September 28th, the day Atang and Muslihah were hospitalized. I read many many articles on them, and not one mentioned they had been given Tamiflu. That was just on that thread. I didn’t continue to read up to the present. Maybe our spreadsheet gives that detail.

This situation in Indonesia just reminds me of what we went through in Thailand a little while ago. Remember, not all of these cases are “positive” for H5N1. See the Case Summary that Michelle in OK posted at 22:15.

NoFluing Around – at 17:35

INFOMASS – at 17:20 is the virus getting less nasty?

It always gets better, before it gets worse. I think the virus is intentionally getting less virulent, in order to enable more efficient H2H transfers. If it keeps killing it’s host, it will die itself out. I think this could be the calm before the storm. IMHO

NoFluing Around – at 17:41

Commonground –

I did the same thing, did not find anything about Tamiflu being administered, however will check out the spreadsheet, thanks:o)

Influentia2 – at 17:46

GARUT Update - lengthy and no mention of bird flu or what was eaten.

The plague patient of diarrhoea in the Subdistrict Cibiuk the Garut Regency continued to improve. Through to struck 22. 00 WIB on last Tuesday morning (3/10), the patient who was run off with to the Limbangan community health centre reached 31 people. ‘’‘So as the number of patients on the whole till yesterday that was run off with to the Limbangan community health centre reached 55 people with the age that berpariasi from beginning the age 3 years to 90 years. From this number that died then improved one person, sehinga the number of the patient’s whole that died to at this time reached three people.’‘’ Beforehand that died only 2 people that is NY Saodah (30) the citizen of the Sukasari RT Village 03 RW 06 villages Cibiuk Kaler the Cibiuk Subdistrict and Nn Nisa Permana (13) the citizen of the Gandasari RT village 01 RW 06 Cibiuk Kidul villages. Both of them came to the community health centre on last Monday (2/10). However on the ferocity of this plague, both of them could not be helped. Whereas yesterday the patient that died that is witchcraft (90) the citizen of the Majasari RT village 03 RW 06 villages Majasari the Cibiuk Subdistrict came to the Limbangan community health centre on Saturday (29/9) that then, after getting the maintenance of witchcraft then could not be helped. In the meantime was said by the Division Head Administration of the Health of the Garut Regency of the Service Dr Hendi Wise Mkes yesterday, the number of diarrhoea patients that exploded this, not all of them could be accommodated in the Cibiuk community health centre, “kapasitas the Limbangan Community Health Centre only accommodated 50 people, so as we must open the emergency command post by treating the diarrhoea patient in the subdistrict hall Cibiuk,” said Hendy. The number of diarrhoea patients could also make the community health centre side be unstable with the medical equipment like the needle, inpus and that other. Nevertheless Hendy that it was confirmed last night mentioned his side sent the medical equipment to the community health centre as well as the Cibiuk subdistrict, “barusan I telephoned he said the equipment already arrived disana,” Hendy words. In an effort to look for the upper cause of the plague of this diarrhoea, his side was named by Hendy took 6 sample water in the Cibiuk Subdistrict especially in four place villages of the diarrhoea patients came, “kita took 6 sample water with the place that was different to be researched in the Health Laboratory of the Area (Labkesda) in Bandung,” accused Hendy. However Hendy personally did not mention when results will be received by the Garut health service. The regent visited the Patient Diarrhoea In The Meantime upper spread him the plague of diarrhoea in the Cibiuk Subdistrict, yesterday (3/10) Garut regents of H Agus Supriadi as well as the government rank of the Garut Regency at once visited the Limbangan community health centre as well as several places in The Cibiuk subdistrict that was expected by the occurrence origin of the plague of diarrhoea.In this Visit of Agus Supriadi mengintruksikan to the medical team in order to maximise the handling of the health so as to not cause fatalities that many.Moreover ditempat that was expected by the plague origin diaera, Agus Supriadi made a plea to the community in order to live clean dam healthy, “kita must cultivate the clean and healthy life, this unuk avoided the plague of the illness like diarrhoea and that lainnya,” said Agus Supriadi.Moreover Agus Supriadi also towards the procurement of clean water means in this territory, mengintruksikan to the Building service and the Settlement to immediately strive for the artesian well to provide clean water means that were expected by the beginning of the occurrence of the plague diaerah this.

Commonground – at 18:08

NoFluing Around at 17:35 - Thank you so much for your opinion. I would welcome anyone here to express their’s. The news thread doesn’t carry conversation, as it shouldn’t. I’m not sure where to go, to get conversation on this subject. So, please post your expertise here - I think we would all welcome it.

Influentia2 – at 18:24 Semarang-Citizen in RT 1/RW 13 Gisikdrono districts began to be restless. Especially the Solichin family that one of his property chickens was found positive contracted the bird flu virus (avian influenza/AI) to last Tuesday (3/9). They hoped the side of the Semarang City of the Health Service immediately examined the citizen’s blood to know the condition for their health. Till yesterday (4/10) Solichin families admitted to not yet getting the check-up. Found in his house, Riswati, the wife Solohin visible concerned and anxious because did not know whether himself and his children were infected by the bird flu virus or not. “Yesterday from the Community Health Centre indeed came but only saw the extermination of the chicken, did not check anything.” Today (yesterday, 4/10), red) not yet there are those that came, said Riswati. Although never bersinggungan direct with his chickens, Riswati felt worried the virus spread. Understand his days the chicken belonging to his husband only was not imprisoned in the pen. ‘’‘The chicken that all of them were finished was destroyed that, also was allowed wandering around and outside the house. At this time, he and his family were trying to put forward the request of the blood inspection.’‘’ They admitted to contacting the village head through the chairman RT local. In the meantime separately, the Head Subdin the Centre of the Prevention and the Control of the Illness (P2P) the Health Service of the City Semarang Widoyono said, his side need not yet examine the citizen’s blood around the place of the discovery of the bird flu chicken. According to him, was in accordance with the procedure continue to (Protab), the inspection was just carried out when having a person suspect (the person was sick that was suspected bergejala bird flu). “His procedure did not require the existence of the taking sample.” If the assumption was still being limited to the livestock that in-rapid test, said Widoyono when being found in his workplace, yesterday. Moreover in the case suspect bird flu that happened in Kedungpane, the side of the Health Service did not take the sample of the family’s Bimo Alamsyah blood as suspect. The “Kedunpane case that we took only blood suspect the family, and the citizen of surrounding area not,” he stated.

Grace RN – at 19:10

How can you guys keep all this straight and make sense of it? Someone in your lineage had to be a cryptographer.

Hat’s off to you guys/gals……I can’t make heads nor tails of it.

pugmom – at 19:42

Influentia2: those poor people—afraid they have bird flu and wanting testing. It didn’t say in the article if they had symptoms or not. Boy, do they have the jitters. Also another question for you---are they using the quick test on humans or just on the chickens. It is my impression it is just for the chickens and they do the saliva, blood PCR thing for the humans.

pugmom – at 19:50

Nofluingaround at 17:35--I read an article by one of the H5N1 experts several weeks ago (can’t recall name or provide link) but the main thesis was that a sign that the virus is slightly less lethal was a BAD sign. It meant, as you say, that it is becoming more and more adaptable to humans. Also to Pixie at 17:16: the deaths I have read about are not specific as to mode of demise, except that they are on ventilators and have end-stage respiratory failure. I bet you would need autopsies to determine what organs are involved and they bury their dead right away. Their respiratory failure, or “shock-lung” however, is a symptom of cytokine storm. They haven’t mentioned GI symptoms, except the case today of the little guy that has bloody vomiting and a hard abdomen, but I bet it is something else. Too bad they are not doing autopsies. I wonder if they are even taking post-mortem tissue samples (remember the guy in Thailand who was only verified with post-mortem samples?)

pugmom – at 19:57

Grace RN at 19:10:

How can you guys keep all this straight and make sense of it? Someone in your lineage had to be a cryptographer. Hat’s off to you guys/gals……I can’t make heads nor tails of it.

Grace RN—we have a secret weapon—it is called “Michelle’s spreadsheet!” Without it we would all be duck soup.

pugmom – at 20:16

old article, 2004, from EINet, but it shows you that diarrhea outbreaks are common in Indo.

Indonesia (East Java) At least 10 children died and another 1300 were admitted to hospital after an acute diarrhea outbreak hit East Java in the third week of Nov 2004. The Health Office in the Central Java province of Khrisnajaya said that more than 600 villages across the province are vulnerable to the disease. The worst cases were reported in Makassar and Surabaya, the provincial capitals of South Sulawesi and East Java, respectively. Local heath authorities said that, in Makassar, more than 2000 diarrhea patients are suffering from stomachaches and vomiting. Other cases have been reported in Solok, West Sumatra Province: 332 people had to be hospitalized, another 10 died. Siti Fadillah Supeni, Indonesia’s Health Minister, expressed her concern about delays in treatment that resulted in many patients dying of dehydration. (Promed 11/29/04)

pugmom – at 20:20

I just checked the ProMed web site—there is nothing yet on this diarrheal outbreak. Should show up soon on their web site.

NoFluingAroundat 20:33

pugmom – at 19:50

On occasion a severe case of Stomach Flu will cause bloody vomit. Heck, I think if H5N1 infects your stomach (as it has several other organs), that would, IMHO cause bloody vomit.

pugmom – at 21:01

Did bloody vomit happen in 1918?

pugmom – at 21:10

Quote from Gaudia Ray at C.E.:

1. H2H is common. There are repeating cases of bimodal infection. 2. The incubation period is about 5 days. 3. The disease is impacting on the very young, now, those below 12. 4. The CFR for the very recent cases is now 20%. This is down from 75%. 5. Osterholm said that the CFR would in his opinion drop significantly, down from the 60%+ he saw as of a few weeks ago prior to the pandemic starting to sweep the world. I didn’t think so, but the evidence out of Indonesia, culling the news reports, shows lots of kids surviving instead of succumbing.

Goju – at 21:43

i think the drop in CFR is the effect of tamiflu and possibly seasonal flu mixed into the suspect cases

Pixie – at 21:52

Pugmom - at 21:10 - Did bloody vomit happen in 1918?

From Barry, page 237: “One of the most striking of the complications was hemorrhage from mucous membranes, especially from the nose, stomach, and intestine.”

Although I’d think, at this point, that we are most probably looking at customary LCD food& water borne illness unless we begin to see these symptoms in confirmed H5N1 patients.

Influentia2 – at 21:57

Pugmom 19:42

I was under the impression that the Indo government was taking bids in rapid tests for humans.

pugmom – at 22:04

thanx Influentia2 and Pixie.

NoFluingAroundat 22:10

pugmom – at 21:10 Quote from Gaudia Ray at C.E.:

Pugmom, did you go further down the thread and read Niman’s comments? OMG!! “2nd act of a third act play”

Michelle in OK – at 23:05

Thanks to all.

There have been so many new cases, I plan to forward the updated spreadsheet to Dude tonight for posting. Some of the articles were somewhat vague as to dates, so I estimated some of the hospitalized dates. If you are using Excel, the dates I estimated will have a red triangle in the corner of the cell indicating I’ve added a comment to that cell. If anyone has better dates or corrections for any of the data, please post needed changes on the latest Indonesia thread.

If we come to know symptom dates instead of hospitalized dates, I suspect the count for many of the new patients will switch from the October column to the September column on the nightly tables.

