I have been told that I write some good useful stuff, sometimes.
My ego kinda agrees. :-)
Only problem is, I tend to engage in too many things or take up too many commitments than I can fit in my time. Or I have very poor time management. Whatever the case, there’s one thing that I’ve been meaning to do, well, from the very beginning of me writing on this forum, which never rises to the top 10 on my to-do list. Since the ones above it tend to be far more important or urgent (by definition) I feel kinda justified for not having done it yet.
Trouble is, it really needs to be done.
What I am talking about, is to put stuff that I’ve written in the forum, into the wiki.
I would very much appreciate it if someone feels the urge to help with this. You know, to find the threads that I’ve written in, read over them (Urgh! I know, some of them are too long) and identify the the good stuff (defined as something useful for others), and put it in the wiki.
Now if that sounds like too much work (it does), then even just helping me identify where these things are, and maybe put up a temporary page with that section on it, give me the link (call it anon_22′s homework :-) ), so I can go and fix it.
My transcontinental life would be a lot more fulfilling if I know that I don’t have to re-write the same stuff next time someone asks the question cos I can’t find where I’ve written about it before.
I would do anything (well, not really) to have that happen…
And thank you.
Anon_22 That is a worthy goal. If I had access to the wiki files on my computer, I could do part of it. I don’t play in the sandbox. If I write something for the wiki that I want to have, I first compose it in word, then save, then cut and paste it to the wiki. I have a file of everything I have written…unless it is just comments. So first, just stop the brain drain. Grin. I wish I had the time. I would do it for you in a second.
If you can wait a couple of weeks, I will be in semi retirement and will need something to do to fill in any wet days - if you accept this offer you had better bring on the rain as well - otherwise I will be on the golf course!
I do have some of them on my computer. I can email them to you if you can help with them. But as you say, you are also rather maxed out yourself with time. :-)
BTW can you help me reset the password on my email account? I changed it and it doesn’t seem to work now. Thanks!
As always, thank you for all the things you’ve done, including the wonderful News aummaries!
Of course I’m happy for you to help me with this. In fact, anybody can do this even if they don’t talk about it here or with me, that’s the nature of the wiki, so the question of whether I ‘accept’ or not does not arise at all!! But letting me know with a link might be a good idea if you want me to either tweak it somemore afterwards or whether I might have more updated ideas to put in.
Asked for it, have it:
As I say in that very page: “just ONE link will be useful”. More will be usefuler.
google for “anon_22 site:fluwikie2.com”
No, “anon_22 site:fluwikie.com” is not what we’re after - we’re wikifying threads not the other way round.
If we like, we can just collect the links in this thread. Whatever works.
And, of course, if you know you’re looking for something specific, then say that to google: “anon_22 something-specific site:fluwikie2.com”.
I’ll start with a few, just briefly, then back to packing (BTW---Google found 510 instances of Anon_22 on FluWikie2.com!!):
That should kick things off nicely…
510 and probably more if they are somehow repeated - not that I know the details.
Maybe this is all anon_22 needs? Nah, I guess there’s more to do, but this is definitely a start. Thanks, BB!
Then there was “Paris June 2006″, and “statins”, and an “open letter to fluwikians/fluwikie”, and “community involvement” (not the precise words - more like “ethics conference”), and “paradigm shift”, and …
Hey, this looks like it could have it’s own chapter in forumindex ;)
Also “vaccines”, I think. A fuzzy keyword to look for.
Sorry if there’s sidescroll for some of you (there’s none for me) - I just wanted the links to be easily copyable to their final destination. :-/
Is this looking useful for your purposes, anon_22? Do you have any particular keyword you’d like us to find for you? Do you want the “anon_22 index” sorted in any particular order? Tea or coffee?
http://www.fluwikie.com/pmwiki.php?n=Opinion.ForumTopics has many many topics - if some were initiated by anon_22, or if anon_22 contributed something useful there, then those topics should be in this list.
Nuff said.
Oh, yes, and there were the “WHO is an entity to look at with mixed feelings” threads.
Ok, ok, I’m leaving now, really. :-)
bump for help?
same for Monotreme?
