I read the discussion about sun spots with fascination since I studied the subject for a short story I wrote so I thought I would throw out some thoughts for consideration. If the sun spots grow in intensity, the massive solar eruptions and the resultant solar winds and heavy doses of radiation would penetrate our atmosphere. The coronal mass ejection, which is an expanding cloud of charged particles from the sun would attack our magnetic field which acts as a space storm shield. Our magnetic field would shoot out ions into the charged particles to protect us but when the interaction is too heavy, a plasma cloud forms around the planet. If the plasma cloud is large enough, it results in a temperature rise. Food for thought regarding effects on viruses could be; radiation, plasma cloud, and/or rising temperatures on earth.
The Mayans, who have correctly calculated major astronomical events in their long count calendar, predicted a massive increase in solar flares leading up to 2012, Dec. 21st. They also pinpointed May 5, 2000 as the end of the fifth sun and birth of the sixth sun. Aside from lots of speculation, we don’t know what they meant by that but it is interesting how much the solar flares have been increasing the last few years. Their long count calender ends on Dec. 21, 2012. It is supposed to be the end of time but a new time will begin. They accurately mapped that date for the conjunction of the sun’s eliptic path with the horizontal dark path (space dust darkens the stars along that path) that runs through the center of the milky way. The Mayans were very scientific in their methods. For instance, they calculated the lunar synodic cycle to be 29.53086 days. Modern science corrects the number to 29.53059 days. They believed the gravitational pull of the sun, moon and 5 major planets effect the earth. This is an ancient belief widely held and why the days of the week are named from those seven bodies. The moon’s effects on liquid is obvious. Maybe the others play more of a role than we know. The Mayans believed the earth’s energy will decline as it nears and hits 2012, then burst forth in a new cycle. During both solstices, the sun appears to stand still for a few days and then begins rapid movement. The subtilty of the energy grid is hard to grasp or calculate. Perhaps if the Mayans were right, the fluctuation of energy will effect viruses. Just something to toss out for those scientists here who have the background to connect dots.
“Aside from lots of speculation, we don’t know what they meant by that but it is interesting how much the solar flares have been increasing the last few years.”
Hi Allquiet. Thanks for the thread. I noticed form DennisC’s chart in the other thread that we appear to be in the gully of one of these ten year cycles…so I would think that solar flares would have been decreasing rather than increasing…
…do you have any information on this…Thanks.
If you google ‘space weather’ you will find a treasure trove of web sites that report, record, and predict the various manifestations of energy around our solar system. This one is a start:http://www.sec.noaa.gov
This stuff seems like it is really ‘tin foil hat’ territory, but it was a surprise to me when I was looking into California earthquakes that creditable science is looking into the impact of solar flares, sun spots, radiation and radio frequencies on the earth.
They are trying to tie together ‘space weather’ to atmospheric changes, widely fluctuation electrical levels in power grids, tidal and geophysical changes, volcano behaviors .
In some cases, solar flares are thought to trigger earthquakes. The center of the earth afterall is a ball of compressed metal, and should respond to these phenomonon.
They are looking for patterns and relationships and correlations in just about everything. Truly interesting —
heddiecalifornia. It may possibly not mean anything but sunspots did shut down the electrical powergrid in Quebec in I think 1988…so these things do have significant power…
…and if you ask any healthcare worker or veterinarian about the frequencey of certain biological events around full moons…you might be surprised at the answer you get.
There are forces beyond our comprehension that do affect earth systems and I believe the evidence on pathogen mutation rates is pretty solid…
…and there is no doubt that pathogens are changing faster than any time in the twentieth century and definitely within my life time…
…the thing is that we have one question left…when…and I would like to answer it…if the cirumstancial evidence or astronomy produce a series of similarities between 1830 and 1890 and 1918 and 2006…then it might mean something as to timing…
…if we don’t find a connection then thats fine with me…but going this far down the ‘rabbit hole’, it would be interesting to see how many similarities the experts can give us.
Tom, that cycle chart is interesting. It shows the peak at 2000 that correlates with the Mayan’s new sun and even though we are in a trough now, I find it interesting that since then, astronomers say some of the coronal ejections we are getting are monsters. The graph seems to suggest the Mayans will be right about just previous to 2012 leading up to an increase. If the numbers increase, and we keep getting the massive kind, it could cause some problems. Nature is so interconnected, it wouldn’t be a huge leap to consider effects on viruses.
