From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Reality Check

05 October 2006

Stockin’ Up – at 11:58

In starting, I would like to say that I am going through phases from thinking I am being a bit paranoid to being the rabbit from “Alice in Wonderland” - I’m late! I’m late!

How long are you prepping for? I’ve read from 72 hours (yeah right)to 6 weeks to year(s). But honestly, how much supply do you have on hand, and how much are you aiming for? (Obviously, more is better, and I understand that.)

moeb – at 12:07

IMO once you are set for six months with a medium level of comfort… immediate panics over pending bird flu pandemic become a lot less. This is followed by the desire to do more community (immediate neighbor) prepping as your security zone expands and your own short term comfort level is reached.

The dual life of preppers is not escapable. Regular life goes on and must be maintained. Prepping must continue to what degree you feel, for security and comfort. Both personal and community action. Feeling sick of it all and questioning your own sanity will be an ongoing battle. It is important to remember that we are a very now and here species. It’s all too easy to get bored with any threat if it’s not reinforced from time to time with reminders of what is out there.

Kim – at 12:14

One years worth of food, water, cleaning supplies and OTC medicines on hand… still have a ways to go in the energy department and prescription meds. Also looking to add some more hand tools.

LauraBat 12:17

stockin’ - we all feel those split thoughts (I must be nuts to be prepping, or I must be nuts not to prep more!). So you’re not alone. We don’t know what will happen, but right now it doesn’t look good. Besides, it’s good to be ready for life’s unexpected surprises. If your’e just starting, do a little planning before you go out and buy a bunch of stuff you might not need. Make a list of EVERYTHING your family consumers during a week, take inventory of what you already have, look over supply lists here on the wiki. Then, start figurring our how much you’ll need of what and go from there. It seems a bit overwhelming at first, but once you start you’ll feel much less stressed.

BTW - right now I’m up to about 3month supplies. I’d like more but right now don’t have the money or space to put it all. Like moeb said, right now I’m working on trying to get others to prep as that is part of the big equation - community readiness as well as individual.

OKbirdwatcherat 12:17

moeb - Great analysis.

Medical Maven – at 12:22

Stockin’ Up at 11:58-Most of us at first had 3 months as a goal and then we kept progressing upward in “3 month” increments. The threat over these last two years just kept getting more formidable, and we also realized that unforeseen societal/family situations might require a “cushion” in our supplies, (other unexpected people join your Shelter-in-Place). So from past threads I would say the ideal aimpoint is 18 months to cover three waves of a pandemic and associated societal disorder.

A few of us are going for two years, but that is a logistical nightmare as well as an onerous monetary burden, (even though with proper rotation of your supplies you could come out ahead economically).

Also, you need to keep in mind that any extra cushion that you build into your supplies could be used for barter. That cushion, used in that way, could also save your life.

diana – at 12:25

After last nites dream am going to get a few more bags of food. I don’t feel I’m late, I am just doing things in my usual hit and miss, leisurely way. We all go about this in our unique ways. My mother, a Virgo, would have had 2 years supply by now. I haven’t done any inventory but I feel comfortable with a few months supply. What I am doing is eating all the things that won’t be available to me if we need to SIP. If we do get to that point I don’t see myself cooking overmuch though the time would be there as well as the interest, but… If the odor of food travels, and it does ,I can’t see advertising. I got out of my car the other evening, it was a balmy nite and I could smell grilling steak. Since it was nine and people generally eat around 6–7 the strong and delicious odor had lingered a long time. My immediate neighbors live on one and two acre lots, so I could have traced the odor to the house if I was a hungry predator.

Clawdia – at 12:32

I began prepping to the three month level - then things appeared worse than I originally thought, and I increased the three months to six months. Right now, we’re good for food nine months, although we could still eat marginally for another few months. We have sufficient meds for close to a year. Recently, I’ve added things such as a few cases of Granola from Emergency Essentials and a case each of butter and cheese from Internet Grocer - also, about 40 pounds of dried fruit and 20 of seeds and nuts, as well as enough sprouting seeds to generate about 75 pounds of fresh sprouts. I also added two #10 cans of dried whole eggs and some oatmeal in #10 cans (to ensure shelf life) - I hope I never have to open the cans of eggs, but at least we have them if we need them.

Going up to the mountain this afternoon to get a bushel or two of apples - some to scallop and freeze, and some to try to keep in the basement as long as possible.

Stockin’ Up – at 12:36

LauraB – at 12:17 Make a list of EVERYTHING your family consumers during a week, take inventory of what you already have, look over supply lists here on the wiki. Then, start figuring our how much you’ll need of what and go from there.

