Hi there every one. I am missing this thread on this site as the old one was transfered to the new site, so I thought I would start up a new one.
PPF is presently 4 to 5 and am still preping on a steady as she goes basis.
Sailor, I don’t think they ‘removed’ the thread…maybe closed it or something…I’m looking for one as well that I can’t find, but to add to your answer, I guess I’m a 3–4. I don’t remember what I was when the question was asked the last time, but things overall haven’t seemed to get any worse or any closer to us here in the USA, so my comfort zone is fairly stable. I hate what’s going on in other countries with dengue & other serious illness and death & hope that things can be brought under control soon.
My level of unease has risen - the outbreaks of strains with human flu sequences suggest that the flu is buying lots of lottery tickets and one is apt to win. Reasonably well prepped myself but worried about extended family members. I do not think that most places are even sort of prepared for a full-blown pandemic with high fatality rates. Dem is asking in the new forum what we should prefer in his survey. I am most worried about deaths from secondary infections and chaos/broken supply lines, so avoiding chaos would be #1. Freedom is less significant if there is anarchy. Can’t put a # on it, but definitely feel we are closer to getting hit than not in spite of recent quiet news period - I think a lot is being suppressed.
Enjoying the holiday spirit and prepping on an incremental basis.
Paying close attention to Korea, since I have a lot of dealings with travelers to and from.
Some added concern with the Hadj, Christmas, New Years followed by Lunar New Year travel seasons.
Lots of opportunity for mixing.
My anxiety level is up, due to South Korea.
My PPF is up, probably to a 6/7, but not because of AF. Our son is Army Infantry, so you can imagine what I mean.
Wow. There was a fairly extensive report about AF on the local news just now(It even mentioned the clusters). Lot of information in there but nothing about where to find information or dealing with the possibility beyond advising getting the flu shot.
Mine has risen almost to five. Been holding at a steady low 4. mcjohnston92, really brought that subject into focus more, and I don’t care for what it looks like.
texas rose- did you ever get your problem resolved with the new forum?
My PPF is ratched up a bit, can’t put a number on it. I expect it to happen this winter, for what my .02 are worth (not much). I’m getting tired of reading about it! But feel compelled, since I know the regular news will have nothing. And don’t have TV anyway.
Planning to get some really good books to read, and focus on them - for instance, the complete English translation of the Mahabharat (5,000 pp long). That’ll last me a while, and take me to another time and place!
Your analogy to the flu buying lottery tickets made me laugh.
My analogy is this-H5N1 is like Barry Bonds coming up to bat. Can he/it hit it out of the park (ie start a pandemic)-sure could. Will he/it? Unable to predict.
Following the analogy-the fewer times it has a chance to come up to bat (ie infect birds and humans), the better for all of us.
cottontop – at 19:43: I was always aware that my opinion was just that-my opinion-and that it might not be shared by the majority. If I took it personally every time someone didn’t agree with me or share my opinions, I’d need to mainline Prozac or something.LOL
Beyond that, I’ll follow my usual course of action when confronted with a major board change. I’ll either adapt or move on.
Thank you for asking after me.
I am not sure that the previous thread here was closed. I know when I went to get a link for it to the new site, it had almost ‘fallen off the bottom’ here - it took me ages to find it ;-)
It is good to have a new one too.
If you want to see the PPF ratings and discussion on the new site, here is the link What is your PPF
When I started the new Diary ‘over there’, my PPF was at its usual low 3 but the events in the past 24–48 hours have me monitoring closely …
Been feeling a little on the more, rather than less, concerned side of things. Hard to determine whether it is due to the stress of the holidays, my decision to finally just give up trying to “share the news” of pandemic preparedness with friends and family, or just what it is.
I know there are things in the news that I don’t like, but there have been things like that in the past. Not having the money to really do the kind of prepping that I would like to do just adds to the mix. The economy combined with holiday shopping always adds a piquancy to my stress. <sigh>
I would have to say that my PPF has gone up … but from what to what I’m not sure how to quantify at the moment.
Two nights ago on the local TV news evening there was a fairly long piece about how ‘flu experts’ were worried that China was taking ‘too casual’ of an approach to bird flu, and that they needed to step up vaccinations and culling of affected fowl throughout China in order to help stave off the possibility of a pandemic.
I am in the SF Bay area, and we have quite a large Chinese ethnic population and many commercial connections to HK, Taiwan, and Mainland China,so often news from China/rest of East Asia is reported maybe more frequently than in the rest of the U.S.
