From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Share Your Knowledge

17 November 2006

Dr Dave – at 06:54

How are you sharing your pandemic planning knowledge with others?

About one year ago I began to compile notes about pandemic planning. Initially, my notes merely served to organize my thoughts as I began to draft a plan for my family. Eventually, however, I realized that my very stubborn (living-in-denial), non-prepping friends, relatives, neighbors, and colleagues could all benefit from having some pandemic planning literature that would address their basic SIP requirements. With this challenging target group in mind, I began to develop a persuasive essay that would motivate these folks into action while providing them with guidance on several facets of pandemic planning. So far, I have sent my essay as an e-mail attachment to over 200 people and I have gone door-to-door, delivering hard copy print-outs to my neighbors.

How about the rest of you? Judging by the insightful postings I see here at Flu Wikie, it seems that many of you have become pandemic planning gurus. Apart from your postings, what are you doing to share your pandemic planning knowledge with people outside of your own household?

Homesteader – at 07:04

I continue to email flu developments to my brother and sisters and several elders at my church (3500 members). I hand delivered a packet of info, including Nabarro, Webster and Osterholm, to my Pastor a month ago. I alerted a work associate at my previous job prior to leaving. He has been the only person open to the eventuality of a flu pandemic. He lives in an apartment in a small city. He immediately realized he was in an untenable situation with a wife and two small children.

lugon – at 07:36

FW and allies have been creating a product. We can compile it and share it.

Minimum info package:

Lots of charts and photos. Can not be longer than 50 pages in all. A booklet by FW. Our present to humankind. And yes, it could be translated to 20 languages, just like “good home care” is starting to be translated. To be printed on newspapers all over the world in no time when the alert grows or when the pandemic starts.

We can mitigate it.

uk bird – at 09:08

I started by quoting the most disturbing facts and snippets of information to those I thought might listen. I find the small changes made to government documents the most effective (eg the changes in mask recommendations, the Hong Kong prepping alert, etc). I then start ‘what if’ conversations and let the person think about what might happen to society and their part in it if things turn bad. Failing that, I’m just going to send people a mask instead of a Christmas card (might stick a bit of holly on for festive appeal :-)

Dr Dave – at 09:32

lugon, your project sounds great. When it is ready for distribution, let us know how to access it.

Homesteader, out of the 3,500 in your target group, what percentage is prepping? Any estimates?

lugon – at 09:46

Dr Dave - I’m suggesting what we could do, not what I’m doing. I can create a wikipage and start it. I want to finish a couple of things first. I’m spreading myself too thin these days.

18 November 2006

Dr Dave – at 08:01

Goju, please tell us what you have been doing. I seem to recall that you are quite active in distribution of literature and attendance at public meetings.

Ruth – at 08:50

I e-mailed the Pandemic Planning 3 to my husband at work. He shared it with others. I think they might be actually taking me seriously. (After teasing me about it for more than six months.) My husband went off to the gym this very morning with the pandemic plan to read while he exercises. I didn’t say a word, but I smiled to myself. I think if we keep trying, we may get through to the masses.

Dr Dave – at 09:35


Way to go! Like the old Pantene commercial, you tell two friends and they tell two friends and so on… E-mail as many documents as you can to as many people as possible. Eventually, they should begin to see that all the arrows are pointing in the same direction.

BeWellat 13:13

Ruth – at 08:50

Pardon my ignorance, but what is the Pandemic Planning 3? I find myself all of a sudden in a position where I might need to be informing people. I just found the “Goju tales action” thread and I realized I really should do something to help people in my small valley get informed as well.

Could you email me the PP3? If you can, I’d appreciate it. MayAllBeWell at gmail dot com. I am also putting up a website with my own perspective on Basic Survival from a niatural and tried and true perspective. I will post a link on FW when it’s done, and if anyone wants to be emailed a link, toss me an email.

Ruth – at 13:48


It’s on the CDC website. It just came out and there’s been a thread here discussing it, something like Global rehearsal, can you believe it. Something like that. Anyway, there’s lots info here and lots of people to help sort through it. Good Luck. We’d all be happy to help.

BeWellat 13:54

Thank you, I was reading that thread the other day. Will click it right now. Either didn’t notice that link or it wasn’t up last I looked. Unfortunately my brain is not the highest caliber. Need to take my “mental clarity” herb formula starting right now.