Tom, Just realized I didn’t specifically answer your question. I did blow it by saying the flares have been increasing the last few years. I’ve listened to a few scientist talk about the increase in severity and that is not the same as increase in number. You are right, we are in a trough.
Allquietonthewesternfront – at 22:17
BF research somehow led me to google the Mayans sometime ago. It is my understanding that Mayans accurately identified 12/21/2012 as the day the earth completes a 5000+ year cycle of axial tilt. ie; the earth’s axis behaves similiar to a spinning top’s wobble, and 12/21/2012 is the day that Mayan and modern science have identified as being at the “peak” before beginning the next decline.
For Tom, chart of pandemics and solar flares: http://tinyurl.com/eokhc
Jumping Jack: Yeah, I’ve heard a number of discussions on the axis tilt and 2012. There are some very worried scientists out there. They talk about the axis changing and bringing about massive flooding and climatic changes. Astrologers are talking world wide about the eliptic cross in the center of the milky way as a new transcendental state and I’ve heard a few other interpretations of the event. It has been anticipated in many societies around the world some believing it will bring a change for the better, some even believing in the end of the world. I’m not worried about that but I am concerned about that tilt.
Hi again —
while googling around in the “space weather /biological impact” area I found several interesting points. Solar flares impact polar radiation levels to a degree that would be harmful for airplane crews and passengers that fly over the poles, so airlines actually reschedule/reroute flights when there is a surge of electromagnetic energy in the ionosphere. Solar flares will impact electronic GPS system readings. It is also known that they impact the directional ability of migrating birds. They learn their directions by sensing magnetic fields through a bit of ‘magnetite’ (an iron rich naturally occuring ore) that is in their head, and they get distorted ‘readings’ during geomagnetic storms. So, possibly, could an ‘off course’ goose account for the possibility of straying into otherwise unvisited areas with a new infective virus? There were also solar cycle effects found in tree rings. When there are more sunspots, the tree rings are larger, indicating greater growth activity. Solar activity causes a slight increase in the intensity of sunlight. So, there is measurable impact on both plants and animals — why not on virus? Finally, there are some impacts on the levels of water generated in earth atmosphere storms. It’s thought the exitation of the ionosphere makes it easier for particles to form rain drops, causing more rain clouds and cooler temperatures, which gets complicated because the sun is brighter, but less gets through to the earth’s surface. Which brings me to another bit of research I ran across — a biologist working on human illnesses in South America noticed that after large fires, when the sun was dimmer, more children were sick. He started doing some correlation of sunlight to illness and found that during cloudy and smokey days more children fell ill. Temperature was not as much of a factor. He has to pursue this more, but his measurements in the Malaysia region indicate that there is a corollation worth following. All food for thought — definitely worth following —
Sorry about the lack of carriage returns — there should be four or five paragraphs above.
Heddie, good find, very pertinent IMHO.
Here is some more stuff on sunspots.
Sunspot Cycles; Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell, in their book the Mayan Prophecies, say that the end of the Great Cycle is the culmination of a series of long-term sunspot cycles which will flip the sun’s magnetic field, causing earthquakes and flooding on earth….generally speaking, scientifically accepted records of sunspot activity do seem to be heading for a climax in the near future.
And some more from the same site:
Note: Real science is predicting the next/current sun cycle to be the worst in 50 years. The first two sunspot’s of 2006 are moving in reverse direction.
August 15, 2006: On July 31st, a tiny sunspot was born. It popped up from the sun’s interior, floated around a bit, and vanished again in a few hours. On the sun this sort of thing happens all the time and, ordinarily, it wouldn’t be worth mentioning. But this sunspot was special: It was backward.
“We’ve been waiting for this,” says David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight in Huntsville, Alabama. “A backward sunspot is a sign that the next solar cycle is beginning.”
Right: The tiny, backward sunspot of July 31, 2006. Credit: SOHO. [Larger image]
“Backward” means magnetically backward. Hathaway explains:
Sunspots are planet-sized magnets created by the sun’s inner magnetic dynamo. Like all magnets in the Universe, sunspots have north (N) and south (S) magnetic poles. The sunspot of July 31st popped up at solar longitude 65o W, latitude 13o S. Sunspots in that area are normally oriented N-S. The newcomer, however, was S-N, opposite the norm.
