From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Pan Flu Flyer to Go

08 October 2006

InKyat 15:15

With lots of help for which I’m very, very grateful, I’ve tweaked the Pandemic Flu flyer I was working on. Please feel free to use it.

A better quality version for printing is here: .

A smaller file is here, for those who want to attach the flyer to an email: .

JV – at 15:38

Inky -

I think you did a GREAT job! I am going to copy this flyer off and distribute it to all of my neighbors for a few blocks around where I live.


Influentia2 – at 15:50

Good job Inky I will print off and distribute in my community too.

PBQ – at 16:44

Fantastic!!!!!!!!! Thank you and all that helped.

InKyat 17:32

Lots of people may have access to photocopiers and be able to make copies without incurring cost beyond supplying their own paper. My school is hardpressed for funds, so I opted not to use our overworked machine. I found that I could make 250 B&W copies by ordering online at Kinkos for $42.40 including tax.

Carrey in VA – at 18:29

how does the black and white look InKy?

Great job BTW! Reading this, has renewed my conviction that I’m not a nutcase.

InKyat 18:43

It looks pretty good in B&W, though not as eye-catching as it is in color. The contrast is good enough for easy reading throughout. I previewed it at the Kinko’s site before I placed my order, which is now already printed at Kinko’s and ready to be picked up. I priced but couldn’t afford color. At least the email attachment version can still be colorful!

RobTat 19:02


Excellent job on the flyer! What tool did you create it in, if you don’t mind me asking? Is there any chance I could get the source document and change a couple of things for the Aussie audience? The section on what “our government” says may be seen as not relevant to audiences in other countries (although I think it is), so those sections could be changed for local relevance where appropriate.

Feel free to tell me to “rack off” if sharing the source document is a problem.

NJ Jeeper – at 19:07

InKy, excellent. This is motivating me to print it out and leave them at the local government offices and super markets.

Not a bad feeling if you have the rigt cause. In my old age, I would have a hard time believing this old Republican who has scorned the 50′s and 60′s activists , the peaceniks, the hippies, and tree huggers is now going to be a “activist”. Gulp.

katherine – at 19:29

thanks will print up and give to neighbors

InKyat 19:48

Rob, the document was created in a Mac program called Pages. It can be exported as a Word document, but the resulting monster is 3.4 MB and will likely be a mess. (Complicated layouts don’t survive as readily as simple ones do.) I can post it anyway, if you want to download this behemoth and see what you can do with it, or I can make revisions you send to me and send you the resulting PDF. (I have a little time for that.) Or I can copy the bits and pieces into a text file, post that, and let you plug them into a document of your own. What sounds best?

Goju – at 19:54

I love this idea - the flyer is fantastic.

this one has good useful medical info too but not as “readable”

Maybe a combo?

Kenpofemme – at 20:07

Excellent job! This one’s hanging in the teacher’s dining room! Thanks.

RobTat 20:17

Hi InKy;

I think the best thing is for me to try and replicate your great work in Microsoft Publisher, it’s just that I’m pretty hopeless with that sort of thing and it will take awhile to get up to speed. Actually this would be the first time using it. But what if I sent some text that replaced the US references, could you replace them? There are only two spots that I can see ie,

Q Won’t the government do this preparation for us? The US federal govenment has told it’s citizens that they will be on their own because federal, state and local governments cannot help everyone at once. There is little reason to believe it will be any different in Australia. If 30%….etc.

Q What should I do to prepare? Many experts recommend stockpiling non-perishable…etc.

If you could replace those two references for an Aussie version, I would be eternally grateful.

InKyat 20:35

Rob T - This is easily done (a two-minute job), but shouldn’t I also replace one or two of the info. links - the CDC link, for instance, with an Australian one?

InKyat 20:46

Goju - the flyer you cite is nicely done and offers greater depth regarding preparation. I’m distributing mine in an area where people hear little if anything about bird flu these days, so I was shooting for getting people’s attention and lending credibility to the message with some quotes from experts we respect. It makes sense to whichever flyer best suites the audience we are trying to reach. I’m downloading yours, too, as an alternative or as a follow-up.

InKyat 21:09

Rob T - I made the changes you requested, and I substituted the Australian government’s link for the and cdc links. is referenced elsewhere in the document anyway.

Aussie print version here:

Email friendly version here:

That was no trouble at all :-).

Goju – at 21:11

This is great work all!!!!!

Together we stand - isolated we fall

RobTat 21:28


Wow, that was quick. I’m so grateful for your effort. I sent it to the key guy at our local council to get some feedback…and have an appointment later this week to discuss how we get prepared as a community. There are about 40,000 people in this suburb of Sydney, and a very high ratio of children.

