From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Reference Needed

05 October 2006

MS – at 23:25

I am a student working on M2 protein and its blocker amantadine. As far as I know, antiviral activity of amanatadine was discovered as early as 1964 in an article published in science. The application for parkinson’s disease was discovered later 1969 or so.

 In M2 blocker section of this site, it says:  

“Amantadine is used to treat Parkinson’s disease, and its anti-flu properties were first discovered when elderly people taking it for that indication failed to get flu when flu was rampant in their nursing homes.” Could somebody please provide me a reference for the above?

Thanks MS

06 October 2006

Info – at 02:13

Here is a link to check out.

Bronco Bill05 December 2006, 21:13

Closed to maintain Forum speed.

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Page last modified on December 05, 2006, at 09:13 PM