From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: 5 At CE Chatroom

04 November 2006

Lisa the GP – at 21:13

The ASTHO topic here doesn’t appear to be read much, and I think its my fault for giving it a less than catchy name.

If you wanted to go to one of the Keystone/ASTHO conferences to gather community thoughts about whether various proposed infection control measures will be practicable, this is an experimental opportunity to do so online.

Details are in the existing ASTHO thread here in the discussion topics.

These conferences are designed to gather public input that the Keystone organization will be providing to the Bush administration toward formulating national flu policy. The online format is an experiment that Keystone is aware of and which was mentioned at the Seattle meeting today (though they said ‘fluwiki’ instead of CurEvents).

So far the face-to-face meetings have been held in Atlanta and Seattle. Syracuse NY and Lincoln NE are the remaining scheduled live meetings.

Keystone needs to submit its guidance by December. I hope people will come participate and thereby support both the public input aspect and use of the web as a means to get public input.

Lisa the GP – at 21:14

damnit, what happened to my title? AAARRRRGGGHHH!

Bronco Bill – at 21:51

Lisa the GP – at 21:14 --- What should your title have said?

05 November 2006

Lisa the GP – at 14:26

Doesn’t matter, Bill, I’ve had to cancel this event because I lost use of the chatroom. Will re-do the concept in a different format here on the wiki once I’ve figured out the best non-chat format for it.

anon – at 14:41

you didn’t cancel this event. You were cancelled and banned because you are a trouble maker.

talk about spin.

lifeisgreat – at 14:54

I’ve contacted Keystone about attending in Lincoln, NE and cannot get them to respond. Since I’m not a mind reader, I simply have not known has to interpret this lack of response.

Lisa the GP – at 14:57

Anon—talk about troublemakers. :sigh: Do the world a favor and save the wheedling for posts at CE. Personal attacks do nothing for the wiki.

Lifeisgreat—they are hard to get a hold of. You have to keep trying. Did they provide a link to the local health department that is hosting the event? You may have better luck with the local contact.

DemFromCTat 14:58
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Page last modified on November 05, 2006, at 02:58 PM