From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Conan O Brien Take Your Flu Shot

24 November 2006

Thinlina – at 12:15

Thinlina – at 12:47

Seems like the US media ahs began to take it seriously. Indoctrinating via comedy. Not so threatening.

crfullmoon – at 12:56


Thinlina – at 12:58

“weird” ? Please what do you mean?

crfullmoon – at 14:52

I’m not sure if it was just a take on the war in Iraq, or a real effort to get people to take their seasonal flu shot. Seems more like a political satire.

(I would hope if it was a media effort to prepare for pandemic influenza, they would be more direct.)

Thinlina – at 15:02

Yea, probably. Hopefully just satire.

25 November 2006

bumping for bill – at 02:02
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Page last modified on November 25, 2006, at 02:02 AM