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Forum: I Had My First Pandemic Dream IV

23 October 2006

Bronco Bill – at 12:38

Continued from here

ColdClimatePrepper – at 11:49

Sorry folks, the 100th monkey story is not accurate. Its a nice story, but it did not happen this way. Read the science. Its been debunked many times, but folks still hang onto it, perhaps because it gives us hope. I’m not against hope, but we need to be realists and look at the evidence.

worrywart – at 12:27

Cold Climate Prepper- “I’m not against hope, but we need to be realists and look the evidence” Science has never answered many questions for me when it comes to the big questions about life, it is only contributing very few pieces of the puzzle. Consicousness, awareness, the paranormal etc. have been the topic of discussion for thousands of years in many disciplines -religion, philosohy, psychology etc and there are just some things that cannot be proven by nature of scientific method itself, because it is self limiting.-That does not in any way prove that such things do not exist, we just can’t explain them yet.

Northstar – at 12:54

Enough Already: I love your detail that gives greater depth to your interpretations, and they are right on. Your understanding of swarming behavior is what I have read, too. So it’s a reordering of the hive, leaving some treasure behind for a winnowed group while another group sets up anew, with less but in a better spot. Good analogy for a possible cultural change in the face of a pandemic.

I wondered after the dream about the paper wasp nest. I didn’t seem to make sense but does a little more now, with what you wrote. I don’t know as much about the social structure of wasps but as a kid I was fascinated by them and kept a number of jars with paper wasp nests and observed them carefully. One thing I was amazed by was that even when the nest had been blasted by insecticide, given a little time new wasps would still emerge protected from the comb and be fine. From a devastated and empty paper wasp nest I’d soon have a jar full of wasps. Someone recently wrote that H5N1 was like hitting an ant nest with a can of Raid. I think that’s where the image connected.

Now all that has good and bad implications. With all the respect I have for the amazing reslilance and social structure of these insects, I have a very different emotional reaction to honey bees and wasps. Two different kinds of recovery, indeed.

Quartzman – at 13:17

I dreamed the other night of driving down a rural 2-lane highway… it’s the same one I use to visit my inlaws. Except, in my dream I’m driving to work. The road is pretty empty and I’m feeling really lonely. I notice my Bravada’s steering won’t stay on track… difficult to “stay the course” (more of a post dream analysis).

But before heading up a hill I see this large property that usually rents stable space. On the side of the road near their driveway, a sign, “Flu-Free Commune - Apply now”.

In the dream I can’t help wonder how scared they may be and think how lucky I am to be working…

Dream ends.

Northstar – at 19:09

Quartzman: did you have a sense that your job was the same or different from what you have now? Just curious.

Quartzman – at 20:12

Northstar – at 19:09

Not to draw too much because I’d hate to start “projecting” my biases into it - It felt like I was doing my “regular” commute. Corporate security I suppose, IF my company stays afloat during an event like this, it’ll be my job that helps folks work from home. Ironically, I’ll need to go into the office to do it…

Sorry, not too informative, my dreams are usually more elaborate.

Carrey in VA – at 20:15

Quartzman good to see you back!!

26 October 2006

bump – at 09:37
diana – at 11:59

Had a dream the other night. It is rare for me to quarrel at all. In a long marriage I can only recall a handful of dustups with my husband. (He is deceased) In my dream he was talking to someone on the phone and for some reason I felt annoyance.. I asked him who he was talking to and he replied “Marjory.” I never have known someone called Marjory. I am going to research Marjorum the herb, and add it to my shopping bag of herbs if it seems at all viable for flu. Nothing to the dream, but beeing annoyed made the name stick out in memory in the morning when I awoke.And reading about it later jogged the memory.Someone mentioned marjorum as being wild oregano, which may be useful in case of flu.

Northstar – at 12:37

I pulled out one of my herbals and here’s what it said about marjoram:

“ Marjoram tea is an age old remedy to aid digestion, increase sweating (to reduce fevers or colds)… In laboratory tests, it inhibits viruses such as herpes 1 and is an antioxidant…as a steam inhalant, marjoram clears the sinuses and helps relieve laryngitis.”

It also goes on to say that marjoram baths are good for cold and flu, and that the aroma is used to treat lonliness and grief.


28 October 2006

stilearning – at 23:43

Last night I woke up from a nightmare…. I was staying in an unknown (to me) house and a large rat(s?) suddenly appeared which did not fear me/humans…but I sure feared them. I woke up yelling for help.

I saw some pretty large rats when I was living in the big cities.

I remember a little story in Barry’s book about people who had to shoot packs of stray dogs in order to survive the strays. I think we may need to be pretty good shots in order to shoot these rats also. I better read up on varmit control techniques. I don’t want to shoot rats inside my living quarters - what a sickening mess. Another reason to bug out.

30 October 2006

bump – at 22:35
Meserole in FL – at 23:02

I’ve had a few scary dreams in the past few months. It’s hard to present them coherently, but I will give it a try.