This tiny spot of backwardness matters because of what it might foretell: A really big solar cycle.
Solar activity rises and falls in 11-year cycles, swinging back and forth between times of quiet and storminess. Right now the sun is quiet. “We’re near the end of Solar Cycle 23, which peaked way back in 2001,” explains Hathaway. The next cycle, Solar Cycle 24, should begin “any time now,” returning the sun to a stormy state.
Satellite operators and NASA mission planners are bracing for this next solar cycle because it is expected to be exceptionally stormy, perhaps the stormiest in decades. Sunspots and solar flares will return in abundance, producing bright auroras on Earth and dangerous proton storms in space: full story.
But when will Solar Cycle 24 begin?
“Maybe it already did—on July 31st,” says Hathaway. The first spot of a new solar cycle is always backwards. Solar physicists have long known that sunspot magnetic fields reverse polarity from cycle to cycle. N-S becomes S-N and vice versa. “The backward sunspot may be the first sunspot of Cycle 24.”
I think the info below is very pertinent to connecting astronomical changes to viral changes. If it is affecting DNA changes, then why not viruses?
The Solar System
Then comes the information out of Russia last month, from the Russian National Academy of Science in Siberia, where scientists have come to the conclusion that we have moved into an area of space that is different and has a much higher energy level.
The Russians are reporting changes that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before. We cannot verify this information “for certain,” but we do know that the scientific body reporting it is real, and that a Dr. Dmitriev does head this body. Also, I have personally been before the Russian National Academy of Science, in Moscow.
Speaking for the Academy in Siberia, Dr. Dmitriev says that the effects reported below have been observed (these are not quotes from Dr. Dmitriev, but extracts from his report).
Changes to the Leading Edge of the Heliosphere
The Sun itself has a magnetic field, and that magnetic field creates an “egg” around the Solar System that is known as the “heliosphere.” The heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop, with the long, thin end of the drop pointing away from the direction in which we´re traveling.
The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and they have observed glowing, excited plasma energy there. The Sun´s heliosphere used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, approximately 93 million miles) — 10 astronomical units was the “normal” thickness of this glowing energy that we used to see at the front end of the Solar System.
Today, Dr. Dmitriev says that this glowing energy is now 100 astronomical units deep.
The Russian National Academy of Sciences doesn´t give us a time-line, but the change from what was known and accepted to the way it is now represents a 1000 percent increase.
And the Russians say that this change in the Sun is changing how the planets function and what kind of life they could support. They even report — but don´t explain — that the DNA spiral itself is altering. They feel that the continued expansion of the heliosphere will eventually take us into a new level of energy, that there will probably be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself, and that this increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System.
That´s a pretty bold statement, but it´s followed by data to back it up:
The atmospheres of five of the planets and the Earth´s moon are changing.
When the United States landed on the moon in 1969, it found no atmosphere. Since then, the earth´s moon is growing an atmosphere that wasn´t there before, made up of a compound that Dr. Dmitriev refers to as “Natrium.” This new atmosphere is now 6,000 kilometers deep.
Science Teacher. It seems by the chart they had an awful lot of pandemics in the twentieth century…it seems one for every peak in sunspot activity…I’m not quite sure where that leaves us but it was interesting to read. Thanks!!
heddiecalifornia – at 21:58
Impact of solar flares and space weather on the magnetosphere aside, there is no known mechanism and no observed correspondence between solar flares and earthquakes or solar flares and volcanic eruptions.
The premise that solar flares can influence the core, which can precipitate earthquakes is false. The time scales of interaction between the outer core and the lithospheric plates is way beyond the time scales of solar flares or earthquake cycles.
Also, the earth’s magnetic field weakens periodically in advance of the magnetic dipole reversals that happen every several thousands of years to millions of years. Attempts have been made to determine if unusual levels of extinction are associated with those reversals, none have been found. Granted, the farther back in history we look, the less detailed our vision is, but statistically speaking, there doesn’t seem to be a change in the level of extictions in larger organisms(those we can observe). The Earth’s atmosphere itself, in addition to the magnetosphere, shields the biosphere from high energy radiation.