Thanks again to raina. Your summaries have helped a lot to fill in information I missed.

The second sheet of the spreadsheet is tracking the increase in patients with symptoms of the unidentified illness in Limbangan. They are not yet (and hopefully never will be) included in the count for suspected H5N1 infections.

Michelle in OK – at 23:25

I’ve forwarded the spreadsheet to Dude, and as usual, it is sorted by location. I’ve historically done it by location so that when it is time for Okieman to prepare his map (roughly every 10 days) the count is easier for him to obtain.

There are now so many cases, you may find it easier to look at the data when it is sorted by date. To do this in Excel, put your cursor on the grey row numbers to the far left and hold down the left mouse key to highlight all the rows with data, including the header row(#s 5 - 164 on the 10/04 upload). Then click on Data - Sort. A box will pop up showing your choices. Make sure the “Header row” is selected at the bottom, and then choose how you’d like to sort. Sort by “Date” Ascending, then by “Sort #” Ascending will give good results.

If these Excel discussions aren’t helpful, just let me know. It is hard to anticipate how all would like to see the data, and I don’t want to post the same data in multiple formats. Your feedback is appreciated. If most want to see the data by date, we’ll let Okieman do his own sort by location.

Michelle in OK – at 23:28

Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 10/04/06

Cases DiscussedJun-06Jul-06Aug-06Sep-06Oct-06Total
Died, no test results2243011
Died, tested positive4323012
Other tested positive013105
Symptoms, tests pending4246439104
Tested negative062613045

05 October 2006

Dude – at 00:47

Spreadsheet 10.04.2006 uploaded to singtomeohmuse.

Influentia2 – at 06:10

I can’t get logged in to singtomeohmuse again. Help.

Commonground – at 06:36 (Excerpt)

TRENGGALEK — MIOL: the bird flu Virus that attacks several regions in the Tulungagung Regency, currently was believed in began to spread to the area of the border, especially the Trenggalek Regency, East Java. Moreover currently Trenggalek is stated was on the alert bird flu. Information that was assembled by the Indonesian Media from the Section Head Regency Livestock Breeding of Trenggalek Agus Sudibjo said at this time was gotten seven serious subdistricts the virus avian influenza (AI). “We in Trenggalek began to be on the alert bird flu, moreover from seven available subdistricts, many reports on the existence of the chicken livestock that died,” said Agus Sudibjo in Trenggalek, on Thursday.

To anticipate the distribution of the AI virus from Tulungagung, the Regional Government Trenggalek this Thursday brought several officials of the health of the animal from the Big Veteriner Jokjakarta Hall in (BBVJ) to take several samples of poultry blood in the area. “Deliberate was brought in by us the official BBVJ come here to know clearly and quickly whether the poultry has in Trenggalek been attacked by the virus AI. we did not want robbed and did the action after having the AI case that attacked humankind,” continued Agus. Must be learnt, the Trenggalek Regency that uptil now was safe from the AI virus, began to be alarmed with the death ratusan

Commonground – at 06:41

A caption under a picture:
The OWNER held tight his kept dog during would disuntik the rabies vaccine by the official from the Bandung Service of City Agriculture, in RW 03 districts Lingkar South Bandung, on Wednesday (4/10). The annual program that was given free of charge this although going since the last month was still not welcomed enthusiastic the citizen. The interest would the rabies danger possibly somewhat forgotten by the relentlessness of the case of bird flu lately, although both of them were the dangerous virus.

Commonground – at 06:52
Temanggung (KR) - the Indication suspect bird flu in the Village Margisari the Jampirejo District, this Temanggung did not yet infect to humankind. Nevertheless, the side of the Health Service continue to guard against towards this bird flu virus. That was raised by the Section Head the Health of the Regency (ET AL) Masruchi when being found by KR in his office, on Wednesday (4/10) connected the existence suspect bird flu in Temanggung. Explained, when being suspect bird flu in Margisari, his side at once held the verification in the field without must be waiting for results of the agricultural Service. Evidently up to now results of the verification dilapangan the negative against humankind. Bird flu that was in the village was still limited to the poultry, did not yet infect to humankind, he explained. Nevertheless, he explained, his side continued to carry out preventive steps so that did not infect to humankind. Moreover, before Unicef carried out the socialisation of the side of the Health Service has done the step in anticipation.

Commonground – at 07:07

Article gives dates for onset of treatment
Six patients Suspect Bird Flu in Makassar Still Dirawat on Thursday, October 05 2006 | 03:55 WIB

The Interactive TIME, Makassar: Six patients suspect bird flu in South Sulawesi still didirawat in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar up until today. Some patients have experienced the progress and the temperature of his body gradually got normal. A patient had the initials P (7 years) was treated since last September 27
Whereas M. (8 years) was treated since September 29
As for D (7 years) and his relatives M. (4 years) was treated since October 2
Even so with the patient Ms (1.5 years)
Whereas NA (7 years) was treated since September 30
According to Marhaeni Tadjang, a nurse has in the hospital, the patient P and A improved and his infusion has been opened. The temperature of his body began to be normal and they began to descend from the bed. “Mereka was ascertained positive terjangkit flu burung,” he said. Everything had the chicken incident died suddenly around their house.

Commonground – at 07:21 (Excerpt):
Critically, the Patient Suspect Burung
Flu (05 Oct 2006, 33 x, printed, Comment) since January RSWS treated Inap 14 patients
MAKASSARThree from six patients suspect (was expected) bird flu that was treated by RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo (RS WS), was reported critical.
The three patients experienced the high fever bersuhu 38 Celcius levels. The condition for three patients who were treated in these Lontara I ferns weakened. Nevertheless, continue to diinfus and was given the injection. Whereas three other, could have played although still got oral medicine (oral). Three children that his condition worrying that; Nur Asia, 11, Dion Rahmayanto, 7, and Mustarisa, 4. Two last names were the older brother was siblings. The three of them were treated in the room 2. Whereas three other that his condition was seen improved was Muhammad Salsabil, 1,5, Paturungi, 7, and Apriani, 8, still was treated in the room 3. The “status the six patients still suspect.” [comment: “suspect” yet they have 3 in one room, and 3 in another room] The sample of their blood still in Jakarta, so as to be not yet ascertained whether they really bird flu or not, said the nurse in the ferns building, Marnaeni Tadjang, on last Wednesday. The six children were reported through the laboratory inspection, the photograph thoraks and blood. “We also still were waiting for results of the bribe or throat mucus and the patient’s nose,” explained Marnaeni. Since last January, continued Marnaeni, RS WS treated 14 patients suspect bird flu. The detail is, seven mature patients and seven children. Through to the data yesterday, the 14 patients including six last children who were treated for the time being still berstatus the negative.

 maintained Ayam

In the meantime, Nursia that also parents of the patient were named Dion and Mustarisa revealed that his child has experienced the fever since the last eight days. Dion’s stomach was in fact felt hard when being felt. Nursia could bring Dion to the Antara Complex Community Health Centre till twice. However Dion’s fever only abated for a moment then suffered again a relapse.
continued at website

Commonground – at 07:42 - Excerpt:
Half Central Java Endemi AI
was prepared 10 Million Vaksin Semarang - the Livestock Breeding Service the Central Javan Provincial Government said up until this October was gotten by 17 regencies/the city that it was suspected became the area endemi bird flu or avian influenza (AI). Beforehand’, only 14 territories that it was suspected became the area of the spreading AI. But in his development spread to Purbalingga, Kendal, and Pekalongan’, said he, on Wednesday (4/10).
Unicef Central Javan Delegation gave the picture, the regency/the city that had the high risk towards the spreading of bird flu was Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Sragen, Surakarta, Boyolali, Klaten, Grobogan, Magelang, Tegal, Banyumas, the Semarang City, the Semarang Regency, and Rembang. To prevent the spreading of this illness of the Central Javan Provincial Government intent through giving of the vaccine. At this time, continued Kusmaningsih, the Livestock Breeding Service got the addition of the vaccine 10 million doses, so as the total vaccine that was received Central Java for 2006 this an amount 22 million doses. Because, at the beginning this year the government gave 12 million doses.

Like that it was reported, in the Semarang City to last Tuesday (2/10) was found by the existence of the positive chicken brought the virus H5N1 when being done rapid test. Responded to that, Kusmaningsih said did not yet get the report concerning this newest case. On the other hand, results rapid test the level keakuratan him revolving 70%, so as to still could not be ascertained 100% was the AI virus and must be waiting for results of the inspection of the laboratory veteriner.
When being asked about the possibility of the existence of the extermination plan of the poultry in a mass fashion, he still could not confirm. According to him, to determine the existence of the extermination was not easy. Really must be confirmed that the cause of the death of this poultry was bird flu. If being based on the data from labotratorium was stated positive just will have the extermination. In his note, the extermination of the poultry in a mass fashion in a radius of one kilometre just was carried out in Boyolali.

Commonground – at 07:54

NEW CASES - 2 - North Jakarta, Jakarta: the Infection Hospital (RSPI) Sulianti Saroso, Sunter, Jakarta North, again treated two patients who were expected by bird flu. One of the him had the initials the Y name, 29 years, was stated by the bird flu negative. However, till at this time, he was still being treated in Space of Intensive Care the RSPI Unit, because of suffering pneumonia. A patient still has the initials F, his status was not yet increased to confirm bird flu. The child was 18 months old was treated since Wednesday at dawn yesterday. He currently still could be breathing without aids and is given medicine tamiflu. F was diagnosed suffered the infection of the lungs, but results of the sample of his blood that was sent to Health Research And Development of the Department of the Health were not yet accepted by results. According to the Spokesperson RSPI Sulianti Saroso, the doctor Sadikin Giriputro, vigilance of hospitals faced bird flu improved, although still had the hospital that late followed up the patient who it was suspected suffered bird flu

Commonground – at 07:58, Bogor: the Circulation of the poultry animal gazed at forthcoming Lebaran increasingly busy.

For example in the Anyar Market, the Bogor City, West Java, pengepul got supplies from the retailer and the breeder from several territories in West Java and Central Java. Some chickens were in fact taken again by the trader from Jakarta and Banten. “They bought up him to be sold again in Jakarta,” said one of the chicken traders, Didin. According to the Head of the Bogor Field of City Livestock Breeding the veterinary surgeon Herlien Krisnaningsih, the condition made the supervision of the poultry traffic tightly prevent the spreading of bird flu still could not be carried out. “The poultries entered freely without passing checkpoints in the area of the border,” explained Herlien. The shortage of the supervision wanted to not want to have to make the consumer carefully. To prevent the plague outbreak of bird flu should not forget always to clean itself every time after holding the poultry. Moreover completed and the egg through to ripe so as your whim food was free from the virus H5N1.

Okieman – at 08:06

More on the gastro-intestinal disease near Garut. Still increasing. I am going to look at the geographical distribution of this thing and try to get a grasp of how it is spreading, whether one river is common to all the villages mentioned. I’ll let ya’ll know what I find out.

In Garut 117 was attacked, 4 people Meninggal

Muntaber Hinder to Tasik Garut, (HOMEWORK). - the Citizen Kec.