Hi Anon_22, lugon: I hope this will suffice. Going to sleep at the wheel here, so will start again tomorrow (er, later today!)
Swann - refranied from commenting because you kept adding links and I didn’t want to interrupt. Looks like an awfully good job to me!
lugon imagines anon_22 sticking hand up from below mountain of links and asking for yet more help
Anon_22: give us your priorities if you like. :-)
“refranied” means “refrain”, I guest. Hehe!
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.WhenVaccinesAndAntiviralsAreNotAvailable (the piece about statins and hospitals’ database)
search for JAMA in the above link
anon_22 – at 09:27
Swann, great job!
After some intensive communication with anon_22 (busy, busy, busy!), my/our idea is we want to do at least four things:
All in all, I feel this is not anon_22′s thing alone. Of course it’s not. DemFromCT, Melanie (hi, Melanie, I hope you’re better!), the Reveres and a large number of others have all managed to co-create a place where we’re thinking outside the box. We’re facing (in our minds, and that’s enough for now, thank you) a disquieting tree of possibilities. And we’re reacting in the face of it all, challenging it, finding ways around it. We’ve been physically (on a microscopic, very real level) changing our own brains in the face of the challenge.
The WHO and each government in the World can only do so much. Individuals can only do so much. I would dare say the virus can only do so much (yes, we’re taking this personally). There’s room for what we’re doing.
What we’re doing is to take part, along with a number of others who are thinking openly and with their names and all that goes with it, in taking the worldwide discussion to a whole new level. Thinking about officially unthinkable CFRs. Thinking about officially unthinkable paradigm shifts. Listening to fear, fear of fear, data and lack of it. Going out to talk with experts in many different fields. Going out to talk with our communities. Talking with relatives, neighbours, you name it.
What we’re saying is we don’t have all the answers, but we have reasons to believe that neither do you, and some things are more important than others, so let’s try and find our cooperative way forward.
In short: we’ve been creating some original content, and that’s part of our contribution. Such a content could be part of the context in which people prepare. Ideas on each shelf, so to speak. Ready to be used as soon as possible and as effectively as possible in moving things forward locally.
We have many reasons to be worried, concerned, scared. And we’re also going beyond that into actually doing things and helping others. We too are a force of Nature.
So what would be the outline or the main threads in what Flu Wiki has contributed and can contribute in the near future? Can anyone connect the dots by just looking at what Swann, Bronco Bill and myself have collected so far? Are there any other ideas that could go on that shelf?
Thanks all. Great company!
Thank you, lugon. If I am following your train of thought correctly, then I envision something like a FluWiki Pandemic Preparedness Manual. Each page within would contain one major concept, associated problems as FluWikians view them, followed by the best solutions that FluWikians can offer. The problems/solutions would necessarily be summarized/condensed from many comments interspersed throughout numerous threads. I would attribute each solution (comment), keeping this section very consistent in format and continuing that formatting on all following pages:
Anon_22: asdfjlkjsdflkasjdflaksjdfaldkfjlkflkjasdflkjas
Monotreme: oiuasdfjweroiudsfkasdflkjasdflkjasflkjwerlkjasd
TOM DVM: kdjflksjdflkjsdfpoweripwoeir98098098***sflkjas3
I suppose this kind of thing would require quite a bit of work to search through all relevant threads for the best comments to be summarized and we would want to reach consensus among our “experts”. Not sure we have that time!
OR….. I rather like the idea of summarizing the thoughts of one FluWikian per page, based on the most important concepts which have been agreed upon by the group. Example:
Anon_22 on: Ethical Decisions Of Health Care Workers
How To Set Up a Sick Room
Sorry, it’s late and I am forgetting anything I knew about formatting in the forum. Am closing down for the night. I’ll be back….please tell me if I am completely off-base in what you are trying to accomplish. If so, I will rethink and regroup.
You know the story about the short-sighted eagle that would eat “anything that moves and is small enough” (a vague concept). Such an eagle, in a time of scarcity, would have an advantage over the over-precise eagle that eats “mice and mice only, thank you” (a specific idea).