Allquietonthewesternfront – at 00:01
Natrium is just the latin name for sodium, thus the Na on the periodic table. Perhaps though, the moon is the missing sink for sodium needed to balance the sodium cycle in the oceans. :-) I didn’t follow your link, but it sounds a little bit off.
There were very strong auroras a few years ago when it was close to solar minimum. We were able to see it one night in Pennsylvania, and it lasted for several hours - a strange time for strong aurora.
I was excited to find the quote below from Russian scientists. I thought it was very pertinent to the whole premise that viruses could be affected by sun spots. I was hoping to get some feedback on this specific quote from my earlier post but it probably got lost in my long posts.
And the Russians say that this change in the Sun is changing how the planets function and what kind of life they could support. They even report — but don´t explain — that the DNA spiral itself is altering. They feel that the continued expansion of the heliosphere will eventually take us into a new level of energy, that there will probably be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself, and that this increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System
Maybe during the lull of solar activity, flu strains diversefy like crazy. And then as solar activity increases the strains are forced to deal with environmental pressures. At the hight of solar activity maybe only the highly pathogenic types survive.
spok. For what it’s worth…I believe we are working with multifactorial causalities. The way I see nature working is soaking up influences on viruses from several forces including global warming and shifting animal and human populations and animal and human pathogen populations…the ground is constantly shifiting in a multitude of directions at the same time.
I think sunspot activity may trigger many of those force so there seems to be a link to patterns of sunspot activity…but some pathogens may be so strong that they override the usual forces…and it appears that the 2006 H5N1 and 1890 pandemic have done just that…
…or alternatively…the H5N1 pandemic may occur five to seven years from now and 1890 was a true outlier…
…but when it comes to these patterns, nature is never consistent of predictable…so I still have a healthy skepticism when things appear too symetrical.
Allquietonthewesternfront – at 11:59
Here is the abstract from a peer reviewed article in Nature:
Abstract: Variations in the Sun’s total energy output ( luminosity) are caused by changing dark ( sunspot) and bright structures on the solar disk during the 11-year sunspot cycle. The variations measured from spacecraft since 1978 are too small to have contributed appreciably to accelerated global warming over the past 30 years. In this Review, we show that detailed analysis of these small output variations has greatly advanced our understanding of solar luminosity change, and this new understanding indicates that brightening of the Sun is unlikely to have had a significant influence on global warming since the seventeenth century. Additional climate forcing by changes in the Sun’s output of ultraviolet light, and of magnetized plasmas, cannot be ruled out. The suggested mechanisms are, however, too complex to evaluate meaningfully at present.
If you have journal access you can find the whole article here:
link to Nature
It was also summarized on CNN:
[[ http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/science/09/15/global.warming.sun.reut/index.html | link to cnn ]]
The energy the sun emits is dependent on the sun’s temperature, according to planck’s law. The hotter the sun, the more absolute energy it emits, and the maximum energy is emitted at shorter wavelengths.
The overwhelming evidence is that changes in the amount of energy the Earth receives from the sun is dependent on the orientation of the earth with respect to the sun, thus, Milankovitch cycles are linked to glacial maxima and minima. NOAA page about Milankovitch cycles Variations in the geometry take place over thousands of years, any one year does not portend great changes.
I haven’t followed your link, where does it go? If “the russians” have published in a peer reviewed journal I could probably access it, what are their names?
I don’t understand their emphasis on harmonic wavelengths, the sun’s energy output is a fair continuum, minus absorption features. Changes in the temperature of the sun would only shift the energy ouput slightly, and the evidence from the Nature article is that there haven’t been great changes over observable time.
Remember, there is a lot of junk science out there, and many webpages that look very mainstream and reputable may be based on speculation and poorly founded in fact. Frankly, any discussion that starts to bring in astrologers or astrology has deviated from scientific discourse (IMHO).
I was just shooting from the hip. Also, it’s a nice thought because it would mean that we have more time to prep. It’s hopeful thinking that won’t stop me from prepping for the present.
spok. If you are shooting from the hip…then keep on doing it…you have come up with a lot of innovative stuff…and we need innovative stuff to help us along.Thanks!!
