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Forum: Post Your Question to BBC Horizon Programme Showing Today

06 November 2006

anon_22 – at 20:38

Pandemic, Horizon, Tuesday 7 November 2006, 9pm on BBC Two

A simple virus brewed in the belly of a dead bird is set to embark on a global killing spree. The likely culprit is H5N1 - a bird flu virus with the dangerous potential to mutate into the next pandemic flu virus.

In a feature-length special, we tell the story of what could happen if a flu pandemic hits. Experts predict the next pandemic will be more disruptive than any disease we’ve seen before. And they’re particularly worried that it will be most deadly for the young and otherwise healthy.

The last flu pandemic in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide. Nowadays, with extensive global travel and movement, the virus will be able to spread even more easily. The estimates are that hundreds of millions could be infected and potentially die.

Experts on the panel include

You can post your question online for the programme

Here’s the question that I posted:

In light of the recent WHO report that if the current bird flu virus turns pandemic, the current 59% fatality could be maintained, and given that a pandemic of even 2% fatality will kill the same number of young people aged 0–19 as would normally happen in 20 years from all causes, how well is the UK prepared for traumas of such a scale? What should we as a society be doing to protect our children?

JV – at 21:30

I posted:

The IOM just completed a conference on TLC. Some effects of measures are impressive such as school closures. Will the UK be reviewing the recommendations from the IOM re TLC, and then adopt such measures that are deemed efficacious? Will these measures and time frame for implementation be discussed with the UK public in a timely manner before a pandemic ever starts?

omega-sydney – at 22:06

Is it possible to see this programme over the web? We have a media/Govt that is behaving as if their is no Pandemic threat. We have had no info programms as yet!!

07 November 2006

anon_22 – at 08:43


Alan the Pom – at 08:54

Sorry anon_22 did not spot it, and thanks.

InKyat 08:58

Hope somebody will watch this and report - no access to BBC2 here.

Alan the Pom – at 09:20

I posted. In the event of a pandemic, what is the current WHO recommendations regarding the tamiflu dose. as I understand, it is, 75mg capsules, two a day, for five days.

Nimbus – at 09:34

Here’s a fairly extensive write up on this program from BBC News. Looks quite interesting.

Are we ready for pandemic flu?

How will the world cope if the H5N1 bird flu virus mutates and a humanised strain materialises?

Many scientists believe this is an almost certain event. It is not if, it is when. Are we prepared? Who will be saved? Is this a 21st Century plague?

In a 90-minute docu-drama, BBC Two’s Horizon programme paints an apocalyptic vision of the future, portraying the horror of a modern-day influenza pandemic in terrifying detail.

The film shows the latest developments in flu research and reveals the US government is asking its citizens to stockpile medicines and food in preparation for an outbreak.

The British government’s Influenza Pandemic Contingency Plan paints a scenario of up to three-quarters of a million British deaths. The US is predicting close to two million fatalities.

Horizon tells the story of how a pandemic could unfold.

<snip - lots more>

anon for now – at 09:50

reveals the US government is asking its citizens to stockpile medicines and food in preparation for an outbreak

“Reveals”. Well chosen word. No such advice in Europe. US citizens are loonies, of course. Stocking up on meds and food makes no sense at all.


bump – at 21:40

Did anyone see this?

Grace RN – at 21:46

“reveals the US government is asking its citizens to stockpile medicines and food in preparation for an outbreak”

News to me. Most I’ve seen written to prep is a ‘few days’ and no one officially is asking people to stockpile meds.

NJKME – at 21:55


I think if you check, they are asking folks to stockpile food for 2 weeks as well as meds.

See if I can provide a link here…

Grace RN – at 21:59

Thank you. 2 weeks of food, meds-descriptions of what to have on hand without mention of quantity.

Not close to what was recommended for the US citizens abroad. :(

anonymous – at 22:08

do I really have to mention, which question gs asked and which question won’t be answered for sure ?

NJKME – at 22:19


Completely agree - I was looking at another flu website where they are examining this same issue. One poster there said the following…

Code?” Prepare to “shelter in place for three months” has to translate into “if you want to get out, you had better plan on getting out soon; otherwise you are there for the duration.”

This makes sense to me…

anonymous at 22:08

I’m sorry I don’t know what you are referring to, not sure who gs is or what question they were asking?

14 November 2006

DemFromCT - closed – at 22:14

will close due to Forum speed. Restart a new thread if needed.

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