From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Field Expedient Medical Techniques II

15 August 2006

Bronco Bill – at 00:58

Continued from here. Please remember that information and advice given and received here is not to be substituted for talking to your Primary Care Physician (uh, that would be “Doctor” in some parts)

The first post of the last thread:

LMWatBullRun – at 19:22

Caveat- I am not a doctor, I am not dispensing medical advise, nor do I suggest that anyone actually use any of these techniques. That said, I can envision circumstances where field expedient medical techniques might be very useful for doctors who are separated from the tools of their trade. What sparked my thought was mention on other threads of various field expedients.

To start off-

Super glue is a good field expedient substitute for sutures.

Honey is a powerful anti-infective agent for wounds and burns.

It is better under field conditions to dress a fresh wound in it’s own blood and leave it than to make frequent dressing changes.

Fly larvae, (maggots) are effective debriders of dead tissue. Sterile maggots are still used for this purpose today.

Bump – at 01:59
Blue Ridge Mountain Mom – at 02:44

Hi, y’all! I’ve lurked for months without posting, so here goes.

In addition to using honey for wounds, you can also use processed sugar in a pinch.

For allergy sufferers, I highly recommend Bee Pollen and/or Royal Jelly. As someone who has tried every OTC allergy relief and even done the nasty allergy shots, after 2–3 weeks of Bee Pollen taken every day, you won’t need the OTCs anymore, and your immune system really seems to be much stronger. Having said that, you do need to make sure that you are not allergic to the Bee Pollen itself. Ah, such is life!

Swann – at 02:52

Welcome BR Mtn Mom! It’s nice to hear a new voice, especially this time of night. I hope we’ll hear from you again.

Blue Ridge Mountain Mom – at 03:04

Thanks, Swann! Up in the middle of the night with my teething daughter; usually I lurk during naptimes. My hubby thinks I’m crazy to be prepping, but he says my craziness is part of why he married me. Still, he’s enjoying the highly expanded garden nonetheless!

anon_22 – at 07:50

This was posted on a separate thread which I closed to combine the two. Thanks to Panic Stricken for providing this information.

PanicStricken – at 06:13

In the old days, when doctors were few and far apart, pioneers used foods and seasonings in innovative ways to alleviate symptoms, and even cure minor ailments. This thread has been created to share this knowledge with those who might be looking for creative ways to speed recovery or even invent makeshift cures in situations where medical help may not be readily available and all we have left to use are the foods/seasonings in our cupboards and gardens.

APPLES - ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away…’Apples are an ideal preventative of both constipation and diarrhea. Apples help to decrease the time it takes to have a bowel movement, by increasing the stool weight, which in turn increases the number of trips to the bathroom during a 24-hour period. A baked apple at night to be followed by another at breakfast is an old-tyme remedy for constipation. But apples are also very good for treating acute diarrhea or ‘Montezuma’s Revenge’.Take one ripe apple and grate it, allowing the pulp to stand at room temperature for several hours until considerably darkened before eating. The oxidized pectin present in the fruit is the same basic ingredient in Kaopectate.

Canadian scientists in 1978 ‘Applied & Environmental Microbiology’ demonstrated that fresh apple juice or fresh apple sauce can knock the heck out of stomach flu and polio viruses.

Cider Vinegar has been used to cure gallstones, heal burns (soaked gauze is applied to injured areas), relieve pain and itchiness when rubbed on insect bites and stings, remove dandruff when used as a hair rinse after washing hair, eliminate body odor when used in place of an underarm deodorant, cure athlete’s foot when sore feet are soaked daily in strong solution.

ASPARAGUS - Remedies Kidney Problems -Cooked asparagus and its watery juice are very good for helping to dissolve uric acid deposits in the extremities as well as inducing urination where such a function might be lacking or only done on an infrequent basis. Asparagus is especially useful in cases of hypertension where the amount of sodium in the blood far exceeds the potassium present. Cooked asparagus also increases bowel evacuations.

AVOCADO - The Artery Scrubber - Eating avocados can help to clean the arteries and lower serum cholesterol. Avocado oil used regularly on skin can help to maintain ageless beauty. Avocado mashed with a little kelp, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice and spread on sprouted cracked wheat or pumpernickel bread is a delicious way to prevent constipation by promoting a vigorous bowel movement.

