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Forum: CDC Dec 2006 Operations Plan

crfullmoon?24 December 2006, 19:21

seen in the Tip of the Week;

Not sure if I want to look at it yet, or just go have some eggnog… (Or, just stop bothering with what they say, entirely; got my own house to put in order.)

Legalese disclaimer, right up front, caught my eye, though;( I added italics and bolding)

…”This plan is made available to outside agencies <i>for the sole purpose of providing an understanding of the internal processes within CDC.</i> This document in no way prescribes guidance for any entity other than CDC agencies.

This plan shall not be construed to alter any law, executive order, rule, regulation, treaty, or international agreement.

<b>Noncompliance with this plan shall not be interpreted to create a substantive or procedural basis to challenge agency action or inaction.</b>”…

crfullmoon?24 December 2006, 19:24

not that I remember which forum’s protocol to bold in any more -sheesh.

Bah humbug. I’m going to go bake a Bûche de Noël.

Bronco Bill24 December 2006, 19:38

crfullmoon --- LOL!! I’ve done the same thing on both forums…I’m just glad the New Place has the preview button—at least there I can fix my scr#w-ups before posting. When I remember! :-)

crfullmoon?25 December 2006, 15:11

‘’‘Noncompliance with this plan

shall not be interpreted to create

a substantive or procedural basis

to challenge agency action or inaction.’‘’

He wasn’t saying it to the CDC, but…Without challenge, no improvement.

~Scott Martin

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Page last modified on December 25, 2006, at 03:11 PM