Cibiuk that was attacked by the illness vomited defecated (muntaber) till Wednesday (4/10) reached 117 people. From this number 4 people died, 43 was treated the road, 70 still was treated in the community health centre, and just 6 patients that recovered as well as were brought came home his family. In the meantime, from the Tasikmalaya City was reported, more than 40 citizens were from Kawalu and Gobras, the Tasikmalaya City, attacked by the same illness. The patient that experienced vomited again and again and defecated that, currently was treated in the regional Public Hospital (RSUD) the Tasikmalaya City, and the Islam Hospital (RSI). The sub-district head Cibiuk Kab. Garut, Dra. Rusmanah, M. The. , on Wednesday explained, casualties muntaber that, each one of the Cipareuan villages 4 people, Cibiuk Kaler 45, Cibiuk Kidul 23, Majasari 20, and Lingkung Sand 11 people. Casualties died, was Mita Purnamasari (11), the citizen Kp. Gandasari the Cibiuk Kaler Village, NY. Saodah (30) the inhabitants Kp. Sukasari, Cibiuk Kaler, Pian (11), Kp. Koang the Majasari Village, as well as witchcraft (70) the citizen Maja the Majasari Village. “The three casualties died on Monday early afternoon (2/10).” Whereas witchcraft (90) died on Tuesday night (3/10). The four casualties died because the lack of the liquid and late got help, said the sub-district head. Kasubag TU Dinkes Garut, Dr. H. Hendi Wise, M. Cash, stated, his side has formed the team of investigation. The team took six samples of food. “It was not yet known food what caused diarrhoea.” Results were just known three days more, said Hendi.


The “number that was handled by me personally had 20 patients.” That not yet the patient Mr Ali and the doctor Dedi Riswandi, said Sumpena. Whereas in RSI, said Sumpena, there were 10 patients. The cause of diarrhoea, it was estimated originated in dirty water. One family from the New City Sounding Lead, consisted of four people, entered to RSUD the Tasikmalaya City. Siti Fartini, Nining, Prosperous and Deden, all was treated in RSUD after being attacked vomited defecated. Nining said, his family suddenly diarrhoea, on Tuesday afternoon. Because continually, the four casualties were run off with to the hospital. “My condition was rather tolerable, but my brother that is Siti, still must be treated,” he said. Around his house, according to Nining, many similar casualties. There were those who was treated in the community health centre, there is also was treated in the doctor’s house Atang, the doctor that opened the practice in and around housing. “We did not know the cause of this diarrhoea illness,” said Nining.

Michelle in OK – at 08:57

Thanks, Dude. For anyone new, you get to the spreadsheet by going to the following website. The logon is “wikimember” and password is “wiki123″.

I sometimes have to hit refresh to get the website to load. Influentia2, I wish I was more computer literate to help you with suggestions.

pugmom – at 09:12

partial article detailing Tamiflu going to all the hospitals in Indonesia. dated 10–5−06.

On Thursday, October 5 2006 Bandung (the Work Voice): Kasubdin Sanitation of the Environment of the Health Service (Dinkes) West Java, Fatimah Resmiati, proposed that Indonesia occupied the first level in the number of death rates resulting from the bird flu illness in South-East Asia…..

According to Fatimah, to follow up the handling of the bird flu illness in Indonesia, the official of the health that was in the private hospital will be trained and was at this time being thought about by the availability of medicine tamiflu for the private hospital all over Indonesia

“Was based on the speech on the Department of Health person, medicine tamiflu was provided totalling 1.2 million capsules to be spread to the hospital in Indonesia he said, while saying for his protective equipment was not yet prepared…..

the special meeting to zoonotis in discussing the bird flu illness and the formation of the regional commission (komda) the handling of bird flu in West Java

pugmom – at 09:17

comment on above article: it seems to me that the Tamiflu blanket, so to speak, is now being cast over the entire Indo archipelago—they are handing it out to all the hospitals to be used for primary in-hospital treatment. Whether or not they are still handing it out at the village/local level to prevent spread, I don’t know, but it looks like the hsopitals are now anticipating using it more than anyone else.

pugmom – at 10:43

article from Reuter’s about human quick test kits. (answering one of my questions from yesterday). dated 10–5−06. (comment: It is going to take them a year!!!!)

 JAKARTA, Oct 5 (Reuters) - The Indonesian government has teamed up with a Singaporean firm to develop an early diagnostic bird flu test kit for humans, the health minister said on Thursday.

A rapid test for bird flu infections in humans is key for existing treatments to be more effective, potentially saving lives. Tamiflu, a drug made by Swiss giant Roche AG which has been used successfully to treat some patients, rapidly loses its effectiveness if not used in early stages of the disease.

“With this, case finding will be much faster, so treatment can be done as soon as possible,” Siti Fadillah Supari told reporters after a signing ceremony between the health ministry and Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory.

“Temasek already has the concept of the development but they need the virus strains, something which we have, to produce the rapid test kit,” she added. The laboratory is part of Singapore’s state financial arm Temasek Holdings.

Tan Kok Keng, chief operating officer of Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory, said he hoped the diagnostic kit would be produced within a year.

“We have the technology, so we are here to evaluate further for detection of the H5N1 virus. First we have to develop it for animals and farms, subsequently and obviously it will be extended for humans,” Keng said.

“We are concerned with the various strains of the virus. We want to make sure the diagnostic kit will have a good coverage of deeper strains of H5N1, whether for Indonesia, Vietnam or elsewhere in the world.”

Indonesia has become one of the frontlines in the battle against the disease. So far, 52 people have died of bird flu, the highest of any country, with the majority of deaths since the beginning of this year. Worldwide, 148 people have died of bird flu since 2003.

The H5N1 virus mainly affects birds but experts fear it could mutate into a strain capable of killing millions of people in a global pandemic.

More deaths are feared in Indonesia because the virus is endemic in poultry across much of the huge archipelago of 17,000 islands.

Okieman – at 11:14

A comment concerning the gastro-intestinal disease outbreak mentioned in the articles above:

1. I am having difficulty identifying some of the small villages using the data I have available. Also, there are sometimes multiple “populated places” with the same name. That said, the outbreak seems to be fairly spread out geographically. I could be wrong on this, but it appears to not be one small area with one water source, nor a common stream/river.

2. There could be a common food source (remember the spinach/e-coli outbreak in the U.S.) and folks are getting sick from that common source. With the moslem religious holiday where families are sitting down to eat together and eating possibly different foods than normal, this might be the case.

3. It could be a contagious disease of some sort (not bird flu) making the rounds.

4. It could be a new presentation of bird flu not seen before. If you will look at page 259 of John Barry’s book The Great Influenza, Dr. Welch was sick with influenza and told his nephew that the disease “seems to have localized itself in my intestinal, rather than the respiratory tract, which is probably fortunate.”

The rapid spread and severity of the cases worries me. If it was a food borne disease I would think there would be one spike of sick folks then it would taper off. If it is in fact one area with a common water source then it probably is the water, but as far as I can tell it is occuring in several locations.

I believe there is some sort of contagious disease being passed. Consider the following passage in the 8:06 article I posted today: Cibiuk that was attacked by the illness vomited defecated (muntaber) till Wednesday (4/10) reached 117 people. From this number 4 people died, 43 was treated the road, 70 still was treated in the community health centre, and just 6 patients that recovered as well as were brought came home his family. In the meantime, from the Tasikmalaya City was reported, more than 40 citizens were from Kawalu and Gobras, the Tasikmalaya City, attacked by the same illness.

In addition to the 117 cases in the Cibiuk sub-district (around Garut?) there are an additional 40 cases from Kawalu and Gobras near Tasikmalaya. Garut and Tasikmalaya are about 23 miles apart as the crow flies, but are connected by a highway. Now, where Cibiuk and Kawalu and Gobras are in relation to each other I am unsure. But it appears to me to point to a geographically dispersed occurance of disease. The time frame of this starting a few days ago near Garut and now showing up in Tasikmalaya also points to a contagious disease transmission. The fact that the Garut area has been a hot spot for bird flu and the tamiflu blanket was thrown south of Garut in a place called Cikelet makes me wonder whether there is some connection.

Let us hope this is not bird flu, but bird flu has been a surprise at every turn. I would refer you to anon_22′s interview in the thread “What I learnt from talking to JKT” for a discussion concerning how past pandemics don’t necessarily show us how this one could play out. I think we should keep an open mind concerning how this disease might adapt to humans.

In summary, I think this gastro-intestinal disease is contagious, but I am not ready to peg it as bird flu. I do think we should continue watching and paying attention to it.

Okieman – at 11:39

This article was posted on September 7 in the Indonesian thread by Influentia2 – at 19:18. So there was bird flu cases in the Cibiuk area three weeks or so before this gastro-intestinal disease began.

From Garut, September 7

Belasan the Poultry died Mendadak CIBIUK -Following the number of poultries belonging to the citizen of the Cijeler RT Village 01 and 03 RW 06 Cibiuk Kidul villages, died suddenly, around 50 villagers Cibiuk Kidul the Cibiuk Subdistrict, followed the socialisation of the bird flu virus.The activity was personally spread out on the co-operation between Muspika Cibiuk and the team from the Garut Regency, on Wednesday (6/9).The sub-district head Cibiuk Dra Rusmanah MSi justified the existence of this incident.According to him, the number of poultries that died suddenly that, around 15 tails.Moreover, made the citizen of panic.Kejadian immediately was reported to the team from the regency.Results of the inspection, this poultry was expected terjangkit the virus H5NI. But, to he explained the team was memeriksakan sample chicken blood that died and that still was living in Cikole Bandung, he explained.Said by the sub-district head, last Tuesday, the team could from the Regency carry out spraying against the poultry pen and the vaccination.” Tim from the Regency was successful memaksin totalling 166 chickens, 38 ducks and 10 tails burung,” obviously him.When the team memaksin the poultry belonging to the citizen, said the sub-district head, the citizen could panic.And the citizen very enthusiastic to memaksin his poultry.Kepanikan the citizen not because frightened of being affected by the virus H5NI that was spread by the poultry.Melainkanwarga frightened his kept poultry died. He Said.Dalam the socialisation of bird flu a week beforehand, many citizens that did not know like what and how penanggulangannya,continued the Sub-district Head.

Commonground – at 11:43

Correction On 2 Cases In Jakarta - Post at 07:54
F (18 months) is from Central Java. She is Farida which was reported by Pugmom in Post at 09:55. Farida was rushed off to RS Sulianti Sarosa Hospital in Jakarta on 10/3. So she is not a new case in Jakarta.

Okieman – at 12:20

The info on the link below is from the WHO. The “what-if” of this gastro-intestinal disease being bird flu will take your breath away. Scroll down until you see the heading “Health monitoring” for the portion I have quoted here.

Most patients infected with the H5N1 virus show initial symptoms of fever (380 C or higher) followed by influenza-like respiratory symptoms, including cough, rhinorrhea, sore throat, and (less frequently) shortness of breath. Watery diarrhoea is often present in the early stages of illness, and may precede respiratory symptoms by up to one week. Gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, vomiting) may occur and headache has also been reported. To date, one report has described two patients who presented with an encephalopathic illness and diarrhoea without apparent respiratory symptoms.

Okieman – at 12:23

Ok, I’m done chasing this rabbit for a while. I don’t mind saying that I’m concerned, and my ppf has gone from a 7 to an 8. Time will tell.

Edna Mode – at 13:09

Okieman – at 12:23

Thank you for researching this Okieman. I was at a brown bag lecture on avian flu yesterday. The woman presenting it was so wrong on so many counts, and this is yet another. She stated definitively that H5N1 is strictly a respiratory disease and does not cause gastro symptoms. I, of course, knew she was wrong. But at that point I had corrected her on so many points (for instance, using H5N1 and H1N1 interchangeably and stating that H5N1 can’t be transmitted H2H) that I decided it was a lost cause.