BANANA - Curious Uses for Banana Peel - Green banana peels are grated and dried or else burned to ash in Curacao and then applied to cancerous sores, herpes lesions and diabetic leg ulcers with some good effects. In Trinidad a poultice of ripe banana peel is applied to the forehead and back of the neck to relieve migraines. In the Bahamas a decoction of fresh green peel is taken as a remedy for hypertension. Also the inner surface of the ripe banana skin may be applied directly to burns, rash and boils for healing relief. Taping a ripe banana peel to Plantar Warts (removing only when bathing) will get rid of the warts but this could take months to clear up the situation. Old dead wart tissue needs to be scraped away weekly.

A diet of bananas is ideal for treating celiac disease. Banana is also good to offset insulin shock in diabetics. Bananas are good for putting on extra pounds in order to acquire more muscle and strength for very physical types of competitive sports such as football or wrestling. Sports medical doctors who work with athletes usually prescribe foods like bananas along with the ususal weight lifting and other muscle-building exercises in order that the extra weight is added as usable muscle rather than turned to mere flab. Japanese Sumo wrestlers eat tremendous amounts of rice and bnanas in order to maintin their incredible girths (which is all muscle). For those needing to put on an extra 40 pounds or so, it’s recommended that a couple of bananas each day will help toward building additional muscle protein when accompanied with the ususal exercises.

BASIL -French Folk Remedy- Basil is an excellent nightcap tea for restlessness and migraines. The tea also promotes more milk in nursing mothers, and is a useful gargle for Candida albicans or yeast infection of the mouth and throat. It is also very good for women to take before and after childbirth to promote blood circulation. The steaming tea is good to inhale (hold a blanket over the head to help hold the steam) for a fever. Cool basil tea is good for all kinds of eye problems, both as an eyewash and internal tea.

BEANS - If you want to maintain a vibrant look of radiant health, then beans and lentils should be a frequent part of your diet. In ancient times beans and lentils were often associated with men and women of strength or standard fare of consumption in activities requiring great feats of strength and vigor.The sprouted seeds of chickpea is a regular item of diet for athletes and professional wrestlers in India. This is due to the high content of pangamic acid or vitamin B-15 which is sold in health food stores as a stamina-builder.

Certain enzymes called proteases break down proteins and play multiple roles in the produciton and development of various cancer tumors. Beans and grains contain protease inhibitors (PI’s), which block protease activity. When ingested as part of the diet, PI’s interfere with these cancer-producing enzymes. The PI’s also prevent the growth of tumor cells. they also prevent the release of deadly oxygen radicals, protecting against DNA damage and cancer. PI’s prevent radiation-induced cancer and enhance tissue resistance to invasion by tumor cells.

All varieties of bean can lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body substantially. Bean soup, baked beans or bean casseroles are ideal foods to include regularly in one’s diet.The dietary fiber content of legumes can signifacantly lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Chickpeas, lentils and other legumes are ideal meat substitutes and unexcelled meat stretchers.

Malachi – at 08:51

I don’t see garlic on that list.Or onions…

AzNewBeat 13:03

Hi everyone, first time poster here, but been reading and lurking for a few months. here’s a link that some of you may find useful. for i did this right.

anonymous – at 20:47

spider webs promote clotting of wounds.

16 August 2006

PanicStrickenat 05:17

BEETS - In Hungary, beets have been used successfully in cancer therapy. One has to be careful with the amount of beets consumed at any given time, not because they’re harmful, but due to their incredibly strong ability to quickly break up cancer in the body. It has been reported that beets can clean up cancer faster than the liver is capable of processing all of the wastes dumped into it. The internal administration of beetroot needs to be staggered out somewhat, and closer attention given to detoxifying the liver and colon at the same time the beetroot therapy is commenced. Dr. Ferenczi, concluded his medical report saying the anti-cancer strength in beets are attributed to their natural red coloring agent, betaine. Beetroot is a very good source of iron (good blood builder) and they are also good for hypoglycemia.

BERRIES - General Health Benefits - Nearly all berries are good tonics for rejuvenating both the heart and blood. Due to their high potassium content an extra serving of fresh berries each day may decrease the risk of stroke by as much as 40%. They are remarkable cleansing agents serving as effective stimulants for the bladder and colon. Most berries have varying degrees of antiviral activity.In one study, poliovirus was inactivated by strawberry extract. Several other fruits such as raspberries, blueberries and wild cranberries helped to inactivate other intestinal viruses, including herpes simplex virus. Berries are also very purifying for the blood, cleansing for the skin and increase the beauty of your complexion.