News included video clips of Chinese workers vaccinating chickens in big henhouses/eggeries and whatnot. No urgency noted, but golly, they could have been softpeddling a message, how would I know. Just passing mention of Pandemic Avian Human flu possibilities.
Then, today, about noon on local news radio (KCBS) , a long piece on the 1918 flu, possibilities of its return, long quotes from Barry’s book, and the need for people to be concerned and for government to keep us informed that there is an inevitable reoccurance of avian flu on the horizon. That was the strongest I have heard of any reporting; sent my PPF up a notch or two, for sure!
Hi everyone First time I’ve really posted, but I’ve read the wiki forum for a long time…my PPF is normally pretty low, I’ve got fairly steady nerves, but every now and again something turns up in the news that sends it straight up to an eight or nine for just a little while (knee jerk) Just read this on ProMed: http://tinyurl.com/y3br9l I guess if you factor in global warming, it really makes you wonder if this isn’t a reoccurance of some nasty, ancient bug. Kind of freaky, isn’t it?
Hi Andi-I’m glad your posting. The Promed thing is pretty scary.
AnnieB- Whats happened in the last day or so to make you concerned? I know there has been one more fatality in Indo (God rest her soul) but has something else happened that Ive missed?
I have a strong nesting urge-which I generally get this time of year anyway, but its particulary strong this year. I’m pretty calm now but I have a bad feeling about Febuary.
Green Mom - I’m not AnnieB, but I can answer why the increased level of concern on the part of many of us - it’s South Korea. Multiple outbreaks in a major poultry producing area, massive ongong culling of birds, dogs, cats, and pigs as well, I believe.
There’s that, and a new death in Indonesia, and things just plain seem like they’re getting worse in a hurry.
Theres been an outbreak in New Zealand too, sounds like.
Ok- I knew about S. Korea,also, I just wondered if maybe there had been anymore “anouncements” -though I suppose you have to have AN anouncement before you have MORE announcements.
Thanks Clawdia.
heddiecalifornia – at 02:44 Glad to hear the news is being mainstreamed in your area….Andi, nice to see you here, thanks for posting!
Please can we have this side scroll fixed
Green Mom at 9:32 and others
My PPF went up (very slightly) because of:
The NZ story appears to be arsenic poisoning but full testing is being carried out - funny that it doesn’t bother me on my own doorstep - I ‘know’ how our local biosecurity agencies work and it would have been very obvious if there was an inkling that it was something ‘sinister’. Also, when you get to talk to the locals (as I have done) and hear ‘case reports’ (on the dog and cat) then you get a better feel for what is actually going on there ;-)
Just checking on the old forum as usual, and the comments strrreeettch way of the page… just letting TPTB know.
Uh-0h. Someone must have put a space at the beginning of a sentence.
Pogge was right, this is an unholy sidescroll.
We need the Side scroll fixed please
AnnieB-I was ill last week-massive migraine-not condusive to being on the WIki! plus the holidays and so I missed the Indo heartattacks, Though I did catch the Koreans eggs. (What a funny sentence!)
PPF is just a touch up to 4.5. Starting thinking about how many uses for canned tomatoes there are. I think I’m gonna go buy about 4 cases today.
Yesterday our temps were mid-70′s. Today we’re at 29 and dropping quickly-thanks artic air.
ppf at 8, now that they have a suspect h5n1 case in Canada
Lohrewok- Canned Tomatoes?
I’m just dusting off this thread.
I’ve got that feeling it’s gonna be needed soon.
Something made me think about this thread yesterday. Hmmmm what could it have been? Perhaps it was the massive duck die-off? Or Indo heating up again? Or the flu outbreak in N. Carolina? So many choices…..
Its all your fault, JWB, by the way, for starting that “Its too quiet thread” :-)
Green Mom
Its all your fault, JWB, by the way, for starting that “Its too quiet thread” :-)
Sure. I’m glad that thread got used as much as it did. Nothing like a little chat between meltdowns. 8-D
Green Mom “It’s all your fault,Jwb, by the way, for starting that “It’s Too Quiet thread” :-)” ___________________________________
I agree! Green Mom. Mine is starting to spill over to a 5, although I’m trying to stay at my current high 4. This whole duck thing has my cottontops popping of the stems! I’m not so ready to believe that it is H5N1, and I do not believe it is enviromental; the arrows are pointing away from that.Would affect other animals/aquatic if run off, pesticide was culprit. I do not believe it is “moldy grain”. Not enough evidence to support that. Didn’t the subject of Mallards being a primary carrier of H5N1 come up during the Indo activity a couple of months ago?