So, bloody well done! Your efforts have had an impact already, half way around the world. I owe you a beer,mate.

InKyat 21:50

Ya gotta love the Internet. I’ll have to come collect on that beer someday :-).

Seriously, I hope what we do saves lives.

RobTat 22:01

And ya gotta love people who get off their bum and do something meaningful with the Internet.

There is such a vacuum of information down here that I also hope we can wake up some folks before TSHTF.

BTW, there is a beer (or two) for any fluwikians who get down here. My Skype handle is robinsydney

I’m-workin’-on-it – at 22:59


09 October 2006

jplanner – at 03:13

aThank you thank you Goju, INKY and others who worked on this, a huge service because I admit I didn’t have the wearwithall to develop a flyer, but do to print and distribute. i am inspired to get it printed online at Kinkos, will splurge and get 25o and give them out in my neighborhood. IT’s the LEAST I can do.

Goju, I noticed one “error” in yours, sort of. it says that 1918 pandemic killed 20million. It is true that that was the often-sited number, but most recently experts believe 50–100million were killed worldwide. The reassessment of the total number of deaths upped the world wide CFR.

jplanner – at 03:18

I am going to ask for something…can anyone translate either or both of these flyers into Spanish? Particularly InKY’s. I would like to distribute it in low income neighborhoods near me. Alot of low income people, the people who will be the Last to know this info otherwise I think, are Spanish speaking, many are only moderately literate even in their own language. (thus the first version, with less to read, might work better for them). I am thinking those of you from TX and Florida and maybe elsewhere might want flyer in Spanish.

I am really going to go all out to deliver this flyer to as many people as possible. I am thrilled we have it.

lugon – at 03:46

jplanner - please send raw text to lugon at singtomeohmuse the-usual-dot com and I’ll translate it into Spanish. Another way to do it is create a wiki page at that would be named something like Opinion.ColorfulFlyerText and would look like this:

Hi, welcome to the colorful-flyer-text page!

Text in English: da-di-da

Text in Spanish: please translate/adapt from above (you may want to add different links)

Text in German: same as in Spanish

That way we’d be able to get unexpected help, no?

lugon – at 03:50

Hey, I’m not sure if “Opinions” would be the right place to put it, but here it goes anyway:

lugon – at 03:59

Now what I’d need, in order to translate, would be the original in text format - either by email or placing it on the wikipage.

Btw, the flyer is simply great. It’s interesting to note that if it “catches fire” through email networks we will have no idea how far it gets - with quality perfect copies!

Small idea: maybe you could add some small text at the bottom of the second page refering people to this or other apropriate forum place, so that people will be able to ask for other translations etc? Or to a webpage where people will be able to get localised versions? We could create a simple page at but I’ll wait for your opinions on how to do it and what to put there.


RobTat 05:09


On the first page it isn’t Dr David Webster, it’s Robert Webster.

Quick, get them all back!!!

RobTat 05:18

I’ve done a bit of a rework this evening on the flyer and added some hard hitting facts. I hope it’s a help. I’ve done it in Microsoft Publisher so it can be modified easily and we don’t drive InKy crazy with alterations. You could make it specific to your town for instance, like InKy did for my Australian version. I’ve added my local suburb at the top.

Now, how do I get it posted? Can somebody shoot me an email address so I can get it to someone who knows how to put docs up on the Wiki?

Spirit in the Wind – at 05:32

how do you email this document? Sorry…I am technologically impaired.

InKyat 07:09

Spirit in the Wind - You would save a copy to your computer, and then you would add it as an attachment to your email.

InKyat 07:23

Rob T - Thanks for all this work. I go to bed and night and get up in the morning and incredible things have happened :→

Lugon - Do you still need a text file with everything? That’s no problem, but I couldn’t tell if Rob’s Publisher file had already made the document accessible to everybody.

InKyat 07:56

Here is the copy for the original brochure in plain text, for the use of translators:

Goju – at 08:22

InKy - would u consider reducing the graphic size and adding some of the medical or prep info from the other flyer? Specifics like how to clean water. illness symptoms, things like that?

lugon – at 08:24

InKy - copied the text over to the wiki and will translate when I can. Thanks!

InKyat 08:59

Goju - I’ll take a look and get back to you. Have to put in a few hours at school this morning processing yearbook orders.

Dennis in Colorado – at 09:35

InKY: I suggest leaving the flyer as-is. If you start trying to accomodate everyone’s pet subject, you’ll end up chasing your tail trying to include water purification techniques, canning instructions, weapons recommendations, etc., etc., etc.
The flyer is an excellent introduction to pandemic planning and it provides links for people to follow to get the additional information.