Blackberry works to correct bowel disorders, blueberry contains myrtillin which reduces blood sugar as insulin would. Blueberries also exhibit anti-diarrheal properties as blackberries do. If you have any knd of kidney problems, you should be drinking cranberry juice every single day! Cranberry juice is also good for dissolving kidney stones. Currants, black, red and white, all manifest strong antiseptic properties, enough so, in fact, that they can be used in the treatment of Candida yeast infection, some forms of cancer, whooping cough, multiple sclerosis and various skin diseases. They are also an excellent antidote for any kind of ptomaine food posoning, especially from meat. Black currant fruit and the berry seeds both contain the rare and badly needed Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) which only occurs in mother’s milk and evening primrose. Black currant constitutes one of the richest natural sources of GLA yet discovered. Fresh Elderberry juice evaporated into a syrup (on low heat) and mixed with lard makes a good ointment for burns. Pioneer women in the old American West made a tea from gooseberry fruit and leaves to help cure any uterine difficulties incurred from too many childbirths. Rocky Mountain Indian women craved gooseberries during early stages of their pregnancy. Any kind of acute skin inflammation including poison ivy could be treated by making an infusion from the ripe gooseberries, straining them well and then rubbing that lotion on for immediate relief. Hawthorn is a valuable food for various heart ailments and circulatory disorders, including angina. Juniper berry tea makes a great remedy for scalds, burns, sores and all kinds of infected wounds when they are washed thoroughly with the tea several times a day. Raspberry leaf tea is excellent for curbing nausea and morning sickness and is also known to make childbirth deliveries a lot easier with less pain. The vitamin C from rosehips is good for fighting colds and flu and is outstanding for pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory problems. Hips have quite a bit of mineral and other antibiotic principles to knock out a cold with. Nothing cleans skin so well as strawberries and both strawberries and raspberries make excellent dentifrices, an almost perfect means of preventing tartar from settling on the teeth.

BLACK PEPPER - Black pepper has been proven toxic against a number of agricultural and household pests, including ants, potato bugs, silverfish, some roaches and moths. Sprinkle ground pepper in those ares where such insects frequent. A strong tea makes a good spray for keeping aphids and cutworms off tomato and cabbage plants. In 2 qts boiling water put 5 tbsp. peppercorns and 2 tbsp. chopped garlic cloves. Simmer down to 1 qt for 2 hours. Cool, then use on plants. To treat chronic diarrhea and abdominal cramps from drinking questionable water, mix 3 tsp of black pepper and 1–1/2 tsp kelp in 2 cups of boiled,cooled water and drink, repeating as often as you wish.

BREAD - One slice of pumpernickel or rye or wheat bread would be about equal to 8 slices of white bread for increaing stool output. Whole wheat bread has three times the amount of dietary fiber compared to white bread. Some cultures actually believe that the smell of fresh bread has medicinal importance. The aroma can give an indescribable exhilaration of sorts and the kneading and punching of the dough is excellent for working out frustrations.

CABBAGE - An overwhelming abundance of medical and scientific evidence has been published to show that various cabbage type foods (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards and kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, mustard seed (yellow),) inhibit the growth of tumors, prevent cancer of the colon and rectum, detoxify the sytem of harmful chemical additives and increase our body’s cancer-fighting compounds. They can also dramatically lower the bad cholesterol. And due to the water holding capacity of cabbage fiber, cabbage foods promote increased bowel movements and increased weight to stools. Raw cabbage juice suppresses yeast infections of the head, skin, hands and feet and also treats premenstrual syndrome. Raw cabbage juice has been known to relieve and heal any kind of gastrointestinal ulcer (peptic, duodenal). Half a cup, morning and night is a terrific antacid remedy plus a great ulcer healer. Two studies showed that rabbits and guinea pigs previously exposed to lethal doses of uranium and x-rays were afforded considerable protection against their harmful effects when cabbage leaves were added to their basic diets.

Mustard plaster is one of those reliable ‘old timey’ remedies held over from grandma’s era, due to its considerable value in treating a wide variety of disorders, asthma, bronchitis, pheumonia, fever and chills, sciatica, neuralgia, gout, bumps, bruises, sprains, tendonitis, common cold and flu, eruptive sores and boils. For relief from rheumatoid arthritis, lower backache, abdominal cramps etc. cut out the midribs from several large green cabbage leaves, iron them with a steam iron until they are soft as velvet, rub a little olive oil on one side and put them on the areas of pain, covering them with a heavy towel. Leave for a while before changing again.

