From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: The Geese Are on the Move

29 October 2006

Prepping Gal – at 18:42

I promised I let you know when I saw large flocks of birds heading south. Today I’ve seen hundreds heading south from Alberta. I believe they are a month late but winter has just set in today so they stayed as long as they could.

OKbirdwatcherat 21:39

Thanks Prepping Gal, we’ll be on the lookout for ‘em here in Oklahoma. Always love to see the first flocks passing through our area. For me, it’s the true indicator that the seasons have changed.

senegal1 – at 21:42

Here in Northern VA today I saw a large flock of geese round up and head out. Although I believe some stay in the area most go south.

AnnieBat 21:43

I remember there is a online site that interactively shows the bird migrations but I cannot find it - even googled my wee heart out! If someone can remember such a site, it would be good to have it to follow progress etc.

Of course, the best trackers are those on the ground watching them go over - as is happening here ;-)

On the fence and leaning – at 21:58

Also here in Northern VA. About a month ago, and for 2–3 weeks straight, I saw flocks lifting up out of the area near the soccer fields before the games Saturday mornings and landing in the evening near the begining of practice. The kids got a kick out of seeing them all.

senegal1 – at 22:02

This is one of the things I missed most about being outside of the U.S. — the flocks of geese. Its so special. On the fence and leaning — check my profile for my email and send me a message. I am going to try to get together a conference call for folks in the area.

On the fence and leaning – at 22:16

I’m with you senegal. Just did 5 years in Italy. It’s good to be back. Would hate to be over there anywhere when/if this kicks off.

On the fence and leaning – at 22:22

I mentioned earlier that I thought it would be a neat idea to have a chat room on the wiki for some real time conversation. One of the mods, can’t remember who, mentioned that a lot of times chat rooms break down into “LOL” and ROTFL etc. I can see the point but I still think it would be interesting. I used to have AOL YEARS ago and I remember chatting on their boards in the rooms. Maybe we should get a group together on a chat room some time as well.

senegal1 – at 22:24

Oh! Italy! — and I get the hardship posts. At least I can seriously contribute to the “Desperate Food thread”. I agree on being out of the US although maybe New Zealand might be the place to be.

30 October 2006

gharris – at 20:19

Lots of Canada Geese gathering here - East Central Ontario Canada - but they seem a bit confused abt where they want to go - some flying north (maybe just going for dinner at nearby lake?) The Vs are not well formed for the most part so far - very messy looking no military precision - perhaps they are youngsters just learning how??! I have told them to ‘shape up and fly right’!!!

Prepping Gal – at 23:03

Thanks for the chuckle gharris. Yesterday hundreds were flying in V formations,This morning (really cold −17 deg Cel) I noticed a couple hundred flying in a straight line. We thought it might be the cold (for drafting purposes) but you may be right, it could be the youngsters haven’t got things figured out. In our case they are all flying south now; a couple weeks ago they were going north as well but I imagine it was for the last big feeds on fields with grain still on the ground.

31 October 2006

Feather Pillow – at 07:54

I woke up about 3 am this morning to the sound of hundreds of geese flying over. I’ve noticed in the past several years that they usually preceed a cold front and ride that through. I expect to see and hear them all day today and tonight again. Cold front expected today. Actually I think they are about 2 weeks early this year for here in Northwest Arkansas. A lovely, haunting sound and sight. Sometimes they can barely be seen way yp high in the clouds, but definately heard!

TreasureIslandGalat 08:39

I guess its time to start watching for them arriving on the golf courses!

Prepping Gal – at 22:44

Today we got our Bohemian Waxwings - literally hundreds arrive at our acreage because we have many different berries; the previous owner didn’t plant anything that didn’t attract birds. Any how one day every year they come and stay for a day or two. We love to see them come but keep our cat indoors much to her dismay. They are right on schedule and as usual the place is noisy as can be. I’m always amazed that they find our place because there aren’t any other acreages around here like ours. We have a few hundred trees and bushes (all planted by the previous owner who had a reputation for being able to make any tree or bush grow here).

01 November 2006

Bluebonnet – at 09:30

Heard geese flying over Friendswood, TX early this morning headed south. Never saw them as it was still dark. Didn’t sound like a large flock - maybe the first ones?

OKbirdwatcherat 20:24

Prepping Gal -

Do your Bohemian Waxwings ever get “drunk”?

Saw and heard a large flock of geese this evening just at sunset. That chill of fall in the air and the birds doing what they always do. Life’s rhythm. What a thrill!

Prepping Gal – at 23:52

WE usually get one or two flying into a window but not this year.I didn’t know they could get drunk. Wow now that would be a noisy bunch then. I didn’t see them early this morning but my DH said they were around in the late morning. I should hike around the property and see if all the berries are gone;if so, they are as well. This year we also noticed that the robins stayed longer and to our surprise they ate a lot of berries before leaving, never saw this before.

02 November 2006

OKbirdwatcherat 14:38

Prepping Gal -

Waxwings can sometimes become intoxicated on overripe berries and can be picked up in the hand. We actually witnessed this very thing about 10 years ago. There were just a few Cedar waxwings in the yard feeding on berries and one ended up just sitting on the ground and behaving in a “goofy” way. They soon recover from it but can be vulnerable to predators while in their “drunken” state.

What a treat to see a large flock of Bohemians. The waxwings are, IMO, the most drop-dead gorgeous birds ever.

Average Concerned Mom – at 15:01

I just was sent this poem — how timely — do you know it? I don’t mean to get all literary or anything, but it just really captured my mood these days — how it is bright and sunshiny, and yet I have a feeling of “dark days ahead” — a real disconnect from how everyone in my (real) life feels.

By Rachel Field

Average Concerned Mom – at 15:02

breat = breast

OKbirdwatcherat 15:12

ACM - How beautiful! Thank you for sharing; it captures my mood as well. I keep returning to the Wiki, if only to read other’s posts, because there is just no one else in my world (other than my DH) who even gives pandemic flu a thought. And there are days I wonder who’s really off track, them…or me.

05 November 2006

cactus – at 21:46
  I got off work the other AM (work nights), was about 7 am. Heard a commotion, looked up and a large V of geese went overhead. They must have spent the night at the small manmade lake in town. Headed Southeast. Perhaps down the way to a larger lakr. Manmade of course. Arizona has few natural lakes.
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Page last modified on November 05, 2006, at 09:46 PM