I just had a “what will we do about this” moment….. our youngest is headed into the orthodontist today for her initial consult for braces. Our oldest had them so I’m aware of the broken wires, adjustments, banding, removals, check-ups that need to happen on a regular basis over the course of the 2 year wearing of them.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with these if TSHTF while she is in the midst of straightening her teeth? My biggest concern in broken wires, etc that would need to be removed or replaced over time without being able (or wanting to) get into the orthodontist. What about removing them completely… how do you get them off the teeth?
Other issues or suggestions on how to deal with these dental torture devices? ;-)
Great thought - I will talk with my kids ortho about this - perhaps he can speak at the Prep day event we are planning to have in town
I did this to my denstist hughe anger! I was 12 years old, and the pain made me cracy, so I used as fine vire kutter, (like the ones u use for elektronics) and cut the vire between, then I used a ordinary plier (like a Leatherman) and just tvisted the metal things that was semented to the teaths a little. It fell of easaly, and only a small layer of sement was left. Of course I did not realise the cost of such a treatment ( the welfare state paid it, when I was at small childrens school).. The dentist did not belive his eyes.. So if you need to remove it, its easy… If just one falls off I realy dont know how to fix it.. Cutting the vire will leave the rest of them useless..
my theets are fine today, but maybe not in such a perfect posistion as “the norm is” Two years was a long time for a kid to have a slovly painfull thing right in the face :D
in a long term situation I would just leave the cement to be removed the natural way by brushing theets and eating. To try and grind it of you must be carefull not to harm the enamel of the theets.
LMAO I am imagining some small child with their father coming at them with needle nose pliers. “Come’ere boy, were gonna fix yer teeth!”
LMFAO Max, That is the funniest thing I’ve read today.
Oooh. Never thought of that. My oldest has a consult coming up too. Yikes. I don’t know how much the technology has changed since I was a kid, but I remember getting them off was a production. I don’tt hink I’d try to remove that part, but the wries can break and are sharp. You could probably trim it back and/or try to bend the wire inwrds towards a tooth so the gum or lip doesn’t get stuck on it ???????
MAX @ 10:50… lol
I was thinking about that my Dremel tool might work to take them off or grind down the glue! Of course, we’d have to have electricity! :-) Seriously… I’m really struggling with what to do as the first few months are probably the worst in terms of adjustments, sores, breakage, etc and if TSHTF in the next 6 months that would be right during at the beginning of her braces work…
My son had braces and took them off (at age 14) himself with the needlenose pliers!! No long lasting ill effects - other than the ‘blistering’ given to him by a) me and b) the orthodontist!!
In the event of braces and panflu … I wouldn’t take them off. My son has some heavy duty metal in his mouth … a herbst appliance (or something like that) that look like shock absorbers for his jaw.
His ortho said that in the event of a broken wire at a point that you can’t get into the office … or in an emergency where it is poking the inside of their mouth … you can use wire cutters to snip the wire back and then use that wax they give the kids to rub over the newly clipped area to deal with any sharp barbs.
Otherwise you might do more harm than good by trying to remove them yourselves.
1. We really don’t know the duration of any pandemic or pandemic wave.
2. That hardware is not going to be easy to take off and if you’ve been in the office while they were working on your kid’s mouth you know they aren’t always gentle. It takes work to get some of those things in and out of their mouths. I would hate to accidentally break my child’s tooth or jaw while I was trying to be “helpful.”
Eventually there will be some kind of dental assistance … there are too many people out there with dentures, partials, braces, etc. I’d rather the kid have them on longer than take the chance of causing a bigger problem with a “short term” fix.
I made the appointment to get braces on for right after the first of theyear… I’m hoping by then we’ll have a better idea of whether AF is burning hotter or not… he did say the issues she has are more cosmetic than functional FOR NOW and that eventually she’ll need to fix the functional issues… so if worse case scenario & we back out of the January appointment I guess we wait a few more years til she’s older.
Still laughing at “come’re boy, we’ren gonna fix yer teeth” Oh goodness
dental issues and all, I don’t have braces and I do have enough issues to get work done so right now I’m being fitted for a bottom plate. I’m so tired of infection and swelled faces and black eyes. and I don’t think I could sip with problems like that. I’m afraid I’d be runnin down the street not carin if I lived or not. so I am gettin it all done now. I already have the upper plate due to an unfortunate accident back when I was young. LOLOL…….but to me it will be a blessing and I don’t envy anyone who might have dental problems cause when the ole teeth hurt you hurt all over and sometimes wanna hurt someone else too…….LOLOLOL
These days they do so many different things from the bands and wires. My niece has braces now - she has small braces that are not bands (they’re somehow cemented onto her teeth) and it is a series of small (coordinating colors:)) rubber bands instead of wires.
I am a doctor I am 46 yrs old and have braces more for peridontal reasons than vanity of straight teeth. I have thought about this and absolutely do not want metal in my mouth if I have to be intubated/on a ventilator. I hate every aspect about this metal in my mouth and don’t even want to think about SIP with this S*&T but it is what it is. Personally I am going to follow the Wiki and the Web and if my pucker factor gets intolerable I will have my orthodontist pull the braces as I can chew just fine than you. As previously stated, I don’t think the “glue” holding the anchor clips is strong enough to pull a tooth if you really want to get braces off with wire snips and pliers.
I had braces for a couple of extra years (due to financial problems) and lived. The teeth will be fine if you have to go a few months (or more) without an orthodontist as long as you keep them really clean. Nag the kid to brush frequently and use a waterpick and floss and you should be fine. And buy dental wax in case one of the braces abrades the mouth at some point and leaves a sore spot - it happens.
Needless to say, if you could do it with a retainer, that would be great. But make them wear it or the teeth will become crooked again!
OMG I stumbled across this and had to add it to this thread. WOW thats gotta hurt!
here is your cringe inducing moment of the week… http://tinyurl.com/ptksp
Unbelievable….when the BF goes into a world-wide Pandemic Mode; the sane among us will be trying to survive…….and here are people that are nitpicking on kids straight teeth………
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