Thanks LauraB :) I’ve done this, created an excel spreadsheet of everything we will need, done inventory (I think I have enough on hand for 3–4 weeks *normally*, aside from water). Also made shopping lists and replacement lists, so I don’t have to inventory again. Ha! Laziness prevails :) There’s just so much to think about: water, food, backup source of heat (shame on me for not having this anyway!), medicines, water purification, etc.

Also, I’ve read in other threads that people assume others are not prepping because of the lack of items in their buggies. Be fooled not. I make 2–3 trips each week and buy things in small amounts. Just precaution. Besides, my neighbors would look at me funny if they noticed I was carrying in large amounts of supplies at a time. First rule of protecting anything you have - don’t let anyone know you have it.

Oremus – at 12:39

This has been discussed in depth. I have no trouble discussing it again as there are always (hopefully) new people trying to educate themselves about preparedness. Not to mention a current discussion can spur new ideas that haven’t been previously considered.

Personally I’m prepped for 15 people for six months, and working on a year.

I did a search on How Long, and just about every thread popped up. Here are the most relevent ones:

What Scenario Are You Prepping For

How Many Trips to Get Fully Prepped

How Long Could You SIP Tomorrow

Is One Gallon a Day Enough

How Much Do You Estimate Youve Spent on Prepping II

Anon for prep discussions – at 13:01

We started with 3 months, then all you crazies brought us up to 6, and now we have 12, I think. The last few months will be sparse rice and beans. I go between thinking I’m totally crazy for spending the time and money, or feeling greatly relieved that the bulk of preps are now in the house. Just having the preps have brought peace of mind, so that is worth it alone.

Our inventory is not very good, and that will make it more difficult to know what else to buy or at what rate to use it. That is the one thing I would do over - write down supplies as we brought them into the house or used them.

Average Concerned Mom – at 13:51

We have about 6 weeks of regular meals and water. Could probably go to 3 months on rice and beans but it wouldn’t be pleasant. I’m in the process of learning how to cook differently (homemade bread, tortillas and snacks) and getting the kids to enjoy different foods — overall a good thing. I also am learning how to can stews and meats.

I don’t feel comofrtable at all with our level of preps but at this point am more concerned about other things than food so I am taking a break to reevaluate.

orange-brown – at 15:28

I have enough food, water, hygiene and cleaning products, vitamins, and books to read for a full year; plus three months food for a family of five (my contribution to whomever will be in need; yes, I do feel like I am here to help during the time to come; and no, I don’t have the extra money but I just cut back on other things I believe would be “nice” to have).

90 % of the time I think I am crazy for doing what I am doing, especially when I start thinking about all the food under my bed, but than I say to myself “If there will not be a pandemic, I just donate all that food to a good cause,” that most often calms me down.

I do have a “last minute” list of groceries to buy, such as A LOT OF potatos, apples, onions, carrots - vegetables that can last for a couple of months when stored accordingly, also Sauerkraut, pickles and CHOCOLATE : )

Bird Guano – at 15:37

We were specifically told in a private meeting that all first responders should prep ourselves and our families for 12 weeks of food, water and medical supplies.

This was stated as a MINIMUM, and that we should get it in place immediately.

I have 18 months of supplies, working on 24 months.

I also prep for “all hazards” not just avian influenza.


LOL. I’m already covered on the chocolate.

DennisCat 15:39

I have a “sliding scale”. I first got the basics for 2 to 3 months-including solar power and water. Now I just add a day of food/water/extras for each 5 newly confirmed deaths. That way I don’t go “overboard” but follow the threat level. Having a “sliding scale” helps me “keep balance”.

However, I do plant edible things so that I will have a extra margin if needed. I let them grow “wild” without attending them. After a while things like gooseberries, elephant garlic, cattails, and bush cherries become established and I can snack while I hike. (I have a BIG backyard)

History Lover – at 16:08

I have only to purchase $5 worth of Snack Ramen noodles to complete my three-month supply of food for our family of five. I have enough food-grade water containers for two months supply of potable water. I have enough household supplies, toiletries, over the counter meds, and cat food for three months. I badgered my husband until we bought a generator so that we can fill my youngest son’s oxygen tanks for his nightly oxygen. I bought a battery charger, rechargeable batteries (jeez are they expensive), a gas siphon kit, two battery operated fans, a battery operated lantern, and today, a vacuum sealer to seal all the bags of flour I have lugged home from the store. And I am going to learn to use that sucker if it kills me!

I still have to finish some preps - enough diapers and Equate Plus for my youngest son, more dog food, and some large containers to hold water for washing clothes, showers, etc. But I fill that I am almost there.

