From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Download the Whole Fluwiki

17 August 2006

anonymous – at 01:14

has someone succeeded to download the whole fluwiki and then using it offline ?

Lauralou – at 08:42

If you look under the profile for “Gs” you will see some links to a compressed version of the forum. It was done a while ago, but might be the type of thing you are looking for?

Bronco Bill – at 08:47

Lauralou – at 08:42 --- I think he downloaded the old Forum, before the server crash a few months ago.

Bronco Bill – at 08:47

Don’t get me wrong…tons of great information from the old server, just not the current stuff

Lauralou – at 08:51

Right, it is old. But, it has been done- on the forum side anyway.

anonymous – at 09:08

not the forum. The wiki. How to download it ?

Bronco Bill – at 12:05

anonymous – at 09:08 --- Try posting your question on the Ask Questions of the Moderators Here thread. pogge should be able to answer your question…

anon_22 – at 13:05

There are probably softwares that can do this, but I would be wary of slowing the server down so much that other people can’t use it!

pogge – at 13:25

I once tested a utility that purports to take a snapshot of a website. It didn’t work properly with the wiki — it screwed up all the internal links. And anon_22 makes a good point. You need to be careful with programs like that because they can really strain the server if they’re not used responsibly.

anonymous – at 14:14

screwing up the links is not so much a problem, since it can be used offline to search for keywords. Once you provide it for download, it will _reduce_ the bandwidth since it can be uploaded to singohmuse, people can download it and use it offline and they needn’t bother the server online. It’s also for reference, when the internet goes down or the server breaks again. I.e., when panflu starts it’s unlikely that the wiki will still be available and all the info is lost.

Bronco Bill – at 14:18

I was able to download the old Forum after the crash. It took nearly 12 hours, spread out over 5 days using a program that was touted here as “the perfect utility”. I won’t be doing that again.

It’s extremely unlikely that the ‘net will stop working as soon as a pandemic starts.

urdar-Norge – at 14:31

Whats needed is that one person compress the entire forum regulary. then put it out on Limewire, Torrents etc. its collektive sharing that want harm the forums speed. (not all sharing is illegal you know ;-)

18 August 2006

lugon – at 14:52

be it done - how could responsible people help?

Bird Guano – at 15:08

A high speed mirror site would be the better choice.

19 October 2006

Closed - Bronco Bill – at 20:27

Closed to maintain Forum speed.

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Page last modified on October 19, 2006, at 08:27 PM