Green Mom:
Haven’t really considered the PPF but the mention of the NC flu did hit a nerve. I was at the Harrah’s Casino in Cherokee, NC Sat/Sun of last week and came down with what I would have considered a gosh awful case of what I swear is the flu. Today is the first day I have felt among the living.
I had a flu shot in October and of course, the MD scoffed when I told him I felt like I had the flu and where I had been (he of course was unaware of outbreaks in NC of strains not in this year’s flu vaccine)and told me I had a viral infection (well,yeah!) and treated me for a secondary sinus infection.
The combination of the duck die-off, the new cases in Indo., and the multi-school closures in multi-states is causing me to check my prep lists again and get to work on my BOBs as soon as I can get my coughing, sneezing, aching, unable to rest…butt up out of the bed.
ICP- hope you are feeling better soon. I have elderly relatives in the Asheville area and Ive been concerned about the flu outbreak around there, not too far from Cherokee.
Cottontop- did you post somewhere a pandemic to-do list? I love lists (espicially other peoples!) and would love to see it.
Hey Green Mom. I started my 2007 tasks list. Since I came upon the BF scene late, back in early Sep., I am not prepped. Holidays have put any preps on hold. But January, I will be ready to go. I posted in on the new forum in my sandbox. I would love to have your input.
Gosh, I’ve been at a steady six for months and thought I was doing okay, but you guys are all lower than I am. And actually, I’m probably at a 6.5, because it is SOO quiet. (Thanks JWB).
ICP - I’m sending you some chile verde via cyberspace. It cures hangovers, hay fever, and may even cure the flu.
Thanks for the love, folks. I feel better already! :>)
ICP - what did you realize you needed and didn’t yet have during your flu fight?
hi everyone, I read the wiki every day but but don’t say too much. but I gotta tell ya my PPF has gone overboard I think. seems like every time I read a magazine or paper anymore I see advertizements about getting to the dr and getting flu shots, and about how bad it could be. now I’m even hearing it on the radio and have seen a few television comercials for it too. now I am wondering if there is something that I don’t know about going on somewhere. and I am a wee bit worried to put it mildly.
Hey Lady Biker- Glad to see you here. I’ve been thinking about you, and you show up tonight. The power of postive thought. Hope you are doing well. have you had a chance to visit our new forum?
Everything from PPE to non-perishable medical supplies. The facility even contracts out their linen service from another facility and I couldn’t even check to see what we would do if we couldn’t get linen from the other facility due to influx of patients at that facility!
I wrote an educational article and patient handouts on pandemic and had a physician go to Admin. and complain that I needed to not talk about something that was probably not going to happen and Admin. informed me that I did not need to upset the staff by talking about “bird flu”.
With that mentality, I decided that I would prepare for my child and myself and lend my talents elsewhere and say a prayer for those folks I was leaving behind and hope they make it.
Not bitter by any means. Just like family members who won’t listen and prep; just this stubborn “relative” may affect a whole community unless someone wakes up and smells the Tamiflu!!
hi cottontop….yea I’ve been over on the new wiki and I’ve gotten lost and frusterated so much that I got out of there fast. but I gotta admit, I’m not too literate when it comes to these machines. I’d even say I have a major handicap when it comes to computers. so I muddle along, and hang in here. I do go over and read the news cause I can just follow the link. LOLOL……good thing I’m not important.LOLOLOL…..fraid we’d all be lost. sorta like my driving ability. oh don’t get me wrong…I’m a good driver, only with no sense of direction. I’ve been places you wouldn’t believe. but that’s another story. stay safe and take care yall. catch ya later.
Lady Biker I hear ya. A map is totally useless to me, so of course I’ve ended up in places that were not even on the map! And in trying to use a map for a shortcut home, I ended up 80 miles away from home. That taught me! Give the new forum time.It does get easier to use. And it really is cool, once you get use to it. Take care.
My PPF just went up. This is Saturday, I don’t expect to come home from work on Saturday and find Indo going nuts again. This is the quiet day. Guess no one told the folks in Indo. Hope these are just regular flu cases. Anyone else have a jump in their PPF?
Yes. From my normal 5 to a 6.