CARAWAY - To prevent heartburn and acid indigestion, bring 2 cups of water to a boil, add 4 tsp slightly pounded seeds, simmer on low heat 5 minutes, steep away from heat for 15 minutes. Sweeten with honey and drink one cup with each meal to digest food. When taken warm the tea will also promote the onset of menstruation, help relieve uterine cramps, promote breast milk secretion in nursing mothers and help clear away mucus from the back of the throat. Small amonts may also be given to infants suffering from intestinal gas.

CAROB - Compared to chocolate, it has far less calories, is cheaper, and it is so naturally sweet, it takes less to make brownies or a shake. It doesn’t contain addictive caffeine and doesn’t interfere with calcium assimilation or cause acne.

A French physician successfully reversed a clinical case of chronic kidney failure with carob gum. Approx 2 level tsp of carob powder in cranberry juice or milk, taken four to five times daily should be of some use in stimulating inactive kidneys. One of the very best remedies for human infant and adult and livestock diarrhea is carob powder.

CARROTS - Raw carrots help to lower cholesterol. They contain high amounts of the anti-cancer nutrient, beta-carotene. Equal parts of carrot and pineapple juice make a nice energy drink for those with hypoglycemia.Carrots protect against toxic chemicals and many Soviet doctors recommend carrots in the diets of factory workers exposed to harmful chemicals .Some people claim that eating boiled carrots and drinking the warm broth relieves asthma.

CAYENNE, BELL PEPPERS AND PAPRIKA - Cayenne pepper has been known to diminish the pain from arthritis. At first it increases the pain and then it diminishes it. Cayenne can bring down blood sugar levels very nicely and also is known to lower cholesterol.For any sudden gash, nick or serious cut, just apply enough cayenne pepper to the injury until the bleeding stops. Cayenne pepper has also been known to prevent blood clots. The internal consumption of capsicum stimulates the gut’s mucosal cells which release more slimy mucous that neatly coats the walls of the intestines, including sore, bleeding ulcers. A pinch of cayenne pepper and a finely chopped garlic clove in a bowl of hot chicken soup is the best way to fight the aches, pains and fever of colds and flus. Cayenne works best with vitamin C. (You can also add vitamin A and ginger to make it more potent.)

CHERRIES - Nothing works better for gout than raw sweet cherries (about 15/day) or cherry juice concentrate or a tea made of the stems. This also works well for arthritis. The bark of wild black cherry is frequently used in many cold and cough preparations. A tea made from cherry bark and other ingredients is useful antidote to counteract the effects of bad shellfish and spoiled fish in general.

Lily – at 15:30

I think sterile maggots would be safe. I read somewhere that a man in asia was being eaten alive by maggots on his face wounds. Evidently they were invading areas that weren’t wounds. Eyes, nose, etc. He would have died if he hadn’t been hospitalized and the invasive maggots removed.. Apparently one can have too much of a good thing.

Bird Guano – at 17:09

Two texts I recommend.

Ditch Medicine

Wilderness Medicine by Auerbach

17 August 2006

PanicStrickenat 08:00

CHOCOLATE - From Cacao Beans - Dry cocoa powder is used by some native practitioners in the Philippines for treating high blood pressure. The theobromine present enlarges the constricted blood vessels common in hypertensive victims. Bait new mouse traps with fresh chocolate and the mice will practically kill themselves to get it. Or just put out ‘Ex Lax’ and they’ll sh*t themselves to death! Chocolate might be a reasonable aphrodisiac to give your love life a boost. It is loaded with the same kind of stuff called phenylethylamine that the brain cranks out in big quantities when stimulated by the passions of love.

CINNAMON - A delicious remedy for acid indigestion, heartburn and cramps is to sprinkle a little cinnamon and cardamom on hot, buttered raisin toast and slowly eat, chewing thoroughly before swallowing. To make an effective French folk remedy for colds and flus, combine 2 cups of water, a small stick of cinnamon and a few cloves together in a saucepan and bring to a low boil for about 3 minutes. Remove and add 2 tsp. lemon juice, 1–1/2 tbsp dark honey or blackstrap molasses and 2 tbsp. of good quality whiskey. Stir well, cover and let steep for about 20 min. Drink 1/2 cup at a time every 3–4 hours. It is pleasant tasting and really breaks up fever and congestion from cold or flu. Cinnamon is a super remedy for reducing the incidence of yeast infection. Two cancer specialists with the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre in Vancour reported that the cinnamic acid in cinnamon helps to prevent cancer induced by many chemicals in many of the foods we eat. It is suggested that cinnamon be used more often in food preparations as a preventative measure.