Which means I don’t know exactly what we’re looking for. :-)
Maybe we can just start with 3 and go on thinking about it? And then maybe we can find a place for each new piece and put it in the outline?
The beauty of wikis is that we can have as many index pages as needed. Mine is just an attempt and that’s why I wrote it under “Opinion”. We could have Opinion.FluwikianContributions if we like, as an index to more specific wikipages. Then, if we want to create other indexes that’s fine too, because the “atomic” pages will still be the same.
We’ll learn as we go, I hope.
Sleep well.
I think I’ll print this thread and go for a walk with the collection. Ikebana time!
After the walk, what I’ll do is collect the links in http://www.fluwikie.com/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Anon22Homework and play around with sorting them a bit. See what kind of order emerges.
Ok, links so far have been copied onto the homework wikipage. Now, time to sort that out. First, look at the links to see if there’s some categories there.
This is what I’ll do: print out the page with all the links, look at what is at every link and jot down notes near the link in the printed page, then see if that makes sense.
Not today, though.
Help needed, really.
Could anyone reading this just try doing what I suggest with say 2–5 links, and report back? Thanks!
Information overload is great isn’t it. I think it’s called “document shock”. It’s a great idea, of course.
Actually I don’t think it’s too much.
lugon, and anyone else helping,
Thanks! Much appreciated!
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.AvianInfluenzaEpidemiologyOfHumanH5N1CasesReportedToWHO CFR by age group
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.CDCHospitalizationAndMortalityEstimates analysis of CDC figures for hospital admissions and implications for triage
background info on report criticizing Margaret Chan during SARS
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.VaccinationStrategiesForH5N1Pandemic general vaccination considerations
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.VaccinationStrategiesForH5N1PandemicPartIII specific pandemic vaccines discussed, with links
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.VaccineII at 15:44 European approach to pandemic vaccine - EMEA Mock-up process vs FDA policy
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.TheWHOAgain#a International Health REgulations
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.WhatIsTheFatalityRateForThoseWithoutAntivirals problems with tamiflu use for prophylaxis 06:45 problems for tamiflu use in treatment 07:01
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.WHOContainmentProtocolMarch17Draft containment, scenario, tamiflu resistance
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.WHOBacksDualAntiviralTherapyForSomeBirdFluCases#a summary WHO guideline on antiviral use
well, at least I got a whole load of them in one place now. :-)
In two places, really ;)
I’ll copy the new links over to the wikipage and see if I can sort them a little, and maybe add a one-line summary for each link. Maybe.
But I’ll do the press-release “translation things” (creating seeds for a few languages etc) first.
Good evening lugon (where ever you are)! I’ve been re-reading my comments from last night as well as your thoughts and I have to LOL. You must think that Swann is trying to reinvent many wheels. Not so! I simply work at seeing the “big picture” a bit differently than perhaps you do! I am frustrated because while I am more than willing to help in any way I can, I know so little about how to perform simple tasks using the software on this computer; I’ve managed to do everything backwards because I began surfing the net before learning anything about Windows XP and the software available to me. I realize from your comments above that my copying Anon_22′s links into that forum thread (rather than the wiki page you established) simply made more work for you, but I felt unsure of how to edit on the wiki side and thus, avoided it. Sorry. I’m trainable (usually!), but a trainer will need to work at my lowly skill level for a bit! I’m glad you are a patient and kind man, lugon! Good night.
not a lot of work, Swann - i appreciate that we’re doing this together - thank you!
Hey Lugon and Swann (and anyone else helping) you are doing a magic job here. By the time I go into semi-retirement, you will have it all done and I will just have to play more golf!
Blue and AnnieB - it looks harder than it is. Just give us time to catch some breath after awareness week stuff and we’ll have something useful here. I think.
It’s really encouraging to know that we’re having someone looking over our shoulders. At least it works for me!
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.NewsReportsAugust1 Re: OFFLU - global sharing of sequences; reassortment of H5N1
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.NewsReportsAugust4 Re: Indo announces future samples of sequences will be sent to CDC only and no longer to Hong Kong Labs; info on Malik Peiris CNN interview.
