12 November 2006
Virg99 – at 22:52
ISRP International Society for Respiratory Protection.
Symposium under auspices of CDC in Toronto, Canada,
Authorities recognize that ALL existing respirator facemasks leak > 10% at faceseal and the N95,N99,N100 rating only refers to the filtration media and not the seal. Faceseal leakage can be much greater than 10% if not professionally fitted in a fit test. The public therefore WOULD HAVE QUESTIOINABLE OR NO PROTECTION from doning an N95 .
Google ISRP proceedings on keynote speaker Dr. Sergey Grinshpun U/C on introduction of “NOVEL STRAPLESS ADHESION LEAKPROOF RESPIRATOR MASK WITH HEPA N100 CERTIFICATION (99.97% EFFICIENCY.
This mask can fit to any face with a Viral seal in less than 15 seconds and is cool, comfortable and very breathable.
ChuckE – at 22:56
I am just going to don my full face with P100s and strap it real tight!
13 November 2006
EnoughAlready – at 01:07