From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: 2020 Special on Right Now

30 August 2006

preppiechick – at 21:30

I think the abc show (20/20) that is on right now, “Last Days on Earth” will talk about disease -maybe AF. Sorry if I’m wrong, I am just watching it now, and really didn’t see the beginning or preview.

Gary Near Death Valley – at 21:39

let us on the west coast know if it is worth watching and or taping if you would. Thanks

preppiechick – at 21:48

too late to tape (would take me that long to re-set up my recorder), The general stuff, so far, is pretty interesting - most of what a lot of us know already, or have watched on discovery, history or natural geographic channels - super volcanoes, super computers, etc. I think it’s good that it’s on MSM, a lot of people who don’t watch those other channels may learn something. Still waiting for the “disease” segment (it’s a two hour show, started at 8 pm CST)

Bronco Bill – at 21:52

Gary Near Death Valley – at 21:39 --- Here on Left Coast it’s on at 9PM on ABC. For most of us out here, that’s either Ch. 3 or 7 on cable

Gary Near Death Valley – at 21:53

Comes on here Pacific time at 9 pm so will slip a tape into the deck and tape it also and then later transfer it to a DVD. I have a DVD of the Black Death I taped a couple of months back, and numerous Bird Flu specials over the last year or so. Thanks Preppiechick

Ima-Prepper – at 22:08

I caught the last part of 20/20. For those who missed it, this is pretty much what it is badsed on.

Livescience came out with early this year

Ima-Prepper – at 22:08

I caught the last part of 20/20. For those who missed it, this is pretty much what it is badsed on.

Livescience came out with early this year

Ima-Prepper – at 22:09

sorry :( I tried to stop my post to use the tiny URL, apparently I was too late

spiritaxe – at 22:12

doomed,,,,, we’r all doomed…………………………….. oh wait sienfelds on………….

preppiechick – at 22:40

spiritaxe – at 22:12

If we’re all doomed, then why the good sized prep/stock, that you claim in the ppf thread? (if it was a joke, sorry if i didn’t catch the sarcasm)

As for the special, small mention of h5n1, as part of the #2 threat, but then moved on to a manmade biological threat as more probable. BUT, at least they didn’t underplay h5n1, by saying it’s unlikely. They did a good consequences segment, though, about what would happen if an infectious disease was on your way, and how long a solution would take. Of course, as in all of these specials, they are never long enough to really get in depth, but maybe someone else will find us because of this.

Ima-Prepper – at 22:44

The part about engineered disease was very disturbing. Reminded me of the proffesor who advocated killing off 90% of the world population with ebola to control population.

Story here:

TROLL ALERT – at 23:02
silversage – at 23:11

spiritaxe – at 22:12 is on a roll tonight, DH and I have been having a good time following some of the threads. The giggles help keep the PPF down.

spiritaxe – at 23:17

well i love to entertain,,,,,, I’m not the brightest bulb on the tree,,,,,,, but,, , i’ve been hanging here for quite awile. and,,, i’ve seen them come on and go out. :).

mods He’s baaack – at 23:44
anonymous – at 23:47

RE Ima-Prepper at 22:44 -

From Wikipedia:

Pianka has stated that Mims took his statements out of context* and that Pianka was stating what would happen from biological principles alone if present human population trends continue, and that he was not in any way advocating for it to happen. The host of the speech, the Texas Academy of Sciences, has released a statement stating that “many of Dr. Pianka’s statements have been severely misconstrued* and sensationalized.

31 August 2006

Gary Near Death Valley – at 01:28

Well of all the things that was shown,,,,,,,,as they said the H5N1 pandemic might be the largest pandemic the world has ever seen. Glossed over it, and moved on, but they did make the statement.

bird-dog – at 01:40

THOMAS FRIEDEN, the New York City Commissioner for Health & Mental Hygiene was on Charlie Rose tonight and IMO did a major tap-dance around the possibility of H5N1 becoming a major problem. BIG TIME!!!

Charlie Rose had to repeatedly ask him to be more specific and when T. F. said basically not-to-worry as it’s only a bird problem, humans can’t catch it, Charlie strongly asked about Indonesia and the cluster and the guy said, yea well, not a problem, only once or so, on an intimate basis. He said that as long as people washed their hands (here) we’d be fine as there will be a vaccine to protect us all.

Boy am I relieved! Whew. Hope my Kelly Kettle hasn’t been shipped out yet…

He could barely look Charlie in the eyes as he spoke. He *did not* want to talk about it (again, IMO). After watching 20/20 with it’s dire but somehow more realistic/helpful take on H5N1 and then this guy, my stomach was spinning (head too). Charlie needs to do another full hour on AF. He seemed to be practically rolling his eyes at Dr. Frieden and C.R. is usually so tactfull- guess he let it slip tonight! LOL

It was infuriating though!

Bronco Bill – at 01:53

However, the show DID give a good amount of time to asking the question: “What if a deadly disease were on it’s way to YOUR town? What would YOU do to avoid it?”

They made you think. What would YOU do? Would you go to the grocery store? Would you go to work? Would you go to a sports stadium? They put a bug in peoples’ ears to make them think about what could happen if they didn’t have the preps to SIP.