I agree we need to watch this one. I also think the dengue situation in India, while probably nothing related to H5N1, is something to keep an eye on as well.

pugmom – at 14:03

Okieman—thankyou so much for the time and effort you have put in researching this outbreak. I am anxiously awaiting for Cidrap or ProMed to come out and make a comment or tell us what may be going on. The numbers seem so large, I just had never heard of outbreaks like that, then I came across an old ProMed report detailing a diarrhea outbreak that has as many numbers of patients in them. I posted it last night at 20:16. They happened in East Java, and Sumatra and Sulawesi in the third week of Novemember 2004. Strange—on different islands—all at the same time. They never said, in that little blurb I found, what the causative agent was. The 2 similar things with this breakout is that both are near Ramadan and both are in the rainy season. I went researching last night and find articles about how bad the drought was in Indo there just a few weeks ago, loss of crops, poor drinking water, etc. And, the rains just started. (Although with the El Nino this year, East Asia is supposed to be drier than usual.) Just no telling until we get official word on the matter.

Commonground – at 14:09

Okieman - Thank you for investigating this. Please keep your eyes peeled. I ran right across that article this morning while searching for “Flu Burung”. I think you may be on to something. I’m still posting from CIDRAP and ProMed whenever they have an update on the E-Coli outbreak.

Okieman – at 14:16

Edna Mode, pugmom and Commonground,

Thanks. There is a part of me that wants to be told that I am just barking up the wrong tree (coon hunting term). Maybe I am. Give it a few more days and we should know.

pugmom – at 14:34

Okieman—they are having the same kind of outbeak in Ethiopia now with huge numbers too, 22,000 affected people and a 1% CFR. It is cholera over there and is because of the rains coming. Here is the link:

Okieman – at 16:05

This article is dated May 9, 2006

Bird Flu May Infect People Through the Gut, Virologist Says

May 9 (Bloomberg) — Bird flu may be capable of invading people through the gut, not just the respiratory system, and diarrhea is sometimes the first symptom, said virologist Menno de Jong, whose team observed 18 cases in Vietnam.


De Jong said it is possible H5N1 may be replicating in the gastrointestinal tract after the virus was cultured from a rectal swab in a patient who had diarrhea.

`Diarrhea in some patients is the first symptom of infection, he said. That could mean that the ``initial site of infection in those particular patients may have been in the gastrointestinal tract, perhaps after the consumption of raw chicken or raw duck products.


This article is dated Sept 11, 2006

Study offers new clues on bird flu’s deadliness

Virus triggers a fatal immune system response, new research finds


The virus was also found in the rectums of most of those with H5N1, suggesting it could have spread through the blood stream into the gastrointestinal tract.


Those with common flu had no virus in their blood or rectum. No one died in that group.

“The fatal outcome of H5N1 infections seems to be associated with high levels of replication of the virus and also the detection of the virus in the blood,” said de Jong, of the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh City in southern Vietnam.

anonymous – at 16:41

With the outbreak of this stomach virus, it is worrying that people may have recently eaten H5N1 infected chickens unknowingly if they are asymptomatic. Also, something to watch will be the big feast of Id al-Fitr (or Eid ul-Fitr), the big celebration at the end of Ramadan which, I believe, will take place this year on Oct. 26. No doubt many chickens and goats will be part of the feast breaking the Ramadan fast. Also, everyone goes home to the countryside to spend the holiday with their parents, and people begin traveling a few days before the feast day. Jakarta airports, train stations, and notoriously the highways, are jam packed with travelers headed home for the feast with their extended rural families. And then they all come back home.

Pixie – at 16:42

Sorry, that was me on Id al-Fitr.

pugmom – at 19:27

Lower Rumoong, North Sulawesi; finally, some comment on the earlier presumed cases. dated 10–5−06.

Manado- the Citizen that was in the area of the Minahasa regency South (Minsel) deserved to be grateful to have to like and be proud the heart, because of not having one citizen who occupied the Rumoong village terjangkit the bird flu illness…..

That was said by the Health Minister (Menkes) RI Dr Sitti Fadila to several reporters before departing back to Jakarta, on last Wednesday (4/10). “After being proven by me through the inspection that the citizen that was expected terjangkit the bird flu illness until this still in the healthy condition, so as I concluded did not have the case of bird flu that happened to humankind but this case only happened to the poultry animal,” said Sitti Fadila that was accompanied by North Sulawesi Governor Drs Sinyo H Sarundayang and the Regent Minut Vonnie Panambunan.

It was further that Sitti Fadila said, from results of the survey that was carried out that the hospital that was built in Minsel was still not ready to become RS reconciliation of the bird flu illness.

“I will increase the budget to RS Minsel of Rp 10 milliar, so that immediately the deadly illness this could be overcome,” he said.

Menkes personally the salute and proud towards the achievement from North Sulawesi government apparatus was brought by leadership of Drs Sinyo H Sarundayang that straightaway overcame the circulation of the bird flu illness through the extermination of all the poultry animal along 1 km from the location of the incident.

The “feeling thanked you, we hanturkan to” Sir “Sarundayang on anticipation of this illness to not creep into humankind,” he said.

comment; well, I guess they came back after fleeing to the hills.

Okieman – at 21:22

More gastrointestinal illness in West Java. If I am not mistaken this is southwest of the Bandung and Garut area. It is thought to be a water borne illness in this artilce.

On Thursday, October 05 2006 18:46 WIB the HUMANITIES - Kesehatan

Again, one Village was attacked by Muntaber

The writer: Faizal Bagindo

Sukabumi — MIOL: after last week dozens of citizens of the Cikakak Subdistrict and the Subdistrict of Cisolok were attacked by the illness vomited defecated (diarrhoea), currently dozens of citizens of the Ciheulang Tonggoh Village, the Cibadak Subdistrict, of the Sukabumi Regency, West Java, experience same fate. A citizen among them, died because of could not be handled. “This diarrhoea attack took place since Monday (2/10), by turns.” At least 40 citizens are currently rolled over weak in the village hall and the house each with the needle inpus, said Leonita, the local midwife, on Thursday (5/10). The citizen that was attacked by this diarrhoea illness, not could not be treated in the Community Health Centre or the hospital. However, two closest hospitals, RSUD Syamsudin the Sukabumi City, could not accommodate the patient because of the limitations of the middle room direhab. On the other hand, RSU Sekarwangi, not be prepared accommodated, because the room was full of the other illness patient. Currently the room of the Ciheulang Tonggoh Village Hall, changes to a place of the reception and the maintenance of the emergency of dozens of citizens. A team of the health that consisted of the doctor and the medics, by turns continued to supervise the development of the patient. “We continued to monitor the development of their health,” said Didi, Kasubdin the Handling of infectious diseases (P2M), the Health Service of the Sukabumi Regency. Erni, 23, the local citizen who still was weak resulting from diarrhoea, mentioned initially he felt his stomach was sick terama really. Then, was followed by nauseas until vomiting was accompanied defecated not henti. The matter that also was felt by several families lai him. The midwife Leonita expected the attack muntaberitu originated in the use of the Cikahuripan river water that was around the Ciheulang Tonggoh Village. Suspected the river water became the cause of the expansion of the diarrhoea illness. Because, almost most inhabitants made use of the source of the water.

Okieman – at 21:24

Some news from Makassar

Six patients Suspect Bird Flu in Makassar Still Dirawat on Thursday, October 05 2006 | 03:55 WIB

The Interactive TIME, Makassar: Six patients suspect bird flu in South Sulawesi still didirawat in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar up until today. Some patients have experienced the progress and the temperature of his body gradually got normal. A patient had the initials P (7 years) was treated since last September 27. Whereas M. (8 years) was treated since September 29. As for D (7 years) and his relatives M. (4 years) was treated since October 2. Even so with the patient Ms (1.5 years). Whereas NA (7 years) was treated since September 30. According to Marhaeni Tadjang, a nurse has in the hospital, the patient P and A improved and his infusion has been opened. The temperature of his body began to be normal and they began to descend from the bed. “Mereka was ascertained positive terjangkit flu burung,” he said. Everything had the chicken incident died suddenly around their house. Irmawati,20061005-85441,id.html

pugmom – at 22:06

Tasikmalaya, West Java: Ateng and Muslihah are negative and go home. dated 10–6−06., Tasikmalaya: After being treated while one week in the Tasikmalaya Public Hospital, West Java, the father and the child that beforehand were expected by bird flu finally had been permitted to come home, on Thursday (5/10). From the sample inspection of Atang blood and Muslihah pointed them out not terjangkit the virus H5N1 [read: the Father and the Child entered Isolation Space]. According to the team of the doctor RSU Tasikmalaya, Atang evidently was ill bronchitis and his child suffered the upper respiratory tract infection (ISPA).

Beforehand the two citizens of the Subang Mountain Village, this Tasikmalaya City was brought to the hospital because of showing the sign was similar to the bird flu sufferer. With pulanga him Atang and this Muslihah, currently remain at a Tasikmalaya citizen again that still was treated with the status of the assumption of bird flu that is Abdul Great. He is currently reconciled to the Handsome Hospital of Sadikin Bandung.

Okieman – at 22:28

This article is dated October 3, 2006, Bireun: Lima the citizen Bireun East, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, died as a result of vomiting and defecating (muntaber).

These infectious diseases also attacked hundreds of citizens who currently are treated in several hospitals and the community health centre. Nevertheless, Resor Bireun police and the local Health Service were still carrying out investigation to ascertain the death of the citizen because muntaber, not sabotage. Subregional Police Bireun suspected this incident of not happening naturally, but had the element of sabotage with the motive created the citizen’s panic. Because, the territory Bireun East never terjangkit muntaber. In the doctor’s Hospital Fauziah Bireun, Khadijah, villagers Tanjungmulya blew out the last breath after being treated for two days. Facilities the limited health made several patients muntaber was treated in emergency space [read: Bireun was attacked by the Muntaber Plague]. To anticipate the situation that worse, the Government of the Bireun Regency alerted several community health centres and asked for the community immediately memeriksakan himself if experiencing the sign muntaber. The government will cover the cost the maintenance. (TNA/Muhammad Nasier and Muhammadan),130207,1,0,1160099585.html

‘-This article is also dated Oct. 3, 2006., Bireun: casualties died as a result of vomiting defecated (muntaber) in the Bireun Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam continued to improve. Is based on the Bireun data of the Health Service, up to now was recorded by as many as five people died resulting from muntaber. Whereas the citizen that was treated in the hospital totalling 140 people. According to the Head of Dinkes Bireun Amren the Uterus, on Tuesday (3/10), to prevent the spreading muntaber, Dinkes Bireun dropped the team to several areas off that his citizen many terjangkit muntaber. The team continued to carry out the sample test to look for the cause of the citizen was attacked muntaber. First efforts at this time, Dinkes did the corporation of well water in several villages. (DEN)


This area is in Aceh province on the very northwestern tip of Sumatra, north of the Medan area.

I also want to make the comment that all of this may very well be nothing but a terribly nasty stomach virus. I don’t know. If it is the same disease that is effecting the Garut area then it has already shown itself as a killer in multiple locations. But it may not be bird flu. If the Fluwiki community feels these articles and their follow-up should be posted in a seperate thread then I will do so. Please let me know.

