Many of you have noticed slowing down of the Forum. this is due to the many threads generated by interest. Closing threads helps, but only removing them from the server (“archiving them” elsewhere) will speed things up again.
Archived threads are not gone, but only pogge will be able to retrieve them.
We will start at the end of the Full Topic Listing to archive the oldest threads first. Newer threads will not be touched. Nor will we remove threads in the Forum Index, except perhaps for old news threads.
If there are old threads you really want preserved, let us know here and we won’t archive them. The threads that will go, remember, are so old they are only on the Full Topic listing and haven’t been added to for weeks.
By the way, this is a great opportunity to thank Deputy Bronco Bill for the blitzes and closing sessions.
We also have longer range plans to change the Forum to a venue that won’t require so much maintenance and add functionality. To do that we’d need money. To get that money from you to us:
You can send a check to Box 195, 1096 W. Broad Street, Falls Church, Virginia 22046
There are known legal problems with PayPal. For the time being, make the check out to Flu Wiki. We are a nonprofit.
What if some of us where to post copies of the old threads on our personal sites. That way people could then “look them up” if needed. I don’t have a lot of storage but I could store some text level items. - Just a thought.
DennisC – at 19:42
What if some of us where to post copies of the old threads on our personal sites. That way people could then “look them up” if needed.
I like your idea. Another possibility would be to create a text file that could gotten via ftp. I think there is still alot of good information in the old threads that hasn’t been mined yet.
Mods, what do you think?
I will check and see how much room I have. My IP gives me some storage and can host some pages. Perhaps if a few of us took specific areas, perhaps even make a summary of an area as well- I would volunteer for copies of all the Utility/ hardware type items - water, power, gas, phone,… etc. I would think that there are a lot of “us” wikians that could make serve as backup “archives”. That way you can archive them but people could still get copies as needed.
I’ll check with pogge. We hav an ftp, don’t forget, courtesy of the Dude.
Closed to maintain Forum speed.