Gary Near Death Valley – at 01:55

When TSHTF both Charlie and Friden both will not be found to further question because they will be holed up where ever they will be holed up in…….and “like sands thru the hour glass ,,,,so are the days of our lives”,,,,,

Monotreme – at 02:06

bird-dog – at 01:40

THOMAS FRIEDEN, the New York City Commissioner for Health & Mental Hygiene was on Charlie Rose tonight and IMO did a major tap-dance around the possibility of H5N1 becoming a major problem. BIG TIME!!!

Charlie Rose had to repeatedly ask him to be more specific and when T. F. said basically not-to-worry as it’s only a bird problem, humans can’t catch it, Charlie strongly asked about Indonesia and the cluster and the guy said, yea well, not a problem, only once or so, on an intimate basis. He said that as long as people washed their hands (here) we’d be fine as there will be a vaccine to protect us all.


This is why I have been saying New York City has been written off, and they don’t want people leaving. Is it possible that Mr. Frieden is really as stupid as he seems? Well, maybe, but what about the Mayor? He’s not stupid and yet he allows Frieden to say such obviously false things. Entering NYC is like going into an alternative universe where bird flu is nothing to worry about and anyone who expresses any concern is a loon.

The situation is very different in other cities. Good for Charlie Rose for pushing Frieden. His next phone call should be to Michael Osterholm, if they’ll let him into NYC ;-)

bird-dog – at 02:13

BB, if you meant 20/20, I agree. You should check out the message board though, many of the post-ers really trashed the show esp. re. BF. If they only knew… <sigh>

bird-dog – at 02:28

Monotreme, Ah, yes, I swore loudly at the tv, delivered a few hand signals, and surprisingly felt like punching him. I’m still angry! Many people will suffer and die thanks to him and tomorrow when I wake up I’ll comment (politely!) on Charlie’s message board and ask to hear from Michael Osterholm in a follow-up show.

I really am usually more restained, not always though! :-)

LauraBat 07:33

I agree that the 20/20 BF portion was good and relevant - although too short. However, so much of the show focused on these HUGE natural disasters (asteroids, etc.) over which we have no control and we’re all toast anyway (basically no life would survive). It left you feeling like “Well, there’s not a darn thing I can do about any of this. It’s out of my hands so what’s the point of prepping?” I did like the question - “what would you do if you knew the exact date of your death? Would you live your life now differently?” Makes you think huh?

preppiechick – at 09:51

I did notice, that when they talked about the beginning of a pandemic and how it would travel rapidly (on 20/20), they showed a picture of an airport schedule board —and most of the flights were from Indonesia! (Maybe someone has been reading the indo thread.) Pretty sad about NYC, though I don’t see my city faring much better (no real plan, political fighting, etc.)…

OKbirdwatcherat 10:31

bird-dog at 01:40 -

“He could barely look Charlie in the eyes as he spoke.”

Watch what they DO, not what they SAY.

banshee – at 11:53

Regarding the Charlie Rose show, you can watch last night’s episode here: The Charlie Rose Show

Free of charge right now.

bird-dog – at 12:06

I just sent Charlie Rose an email encouraging him to invite Michael Osterholm. I also told him how disappointed I was in Thomas Freiden, how impressed I was that he, Charlie, ‘pushed’ him, and as usual, recommened the Flu Wiki.

also, thanks, Banshee.

banshee – at 12:18

The BF portion of the Charlie Rose show starts around minute 21 if you don’t feel like watching the whole thing. It is only a couple of minutes long.

Sahara – at 12:51

Since we’re talking TV, did anyone catch the “Survivorman” on last Sunday? Maybe it was a repeat, maybe we already talked about it - I don’t know I’ve been so busy I have had to become an occasional lurker here.

I thought that show did a good job of hammering home some of the basics. His “for Pete’s sake at least have a flashlight that works!” message was good. He said a few times that you really ought to have a little survival kit and some food in the house. It was more for short term disaster survival, but at least it might get some people thinking.

I love Survivorman.

Jane – at 18:49

Is Survivorman on cable? (Sounds like a show for me, but no cable here.)

 The bird flu part on  20/20 mentioned that the 1918 pandemic had a 3% fatality rate, and this one could be much worse.  So that was good information, at least.  I missed the last part, after the topic of bioweapons began and then the commercial break.  Was there any further pandemic information or anything on prepping? 

Also, weren’t these 7 topics in order of likelihood? Plague was number 2, anyhow.

Bronco Bill – at 20:01

Was there any further pandemic information or anything on prepping?

Nope. That was it. Except fot the number 1 topic—Global Warming and the possibilities of massive water shortages worldwide.

CAMikeat 21:57

Good news: BF and the possibility of a pandemic were discussed. Bad news: the upshot was that the possibility was low.

Regardless, I wish there would have been some information about prepping. Lots of reasons to do it. Can’t think of a reason not to.


28 October 2006

Closed - Bronco Bill – at 20:17

Closed to maintain Forum speed.

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Page last modified on October 28, 2006, at 08:17 PM