CITRUS FRUITS - If your gums bleed quite a bit after brushing, rub your gums for a few minutes each day with the white part of the inside of lemon peel. Bleeding should stop in a few days. One of the best remedies in the West Indies for getting rid of a toothache is to soak a wad of cotton with some fresh lime juice and put it directly on top of or next to the site of pain. In 5 minutes or less the aching should cease. A tea made from tangerine peels is excellent for relieving aching bones and sore muscles due to flu and fever. Bring 1 quart of water to a boil, adding chopped or coarsely shredded peel from 3 tangerines. Steep 1 hour, strain and drink 1 cup of warm tea every 5 hours sweetened with a little honey.

CLOVE - Rubbing oil of cloves on sore gums or generously applied on a cotton wad and place on an aching tooth will bring rapid relief for several hours. Clove is a powerful, penetrating antiseptic which makes it ideal for an effective mouth wash. In 2 cups of hot water, put 3 whole cloves or 1/4 tsp. ground cloves and steep for 20 minutes stirring occasionally. Then pour through a fine strainer and use as a mouth rinse and gargle twice a day for bad breath. 2 whole cloves held in the mouth (suck slowly but be careful not to chew or swallow them) can effectively curb alcohol cravings, of reformed alcoholics, for a taste of hard liquor.

DANDELION - Rub the milky sap from dandelions, on any wart you have, two or three times a day, to clear up warts.

DATES - Folk Remedies- a poultice made from crushed date pits and date meat may help testicular tumors. And the fresh fruit may remedy cancer of the stomach and uterus, abdominal tumors, hardness of the liver and spleen and ulcerated and nonulcerated cancers. To make a laxative boil 6 dates in a pint of hot water for several minutes and drink the liquid warm, morning and night. Or eat six raw dates followed with a glass of warm water twice a day to promote frequent bowel movements. Close to 20% of the total amino acid content of dates is the nonessential glutamic acid. The sourness of its properties is helful in diluting excess gastric acid in the gut and relieving heartburn. When your stomach feels upset, eat a few dates or soak several in a cup of hot water for a couple of minutes and drink the liquid. One of the ingredients of HP sauce is dates!

FIG - To relieve sore throat and lungs, bring 2 cups of water to a boil, and add 5–1/4 tbsp. chopped figs. Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Cover and steep until cool. Sip half cupfuls every 4 hours. Some country folk used powdered figs in a paste to apply to old wounds, boils and sores so they heal much faster. Amish use a Fig Paste for livestock and human use , both internally as well as externally. In parts of Africa and Central America, ripe figs cut in half are used to clean the teeth by rubbing the cut side against the enamel for several minutes. The benzaldehyde (an anti-cancer component) in figs also occurs in large amounts in edible mushrooms like the Japanses shiitake mushrooms as well as in sweet almond oil. Figs, like pineapple (bromelain) and papaya (papain) have an important sulphur compound ficin, which is valuable in the treatment of chronic joint inflammation and swelling of soft tissues common to rheumatoid arthritis and traumatic injuries, such as a twisted ankle or pulled muscle ligaments. Soak about 6 figs in 2–1/2 cups of boiling water for a few minutes to soften them up a bit, and make into a poultice and apply directly to the area of stiffness and soreness. Cover with a heavy towel or warm flannel cloth and keep on for half an hour or so. This can bring relief even to lower backaches.

GARLIC, ONIONS, CHIVES, SCALLIONS, LEEKS, SHALLOTS - A tea made from chives and ginger can relieve headaches due to sinus congestion cause by cold and flu. In 1 cup boiling water put 1–1/2 tbsp finely chopped chives and 1/2 tsp finely shredded ginger root. Steep, covered for 1/2 hour, strain and drink lukewarm. Repeat as often as need. Headache should disappear in 20 minutes. Folk healers believe that garlic is a natural penicillin. Garlic has helped heal spinal meningitis and used with leeks, has helped reduce the incidence of poliomyelitis. Garlic extract has been used to reduce tumors and malignancies. Vichyssoise, cold leek and potato soup, has been used by French herbalists to remedy serious burns, bee, wasp, hornet stings and red ant and centipede bites. Garlic/onion oil has been used for earaches and toothaches. Garlic and onions prevent proteins from massing to form harmful clots. Prostaglandin A in onions and garlic helps to control high blood pressure. Both onion and garlic are hypoglycemic, useful to lower blood sugar levels. Garlic and onion raise blood levels of good cholesterol which clean the arteries of bad cholesterol.