That’s Just Ducky! – at 22:40

Hi Okieman,

I posted your posts about the “vomiting again and again and defacated” situation over on curevents, flu Clinic (giving you the hat-tip of course!)

Hope you don’t mind my sharing on your behalf!

Okieman – at 22:44

That’s Just Ducky! – at 22:40

That’s fine. Hopefully it is just a blip in the news and then fades away.

pugmom – at 22:46

Okieman—keep posting here, until we find out what it is.

Michelle in OK – at 23:44

Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 10/05/06

Cases DiscussedJun-06Jul-06Aug-06Sep-06Oct-06Total
Died, no test results2243011
Died, tested positive4323012
Other tested positive013105
Symptoms, tests pending4246429103
Tested negative062615047
Pixie – at 23:48

Will Bird Flu Go Pandemic? More victims in more Indonesian cities

Aloysius Wisnuhardana (wisnuhard) 2006/10/05 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:58 Ohmynews

After 52 deaths in Indonesia from bird flu virus through September, several new cases were treated in several cities this month, including Medan, Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, and Makassar.

In Makassar, six patients (children, aged from 1.5 to 11 years) have had to get medical treatment since Oct. 3 and should undergo lab tests. Local health officials in Makassar want to conduct lab tests on those who live with the sick and their neighbors, but people locked their doors against health care workers there who wanted to take blood samples. After an exchange of words, the officials asked the village chief to intercede, eventually getting samples within a few hours.

In Semarang on the other hand, neighbors of two patients suspected of infection actually urged health officials to take samples from them and urged veterinary officers to vaccinate all poultry in their area. Meanwhile, hundreds of chickens found dead near their houses a few days ago have already been burned.

The situation may have to be taken more seriously now that the Head of the West Java Animal Husbandry Office, Rachmat Setiadi, as quoted in The Jakarta Post, revealed that his aide had tested over 20 chickens in the house of two men who had died of flu (aged 23 and 20 years), having bought dead chickens from the market for their dogs.

Four healthy chickens were found to be infected with H5N1, or “bird flu” virus. He added that we should be more cautious, since even healthy birds could be carriers of bird flu. Meanwhile, over 11 dogs kept by bird flu cluster families tested negative.

The new fact may complicate the situation even more since the last 10 days of Ramadan will start soon (the last day is Oct. 23), when Moslem communities will end fasting and celebrate the great day of Idul Fitri. Traditionally, most Moslems in Indonesia celebrate by having a party with their family and visiting other families, so that the demand for food, especially poultry and chickens, increases significantly.

The traffic in chickens and poultry cannot be controlled because the demand is so high, which traders will do anything to meet. Traders in Bogor confessed that they would bring chickens in from anywhere, such as Bandung and Sukabumi, and that sometimes their stocks would be bought by traders from Tangerang or Jakarta. Government officials are not empowered to interfere with this traffic, but at the same time they must campaign about how dangerous bird flu virus is.

Another problem is that infected areas have recently been spreading day by day, with the result that the government has not been able to isolate the outbreaks. For example, almost half the regencies in Central Java were infected by the virus, or 17 of the 35 regencies in that province. More than 600,000 chickens have died and tens of thousands slaughtered.


The Indonesian government and World Health Organizations have so far appointed North Sumatra Islamic University as a Center for Bird Flu Research, but in the short run we will have to try something else.

06 October 2006

Pixie – at 01:58

Possible bird flu cases in Makassar The Jakarta Post, Makassar, Semarang October 06, 2006

Seven people showing symptoms of bird flu have been admitted to a hospital in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

The patients, most less than 10 years old, were being treated in the Pakis isolation room at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital on Thursday for high fever and vomiting.

“Our preliminary clinical diagnosis was that they were infected with the bird flu virus, so we moved them to the isolation room,” said M. Halik, who is responsible for bird flu treatment at the hospital.

Halik said the seven patients’ blood had tested negative for the H5N1 bird flu virus. To be certain of the diagnosis, however, he said doctors needed the results of tests on the patients’ nasal mucus from a laboratory in Jakarta.

“We’ve sent the specimens to Jakarta and are waiting for the test results,” he said.

Family members said chickens near the patients’ homes had been falling ill and dying rapidly without any clear reason, Halik added.

The Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital is somewhat overwhelmed by the increasing number of suspected bird flu patients it is treating. Two isolation rooms designed to hold two patients each have had to accommodate twice the number.


Rapid tests on dead chickens in Lebdosari kampong, Gisikdrono, in Semarang, indicated they had the virus. Local authorities later culled 35 other chickens in the kampong to prevent the disease from spreading.

“We culled chickens in Boyolali in 2004. But now we have no plans to do so because the social impacts (of culling) are so widespread. Besides that we still don’t know whether there will be compensation for the culled chickens,” she explained.

In a related development, the Ministry of Health plans to build modern laboratories in North Sumatra <snip> They will be used to test blood from suspected bird flu victims without having to send the samples to Jakarta.

Pixie – at 02:07

Suspect AI improved, RSWS the Alat Lack (06 Oct 2006)

MAKASSAR — the Patient suspect (was expected) Avian influenza (AI) or bird flu that was treated in the RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo ferns building (RSWS), yesterday was increased by one person.

The patient was named Ical Mahendra, 7, the citizen Street Makmur 21 Makassar.

Till yesterday, RSWS treated seven patients suspect AI. Ical entered the high fever situation, the cough and crowded, immediately entered Installation space treated the Emergency (IRD).

The son of the couple Ismail and the Diamond was at once taken the sample of blood and was taken the photograph rontgen him. From the speech on the Diamond was known, the child the I Karuwisi PRIMARY SCHOOL evidently still bersepupu at the same time being neighbours with Apriyani, the patient suspect AI that more previously was treated in RSWS. “We were neighbours.”

In the last two weeks, there was the neighbouring chicken that died.

I also was neighbours with Salsabila, that also was treated more previously, said the Diamond.

Therefore, three neighbouring patients currently together are treated in ferns space.

According to this housewife, his child experienced the fever since the last two days was accompanied pilek and the cough. Moreover the Diamond could be run off with to the Tamajene Karuwisi Community Health Centre. “But the doctor’s words, at once were brought to RS Wahidin, because of being expected by bird flu,” obviously the Diamond.

Unfortunately, in the afternoon yesterday the sample of blood the six previous patients did not yet have results. Whereas the sample of Ical blood personally just was sent yesterday.

In the meantime, the condition for six patients beforehand namely Muhammad Salsabila, Mustarisa, Dion Rahmayanto, Nur Asia, Apriyani and Paturungi began to improve. The high fever that was experienced began to show the decline in general 36–37 Celcius levels.

The secretary of the team of the AI RSWS control Dr Khalid Pious, SpPD said, the sample of the patient’s blood AI at this time still was waiting for results of Jakarta. So, the positive patient AI or not also still could not be ascertained. Results of this test, said Khalid usually just was accepted around seven days. According to Khalid, till RS Wahidin at this time still terkendala the problem of equipment and maintenance space.

Moreover results of the sample of blood of not yet arriving made RSWS begin to be overwhelmed handled the patient suspect

The ferns building that uptil now was made function for the patient SARS was shifted make function to accommodate the patient of the lungs and bird flu began to be crowded.

Apart from the limitations of this AI isolation space, RSWS also terkendala standard equipment handled AI like the ventilator, safety and the monitor.

Influentia2 – at 05:43 I don’t think this was posted yet. Thread is long. It sounds like officials think it is water related here.

On October 06 2006 [the News archives] the Garut Regent visited the Patient the Regent’s Garut Diarrhoea of H. Agus Supriadi and the Representative of the Garut Regent the Hermawan Memo was accompanied by Kabag TU the Health Service Dr. H. Hendi Wise considered directly the condition for the health 42 patients of the diarrhoea illness in the Limbangan Community Health Centre, on Tuesday (3/10). This diarrhoea emergence happened in the Cibiuk Kidul Village that be at a distance 25 Km to the north of the Garut City, with the number of inhabitants 5.700 souls/1.500 heads of households. Join in with the party, the Sub-district Head Cibiuk Dra. Rusmanah M. The and the Village Head Cibiuk Kidul Agus Subarkah. According to the Regent, 42 diarrhoea patients are currently handled intensively. As for 3 patients who died was Saodah (30), Nita (13), and witchcraft (90). The life the three patients was not helped because of the delay of the handling from the patient’s family. The Garut regent stated two possibilities of the affected citizen of diarrhoea, that is resulted in syrup water that was consumed by the citizen at the time of fast-breaking or was resulted in by the quality of water in the complex. “Kami saw precisely the casualties consumed water from one source air,” he said. The incident of the diarrhoea illness this time including the extraordinary incident. Then the technical team good from the health service and disbangkim was researching the location point that eventually will be enabled to be developed the artesian water well measuring big. On the other hand, the Head of Sector environmental Sanitation Dr. Iwan Suwarsa said if to sample the water was gotten the element of bacteriology, then the research was enough in Garut. However, if to sample the water was gotten the chemical element, then the research was carried out in Labolatorium the Health of the West Javanese Area in Bandung. ‘’‘As for results of the research could be seen three days afterwards. Diarrhoea was in the Garut Regency categorised by the illness that often spread the citizen, occupied the second place after ISPA (the upper respiratory tract Infection’‘’.

Commonground – at 06:27
Wonogiri (KR) - traders the Wonogiri City Market complain about quiet him the buyer in the biggest market followed the development of two their respective supermarkets Flexible and New Wonogiri that his location off the city market. Now, by the Lebaran day was not found by the indication of the entry of beef glonggongan and forest pork (celeng) as well as the import rice to Wonogiri so as the community might not be restless. This matter was expressed in the sudden inspection (the surprise inspection) as well as the Regent’s interview Wonogiri Begug Poernomosidi with the market traders, yesterday. Acknowledged by the regent, his side must spread out the surprise inspection following the brightness of rumours of beef glonggongan and meat celeng, the import rice outside the area in recent times. “By doing the verification as early as possible we could immediately take the firm attitude if indeed these rumours cleared Wonogiri, but evidently up until now by this public holiday was still safe,” said Begug.

Commonground – at 06:40
6/10/2006 12:15 WIB
Ngawi activated Anticipation of the Entry of the Burung Flu Virus
Ardian - Ngawi, the Ngawi Service of Regency Livestock Breeding, East Java continued to give the vaccine and spraying in the poultry market following spread him came back rumours of bird flu in the homeland. That was done so that this plague does not enter the Ngawi Regency. Was like this it was proposed the Head of the Health Field of the Ngawi Animal of the Livestock Breeding Service, Tri the Yulistiana Revelation to the reporter in Ngawi, East Java, this Friday morning (6/10). Various preventive efforts were carried out by the Ngawi Livestock Breeding Service to prevent the entry of this virus, among them by giving the free vaccine to the poultry breeders. Moreover, said Tri, his side also made several posts all over the subdistrict in the Ngawi territory. The “post in each subdistrict gave information to the community.” We also gave the free vaccine to the community and sprayed disinfektan to all the breeder and the place of the poultry population, explained Tri. (the prayer)

Commonground – at 06:52
The baby Suspect Bird Flu died Dunia Jum’at , on October 06 2006 | 13:03 WIB

The Interactive TIME, Jakarta: Farida, the baby eight months that it was suspected were infected by the bird flu virus, died in the Suliyanti Saroso Infection Hospital, Jakarta North, yesterday. The baby could be treated in the Intensive Maintenance Unit after being reconciled from the regional Public Hospital of the Valley, Banten, to struck 02.00 WIB. But to struck 08.30 WIB he blew out the last breath. Sardikin Giri Putro, Deputy Director Umum and Suliyanti Hospital Finance, said the Farida condition when entering resembled the bird flu patient. “Dia suffered breathless, the cough, and demam,” the Chairman’s words Tim KLB this Suliyanti Soroso Bird Flu in his office yesterday. Sardikin said the Farida death was caused by the lung infection that was triggered by the measles illness that was suffered by him. “Results of confirmation of Litbangkis, Farida the bird flu negative,” he said. The baby’s body has been returned to his native village.