RobTat 09:37


I’ll try again. Can someone please let me know how to post my document? I don’t have a page I can link it to. How about I send it to someone’s email as an attachment?

And InKy, did you see my post about the misprint of Dr Robert Webster’s name on quote on the front page of your flyer?

Goju – at 09:59

Dennis - the flyer may be the only info they get. The entire top 1/2 of it is graphic… very catchy but it is missing some vtal info for newbies.

I don’t want to hand out a flyer then say “oh here’s another one” cause it actually tells them what to do.

InKy has a great idea here… very accessible. Just needs a bit more hard useful info.

InKyat 10:17

Goju and Dennis - I think different versions may serve different audiences. An audience with Internet access (at home, public libraries, etc.) can be served by my flyer as is. But an audience who may not have access to more than one piece of paper, printed on front and back, (scary thought) would need more information. We’d have to decide what’s essential. Simple methods of purifying water would obviously be one piece of vital information. A more usable checklist of essentials would help. What else? (We won’t have much space; we really do have to prioritize.) We’re still going to have to devote part of the flyer to bold, attention-grabbing graphic and headline at the top of page one. Getting people’s attention is the first life-and-death goal. Persuading them of the seriousness of the threat is another. Giving them the information they need most is the third. Doing all of that one page front and back is a tall order, but we can give it a go. I’ll work on it tonight but want input in the meantime.

InKyat 10:19

I think we can manage about one-half page of vital information in a second version - that’s the limit.

InKyat 10:29

Rob T - Which quote? I just keep seeing Robert Webster and David Nabarro but not David Webster. Doesn’t mean I didn’t do it; I’m just overlooking it.

Dennis in Colorado – at 10:36

Goju - With 100 people telling InKY what to include, where will it stop? Will InKY choose the “right” recommendations for water purification? We’ve already seen diverse opinions here on the use of chlorine before filtration versus after. Which should be in the flyer? How much “hard information” can one include without losing the visual appeal? It could be a two-sided printed sheet with nothing but 12 point black type on a white background … but would anyone pick it up and read it? It is apparent to me that InKY has a good sense of graphic design, and has incorporated elements into the flyer that are appealing to a majority of people.

InKY posted the draft of the flyer with a request for comments (and received some) and then posted the final copy.

Dennis in Colorado – at 10:55

InKy – at 10:17 I’ll work on it tonight but want input in the meantime.

InKY, you’re a saint. But don’t say you weren’t warned, when you get to Version #73 and there’s just one more thing you should add…<grin>

I’m-workin’-on-it – at 11:04

I agree with Dennis — the flyer is *perfect* the way it is — and it DOES tell people what to do — it tells them to go to reputable websites where they will find a TON of wisdome about things to do. It’s the best flyer I’ve seen in a way, in that it IS less technical & more easy to digest.

It might be a basis for a second flyer with added info, but please please please leave the first one alone for those of us who would like to distribute it as it is!

InKyat 11:29

I’ll definitely leave the first one as is and create the second one as an alternative. We also have the plain text of the first one above, such that people can devise alternatives and translations according to need. The challenge will be condensing essential info. to 1/2 page and agreeing on what that essential info. is. Truth is, we can’t fit all essential info. on a half page. We can only offer starting points.

Science Teacher – at 11:31


Thank you for all your hard work. I love your flyer just the way it is. The eye catching title and picture will enourage people to read it. I have already printed out copies of it to distribute along with the cards and PA red ribbons this week.

Goju, I like your ideas also. Perhaps you could design what you envision and post it on a new thread?

lugon – at 11:58

The proof that a flyer sent through email is really “catchy” is when you receive it back after a longer or shorter chain of infections. Anyone received their own flyer back in an email?

RobTat 16:44


My apologies, I got the document I was working on mixed up with your Aussie version, it was my mistake. I typed in David Webster instead of Robert, which is perfectly correct on yours. It was late at night is my only excuse, doh!

Can you, or anyone, give me some guidance as to how I make the link to my document on my hard drive that I’ve created ?

This is the third time I’ve asked on this thread….

InKyat 17:18

RobT - I just thought I was going nuts ;→.

To make your file available, you have to post it via FTP on a server somewhere, if you have domain space. I’m hoping that these docs will be made a part of the Flu Wiki site at some point, but if you want me to post your document where I posted mine in the meantime, email it as an attachment (exported as a PDF) to me at inkysmailbox at I can make the links.

InKyat 17:21

Rob T - I haven’t used MicroSoft Publisher. Under “File,” can you export a document as a PDF, or alternatively, when you click “Print,” can you print to a PDF?

