From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Have I Gone Too Far Down the Rabbit Hole

07 September 2006

Libby in Atlanta – at 20:46

I posted, i posted and now I will post again. If there is really anyone reading these post please tell me where I should put this call for help on this forum. Someone ,anyone just reply a boo so I know this went where I thought it went. Maybe its too boring (what I originally sent) maybe know one cares but for my sanity I will keep asking until out of the goodness of someones heart they will respond. One other question ,where did the last post go to? Mine that is. Does a little print truck come along and say not worthy and kick it of the screen? I am feeling rather overlooked and useless. Is there someplace I should be looking for newbies stuff? Well I will go read some more and try not to run back down to my office(downstairs). I will go on trying to convince myself it doesn’t matter if I get a boo or not but it does. Thanks for readind this.

stilearning – at 20:50

I don’t know where the rabbit hole is, but the foxes will tell you. Stick around, all kinds of GREAT info due to the GREAT folks here.

NoFluingAroundat 20:53

Libby in Atlanta

Your call for help being answered :o)What is it that I may help you with?

Jackson in North GA – at 20:56

Libby in Atlanta:

Did you read the Atlanta Journal-Constitution article on Bird Flu in the 9/6/06 paper? Dr. Patrick O’Neal (GA’s medical director) said,”There have been studies that the probability - once avian influenza had affected 500 people - it would be an 80% likelihood that a pandemic strain would arise within two years.”

I’m-workin’-on-it – at 21:00

Libby it takes some of us a little practice doing posts for the first time! Thanks for reposting your post.

I didn’t read the AJC article, but I don’t doubt the statement at all, except to say that I’d assume that it would happen even faster than that.. If it meant 500 worldwide, and all were overseas, yeah, but if the article meant 500 in the USA, we’d already know long before we reached the 500 number that we have a problem.

It’s scarey isn’t it?

Anything of this magnitude can be overwhelming & make you wonder if you can even do ANYthing to protect yourself and your family. We have had several threads of different sorts that discuss feelings and how to cope in a crisis.

What are your major concerns for yourself and family or friends?

Chesapeake – at 21:04

Libby, is this your other post (tread) It’s still active, just slid down the ladder.

Libby in Atlanta – at 21:04

Hello and thank you kindly. I thought I had found somethig of interest, a quote or maybe a misquote from WHO. They said that H5N1 would eventually make the jump. I wanted to see what you brilliant people had to say if anything. So my question is where should I post it that it might be seen. Should I send the link and how do I use the tiny URL or do I need to ?

Chesapeake – at 21:05

(thread) some of them feel like treads

Ruth – at 21:10

Libby- what happens is once someone posts on a tread, it goes to the top of the list. If alot of people are posting on threads, yours could easily move down quickly. If no one responds, you could try to type in bump hit post and it will rise to the top again. If you have any questions, ask away, there are many people here to help.

Wonderer – at 21:12

Good to know there is someone else from Atlanta paying attention to this. From the responses of people around my area, about 40 miles north of Atlanta, you would think no one had heard about bird flu.

Bronco Bill – at 21:13

Libby in Atlanta – at 21:04 --- If you come across news articles like that, then go to the Last 50 Changes (←Click on THAT link) page of Forum threads and look for that days’ News Reports. You can post your news articles in there…

Bronco Bill – at 21:16

As different threads are updated with new posts, they move to the top of the list, thus pushing slightly older threads downward on the list. If you post something on a thread, then that thread will “float” to the top of the list. So your threads aren’t dissappearing, they’re just sinking lower on the Last 50 Changes list as other people post to different threads.

Libby in Atlanta – at 21:24

To I’m-workin’-on-it, to answer your questions my fears are pretty much the same as all of yours. Most of my family is not prepared and thats what scares me. I think bird flu 24/7 So I try not to force it down their throats. I have read this site for months and you guys and girls are the best. I have gotten lots of useful info,such as a book that was recommended that said you should have Tamiflu on hand so now I beg any doc that will listen for a script of Tamaflu. It works! I was also told by a doc at CDC that the flu they are worried about is one that has a (thumbprint) like that of the 1918 flu. He said get your flu and pnemonia shots which I will.

I’m-workin’-on-it – at 21:28

Ruth said: If no one responds, you could try to type in bump hit post and it will rise to the top again

Let me translate a little for you… could try to type in the word “bump”, then click on “post” and your thread will rise to the top of the list again. :-)

Libby in Atlanta – at 21:33

Dear Wonderer, it took me awhile of readig this forum and I surely felt kinda not qualified to say much but I felt w/ the article i read it might be flu-wikie worthy. I live in Alphatetta/Roswell area and it seems as you say if you mention the flu people look at you funny.

I’m-workin’-on-it – at 21:36

Libby in Atlanta – at 21:24 Most of us feel that we have sort of a “calling” to do this — as you’ve read for months most of us have better, more fun things to do with our time and money. So consider yourself chosen somehow to be doing what you’re doing and don’t expect others to have the same calling. If we all had it, then yeah, it would make it a lot easier, but it won’t work that way. If you’ve read the ‘reaction adjustment’ section of fluwikie you’ll know what you’re experiencing is normal, although it’s also aggrevating.

