From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: The Flu Wiki Forum Index

28 October 2006

Bronco Bill – at 20:41

The Forum Index is being updated almost daily now. Links have been added for the latest news threads, Parts II and III and so on for preppers and other extended threads, the Red Ribbon Campaign, PanFlu Preparedness Week, Lookout Posts, etc. With DemFromCt’s help, some new headings have been added, and links added under those headings.

If you get a chance, check it out, and feel free to add as you see fit. I’ll try to keep it in some order as you add links, so we can all find the things we need and want on the Flu Wiki Forum.

DemFromCTat 21:21

The index, of course, is over there

AnnieBat 21:34

Thanks BB and DemFromCT. I have updated all the links I can find as Lookout Posts in the News Summary but I am not confident about adding them to the Forum Index. Here is a copy of the latest listing I have if that helps ..


NoRegion NameNoRegion NameNoRegion Name
1USA8East Africa15Arab Peninsula
2Canada, Greenland and the Arctic Circle9Southern Africa and Madagascar16Central Asia
3Central America and Caribbean10Northwest Europe and British Isles17Southern Asia
4South America and Surrounding Islands11West and Southwest Europe18Mainland East Asia and Japan
5Northern Africa12Central and Southeast Europe19Southeast Asia
6West Africa13Eastern Europe and Baltic Region20Australasia Melanesia and Micronesia
7Central Africa14Middle East and Caucasus Region21Pacific Islands and Antarctic
AnnieBat 21:35

Should have said that the ‘highlighted’ ones have actual Posts created as separate threads - the plain text ones do not.

Bronco Bill – at 21:50

DemFromCT – at 21:21 --- Thanks for putting the link to the Index there…mea culpa! (That’s Virginian for “I screwed up!)

AnnieB – at 21:34 --- The Lookout Post links (the active ones) are already listed in the Forum Index immediately after Current Threat Assessments near the top of the page…I got them listed yesterday.

31 October 2006

crfullmoon – at 15:48


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Page last modified on October 31, 2006, at 03:48 PM