Sthrn Tr – at 14:09

I delivered prep buckets with some basics to the neighbors (under the guise of September’s Emergency Preparedness Month) - included the minimalist prep list from the site -approached our town’s police department but they have no plans whatsoever

I’m a teacher but am hesitant to step forward at work - don’t want to be in charge when TSHTF/prefer to be at home - Yes, I’m a gutless coward

snow lover – at 15:11

I recently started planning, as I am taking this more seriously, and urgently after reading more and more about BF. I have been coming to these forums for what seems like 2 years or so, and it seems like lately, things are really speeding up as far as the lethality and spread of this deadly virus goes. I haven’t seen or known anyone to be preparing around here (southern Massachusetts ). I have however been warning my family and a neighbor about BF. My family thinks I am nuts. Especially my kids and husband, and they laugh at me about it. I wish there was something I could say or do to make them realise that this is a very real present threat to all of us. They all thought I was nuts when I bought Masks and surgical gloves last week as well as alot of canned goods etc. I don’t know what it will take for people to start believing that this isnt some tummy bug or bad cold. I had influenza once, and I realise how deadly it can be. I was pregnant when I got it, and my child was born with chronic kidney disease, that daughter is now 19 and still suffers from it. Influenza is deadly.

RNbmomat 17:11

Dr Dave

Would you email your essay to me at

Thanks for your many contributions.

BeWellat 17:27

Ruth – at 13:48

Finally able to sit at the computer again - am checking out the CDC link but so far haven’t found the Pandemic Planning 3 document…will keep trying.

I’m thinking of attending a City (sic) Council meeting, writing a long letter to the local newspaper, anything else I can think of the alert people. This doc. sounds like a start.

UTmomat 17:33

OK- besides emailing info and articles to all friends and family who will read it, the stuff I’m doing is just in my neighborhood. I’m teaching people how to grind wheat and make bread. I’m taking around sign-up opportunities for buying bulk food storage items, masks, etc. to all the neighbors and canyon dwellers. And I’m getting ready to teach a class at my church on how to prepare for a pandemic. And like you, Snow Dweller, quite a few people think I’m off my rocker!!

19 November 2006

Homesteader – at 08:15

Dr. Dave at 9:32

I don’t know of anyone at church who is prepping. That being said let me add that we are relatively new members. We moved from Maine to NC last summer and joined the Church in May.

Kathy in FL – at 08:50

I have made some attempts at “spreading the news” but haven’t met with much success.

The problem that I’ve run into is people figure if they are prepped for hurricanes that they are prepped for anything and everything. <grin> So its like they think you are “preaching to the choir.”

But in reality prepping for a hurricane is a tad bit different and is certainly of a different length of time — minimum a couple of days vs. minimum couple of weeks as recommended by — as well as there being other comfort and medical items that need to be stocked.

I keep trying, but I need to prep for our family of 7 and that by necessity takes priority on most days. Its just hard to overcome the “I already have done what I need to do” syndrome.

Dr Dave – at 08:57


Nowadays, I find it very frustrating to discuss prepping with people. Just last Thursday I was trying to discuss it with one of my cousins (a Ph.D. in psychology). I’m not saying that he was arrogant about it, but he seemed pretty darned confident that if the pandemic threat were real he would have heard something.

crfullmoon – at 09:00

Sthrn Tr, maybe that’ll be better than feeling like an ineffectual, friendless, fool for even trying (in an unsafe location)… too late for me to be able to try your way here. Thought I couldn’t live with myself otherwise; doesn’t seem to be bothering the politicians and health officials that know and won’t tell.

Homesteader – at 09:07

Dr. Dave,

“pretty darned confident that if the pandemic threat were real he would have heard something.”

That is the biggest barrier. Everyone thinks if it is bad as we say it is that it would have been all over the news. So we do no more than lose credibility and appear to be a bunch of “Chicken Littles.” Especially so with the educated professionals.

crfullmoon – at 10:08

Homesteader, tell him information is being deliberately kept quiet from the masses; there was the Dec 26 tsunami warning that was not passed along to save lives, after scientists outside the area called the region after the 9+ ‘quake, for much the same, stupid, reasons.

There was the scientific magazine article, 3 years before Hurricane Katrina, that politicians never took seriously and it was known what level storm the levees would likely fail at and flood the city where and how deeply; public should have been told they have unworkable plans and changed their priorities if they really wanted to live below sealevel. Whatever economic problems would have been caused by prevention now look cheap at the price.

(Same with hardening the airplane cockpit doors when warned, but, it cost money and wasn’t felt necessary enough…The people who warned they were uneasy at a few people taking flying lessons but not landing lessons weren’t listened to, either.)