Tom DVM – at 13:26
That was like a Solar flare of kind words. Thank you for being a sun spot :)
By the way…I meant it…thanks again!!
with flu,you can at least pretend to do something.sunspots might prove just a tish harder to prep for. one fringe paranoia at a time por moi. interesting,nevertheless.
Anon-today: I have to run do some stuff so I’ll address your interesting points later except to throw in that yes, astrology is fringe stuff. I threw it in as an example of how extensive the interest is in the 2012 date to a very wide variety of observers all over the world. Also, harmonics is a very interesting subject. I recently read, (sorry can’t remember source) that NASA has reported the earth’s frequency is significantly higher than it was a few decades ago. More later.
Hi Anon-Today:
Thank you for the clarification on the Sun Spot effects. I had first read about them when I was trying to find information on Hayward fault earthquakes; at the time, they were looking at them to try to corralate with geophysical phenonone but as you point out, with no conclusions. I didn’t mean to imply it was definite they caused earthquakes, etc. However, the other effects I listed (GPS, Air crews and passengers, flight patterns of migrating geese, storms, clouds and rainfall, etc.) are noted in the U.S.National Ocean and Atmospheric Admin. (NOAA) and were found on their web site. They also mentioned the power grid surges and blackouts, as well as problems with electrical charges on pipeline systems for fuel, oil, and water! Also, I just found a notation elsewhere on the fact that Homing Pigeon fanciers check space weather predictions when they schedule races, as large number of the pigeons often fail to get home during solar disturbances due to the impact on their directional senses!
All in all I think it’s fun to look for correlations amongst all the natural phenomenon; actually, it’ really important as we try to sort out what we need to do to ameliorate global warming, etc!
Please, if you have other interesting comments and data about sun spots, tell us!!! We’re all eyes!
Very late last night I was doing some research on solar activity in relationship to influenza. I found a particularly interesting scientific paper directly on the subject:
Abstract. The possible influence of the solar and geomagnetic activities on the influenza diseases is studied for the 1976–2000 interval. Period, duration as well as tendency beginning within a solar cycle of the influenza epidemic are determined. Influenza epidemic usually begins 2–3 years before or 2–3 years after the sunspot cycle maximum. The intensity of influenza epidemic is also investigated. We suppose that the solar activity affects influenza epidemic mainly through the geomagnetic activity. A forecast method for a prophylactic measure is developed.
This link http://tinyurl.com/pjd6o will download a PDF of the whole article. Can’t find a link to simply read it on line. The PDF does show some interesting graphs, which I would not know how to attach here.
I will be gathering more information to see if I can find some evidence of the possibility that there is a correspondence in time [may be no more than a coincidence] between unusual solar activity and the list of clusters gathered by fluwiki. I want to emphasize the word “unusual” here as being apart from the larger solar cycle. I believe it might be a mistake to generalize that there are pandemics only at the peak of solar max. Instead, the key may lie in individual AND “unusual” events, regardless of when they occur in the 11 year cycle. For example, three years after solar max in 2000, there were a series of exceptionally large M and X class flares that occurred between Oct 19, 2003 and the first 5 days of Nov 2003. Right after that, between Dec 2003 and March, 2004 we find the emergence of H5N1 clusters in Viet Nam and Thailand.
January, 2005 sunspot 0720 unleased five X-class flares between Jan 15–20th, the last of which was a very large 7.1 flare! This is another “unusual” event. On the flu front, fluwiki lists clusters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, AND 14 between January and March.
According to the nasa.gov site http://tinyurl.com/rta6f here was another “unusual” group of powerful flares in September 2005 as we were coming even closer to solar minimum. Again, we see an increase in clusters in several countries, including both Viet Nam and Thailand, shortly thereafter.
Quoting from the nasa article, which also mentions the Jan, 2005 solar events: Solar Minimum Explodes 9.15.2005
“Solar minimum is looking strangely like Solar Max.
Just one week ago, on Sept. 7th, a huge sunspot rounded the sun’s eastern limb. As soon as it appeared, it exploded, producing one of the brightest x-ray solar flares of the Space Age. In the days that followed, the growing spot exploded eight more times. Each powerful “X-flare” caused a shortwave radio blackout on Earth and pumped new energy into a radiation storm around our planet. The blasts hurled magnetic clouds toward Earth, and when they hit, on Sept 10th and 11th, ruby-red auroras were seen as far south as Arizona.”