I wanted to tell you that in the past the pneumonia shots were only recommended for people 65 and older or people who were in some weakened condition who might be more susceptible to pneumonia. I just turned 50 and I DID get my shot back in July I think it was, and I’ve got to tell you that WOW did I have problems because of it!!! If you get your P shot, then get it in your less dominate arm — mine was in my right arm & I’m right handed. I didn’t have any life threatening reactions, but I DID have my arm swell up like a baseball bat & stay extremely sore from my shoulder to my wrist — bone sore — for a solid week. Even after a week there was still some swelling and the whole time my flesh on the back of my arm sort of cascaded over my elbow, making me look like my arm was melting — it was repulsive! :-)

Just be sure you discuss with your doctor what to do if something like that happens to you.

Cherokee Rose – at 21:50

Wonderer at 21:12 & Libby in Atlanta ~

I live in GA too - work in Gwinnett County and live in Hall.

I feel pretty alone and “out there” at times, but I know I’m doing the right thing by prepping. My H is in agreement, so that helps.

tjclaw1 – at 21:54


Yes, you should use the tinyurl to post a link. Simply click on the tinyurl link at the bottom of this page, paste your link in the service and it will shorten it. Then you just paste the tinyurl link in your comment. Pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

I got the pneumonia shot last year and had no reaction whatsoever. I was 45 at the time, and they said it was recommended for those over 65, but since I had two young children in daycare, if I insisted, they would give it to me…I insisted.

Still haven’t worked up the courage to ask for Tamiflu. Has anybody asked for it and gotten it recently? I just hate the thought of taking it from someone who may really need it for a different type of flu this season. My oldest daughter got an antiviral for the flu a couple years ago and within 24 hours you wouldn’t have known she was sick. Amazing.

Wonderer – at 21:57

Cherokee Rose, I work in Gwinnett Co. too. Small world.

Cherokee Rose – at 23:09

Wonderer at 21:57

Small World Indeed :-)

Does your workplace have a preparedness plan? I am attending out “Pan Flu” training next week. Should be interesting …

Wonderer – at 23:33

I sent an email to my boss and she passed it along. Word I got back was they are working on it. Nothing in place as of yet. Here’s the scary part…I work in a school.

08 September 2006

I’m-workin’-on-it – at 12:49

Wonderer, isn’t that scary?? Especially with school already in session….I’m just guessing but it seems like it would be hard to tell children to behave ‘this’ way at the first of school, then to tell them to act ‘that’ way when a pandemic arrives. Wouldn’t it just be better to have planned ahead & done it right from the beginning? Makes you want to scream doesn’t it?

I can just see the little guys looks of confusion & the bigger guys rolling their eyes……..sigh.

cactus – at 15:54
  LOL. Except for the few kids whose folks are prepping. They will probably rat out the family.” Come to my house, my Mom`s got lots of food”.
KimTat 16:20

I’ve asked my daughter to quit telling her friends that mom is nuts, hopefully they will forget.

Libby in Atlanta – at 21:17

tjclaw1,thanks for the info on the tinyurl link. With all the help I got yesterday and today I feel more at home.Iwill be seeing my doc at Emory soon and I will certainly ask for Tamiflu. The problem is its only enough for one person so I have to keep looking for more docs including friends of my husbands. I wasn’t even thinking of getting any until I read a book “ The Bird Flu” by Grattan Woodson, MD He said it is a must,he also tells you how to use it over and over from someones urine because it comes out as whole as it went in. Worst case, but I could.

Lisa in Southern Maine – at 21:39

Libby in Atlanta - You sound like you know a lot, and are moving effectively to keep you and your loved ones safe. Take care.

Northstar – at 21:45

Libby, I think Dr. Woodson has withdrawn that recommendation about Tamiflu “recycling” — it does in fact change too much after the first use. ;-) Like you, I thought I could do it if I had to… heck, it couldn’t be much worse than Gatorade. (s)

Bronco Bill – at 21:46

Libby in Atlanta – at 21:17 --- he also tells you how to use it over and over from someones urine because it comes out as whole as it went in.

We had a huge debate about this very thing back in February or March, before the old Forum crashed. I think you’d better go back and re-read what Dr. Woodson said about Tamiflu passing as whole as it started. If that were the case, then no Tamiflu would have been left in your body to fight the flu. Be very careful…it sounds like you know a lot, as Lisa in Southern Maine says, but again, we’re all still learning a lot also…

SophiaZoeat 21:55

Libby in Atlanta…perhaps the more informed folk on the wikie could point you to information on Probenicid (sp?) Sorry, I, myself, have tremendous difficulty finding info here so I am all but useless trying to track it down for you.

BTW: There is nothing like a sense of “community” to help calm the nerves and spirit. Relax, you are amongst friends.

Libby in Atlanta – at 21:56

Must have missed that oh well on to the next Dr.

09 November 2006

Closed - Bronco Bill – at 20:53

Closed to maintain Forum speed.

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