What politicians and bureaucrats and jobsworths let the public know about, must not be taken as sum of reality on Nature’s ground in the real world.

Who really thinks their government doesn’t sometimes keep secrets, do things they legally and ethically should not, and lie, until they get found out?? Sure have past and present evidence to the contrary; no reason to put your lives or childrens’ lives at risk by trust of a government at this point.

crfullmoon – at 10:09

tsunami warning that was not passed along to save lives for much the same, stupid, reasons (I need an editor)(and, a new place to live…)

Dr Dave – at 10:46


“Chicken Little” here. Does anyone else see that the sky is falling?

Actually, my most successful approach is to impress upon people that virtually any sort of disaster can cause supply chain disruptions. These disruptions could lead to physical hardships, et cetera. Ultimately, any stockpiling that they do right now not only safeguards their families against disruptions, but also serves as a hedge against inflation. The toilet paper they buy today for 25 cents per roll (US) will easily be worth $1 or more during a pandemic. That is, IF it is available and IF they are willing to risk their lives to venture from their homes to get it.

Argyll – at 11:04

Dr. Dave,

I came up with an idea — Seven Steps to Pandemic Preparedness ( orginially titled Seven Simple Steps) last July. It dawned at me at the time that we needed to reach the media that could in turn inform the public. I brought the idea to an on-line forum and with the help of so many talented indivuals (thank you SF!!)we created a brochure —actually two ( one is for college students). Then we went on a mission, and I emailed the links to all major media. Had some good results. And, I still on occasion send it out. I have focused on the school systems — and lots of colleges. I figure if it inspires just one person to prep, then all the hard work will have paid off. One life saved is worth it …


Jane – at 11:05

Be Well, I had to delete the beginning of the link given earlier. there were 2 http phrases, so I deleted up to the second http, then it worked. (Oh, that’s because I pasted that whole line and didn’t notice.) Here is the correct version.
Snowhound1 – at 11:14

Did anyone see this vidoe on ABC recently? It is a fairly long piece with Dr. Webster, and I found it two days ago from an article on NewsNow from ABC and this link was on that page. I have sent it to several “loved ones” in the last few days..Dr. Webster says he is prepping for three months and people can’t imagine something that could kill 50% of the population. Not, 50% of those infected…I think it is worth seeing and especially good to send out to people who are still “oblivious” to the real dangers of a pandemic stemming from H5N1.

beehiver – at 11:54

There are some really good and practical points on this thread, thanks.

I will add to these - sometimes pathogens use a quiet, relatively invisible, stealthy approach for a period of time, leading up to infecting large populations. It’s difficult for anyone (including the scientists) to peer into the fog and assess the true level of danger until the attack has actually begun. But when and if it attacks, it could be overwhelming on all fronts.

We do have clues however, what the attack could look like.

Dr Dave – at 12:58


Is this something that can be posted on Flu Wikie? You might send it to one of the moderators for their consideration. Then we could all send download it and send it to our e-mail contacts.

Argyll – at 13:21

It is listed with another on line pandemic flu forum. It might be a good idea for me to see check with the admins first. I think it should be fine, but I do want to be courteous and check.

I think Anon_22 has a copy as I contacted her regarding posting here when I found this site. ( I couldn’t figure out how to “join”).

So, to recap: will check with the other forum and get back to you. BTW, loved the report you made, it really helped answer some additional question I had, so thanks very much! Loved the tip about using the freezer/refrigerated items.


Dr Dave – at 13:31


“One life saved is worth it…”

The challenge is staggering, isn’t it?

BeWellat 13:46

Jane – at 11:05

Thanks, I did find it on Monotreme’s new website.

Wolf – at 14:13

Snowhound1 – at 11:14

Thanks. Sent the ABC link of Webster to loved ones.

fredness – at 17:57

I made a cd of iportant documents and am giving the cd to people. I know with some input from others it could be even better. It should shorten the learning curve.

I made a prep spreadsheet. Again if we could collaborate by consolotating all the prep pages here we could update the spreadsheet instead of only having a half decent one.

I made a table of medications that I read read about that relate to influenza, pneumonia, or ARDS. I think this need to be completed ASAP. We need to build a report that lists the items for quick reference. Safety info and interactions should be checked in the monograph links (often I am not a doctor and do not recommend anyone take anything without consulting a medical prefessional.