Commonground – at 07:01
The Bird Flu virus was found to Babi Jum’at, on October 06 2006 | 12:59 WIB
The Interactive TIME, Denpasar: Tim the Medical Faculty the Udayana University Animal found proof that the virus avian influenza (AI) spread to the pig in Bali. This bird flu virus was carried out by the research in the scale that wider to see the condition for the spread of this virus. The AI findings to the starting pig from the student’s research that diagnosed several pigs that were sick to May-June 2006. From 20 pigs, two among them positive was infected by the virus H5N1. “The pig livestock was in Gianyar and Tabanan,” said I Gusti Ngurah Mahardika, the faculty’s medical lecturer the university, on Friday. The developing virus to the pig was sick and could not be cured by getting the series of medical treatment. After being operated on had reddish signs in the network of the spleen. By making use of technology imono histokimia was seen that the red sign was the virus that was in the network of the pig. But the virus H5N1 was not found in the network of the animal body. The “possibility of his virus only numpang lewat or was acknowledged as the virus that oportunistik,” said Mahardika. The discovery was not yet published as the scientific study, but has been sent to the Balinese Livestock Breeding Service as the warning to be guarded against. ‘’‘The spread of the virus, according to Mahardika, really dimungkinkan because of the pattern of the poultry farm and the duck free entered the pigsty’‘’. The possibility of the virus tertular through food or the waste of the animal. In Bali was gotten by approximately ’900 thousand pigs‘ that the coexistence with other livestock.

Okieman – at 07:11

More GI tract disease. Again, they think it is waterborne. This may very well be waterborne disease in multiple locations. If you do a search for “muntaber” on the Liputan6 website you get a lot of hits spread out over the past months. We in the U.S. have come to take our water supplies for granted, but waterborne disease has historically been devestating in the past, before disinfection was implemented. It is still a significant cause of death in the poorer parts of the world. We may just be seeing this occuring right now in Indonesia due to the drought, followed by the rainy season. I am going to stop posting news concerning this unless something comes along which makes me think it is bird flu. I am going to continue paying attention to it for the next week or so, but just will not post it unless bird flu related., Sukabumi: the Plague of diarrhoea and muntaber (vomited and defecated) attacked several areas in the Ciheulang Tonggoh Village, Cibadak, Sukabumi, West Java. Not only children, but also the adult. The plague that was contagious since four days set this grumbled one life. Was like this results of SCTV observation from Sukabumi, on Friday (6/10). Recorded by more than 40 sufferers was forced to be treated in the Ciheulang Tonggoh Village. Apart from the capacity in the Hospital of Sekarwangi Sukabumi was full, the location of the Cibadak Community Health Centre quite far from their residence. Nevertheless, several sufferers that his condition critical was forced to be reconciled to RS Sekarwangi. This plague was expected because of the environment more unhealthy and was not treated well. The insignificance of clean water supplies resulting from the drought also made many citizens be forced mengonsumsi water that more unhygienic. The citizen only relied on the water channel from the place of the reception that more unclean to wash, bathed, and the other requirement. (JUM/Didi’s smoke),130390,1,0,1160131213.html

Commonground – at 07:23

South Sulawesi - more info on Ical Mehendra (7). Neighbors with Apriani (8) who is improving. (Excerpt):
Suspect AI improved, RSWS the Alat Lack (06 Oct 2006)
MAKASSAR — the Patient suspect (was expected) Avian influenza (AI) or bird flu that was treated in the RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo ferns building (RSWS), yesterday was increased by one person. The patient was named Ical Mahendra, 7, the citizen Street Makmur 21 Makassar. Till yesterday, RSWS treated seven patients suspect AI. Ical entered the high fever situation, the cough and crowded, immediately entered Installation space treated the Emergency (IRD). The son of the couple Ismail and the Diamond was at once taken the sample of blood and was taken the photograph rontgen him. From the speech on the Diamond was known, the child the I Karuwisi PRIMARY SCHOOL evidently still bersepupu at the same time being neighbours with Apriyani, the patient suspect AI that more previously was treated in RSWS. “We were neighbours.” In the last two weeks, there was the neighbouring chicken that died. I also was neighbours with Salsabila, that also was treated more previously, said the Diamond. Therefore, three neighbouring patients currently together are treated in ferns space.

Commonground – at 07:44

Not H5N1 (Excerpt):
Attacked by the Leptospirosis Bacteria, 2 citizens Makassar Meninggal Makassar, the Stand — Abdul Haris (32) and Ahmad (20), the citizen of the Tamangapa District, the Manggala Subdistrict, Makassar, died in the Ibnu Sina Makassar Hospital, on Thursday (5/10) at dawn, as a result of being attacked by the bacteria leptospirosis. The doctor that treated the two workers banguna this said both of them positive was attacked by the virus leptospirosis. Ahmad died around struck 02.30 wita, whereas Abdul Haris blew out the last breath in ICU space around struck 04. 00 after undergoing the maintenance for a day.

worrywart – at 09:07

Commonground I did a quick search of leptspirosis and as far as I can see lepto does not have the sypmotms the patients in Indonesia are exhibiting.Lepto attacks the renal systema nd can result in kidney failure, I don’t see anything about intestinal problems ??this is really getting confusing.

anon100 – at 09:33

Leptospirosis can result in liverdamage; the reports says the victims colored yellow; diagnosis could be right.

anonymous – at 09:41

pugmom – at 11:30

Luwuk is a tiny coastal town on the east coast of Central Sulawesi, in the “hinterlands”: dated 10–6−06. comment: I posted this to show how widespread it is, and also that they are not sending in their officials due to the negative “psychological” impact.

Luwuk: Dozens Of chickens in the Source Village Mulya the Bunta Subdistrict died suddenly. Several sources stated, the sudden death of the chicken was similar to the sign was attacked by the flu virus buirung that was marked by turning blue him some chicken bodies.

Nevertheless, the Health Service of the Banggai Regency that has dilapori orally did not yet take steps to confirm that the cause of the sudden death of chickens belonging to the citizen was because of the bird flu virus.

Kami reported that, because of the community has begun to be restless and the fear with the existence of the case of dozens of tails of the chicken died suddenly and his body turned blue in the Mulya Source village, the Bunta Subdistrict.

But the Health Service of the Banggai Regency did not yet drop his official to the field off to check kebenarannya,” said the member DPRD the Banggai Evert Kuganda Regency, SH, MH to the Sulteng Radar, on last Thursday (5/10).

Officially the Banggai Health according to Evert so that often did not hope to the Community Health Centre especially in anticipating the case of the bird flu illness, because he said, there was the psychological influence of the three officials who were dropped off to the field checked the truth of the report. “Kami has contacted several times the Section Head the Health of the Banggai Regency Dr Haryadi to report the existence of the sign of bird flu in the Bunta Subdistrict territory.

But, the management of the technical agency often was not in the place, his cellular phone also often inactive, so as we had difficulty contacted that was relevant where posisinya,” he said. Former the Chairman of this A DPRD Banggai Commission claimed concerned, moreover slowly the Health Service the Health Service intervened. “Apabila slow and did not succeed in being handled, then the position Kadis the Health that menajdi taruhannya,” he said.

“But the Health Service of the Banggai Regency did not yet drop his official to the field off to check kebenarannya,” said the member DPRD the Banggai Evert Kuganda Regency, SH, MH to the Sulteng Radar, on last Thursday (5/10). Officially the Banggai Health according to Evert so that often did not hope to the Community Health Centre especially in anticipating

But the Health Service of the Banggai Regency did not yet drop his official to the field off to check kebenarannya,” said the member DPRD the Banggai Evert Kuganda Regency, SH, MH to the Sulteng Radar, on last Thursday (5/10).

Officially the Banggai Health according to Evert so that often did not hope to the Community Health Centre especially in anticipating the case of the bird flu illness, because he said, there was the psychological influence of the three officials who were dropped off to the field checked the truth of the report. “Kami has contacted several times the Section Head the Health of the Banggai Regency Dr Haryadi to report the existence of the sign of bird flu in the Bunta Subdistrict territory. But, the management of the technical agency often was not in the place, his cellular phone also often inactive, so as we had difficulty contacted that was relevant where posisinya,” he said. Former the Chairman of this A DPRD Banggai Commission claimed concerned, moreover slowly the Health Service intervened. “Apabila slow and did not succeed in being handled, then the position Kadis the Health that menajdi taruhannya,” he said.

pugmom – at 11:35

whoops—sorry about that double posting.

pugmom – at 12:33
 dated 10–7−06

 Jakarta, on October 7: the Spreading of the bird flu virus (Avian influenza) in Indonesia was not yet proven was done by wild birds.

However, the virus H5N1 was estimated more often spread through the poultry that was traded in interregional. According to I Wayan Firm Birawan, the bird flu researcher from the Medical Faculty the Bogor Animal of the agricultural Institute (IPB). According to him, one of the methods of seeing the spreading of the bird flu virus could be estimated from the type of the virus that attacked in various areas.

“There were three groups or sublineage the virus H5N1 in Indonesia, namely the A type, B, and C. in Sumatra only was found by the C type, in NTT and Sulawesi the A type and B, but in Java all the types were found,” he said in the Journalist Scientific Gathering that was spread out of National Geographc Indonesia in Jakarta, on Thursday (5/10).

Almost in all the cases of bird flu was found to the livestock. Whereas to wild birds, up until now was not yet any proof that showed the bird flu attack. Results of the research that was carried out by Indonesian Ornithologist the Union in the South Yogyakarta Coast and Indramayu also showed that the migration of birds was not yet proven played a role in the spreading of the virus H5N1 in Indonesia. The “research into thousands of migrant birds in China South, Malaysia, and Vietnam also showed same results,” said the Researcher from Raptor Indonesia Wishnu Sukmantoro. Proof of the virus attack H5N1 to wild birds quite proven in the USA, but the same condition not necessarily happened in Indonesia.

“This showed that the spreading of bird flu possibly through the livestock that was traded in interregional,” said Wayan. Could become also from the trade in the illegal livestock international that not through the process of quarantine. Nevertheless, he added, the research into migrant birds must be widened so that his datas are more accurate. He hoped Pokja the Handling of Bird Flu from the Wild Animal that was under the Directorate General of the Protection of the Forest and Conservation of Nature of the Department of Forestry could embrace many sides to do the inspection in an intensive manner.

pugmom – at 13:49

Here is what we know about the 3 neighbors in Makassar: Apriani, age 8, developed symptoms on 9–28, went to hospital on 9–30. No further word of testing. Salsabil, age 7, developed symptoms on 10–2, entered isolation at hospital on 10–4. No further word of testing. Condition improving for both. Here is quote from posting at 15:38 on 10–5 and 07:21 today: “Whereas three other that his condition was seen improved was Muhammad Salsabil, 1,5, Paturungi, 7, and Apriani, 8 still was treated in the room 3″. Now we have a 3rd neighbor, Ical Mahendra age 7, who entered hospital on 10–5. There is first a 4 day separation of onset of symptoms, then a 3 day separation. As Dr. Niman would say, this is cause for concern. This seems like 3rd generation spread to me. And you can’t pin similar genetic make-ups on this one. The next telling time period will be 3–4 days from now say about 10–9 or 10–10 to see if will become 4th generation.

pugmom – at 14:22

To Okieman—I found a cool site for you—here is the link: Go to recent outbreaks. Catalogs all the diseases going on in Indo.