The first dream occurred sometime in July. In this dream, my mother - who died very unexpectedly 15 years ago - was standing in the middle of my hallway. I know that I was surrounded by other family members, but I am not sure who they were. We were all so excited to see my mother and we crowded around her. I asked one of my sisters, “What is it like to be dead?” She gave me a strange look, made eye contact with my mother, and looked back at me again but said nothing. Suddenly my oldest sister came into the room holding a baby. It was at that point that I realized why she gave me that look: I was dead too, as were all of those around me. I woke up from the shock; it was around 3 am. (Note that ALL of my sisters are currently alive and in excellent health.)

The second dream, I cannot remember. It followed a couple of days after the first, and all I could remember from it was that there was great danger ahead. I knew there was a connection to the first dream. This prompted me to begin wondering what could possibly cause so many family members (and me too!) to die, all at the same time. That’s when I knew it was the pandemic. I’m not sure how I knew; it just came to me. Up to that point, I was barely aware of anything related to bird flu. It just wasn’t on my radar. After these dreams, I began to do research and found FluWiki - but I didn’t prep.

The third dream was the scariest and happened a few weeks after the others. I was in a building with lots of other people that I don’t know in the waking state but seemed to know pretty well in the dream (you know how that is). There was a door to my right, where young people kept going in - lots of them. I knew that my youngest daughter was supposed to be in there too, because there was some sort of youth-oriented event going on, but she was (as usual) running late, and I was annoyed. I peeked in the door and in the crowd I saw a former co-worker and friend who is in her early 30′s, then the door slammed shut. There was a great deal of commotion and noise in the young people’s room. I chatted with the people around me for a while, and then it hit me like a ton of bricks: all of the young people were going in to that room, but NONE of them were coming back out. I ran to the door and pulled it open to find that it was completely empty and silent. They were all gone - and there was no other exit. I knew they were all dead. It’s hard to describe the sheer terror I felt. It was an emotional and physical reaction that literally woke me up in a panic state.

Dreams are funny because I read what I’ve written, and it comes nowhere close to describing how it FELT when I was suddenly certain that a catastrophe had taken place, one that had killed so many young people, while others stood by and socialized, apparently oblivious.

After the last dream, I began to prep. My husband trusts my gut because I’ve had precognitive dreams about the deaths of four family members - three of them completely unexpected and tragic. I may not survive a pandemic (it seems clear that I won’t if my dream is any indication), but I will do what I can ensure that my kids and grandkids have a fighting chance. If it turns out that the dreams were the result of eating too much spicy food or something silly like that, we’ll have a few months with no grocery bills!

Sorry - it’s so hard to verbalize dreams so they make sense to others. It was a clear message to me, however.

MAinVAat 23:40

You did a great job — very clear images. The messages are very strong and even some of the terror you must have felt comes through. It will be interesting to see if your dreams calm down a bit now that you are starting to prep. Sometimes our subconscious really has to hit us over the head with a frying pan to get our attention.

31 October 2006

moeb – at 07:24

It’s Frankenstien’s 75th anniversary (or so I was reading last night) Ole Frank visited me in my dreams, trying to break into my cabin. I finally slipped out a loose panel opening and fled through the woods. Frank he’s steady but he doesn’t move all that fast

Northstar – at 09:49

meserole in FL: Thanks for posting your dreams! Your images came through crystal clear — you may not think you are describing them enough but they made the hair stand up on my arms twice. Speaking in pictures communicates the information on a much deeper level and yours did exactly that.

Same with yours, stilearning: Big rats are well-fed rats. And well fed rats that are not afraid of humans, why? Because bodies are the food source making them so big. All those implications packed into a single image. Stunning.

stilearning – at 10:02

Northstar - add to rat scene that yelling for help was inconsequential (except to wake me up), because in that nightmare I was alone, except for the rat(s).

Prepare for many fronts.

FriscoParentat 10:22

Two dreams last night: First one, A man I will call the Christ came to me and said “those with the light will shed blood, and those who shed blood will have life”.. I fell asleep praying my rosary about the world situations.. bird flu, war, etc…

Second dream, I was in a grocery store and someone in my dream told me to stock up on proteins and water. It also told me that I was just a step ahead of everyone else around me.. I looked around the store and thought to myself “these poor people are never going to make it”… weird..

So.. I am headed to the store this evening to buy more foods and water. Also, if mods think my first dream is too religious for this forum then please delete it.

Take care all, FP—

01 November 2006

Oremus – at 05:57

This isn’t a birdflu dream, but very vivid and I thought I would share it with my online family. Debated getting up to write it down or go back to sleep. I got up. I hope there’s not too many typo’s, I corrected quite a few, but I’m going back to bed.

I was jogging (I don’t jog) with some friends about a hundred feet behind an Arab(?) jogger. the place was very hot and dry it felt like the perimeter of a mall parking lot. The Arab started jogging faster and we quickened our pace. the arab jumped over something and yelled, “God is great!”. Someone in our group jumped over the same spot and yelled, “Jesus is great!”.