There are not enough hours in the day. I have 2 kids and 2 jobs so most of the updating of this stuff is between 10pm and 6am. Sleep depravation is a bad thing. Anyone wanting to help update the data can contact me at

My wife says it is not gonna happen since it hasn’t happened yet. I do believe we could use an Advocacy or Convincing Others page here on the FluWiki.

Dr Dave – at 18:14


Although you have already provided several down-loadables on Flu Wikie, I have not seen you post here for a while. Nice to hear from you.

Thank you for the links to additional resources. The more information the better.

anonymous et al – at 18:30

To All that are making such a great contribution:

From my experience for over 9 months now, my own extended family has pretty much made me into a pariah. I had lots of responsibility as a child and loved it, as it made me feel like one of the adults. Perhaps it made me too watchful over those I love. I have sent them all the information about this threat. None of them respond. I am left feeling like a fool every time. So, perhaps they do not want me or anyone else to be a sentinel for them. So, I will stop. It makes me feel more sad than mad, that’s for sure.

Dr Dave – at 18:37

anonymous et al,

It is discouraging when friends and relatives do not heed your warnings. My advice: prep for your own household and when that is done, keep harping. Eventually, they will realize that you were right all along.

Argyll – at 18:48

Dr. Dave,

I haven’t fogotten —still waiting to hear …


anonymous et al – at 19:09

Dr. Dave: but usually and ESPECIALLY in this case, I DON”T WANT TO BE RIGHT. I have always tried to prepare 110% in things that really matter, so that 100% is more attainable. That’s my problem. BURNOUT.

Dr Dave – at 19:16

anonymous et al – at 19:09

I don’t want to be right either. I would be so happy for people to laugh in my face and tell me how wring I was in anticipating this pandemic.

Argyll – at 22:27

Dr. Dave,

Good news to report! I spoke with the admin and received permission to make the Seven Steps to Pandemic Preparedness and College Students 4 Steps Preparedness printable brochure links available. Would be happy to sent them to you. Just let me know your email and I will send them along. They are listed at the websites download section.

Many Thanks!


mj – at 22:57

Argyll = the Seven Steps to Pandemic Preparedness and College Students 4 Steps Preparedness printable brochure. I would love to get that too. My address is quilter dot 1 at hotmail dot com. If you could send it to me or tell me where it is, I’d appreciate it. Have friends with kids in colleges that are in the plandemic stage - they’ll get a plan soon, it’s their plan.

Argyll – at 23:00


I would be happy to send it once I get the final OK from Dr. Dave. Thanks for your interest! The college brochure has great tips for students and is presented in a way most can relate to.


20 November 2006

Dr Dave – at 15:16


drdave11 at sbcglobal dot net

Thank you.

Little Owl – at 23:25

My family has long become used to my prepping ways. It used to be they would laugh in a good natured way. They figured it was just one of the quirky things about me.

Then a few years back health issues and job loss hit my family in a big way. I was able to feed my family quite well. There was laundry soap and dish soap and oil for the car. There were supplies for basic plumbing and electric repairs. I didn’t have to scramble for the day to day necessities and that really helped stretch the available $ we had. It was a small localized ‘disaster’ that hit my family, but a disaster it was in it’s own way.

So my extended family learned something. They saw prepping in action. We would have been in serious difficulty without my garden, the hundreds of quarts of home canned goods, the well-stocked pantry I kept.

No one chuckles at me anymore.

In fact my sister-in-law asked me if I would teach her how to set up a pantry. She’s been so pleased as she sees out how much $ she is saving on groceries and household supplies by buying extra when things are on sale. They’ve all be eating better for less money and she doesn’t have to run to the store so often. She keeps a list of everything she uses out of the storeroom and then replaces it asap, doubling the replacement if the items are on sale. I’m so proud of how far she’s come!

To me, prepping is just common sense. It’s returning to the wisdom of my mother, grandmother and great grandmama. Women used to take such pride in a well-stocked pantry, looking at row after row of canned tomatos, jams and jellies, pickles, soups, etc with a sense of pride and accomplishment. I try to foster that in the younger women in my family. In a couple weeks I will be spending time with my nephew’s fiances. Yup, both nephews are getting married. I’ll be teaching the younger women how to bake bread. We’ll make a day of it and have fun. Of course, if the boys want to learn, more power to them - I’m happy to teach. That said, there is something about the older women in a family teaching and supporting the younger women that brings a richness to a family that’s well worth the effort.

So, that’s the angle I take when I encourage people to set some things aside for difficult times. There’s more to prepping for avian, yes. Some of that can get a whole lot more specific, and yet - whatever we do to have a well-ordered, well-stocked home will serve well in any number of scenarios. Med-kits, a sick-room kit, etc - that all just falls in place with the attitude of being well-stocked and ordered in my home.