Commonground – at 15:05

Thanks pugmom for post at 13:49. My problem is that article states Salsabil at l 1/2 yrs. old. I have her/him down as 6 yrs. old.

pugmom – at 15:59

CG—can you direct me to the post where it says Salsibal is 1 1/2 yo. I can’t find it. We have several articles stating his age as 6 or 7.

pugmom – at 16:11

article dated 10–6−06 from the Indo Dept. of Health.

 Avian influenza 06 Oct 2006

Up to now did not yet have spread proof of the virus Avian influenza (bird flu) from humankind to humankind. The source of the spread of the virus to humankind still was coming from the poultry. Apart from this fact, still many mysteries H5N1 that still must be expressed. The research was the way out to more understood how this Bird Flu virus changed in line with time and how the virus spread.

To increase the understanding of Bird Flu, the Body of the Health of the Development Research (Balitbangkes) will co-operate with Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory Limited Singapore for the Research Program Avian influenza (Bird Flu). Witnessed olen RI Health Minister, Dr. Siti Fadilah Supari, Sp. JP (K), the Memorandum of Understanding (the MOU) was signed by Dr. Triono Soendoro, PhD, the Balitbangkes Head and Dr. Tan Kok Keng, Chief Operating Officer Temasek in the Building Department of Health Jakarta, today. This co-operation was meant to reinforce control efforts of Bird Flu to humankind with the aim evaluated, tested, developed detection technology. The co-operation will also increase the human resources capacity in the handling of Bird Flu in Indonesia.

Under the framework of the co-operation, will be done by the study of the combination to develop test-kits that effective, and drafted the training program to use test-kits that succeeded in being developed. In the co-operation that will take place 2 years, Balitbangkes provided the sample of the research. All the sample for the research and the training will continue to was in Indonesia and only was the two entitled sides to use sample this. All the research will be carried out in Indonesia. To monitor the co-operation of Litbangkes-Temasek, was formed by one of Steering Committee (the Director’s Committee) that had a membership of the Balitbangkes Head, Pengendalian Breakingprep Penyakit Director General and environmental Sanitation, and the Senior Researcher Balitbangkes. The representative Temasek was Liaison Officer, Director Operasional, and the Senior Researcher. The other member was the Senior Researcher from the Eijkman Research Agency. As the executive, was pointed out by the Directorate of Biomedik Research And Development and the Pharmacy.

In his address, Menkes delivered that the number of cases konfirm/definitely ‘’‘Bird Flu achieved 69 cases, 52 including dying. With the death rate 75,36 %’‘’, Bird Flu was the big problem in Indonesia,

Commonground – at 16:15

pugmom - at 15:59 - From Commonground at 07:21: Whereas three other that his condition was seen improved was Muhammad Salsabil, 1,5, Paturungi, 7, and Apriani, 8, still was treated in the room 3.
It says Salsabil, 1,5 - Isn’t that 1 1/2 yrs old? What is that?

pugmom – at 16:18

yes, you are right. They seem to transpose their commas and periods too. But I think it is a journalistic error, and it is really the same kid. Thanx.

Commonground – at 16:24

Good! Thanks pugmom!

raina – at 16:52

pugmom -

So the article says “being neighbours with Apriyani, the patient suspect AI that more previously was treated in RSWS.

“We were neighbours. In the last two weeks, there was the neighbouring chicken that died. I also was neighbours with Salsabila, that also was treated more previously,” said Intan. Therefore, three neighbouring patients currently together are treated in ferns space.”

Do we take that mean the new patient, Ical Mahendra (hospitalized Oct 6), is neighbors with both Muhammad Salsabil (hospitalized Oct 2) and Badan Apriani (hospitalized Sept 30), and they are all neighbors?

Also, doesn’t Nur Azis have some connection to Muhammad Salsabil?

This could be quite the cluster.

pugmom – at 17:22

raina—those are questions I tried to figure out myself. I think it is pretty clear that Apriani (the index case) is a neighbot to Salsabil and they are both neighbors to Ical. I am not sure what the connection is between Nur Azis and Salsabil—could be they are neighbors too. (need to go back and read old posts.) We do know that the other 2 patients there with them are Dion and Mustariza and those two are brothers to each other.

Commonground – at 17:23

Yes, raina, I have Ical (7), Aprian (8) and Salsabi (6) all neighbors. AND all about the same age.

pugmom – at 17:26

Also Raina, there is another set of brothers there: Nurwan (30 yo) and Hidayati (21), and they were both admitted on the same day 10–4−06. Worse case: they are all neighbors, Apriani is the index case on 9–28–06, and the other 6 got infected by him. We need to go back, check all our notes and posts, and see if we can tease any more info out of them.

Pixie – at 17:43

pugmom, raina, Commonground: Ical, Aprian, and Salsabi may have also all attended the I Karuwisi Primary School together that has been mentioned in several posts.

pugmom – at 17:55

I guess what is scarey is when you look at the spreadsheet. You can see cases starting Sept.9, then Sept 11, then Sept 20, then Sept 26 then Sept 28, then Oct 1, then Oct 2, then Oct 4---all in Makassar and all at the SAME hospital (thanx to Michelle, we can track the hospitals.) The first case was Edi on Sept 9th. There are a total of 11 cases since Sept 9th. If we could somehow figure out how close they all live to each other, then we may have a very scarey cluster. I think the wording “all neighbors” made me start thinking about the proximity of everyone. There is about a 1–4 day gap between all of them, except between Sahrul and Hendra, and there it is a 9 day gap. Now maybe some of them have been ruled out negative—I haven’t delved that far yet, but it is getting curiousier and curiousier.

Commonground – at 18:22

Dr. Niman to the rescue!
H5N1 Suspect Cluster in Makassar South Sulawesi Grows
Recombinomics Commentary
October 4, 2006

As Many As eight citizens who lived in Street Perintis Breakingprep Kemerdekaan, Makassar, were taken the sample of his blood because of experiencing the sign that was similar to the bird flu sufferer.

Two among them, the older brother was siblings, Dion (7) and Mustarisa (4), underwent the intensive maintenance in the Public Hospital (RSU) Wahidin Sudirohusodo, on Tuesday (3/10).

The official also combed the patient’s neighbour.Two citizens, Nurwan (30) and Hidayati (21), kedapatan experienced the similar sign.The neighbour Dion that lived in Street Perintis Breakingprep Kemerdekaan KM 8 No 8 this took part in being taken the sample of his blood and was recommended to RS Wahidin to undergo the intensive maintenance.

Six patients suspect this was their respective, Dion R (7), Mustarisa (4), Nur Asiah (11), Apriliyani, Paturungi, and Salsabil.

From six patients tesrebut, four among them, Dion, Mustarisa, Nurasiah, and Salsabil entered on the same day, on Monday (2/10).

The above translation indicates the number of hospitalized suspect H5N1 bird flu victims continues to increase in Makassar in South Sulawesi. In June a confirmed H5N1 case died in Makassar and recently the number of additional hospitalized patiens began to increase dramatically. Some of the earlier cases are recovering, so the recent cases could be seasonal flu, or H5N1 responding to Tamiflu treatment.

The clustering in the same neighborhood, however, remains a cause for concern.

pugmom – at 18:42

So there you have it. Niman starts the cluster with Patarungi on Sept. 26th. The new case today would make 9 total, all from same neighborhood. Dr. Niman did most of our research for us. I wonder where he got the info they were all from the Street Perintas Breakingprep Kemerdekaan? Probably buried in the translations somewhere. No matter. If you start with Patarungi, the onset dates are separated by only 1–2 days. Good work CG!!

Influentia2 – at 19:00

Pugmom 18:42

I looked at the spreadsheet just awhile ago. You noticed that Ahkira is on that spreadsheet as well in Makassar. Since we have the street of these cases it may be possible to research what street Ahkira lived on and see how close they are. I remember Ahkira’s brother talking about sick chickens in their neighborhood in June. Just a thought. Let me know what you think, I may go do some research myself. I am a little curious.

Pixie – at 19:01

pugmom: The detail on the cluster location is here:

8 citizens of the Pioneer Suspect Bird Flu Makassar, the Stand — As Many As eight citizens who lived in Street Perintis Breakingprep Kemerdekaan, Makassar, were taken the sample of his blood because of experiencing the sign that was similar to the bird flu sufferer. Two among them, the older brother was siblings, Dion (7) and Mustarisa (4), underwent the intensive maintenance in the Public Hospital (RSU) Wahidin Sudirohusodo, on Tuesday (3/10).


pugmom – at 19:10

article dated 10–7−06. comment: they seem about 2 days behind in their info, but give the streets for Patarungi and Vani (Apriani). They appear to live in different sub-districts.

 The patient suspect bird flu that was treated in special isolation space the patient of bird flu of the regional Public Hospital (RSUD) Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, currently reaches six people.

This increase happened on Tuesday (3/10) dawns, after beforehand have been treated by four patients, namely Patturungi, 7, Vani, 8, the Lamp, 4 and Mustrisa, 7. The two additional patients were Nur Azis, 6 and Muh Salsabil, 6. Patturungi that was domiciled at Street Flamboyan, the District, Mattoangin, the Mariso Subdistrict and Vani that were domiciled at Street Makmur, the Karuwisi District, the Panakkukkang Subdistrict was treated in RSUD Wahidin on the same day, that is since Saturday (30/9).

Whereas the Lamp and Murtarisa that were the brother’s older brother were treated since Sunday (1/10).

Nur azis and Muh Salsabil the citizen of this Makassar Subdistrict was beforehand treated with the Lamp and Mustira in maintenance space of the child RSUD Wahidin, Makassar…. Parents Mustaria, Nursia, 45, claimed last week to be his seven chickens died suddenly, but was not known by his cause. The chicken died this only was buried around the house. Because of spreading him the case of this bird flu, the South Sulawesi Service of Province Livestock Breeding, took the sample of blood of a chicken, birds, and the cat belonging to Sarida, the neighbour Vani, the citizen Street. Prosperously, the Karuwisi District, the Panakkukang Subdistrict. The sample of this blood was poultry that was destroyed, last Friday, related the assumption of the infection of the bird flu virus of a local citizen, Vani.

Michelle in OK – at 19:58

In trying to sort out the articles and discussions above, I have a correction to the spreadsheet that was posted. I showed 2 patients as hospitalized that must still be at home with symptoms. The related article was posted by Commonground at 6:49 on Oct 4. These 2 were located when officials were combing the neighborhood. They are as follows:

If they are at home, the spreadsheet shows 8 in the hospital, if Hendra (10) from 9/20 is still included.