So here’s the deal - since I have prepped all these things I am now convinced that the pandemic will not happen. I believe that I have personally averted this crisis with my constant shopping, storing and planning. So I will just sit back and relax - until the next time I read the News Thread.

Carrey in VA – at 16:14

We are set with normal rations for an easy nine months. If we were to cut back (which is almost a certianty) we could go a good year. I still have some holes I need to fill in. Like peanut butter, I never realized how much darn peanut butter we go through in a week! whew, its alot. And I need alot more velveeta things like that.

no name – at 16:15

Ready for 2 years…

EastTNat 16:35

We have 12 months of food for 6 people, 300 days of food for 2 dogs and a cat. I still need some food items like drinks, cheese, condiments and snack items. My back up heat is the new propane system (500 gallon tank) I had installed, plus I have another 140 gallons of propane in smaller tanks for cooking. I have 2 solar ovens. I have cut and stored 3 cords of wood and as time permits will continue to store wood. I am currently fashioning a hand pump pressure tank for an outside shower stall that I have rigged up. I have 4 rechargable solar lanterns, a bunch of candles, 40 gallons of kersone, and storage for 80 gallons of gas. I still have multiple holes that I continually find and work toward resolving. This is a never ending effort, but sure feel more comfortable for whatever may occur.

JWB – at 16:48

Don’t forget to prep your mind. This isn’t going to be a camping trip.

Green Mom – at 17:12

Thank you so much, History Lover, for averting this world wide crises! I lift a glass of RWFK in your honor.

We have about three months of food here-if I had more money for prepsthere would be more. But we also have our winter fuel, passive solar house, independeant water supply, garden, gennys, lamps and no neighbors. So while I wish we had more food preps, I still feel like we’re in not-so-bad-shape.

RBA – at 17:16

We have over 12 months worth of food and drink for six people. Along with this I have a 10kw generator with 400 gallons of fuel. We also have a 500 gallon propane tank and 150 gallons in smaller tanks. this week we will be putting in a 1700 gallon cistern for a backup water supply. And the list goes on ….

One thing I might suggest is that when you build your inventory spreadsheet, link it to a second one that lists food items by meal type. This has made it easy for us to keep track of our growing supply list and the corresponding SIP duration it represents.

The first file is simply an inventory list with quantity, serving size, number of servings. The second is broken down under the headings: breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, drinks, misc.. Under each heading is a list of food items with an adjacent column for servings. This column is updated automatically when you adjust the inventory. At the bottom of each meal heading you can get a total number of servings for that meal. then below that I built a formula that divides the total number of meal servings by the number of people we will shelter.

So for example, on the inventory spreadsheet you might have entries that look like this:

Salmon 41lbs (496 ounces) 4 ounce servings 124 servings Sausage 20lbs (320 ounces) 6 ounce servings 53 servings

Then in the meal spreadsheet


The key of course is to keep an accurate count of everything that goes in and out. I keep a hard copy on a clipboard next to the supplies. Every week or so I update the computer with all the changes.

Also it is important to be as accurate as possible in figuring out your serving size.

If you don’t keep an accurate inventory you can find yourself very frustrated when you try to determine where you stand. I hope this helps. Good luck!

Sunny – at 17:20

I have a question for history lover - could e-mail if I knew how to find the address but I don’t:

I have an oxygen concentrator (is that what you mean by generator or do you have a generator and a concentrator) and I had not thought of filling empty tanks for power lapse - had just thought I would use a generator for as long as I could to operate the concentrator.

I like your idea of tanks much better - this is for my son also.

My question is where did you get empty tanks and do you have any thoughts on storage of the full tanks

Most important question: Is the oxygen from a concentrator okay to put in tanks - guess you would know only if that is what you are doing?

Would appreciate any thoughts. Thanks

Gary Near Death Valley – at 18:01

Have a years supply of freeze dried food from, plus numerous 5 and 7 gallon buckets of beans, rice, etc, etc. Have a hand water pump for the well, and actually could stay on the property 2.5 acres for at least 2 to 3 years without leaving (baring any unforseen things like heart attacks, strokes etc). As family live so far away like 900 miles, do not expect any to arrive, but they will be given the word when H2H begins to explode, and will be invited, although quarantined for 2 weeks, in a seperate building, etc. Was in the fire service where I taught prep and emergency living to the population, so now retired just doing what I taught and still pass on information to local folks that want information. I do believe that avian will eventually arrive, and will set our world on end,,,,,

niah – at 19:21

History Lover – at 16:08

LOL…… :)

11 October 2006

bump – at 12:14
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