21 November 2006

BeWellat 00:42

I really like your attitude, Little Owl! That’s as it should be. I learned how to make bread from my mother when I was about 12 (she didn’t make a lot of bread, but she knew how) and I have made most of my own bread for years.

I remember when schools taught “Home Economics” to girls, but the class I took was pretty bad - how to cut grapefruits is all I remember, and do proper place settings.

Kids graduate from high school not knowing a single dam’ thing.

BeWellat 00:48

I guess I’ll mention on this thread that my website will be up fairly soon (I hope in two weeks), natural home remedies, symptom relief, natural survival nutrition from vegetarian/Ayurvedic viewpoint, aromatherapy and natural anti-septics, and stuff like that. All things I’ve used and researched myself, NOT comprehensive. I’ll be posting a link here and at CE, and if anyone wants to be sent the web address when it’s up, email me at MayAllBeWell at gmail dot com.

On another note, I emailed many people in my address book stuff about H5N1 a couple of days ago, feeling it was my duty to let them know some basics, sent a couple of links (one to FW), and one person out of maybe 30 responded to me. These are relatives and friends. I thought more would at least acknowledge what I’d sent.

Dr Dave – at 13:20


If your actions save one family out of thirty, that is still pretty good. Keep bombarding them with information until they give in. I am probably getting a few new people to prep every week just by being a nusance.

For people with pets, shift the whole focus to the animals. That should soften up their resistance a bit.

22 November 2006

Dr Dave – at 09:04

Does anyone out there have some advice for people who live in multi-family buildings? They have SIP challenges that need to be addressed.

Argyll – at 10:13

Dr. Dave,

Hope you received the Seven Steps to Pandemic Preparedness and College Student Brochures!


Dr Dave – at 10:25


You bet I did. In turn, I sent it over to the Dean of Students at my son’s university.

Thank you.

BeWellat 12:00

I am planning to try to talk at the next city council meeting (a city of 1200 people) with handouts, write letter to the editor with links to websites. Today we’re going to print out stuff and mail off to friends.

We feel it’s our duty; up to others if they listen or not.

anonymous – at 12:33

I’ve done all kinds of things, with little success:

1) information packets for friends, neighbors, etc. containing brief summary, NYTimes articles explaining the science behind it, info from 1918, age breakdowns of deaths from H5N1 (to get parents worried).

2) similar packet for newspapers, gov’t and school officials, along with info on closing schools, community prep, etc.

3) Casually talking with people about it at gatherings, soccer games,etc. You get a sense very quickly if they are interested or not - usually not.

I’ve converted a few, got some more at least at a heightened awareness but not yet prepping. The rest were a bust. I wish I could get more to prep but there’s a fine line between coming across as a nut-job that no one takes seriously vs someone who has valuable information. I certainly thought the same way about those prepping for Y2K - it will never happen, if it does so I can’t get cash for a few days, etc. I worry greatly about those I love who aren’t doing anything, but I don’t know what else to do. I am still not fully prepped for my own family, but once I am I will start stockpilinh inexpensive food for others who may be in need later on. What else can I do?

LauraBat 12:34

sorry that was me - I’m on vacation!

Green Mom – at 12:43

I’m working quietly-I don’t want to advertise the amount of my preps. However, Ive distributed reams of flu flyers anonomously in docs offices, community bullitin boards etc. I’ve started a homeschooling group and am deveopling a veg/whole foods cooking class/support group, plus teaching sewing/needlecraft classes, plus community/backyard/intensive gardening work. I guess I’m working on a more self-sufficent teaching level than specifically pan-flu info-but I think we will need the self sufficentcy skills when the flu hits.

Its discouraging on both frounts-folks don’t beleive there will be a pandemic, and they don’t want to learn new skills. I get the-“oh your a survivalist type” a lot. I really worry about what people will do when theres no packaged food, or hot water, or microwave ovens….

Dr Dave – at 12:58


Overall, my experiences have been frustrating, too, but some people have indicated that they want me to let them know if I see more convincing indications that the pandemic has actually begun. I tell them that this is the only warning they will get from me, because when the pandemic begins it will be too late for them to prepare.

The worst part about it is not so much the skepticism and the procrastination of these people, but the impact that their lack of preparation will have on their families. By choosing not to prepare they are risking the lives of their family members.

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Page last modified on November 22, 2006, at 12:58 PM