GINGER - Powdered ginger root is the best thing for nausea and vomiting from motion sickness. It is good for pregnant mothers exeriencing morning sickness. Ginger root is an ideal replacement for synthetic blood thinners as it is an anti-coagulent. Put a pinch of ginger in your vegetables when they are cooking. A hot ginger compress works well on muscular aches and pains, joint stiffness, abdominal cramps and kidney stone attacks, stiff neck, neuralgia, toothache, bladder inflammation, prostatitis, and body tension. To help break a high fever and get rid of mucus buildup in the sinuses, throat and lungs, drink warm ginger tea.

GRAINS - Barley and oats, (rye and wheat to a lesser extent) help clean out the arteries and valves around the heart that have become plugged up with layers of old fat buildup. The grain fibers scrub away backlog deposits of grease that have accumulated over a lengthy period of time. Buckwheat pancakes can help achieve weight loss by reducing appetite. Many parts of corn are therapeutic, the kernels, cob, cornsilk, meal, and starch. Fresh, canned or popped, corn makes cholesterol levels go down and bowel movement increase. Cornstarch has been used to relieve diaper rash, poison ivy, insect bits and stings, and added by large handfuls to bathwater for chicken pox, measles, mumps and hives. Corncob tea is excellent to treat abdominal swelling, edema in ankles and wrists and gout. Cornsilk tea is a good remedy for weak or poorly functioning kidneys and kidneystones. Diabetics can drop insulin dependency significantly by including oats and cereal grains in their diets. Whole wheat increases bowel movements, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels and helps prevent heart disease. It is also useful for preventing cancer of the liver, small intestine and colon. Whole wheat actively binds cancer-causing compounds directly to grain fiber and reduces the length of time for a bowel movement, while the wheat fiber alters the microflora of the colon to prevent chemical additives found in food from producing tumors.

GRAPES AND RAISINS - Wines can help reduce the chances of getting a heart attack and even help reduce high blood pressure. Moderate alcohol intake increases good cholesterol (high-density lipoproteins) which reduce the low density lipoproteins that clog arteries and lead to heart attacks. Moderate intake is 2 fluid ounces (1/4 cup per day). Anything less or greater than this won’t work. Two Canadian microbiologists discovered that grape juice, red wines and raisin tea showed strong antiviral activity against poliovirus, herpes simplex virus and reovirus (cause of memingitis, mild fever and diarrhea).

JASMINE - In parts of China and India, the oil extracted from the flowers of jasmine has often been used to arouse erotic emotions in those who may experience frigidity during sexual engagements. Massaging certain areas of the body with a few drops mixed in with some sweet almond oil should help to promote sexual stimulation. In India the abdomen and groin are those regions rubbed for this purpose. It is also said that a few drops rubbed on the upper lip below the nostrils contributes to this heightened stimulation.

KIWI FRUIT - The high potassium level of kiwi makes it an ideal food for hypertensive patients. It is a good diuretic that will help to remove excess sodium buildup in the body. It is an ideal food for those suffering from high blood pressure. Kiwi contains enzymes (similar to papaya and pineapple) that help correct digestive problems and help to heal up old sores and wounds.

18 August 2006

PanicStrickenat 08:42

MELONS - Melons are good diuretics and also help correct constipation. In some Caribbean countries people eat fresh, slightly unripe melons along with parsely tea to treat jaundice. Watermelon seeds have diuretic activity and a soothing effect on bladder inflammation. Even the rind is dried and used the same way. Pound 6 tbsp seeds to 1 quart of water and boil for 45 minutes on low heat, strain and drink liquid three times daily to expel some intestinal worms. To relieve poison ivy rub the afflicted parts with the flesh and rind of watermelon.

MUSHROOMS - Mushrooms are rich in the trace element zinc. Zinc is valuable in treating burns, wounds, and skin injuries as well as helping the body to digest starch foods. Zinc also regulates prostate gland function, encourages the growth and development of the reproductive organs, and helps in the metabloism of animal and plant proteins.