The jogger stopped, turned to look at us, picked up a stone and threw it at us. It missed. Someone in our group picked up a stone and threw it at him, missing him. I immediately thought that was a mistake. Arabs, men, and women in burkas, from all over the parking lot centered on the man and picked up rocks and threw them at us as they got to him. We put up our hands to shield ourselves, we were not returning fire (rocks). The rocks hurt as they hit our hands. More rocks, some of my friends were bleeding from various places.

We started withdrawing in a group to our right. The crowd that had gathered had us way outnumbered. When we got out of range they silently walked after us, no longer throwing rocks. We felt we couldn’t outrun them (we were walking briskly). We picked up rocks and en masse sent a barrage in unison arcing back into the pursuing crowd. We did this several times having come to a stop to do so. They kept coming, not throwing rocks at this point. I told my friends to get ready to fight expecting to go down under the sea of the approaching crowd.

We got face to face, stopped, just looking at each other. The original jogger asks us why we were throwing rocks at them, as if it were all our fault. I stop for a moment, incredulous at what I hear. You threw a rock at us first. He dismisses that as not mattering. nor the rocks that the crowd had thrown.

A boy, about 10, reaches into my pocket and steals 2 twenties, he is rebuked by the Jogger, Do not be a thief he says. I feel like saying it’s alright he can have it, but I don’t, feeling that they are not looking for charity. Everyone starts talking at once. It is very hot, so I invite the crowd to carry on our discussion (? it sounds so polite) inside the mall with cool drinks, my treat.

Scene switches: Jogger (name Mufti or Moofti) and I are discussing religion (goes really fast and I won’t proselytize here, if anyone wants to know they can email me, if you do alert me on this thread, I rarely check that email account) and then I awaken.

FriscoParentat 09:58

I almost foreget this one. I had this dream a few months ago. Dreamed that a voice was telling me that the h5n1 virus will be found in stagnant water in Northern America. Dont know if this is scientifically possible but.. thats what my dream was.

03 November 2006

anonymous – at 12:47


04 November 2006

diana – at 10:28

In the period between sleeping and awaking, with my eyes closed, though I saw the dawn through the window and a bird hopping on a branch. A purple headed house finch a species which had disappeared from my trees for two years. Generations of them had been home in my pines for thirty years until a eye disease caused them to starve. So I was feeling good, one finch and I took it as a good omen for the day at least. Then in this waystation to full participation in the coming day I saw a lone snowflakes( in my minds eye only) slowly drifting down as they do in early November, and then lazily another drifted down, and bit by bit they began to pile up. My eyes snapped open. A bright sunny day, no snowflakes out there. I took it to mean the small flu outbreak in N.C. Certainly not bird flu, certainly not a pandemic, but small things like single snowflakes can become blizzards with the right conditions.

05 November 2006

bump – at 23:44

06 November 2006

EnoughAlreadyat 03:22

Stilearning @ 23:43- Large rat that’s not afraid of humans, but humans are afraid of it/them = pilferer, sneak, thief, snitch. (IMHO, it has been a common topic from the beginning of this thread… just not seen as you have described it.)

Messerole in Fl @ 23:02-

EnoughAlreadyat 03:29

Last night I had a dream… I walked out of my front door, toward the paths of my gardens--- I stopped, momentarily, and looked to my left --- over to my fence line. There sat 2 big black crows, glarring at me. When they knew I “knew” they were there, 2 or 3 more big black crows flew up and perched on my fence line near the other big black crows. I looked at them, acknowledged them, and shrugged my shoulders and walked away… to the right. I “knew” they could not, because they were forbidden, cross over the boundary of my property line. That “knowledge” was peaceful to me, and aggrivating to them. I didn’t see them leave, but I knew they left.

The dream woke me up.

Northstar – at 07:13

07 November 2006

diana – at 14:10

A dream I didn’t think I would post as it seemed completely personal. I have said that my husband is dead, but he often appears in my dreams, speaks, interacts… This morning I awoke remembering a note he left in the dream…. Never dreamed of notes from him before.. Very uncharacteristicly misspelled. “I will lvov u 4ever” I was mulling it over, and thought ,well that certainly isn’t related to H5N1….. Except for the mispellings it might have been something he said.. I mull over my dreams now..It’s something I do every morning ..Then I read a posting elsewhere of a statement by a Dmitry Lvov, the director of Virology at the Russian Acadamy of Medical Sciences. That there is only one amino acid replacement in the genome remainint to make the virus transferable from human to human. This sort of word play is often present in my dreams.

Northstar – at 14:28

diana, I wouldn’t dream of interpreting your dream as anything other than what it appears (s) and I must say that is an absolutely fascinating connection!

14 November 2006

DemFromCT - closed – at 22:02

will close due to Forum speed. Restart a new thread if needed.

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