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.NewsReportsAug10 Re: how to improve news thread
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.NewsReportsAug20 Re: why WHO phase level was not changed from 3 to 4 in May.
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.NewsReportsForAug23 Re: vaccine using only haemagglutinin protein
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.WhatAreYouHearingFromOutInTheField Re: Rant..UK officials not preparing citizens for pandemic
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.ASeverePandemicIsLikelyPart2 Re: our flimsy understanding of how the virus evolves
http://www.fluwikie2.com/pmwiki.php?n=Forum.TranslationAnyone Re: China CDC - epidemiological report
Swann, I’m sure anon_22 (now with a name) apreciates this.
I was wondering if I could also ask for volunteers regarding the “respiratory prevention package” and “simple masks” and “reach out” (to worldchanging) initiatives. :)
Simple masks are also linked from that page.
This should help millions!
Hi lugon! I’ve printed out anon_22′s list of posts and am currently going through, one by one, to ascertain the subjects. Will try to categorize and date these for your wiki page.
Great, Swann - your focus will help inmensely! Thanks!
If you want to, you can write your comments about each page at the link-collection page. Such comments might be, if I understand correctly what you’re doing, like these:
Maybe if we watch you working then we can help you starting at a different place or doing different things?
But if you prefer to work on your own and then share, that’s fine too. Just thinking out loud here!
(You’ve “printed” them, so maybe you can or you prefer to work off-line. Ok.)
Lugon: This is my first attempt to make something happen in the wiki. Patience, please!
http://www.fluwikie.com/pmwiki.php?n=Main.SwannsProject (without the “action=edit” part) works better.
Just SHOUT if you need help! Or email me at: lugon at singtomeohmuse dot com.
One of my students told me I’m too patient. Really. I’m available to help, but of course there’s only one way to do it: at our own pace. Learning is a palatable experience, isn’t it? :-)
Thank you, Swann, lugon, and everyone else!
My 52-hour days are almost fully packed for the next 3 weeks at least, so this really really really helps. Let me know if there’s something that needs my input!
anon_22: Let me know if there’s something that needs my input!
If you can, do tell us if you’re focusing on something specific … ok, maybe 3–5 areas. That way we may be able to harvest a few gold nuggets for you (and for everyone else).
Your really really really helps is encouraging. :-)
Lugon, please take a look again and tell me if I am on the right track. I am posting ONLY anon-22′s comments (not the questions she is answering, etc.) under the thread titles. My plan is to finish copying all her posts, then come back and drop in the links to the forum threads. If there is a better way, or you think another method would be more helpful to her, PLEASE speak up now!
How are you selecting the text? Everything anon_22 writes in every thread? I think I should be able to automatise that! Likewike for the links.
If I can’t do it myself at least a friend of mine can, sure. Thing is, the programmer needs the strategist and you’re the strategist. What would serve anon_22 (and others) better?
I’ll think a bit more, and maybe read the first posts again, for clues.
But I think what you’re doing (copy-and-paste at ground level) may provide the best insight as to what will be more useful. Then whatever your insight is I/we can automatise (I think).
Hmm …
Swann & lugon,
I have started to pare down that list, and I’ve put some remarks on where the major points are, so you can skip everything else. Some of the threads have been removed during the recent server blitz. I’ll have to ask pogge to restore them until we’ve retrieved the information. Thanks again!
Swann, it looks like anon_22 is using http://www.fluwikie.com/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Anon22Homework so we’ve been useful. :-)
I haven’t been able to automate anything as I’m into a number of other things. :-(
I’m open to suggestions regarding what to do next. Probably wait for anon_22. She has enough “food for edit” stuff, I guess. ;-)
Swann, anon_22 is really using http://www.fluwikie.com/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Anon22Homework and I haven’t been able to automate anything. Maybe we can wait for anon_22 to provide more priorities?
Hi lugon! I will continue adding abbreviated notes under the thread titles in my list, which may be of some use to her, or not. If her system is working well, she can tell us to back off until she is ready for help in another way. I’ll just be on standby! Thanks!