NUTMEG and MACE - Nutmeg and mace have been used for centuries to treat gas, indigestion, nausea,vomiting as well as stomach and kidney problems. Nutmeg has been used by some medical doctors and psychiatrists who work with young people on additions, as an alternative mind-altering substance. (Catnip has also been used in a similar fashion). Only 1 tbsp of powdered nutmeg is need to achieve somewhat ‘dreamlike, floating and slightly euphoric’ sensations. Such narcotic bliss has been equated with similar experiences produced by LSD, hashish, marijuana and alcohol. The spice doesn’t have any serious lingering side-effects and isn’t addictive and the user can wrench himself or herself back to reality any time they wish to. Dramatically increasd mental awareness, a closer communion with Nature and Infinity, a sense of drifting through time and space, deeper feelings of humility and peace and an attitude of being in control of what one wishes to experience, are some of the sensations which have been reported by doctors and nurses, who have voluntarily tried nutmeg under carefully controlled conditions. Some side effects to be expected,(non life-threatening), are bones and muscles in the body aching, eyes that hurt a little, sinuses that drain, limited diarrhea.

NUTS - Sweet almond oil is a super emollient for dishpan hands, diaper, rash, herpes sores, shingles, psoriasis and lupus. Mix the juice of 1 lemon and lime with 4 tbsp of oil and rub on thoroughly. Almond milk is a very popular drink for throat and lung problems. 10 parts sweet almonds and 1 part bitter almonds are soaked in water with a little rice. When tender, grind into a paste, strain and remove coarse particles and dilute with a little more water and honey and cook on low heat until the consistency is syrupy. Drink a cup 2 or 3 times daily to relieve hoarseness and raspy or wheezing sounds common to heavy smokers and asthmatics. It is also good for scratchy, irritated throats and dry or hacking coughs. Brazil nuts are incredibly rich in both essential and nonessential amino acids. They are very high in A,B and C vitamins as well as rich in protein. Stir a tsp. of the meal into some juice and drink it for mental pep before taking final exams.

PARSLEY - A few sprigs of fresh parsely contain about as much vitamin A as 1/4 tsp of cod-liver oil and about 2/3 the vitamin C of an entire orange.Parsely ranks higher than most vegetables in histidine, which stronly inhibits tumor development within the body. A tea made from fresh parsley herb has been used to treat kidney inflammation, inability to urinate, painful urination, kidneystones and edema. To 1 qt of boiling water add 1 cup of coarsely chopped parsley and steep for 40 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup of warm tea 4 times daily with meals. This same tea is mildly aphrodisiac for couples experiencing sexual frigigity of any kind in their relationships. (Use 2 cups parsely to 1 qt water). Parsely has been fed to sheep in Spain to bring them into heat in any season of the year.

PARSNIP - Parsnip is highly concentrated with energy-giving properties and it is a remarkable internal cleansing agent as well. A diet of parsnip, steamed or baked for lunch and dinner for one week, is an extremely valuable cleansing agent and even gets rid of some kidney stones. It is very useful for strengthening those with hypoglycemia or recently recovering from serious illness or surgery. The juice from cooked parsnips drunk morning and evening for up to 6 weeks will get rid of gallstones.

PEACH - A tea made from peach leaves helps to relieve intestinal gas in babies, has laxative properties and helps to relieve bladder inflammation in men.

PEAS - Peas have the ability to dissolve clumps of red blood cells that are destined to become clots eventually. This clot prevention property is due to the presence of special plant proteins called lectins. Peas are especially important for those that are more susceptible to clots due to poor circulation, thick blood and coronary heart disease. Children afflicted with measles, mumps or chickenpox can be sponged with the water in which peas have been boiled. This keeps them from itching so much and from forming permanent pit marks in the skin. A poultice made from dried peas, boiled until they are soft, is a wonderful remedy for boils and abscesses.

PLUMS AND PRUNES - Canker sores in the mouth may be effectively treated by taking 2 tbsp. of any fresh plum juice and swishing it around inside for a couple of minutes before swallowing. Or soak a cotton wad with fresh plum juice and press against the sore and hold in place with the tongue or jaw. Prunes have the long-standing reputation of being an outstanding laxative agent for constipation.

POMEGRANATE - Dried pomegranate seeds have been used since time immemorial for getting rid of tapeworm. (Constant hunger, large food intake, yet persistent thinness are most common symptoms). Dry the seeds from 7 - 9 pomegranates in the sun or in a low oven for 7 hours. Crush into a powder with a hammer. Take 1 tbsp of powdered seed in a 6 ox class of unsweetened pineapple juice 3 - 4 times daily on an empty stomach. Do this with a mild food fast to speed up getting the tapeworm out of the system.