As for the whole of 2005, comparing it to solar max in 2000, the same article says “2005 began with an X-flare on New Year’s Day—a sign of things to come. Since then we’ve experienced 4 severe geomagnetic storms and 14 more X-flares.
“That’s a lot of activity,” says solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science and Technology Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
Compare 2005 to the most recent Solar Max: “In the year 2000,” he recalls, “there were 3 severe geomagnetic storms and 17 X-flares.” 2005 registers about the same in both categories. Solar minimum is looking strangely like Solar Max.”
Still more work to do on this comparison project; however wanted to at least get this initial report out for all of us to contemplate.
Anon-Today: Interesting discussion. I thought the following quote from the article in Nature a little disturbing in light of all the studies being done on the subject. I have all kinds of thoughts on why they would take that position but I will spare you most of my theories. “The suggested mechanisms are, however, too complex to evaluate meaningfully at present.”
The article’s point about global warming could be valid but I was referring to the future as the changes in the sun’s energy continues to advance. The next cycle is expected to be intense and if some of the flares are above say X30, we could see some problems.
Regarding the article about the Russians, the info came from the Russian National Academy of Science and was headed by Dr. Dmitriev. They assert that the sun’s heliosphere has increased from 10 astronomical units deep to 100 in recent years. That and a lot of other experts really do seem do disagree with the Nature article. This article also quotes Dr. Mike Lockwood of Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories who says that since 1901 the sun is 230 percent stronger.
Lots of scientists would refute the article in Nature just as there is such disagreement on global warming. You are right that the source is important but when you get respected experts disagreeing, then it gets difficult. The following quote is hearsay but I have heard too much about NASA hiding info to toss it out without consideration:
“The solar activity during this last sunspot cycle was greater than anything ever seen before. Yet every astronomer that I talked to about this except one insisted that everything was “normal.” That one person, who worked at NASA, claimed that what was going on within the Sun was absolutely incredible. She also said that she was not “allowed” to talk about it. But she talked anyway, because she felt that the world needed to know, but at the same time she asked that I not publicly discuss what she had said.”
There is a lot of work being done in Quantum Mechanics that discuss harmonics in relation to our solar system. The string theory is accepted by most experts as being probable. They state that gravity is one of the harmonic frequencies that amounts to mass. If you accelerate that mass by adding more energy, the amplitude of that harmonics increases and so its gravity increases. So the increase in energy we are observing from the sun does have an effect on bodies in the solar system just as the Russian scientists observed. Frequency is proportional to energy and even NASA admits that earth’s frequency has increased in recent years. There is a lot going on out there and the string theory opens a whole world of understanding. This energy fluctuation could have a major impact on both DNA and RNA as Dr. Dmitriev asserts.
MAinVA: Wonderful stuff you are finding. Thanks for kicking this discussion off, it’s fun.
“This energy fluctuation could have a major impact on both DNA and RNA as Dr. Dmitriev asserts.”
What type of impact would that be? Examples? This is interesting stuff.
spok - here is the full paragraph:
“And the Russians say that this change in the Sun is changing how the planets function and what kind of life they could support. They even report — but don´t explain — that the DNA spiral itself is altering. They feel that the continued expansion of the heliosphere will eventually take us into a new level of energy, that there will probably be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself, and that this increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System.”
The addition of RNA is my own but the assertion of Quantum Mechanics String Theory is that frequency is proportional to energy. The whole solar system is increasing in frequency which is not theory but scientifically measureable. According to the String Theory, this would impact all matter, including RNA, thus viruses.
“What determines the type of particle is the movement of the string and the energy associated with this movement. According to Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2, energy and mass are equivalent—that is, the more energy something contains, the more mass it has, and vice versa. In string theory, this equivalence accounts for the different masses of different particles: a lower-energy string is lighter (less massive) than a higher-energy string.”
The site for this is PBS, Nova, The Elegant Universe.
When the strings emit higher energy, the mass changes properties. This would easily explain the findings by the Russians.