Commonground – at 20:06

I’ve got Hidayati (21) and Nurwan (30) Brothers and were tested along with some other neighbors at the time Salsabi was hospitalized. They were not hospitalized though. I’ve got Nurwan showing symptoms of BF on 10/3.

pugmom – at 21:07

here is quote from CG’s original post at 06:49 and as Michelle pointed out, Hidayati and Nurwan appear to have had symptoms, but no hospitalization (Note also that the street name is mentioned here):

Apart from having the characteristics of bird flu, they who were checked had the history once contact with the sufferer suspect. The team of Avian investigation influenza (AI) combed the sufferer’s family in Street Perintis Breakingprep Kemerdekaan KM 8 No 8, the Tamalanrea District, the Biringkanaya Subdistrict. The official took the sample of blood of the patient’s four families, Budi (8), Agus (18), Sabang (70), and Asseng (65). The official also combed the patient’s neighbour. Two citizens, Nurwan (30) and Hidayati (21), kedapatan experienced the similar signThe neighbour Dion that lived in Street Perintis Breakingprep Kemerdekaan KM 8 No 8 this took part in being taken the sample of his blood and was recommended to RS Wahidin to undergo the intensive maintenance…..

comment: It is so easy to get lost in the thousands of details. Sometimes, you just have to sit back and try to see the whole picture. I think that was one of those times for me today. We have known these facts for several days, but today was the first time I put it together and finally saw the true meaning of what is happening over there.

pugmom – at 21:44

The following post is an email from Influentia2 just a little while ago. She is doing an emergency baby-sit and is indisposed at the moment. This post comes from her copious notes and the report from and from the use of her excellent detective skills. The important thing to note is that Akhira, who died around June 24th was diagnosed with Dengue, but was then confirmed positive BF 2 months later (on Sept 6th) AND she was from the Panakkukkang subdistrict, the same as Apriani (Vani). also note DBD is Dengue.

The child Akira the Age 14 thn, entered RS: tgl.22–6−2006, the hour.21.26 wita (IRD the Child RSWS). Tgl went out RS: Tgl.24–6−2006, the hour.08. 20 wita (IRD the Child RSWS) (Meninggal IRD) the Temporary diagnosis: DBD Grade I, Reconciliation RS academic: with DBD. the Place live in Ember-baraya ,Jl. Maccini Middle No. 14, Ponang, Kec.Panakukang the Makassar City.

The trip of the sufferer’s illness :Pasien entered IRD the child from RS. A reconciliation with DBD, moved RS because of the trauma that parents and his relatives died in RS A & RS SM (2 days were treated). The patient’s complaint: the Cough (+), was sick the throat, pilek, breathless (+) one day before entering RS (21–6−2006) S: 39.OC the Inspection penunjang that was carried out the Lab. Routinely, electrolytes, the Photograph thoraks By Chance was taken the sample swab ILI (the program surveilens the Service & RS): apusan the nose, apusan the throat (tgl. 23–6−2006) and was done by the Rapid Test inspection for the virus: the negative. The sufferer continued to be observed in IRD berhubung the room in the maintenance of the child penuh died tgl.24–6−2006 at 08 o’clock. 20 wita with the diagnosis DBD. because of the existence of the DBD case that died (Ms and 2 children) then his residence has been sprayed the next day after dying.

Positive results were just received to tgl, 7 – 9 – 2006 where this patient died tgl. On June 24 2006. There was no story of contact with the chicken that died suddenly, but after dying the family destroyed his chicken totalling 5 tails

pugmom – at 22:08

Jakarta: patient “Y” tested negzative. dated 10–6−06.

…Apart from the patient F, at this time RSPI Sulianti was still treating the man was 29 years old. The man had the initials Y’ this beforehand was suspected of being infected by bird flu. However, this patient was also stated by the bird flu negative by Department of Health Research And Development and was diagnosed only suffered pneumonia. (DEN

Influentia2 – at 22:08

From Indo VIII Pugmom September 11, there are articles all over VII and VIII These people are also on the chart.

rehash of the Akhira case, but more details and dates included. Date of article 9–9−06

MAKASSAR —That was related the death three citizens in one family in Maccini Middle, last June that later was stated positive terjangkit bird flu. The case of the bird flu was experienced by the family’s three members, H Abd Muin meatballs Pase Dg Bella in a beruntun manner last June.

In the time nine days, Andri died on June 15 with the sign of the high fever and shivered. By the doctor, the class student Ii SMAN 1 Makassar was stated was attacked by dengue fever (dB).

One week afterwards, to be precise on June 22, his mother, Hj Sukria also experienced the similar sign through to finally died.

Further the hose two days, on June 24, Akhira followed the mother and his older brother after could be treated three days in the hospital….

Narrated by the seventh child from 13 related that, that the mother and his youngest child’s brother were attacked by the high fever until dying after guarding Andri in the Barabaraya Community Health Centre.

The “same mother of my youngest child’s brother (Hj Sukria and Akhira, red) indeed that was on duty at Andri while being treated in the Barabaraya Community Health Centre.” Just as Andri died, both of them also at once experienced the deviation and afterwards died also….

Apart from casualties died, mentioned Alimin, several of his families could be also run off with to the hospital and were treated in space of the ferns isolation (for the case of bird flu) RS Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo namely Mansyur (the brother-in-law), Umi Kalsum, and Knead (the cousin) as well as A Abd Muin (the father) that experienced the sign like casualties.

pugmom – at 22:16

‘’‘Makassar, Sulawesi: 5 patients tested negative. date 10–7−06. (comment: are our worries over now?), Jakarta: A bird flu patient that was treated in the Infection Hospital Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso, Sunter, Jakarta North, again died, on Friday morning (6/10).Casualties who came from the Valley, Banten, were treated since Wednesday set with the sign was similar to bird flu. However was based on results of the research of the Health of casualties of the bird flu negative of the Body of the Department’s Research And Development.

In the meantime after a week underwent the isolation in the doctor’s Public Hospital Wahidin Sudiro Husodo, Makassar, of South Sulawesi, five patients were stated by the bird flu negative. Paturungi, Muhammad Salsabil, Apriani, Dion and Mustariza his condition continued to improve. Whereas an other patient, Nurasiah, was still undergoing the medical maintenance in the child’s ward because results of the sample diagnosis of his blood showed the sign of dengue fever. Completely has been permitted to come home but continue to be required to do the routine inspection [read: the Patient the Assumption of Bird Flu in Makassar improved]. Immediately after they yesterday left the hospital, an other child Faisal Mahendra precisely entered isolation space. These Makassar inhabitants suffered the high fever so as the family brought him to the hospital.

NoFluingAroundat 22:38

Akhira, who died around June 24th was diagnosed with Dengue, but was then confirmed positive BF 2 months later (on Sept 6th)

“If the spread of the outbreak is not contained by Tuesday, we will declare an epidemic,” said Delhi health minister Yoganand Shastri on Sunday even as the government constituted a special task force to assist the Municipal Corporation of Delhi in containing the disease, which has claimed 11 lives in the capital.

In addition to this mess, they have an outbreak of something in Kerala. Note the health ministers reaction to the press, I find it very interesting

Snip: Even as the Kerala toll of those dying of fever, believed to be symptoms of chikungunya, is steadily rising, union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss says the cause of death is not chikungunya.

Addressing a press conference after visiting two hospitals in the district, he said the deaths were not due to chikungunya.

When media persons persisted that the deaths were due to chikungunya, Ramdoss said agitatedly: ‘Are you people experts in diagnosis? I am saying this because this is the opinion of experts. The real cause of deaths would be clear in the next few days.’

He even threatened to walk out of the press conference.

You will find the link to the above snip on the Indian thread.

Okieman – at 23:09

pugmom – at 14:22

Thanks for the website. If the gastrointestinal disease is cholera we should be hearing about it diagnosed as such pretty soon I would think. There are a lot of bugs out there that can cause this type of sickness though. Unfortunately, it probably complicates things in Indonesia as far as bird flu diagnosis. As if dengue wasn’t enough.

Influentia2 – at 23:15

NoFluingAround 22:38

I think it is interesting too, all of it. First it’s dengue, then a couple months later it’s not, it’s BF in Akira’s case and who knows who else with what else in Indonesia. Then in India it’s not chikungunya but the media persists that it is, but it isn’t and on and on. In Garut recently it may be the water making people sick, but at first it was reported suspect BF and went to contaminated frozen desert after that! I think I may just stop researching and just keep prepping until someone somewhere makes up their minds what everything is or isn’t or was or will be.

Okieman – at 23:25

Not bird flu related, but well, even though I said I wasn’t going to post anymore about the GI tract disease I though ya’ll would be interested in this article. It does sound like it is water related.

In Sukabumi, the Official continued Around Kampung Muntaber spread, 5 Meninggal Garut, (HOMEWORK).

- the Illness faded defecated that attacked the citizen of the Cibiuk Subdistrict, the Garut Regency, spread to the neighbouring subdistrict like Cibatu, Limbangan and Malangbong. Moreover the number of his sufferers continued to improve every day. The attack muntaber in Cibiuk, also did not yet subside. Up until Friday (6/10), the number of casualties reached 228 people and five people among them late was helped so as to die. The diarrhoea attack in three villages in the Subdistrict Cibadak the Sukabumi Regency then spread.

<snip> Said cruel, according to Edi, because of the spreading of diarrhoea in Cibiuk not in the calculation of the day again, but already in the calculation of the hour. “That meaning that, if late was handled, his bet the life,” he said. Therefore, Edi made a plea, if being found by the sign of diarrhoea, the patient must be immediately brought to the community health centre. According to Rusmanah, he has ordered the village head always alert and was on the alert. His side also has done kaporitisasi in sources of available water in five villages. “Further, we asked help of clean water from the Regional Government to go through PDAM,” he said.


Didi explained, the attack of possibility diarrhoea was caused by the environment that unhealthy and the dirty habit the community. Already for years the citizen in the three villages made use of the Cialing river water that dirty. Apart from as the place of garbage disposal, the same time was used to bathe, washed, and the toilet (MCK). “The small time was very dirty and was really not appropriate was used.” But, the citizen has been used to make use of him. This was seen from the existence of small channels that dibelokan to reception ponds belonging to the citizen. In the reception pond that was fenced these second-hand cloths, the citizen carried out the activity bathed, washed, and the toilet his days, said Didi.

Michelle in OK – at 23:45

pugmom at 22:16… I suspect that the “negative” diagnosis for 5 patients is simply the hospital saying they are no longer sick. If I understand the article correctly, those 5 were permitted to come home. Nurasiah, who I show entered the hospital on 9/30 (earlier than most of the others) and was transferred to isolation 10/03 is said to have dengue fever, but has not yet been declared “negative” for bird flu.

Does anyone else read the article this way, or should I mark the patients as negative?

Also, I’m adding Faisal Mahendra as a new person with symptoms per that article.

07 October 2006

Michelle in OK – at 00:08

Correction, Ical Mahendra (7) was listed in a previous article. I think Faisal Mahendra is likely the same person.

Michelle in OK – at 00:30

Started new thread due to length. Please post new comments here.

NoFluingAroundat 02:49

Influentia2 – at 23:15 After I posted I realized I left out the fact that it was Dengue fever in Delhi that they were talking about becoming an epidemic. So, we have a major outbreak of Dengue in Delhi, a confirmed case of Dengue, that turns out to be Bird Flu a couple of months later in Indoesia ….Fishy.

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Page last modified on October 07, 2006, at 02:49 AM