InKyat 17:30

Rob T - Doesn’t look as if Publisher exports to PDF directly, but there are some work-arounds. See information here. Scroll down to the PDF option.

RobTat 18:41


Yeah I’m sorry about my stuff up. Too much happening at once.

Thanks for the email offer, I’m a bit baffled as to how to make docs available on the Wiki. A bit of a techno dork I am.

I just print to a PDF print driver to create PDF’s out of any doc. Lots of them available on the Net as free downloads. I’ll email you both the MS Publisher file and the PDF. I thought the MS Publisher would be good for Wikians to amend the doc for their local info or any changes they thought of. Most folks would have MS Publisher as part of office. I was feeling bad about asking you to make the changes for Oz, so I got stuck into trying MS Publisher. It’s not as shmick as your Mac stuff, of course (LOL)

Thanks again.

Goju – at 18:47

InKy - can i put the Flyer on my FTP site

InKyat 19:31

Sure. You can post it wherever it will be useful. I’m putting a second fly up for scrutiny on another thread.

10 October 2006

RobTat 01:05


Did you get my 2 emails wih the flyer files attached?

InKyat 01:43

Yes :-) . Will upload and create links in the morning.

InKyat 01:43

Yes :-) . Will upload and create links in the morning.

InKyat 02:10

Here’s the beefed up 2nd flyer for print:

And here it is again for email attachment:

This time I won’t click post twice!

RobTat 02:28

Hey InKy;

What time zone are you in? Are you up as late as I think it is over there? I wasn’t expecting a response in this thread till (our) morning, so thanks.

I’ve had some interesting responses to the flyer on some “test” subjects. I’m collecting my thoughts before I share the experience. It would be a good thread, to relate to each other the responses, concerns, suggestions from the field, yes?

InKyat 02:36

Rob T - Yes, I think it would be good to discuss reactions to the information, both positive and negative.

This is a plain text export of the second brochure for people who want to revise and lay out their own: (complete with typo). Tonight I’m prepping for pan fly.

SaddleTrampat 05:30

Dear InKy,

Yesterday, my DH made 800 copies of your flyer. Today, 200 are going on our PanFlu Week display at the County Library. I will hand distribute the rest, probably to our faith-based community and working folks I run into around the county. The color REALLY helps give it a sense of urgency.

I suspect that your efforts will actually save people’s lives here in Virginia and I am profoundly and humbly grateful for your help.

Im working up a weekly newspaper series (asked the county if they minded - no, not as long as I stuck to the facts and didn’t rabble-rouse too much. The paper said they’d be happy to print them as Public Service Announcement things. Distribution is 100 per cent coverage in the county via the mail.).

DemfromCT has been kind enough to store my articles on the Consequences pages. As I go along, there will be more and more, enough for other folks to do the same if you want to stick your names on them and use them for your own local papers. Add to, modify them as you like, but they are available for the using.

Good luck, and thanks again InKy. I have a grand-daughter in Louisville…

InKyat 06:58

I’m awed, to be honest, at all that is unfolding, thanks to the work of many minds and many hands. I can’t help but believe lives will be saved, and your efforts encourage me to try to do more where I am. Thanks to all!

SaddleTramp - I will look for your articles on the Consequences page and will bring them to the attention of our area papers.

Goju – at 07:13

InKy - your efforts will save lives!

InKyat 07:41

I’m so impressed at the success you’ve had, Goju, and at SaddleTramp and her husband’s getting the message to every household in her county. Wow! Now I need to get cracking and try to accomplish what I can in my own town.

crfullmoon – at 09:47

Can someone add to the

Handouts wiki page? Thanks.

InKyat 18:03

crfullmoon - I asked the moderators to look at where the flyers might find a permanent home. They are looking at that issue.

This print version of the second flyer is suitable for use outside the U.S. - i.e., it doesn’t call the U.S. government “our government” and so on. The only other change is that I upped the estimate of those who may be absent from work to 30–40% because I keep reading estimates of 35 and 40% and even sometimes 50%.

This is the smaller version of the second flyer suitable for an email attachment:

This ends my flyer writing project unless there are some tweaks that the moderators suggest. Thanks for everybody’s help and for all that is being done. This small-town, neighborhood project has grown exponentially and will surely save some lives should the H5N1 pandemic nightmare become reality.

11 October 2006

BUMP – at 08:01
crfullmoon – at 14:29

“The Last Time We Were Closer To A Pandemic,

We Were In A Pandemic”

Had to say, I do like this flyer. Thanks!!

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Page last modified on October 11, 2006, at 02:29 PM