Great conversation guys. It just gets more interesting. As I said before we are only one hundred years beyond the “horse and buggy” mode of transportation. We are only a “modern”, hyperenlightened, superscientific society in our own eyes. “There is more on heaven and earth….”
Oh, and I did see another study week before last posted on Science Daily nailing the fact that the Sun has radically increased its energy output since the turn of the last century and that it reached a higher plateau of energy output several decades ago and has stayed at that level. So a little more weight is being given to the Sun’s contribution to Global Warming, but that the increased level of radiance does not account for the last few years of rising temperature. That rise must be due to greenhouse gases. We are in the soup, and the pot is boiling.
there is a paper here
according to that paper it seems that we are currently in a
pandemic low risk period. The next top would be in 3–5 years.
The most interesting figure is Fig.5, I wonder, why it’s so small
and the other figures so big. You cannot recognize exactly the
years of their pandemics. They list 3 pandemics at low solar spot
activities and 14 at high activities, indicating that the pandemic
risk were actually only 3/14 of that in 2011.
They have pandemics around 1727,1783,1827,1828,1829,1847,1890,1893,1918,1942,
1950,1951,1957,1968,1973,1976,1983. Some ±2 years of uncertainety here.
And they give large red circles which makes it even harder to control the data.
In Table 3 I wonder why they list 1590 and not 1579
I should have said that those years are the supposed years of “pandemics/epidemics” , presumably only influenza.
Hi gs. Thanks for the reference.
It is: Searching of Main Cause Leading to Severe Influenza….Guang Wa and Shaomin Yan…American Journal of Infectious Diseases 1(2):116–23,2005.
“Therefore, our analysis can establish the relationship between severe mutations and effects of cosmic activity.”…
…”Apparently, the historical pandemics or epidemics occured at either a maximum or minimum of suspots. This means that the solar activity does not induce the mutations in influenza A virus, however the occurence of pandemics/epidemics would be dependent on the virulence of mutated virus as we can see that the nonpandemic new strains, based on avaliable data, appeared at either the maximum or minimum of sunspots, too.”
“Intriguingly, it seems more high pathogenic avian influenza epidemics, were recorded since 2000 in Fig. 5. These phenomena can be attributed to the other type of galactic cosmic rays because 5 largest particle flares were recorded on 14 July 2000, 8 Nov 2000, 4 Nov 2001, 28 Oct 2003, 20 Jan 2005.”
If I could make a few comments…it appears that two of the last three high virulence pandemics…
…1830 and 1890 occured at the low apex of sunspot activity. I believe I read somewhere that the 1918 pandemic was the only other one in the last two centuries that also did not match a peak in sunspot activity but cannot find the reference now…this article appears to put 1918 relatively near a peak.
gs…I missed where the article stated…”it seems that we are currently in a pandemic low risk period. The next top would be in 3–5 years.” but I might have missed it.
In conclusion, I am an obsessive collector of patterns and there appear to be several patterns overlayed on each other here…
…To me the most obvious is there is a distinct differentiation between high and low virulence pandemics…they do not correlate to peak suspot activity.
I will be interested in other comments and thanks again for the reference.
Tom DVM, many of the the older pandemics were before extensive airflight, and the current global saturation of population and destruction of habitat and encroachment of human commerce on normal species interactions might all need to be given serious consideration, instead of only past galactic/sunspot timeline patterns. I think humans are facilitating/speeding up natural processes at this point, processes not in our best interests, I mean.
Allquietonthewesternfront – visions of string therory and viruses and solar flares are going to be in the back of my head for a while now. I haven’t been checking this lately, but; http://www.spaceweather.com/
From an email subscription I have from NASA:
Space Weather News for Nov. 7, 2006 http://spaceweather.com
Solar activity is about to increase—or so it seems. An active sunspot is hiding just behind the sun’s eastern limb. For the past three days, it has been erupting, throwing clouds of magnetized gas high above the sun’s surface where they can be seen from Earth. Some of these explosions have also produced strong radio bursts heard in the loudspeakers of ham-radio rigs. Soon, perhaps later today or tomorrow, the sun’s rotation will turn the sunspot toward Earth, providing a direct view of the active region. If it is indeed a big spot, we could be in for some stormy space weather in the days ahead.
Visit http://spaceweather.com for updates…
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