PUMPKIN, SQUASH, GOURD - Cheroke Indians use pumpkin and squash seed for treating edema, gout,kidney stones, urinary burning and difficult urination. Crush a handful of seeds and add to 1 qt of boiling water, cover and simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes. Then steep away from heat for 1–1/2 hours. Drink several cups of the strained liquid each day to obtain relief. A poultice of macerated pumpkin, squash or gourd leaves may help take the swelling down for a sprain, bruise, torn ligaments etc. In the Phillipines, native practitioners will squeeze the sap from fresh pumpkin stems into their patients’ ears to relieve earaches. Pumpkins seeds are a vermifuge.

RADISHES - Througout Eruope, radishes are frequently consumed with bread and breakfast cereals. Radishes help in the digestion of starchy foods, such as grains, pastas, and potatoes.There is a special digestive enzyme called diastase, which occurs in the daikon radish in large amounts. Radishes have been used to remove hard fat deposits in the body when made into a drink with carrot and soy sauce, lemon juice and a pinch of kelp. Fresh radishes and radish seeds have been used in the treatment of cancer around the world.Radishes contain a volatile sulphur component called methanethiol, which has strong anti-bacterial properties.

19 August 2006

EnoughAlreadyat 01:11

Pear nectar helps with vomitting and diarrhea. (As tolerated.)

Varro Tyler’s bookss… Herbs of Choice and Honest Herbal… give info on tinctures and teas. Although the books are often cited as a negative take on herbal remedies, they give both sides which is important. They give “recipes” of sorts and provide a guide. Also, the US Army Survival Manual, gives very rudimentary remedies.

PanicStrickenat 04:22

RHUBARB - Rhubarb is high in potassium. More frequent consumption of cooked rhubarb might be of some positive benefit in helping to reduce extensive tooth decay as the mineral salts in rhubarb juice seem to coat tooth enamel with a thin protective film. Rhubarb has demonstrated some excellent tumor blocking abilities. The anthraquinones in rhubarb besides being a wonderful laxative, also help to relieve the itchiness and pain accompanying psoriasis and arthritis.

SAVORY - Savory has been considered an ‘herb of love’ for centuries. It has been used in place of ginseng to help couples retrieve their married bliss. Sprinkle summer savory on all your meat dishes. In 1 qt of boiling water simmer 3 1/2 tbsp fenugreek seed for 5 mins. covered. Remove from heat and add 2 handfuls of savory. Steep an additional 50 min. Drink 2 cups before going to bed and apply to the bottom of the back as well. Excellent for men and women.

SEEDS - Poppy, Safflower, Sesame, Sunflower - Recent epidemiologic evidence seems to suggest that plant seeds may lower the risk for developing certain types of cancer associated with too much meat and fat consumptions. Warm sesame seed oil is sometimes used as eardrops when the ear is plugged by excessive and hardened earwax. The oil will soften the wax, so it can be washed out easier. An ancient Chinese recipe for treating insect bites, esp. spider and centiped bites as well as minor burns and various types of skin sores, is to grind 2 - 3 tbsp of sesame seeds into a coarse powder and make into a paste with the addition of a little water. Apply to the afflicted area and leave until the pain and swelling subsides. For sores on the head and face, chew the raw sesame seeds for a couple of minutes and apply the wet mash to them. Sunflower seeds are excellent to help one break the smoking habit. They contain oils that are calming and B vitamins that help nourish the nervous system.

SPINACH - Spinach is a potent cancer inhibitor. It is high in histidine, the same as cabbage, parsley, mustard greens and broccoli, giving it anti-mutagenic activities. These vegetables keep normal body cells from undergoing mutation, thereby becoming cancerous within a short time. Diabetic mellitus (adult) or juvenile onset diabetes (young people) can expect nutritional benefit from spinach, since it contains manganese - a trace element important to diabetics.

TARRAGON - An old French folk remedy for insomnia and hyperactivity is tarragon tea. Tarragon can bring back the appetite in weak sickly people, convalescents, nervous people, those suffering from anxiety and promote recovery from an episode of schizophrenia or nervous exhaustion following mental depression. It fights indigestion, air-swallowing and gassy distension, and is useful in cases of gout, rheumatism, retention of urine, sluggish kidneys and bladder. It can regulate women’s periods.

THYME - Thyme has antiseptic qualities. It contains thymols and its smell destroys viruses and bacteria in the atmosphere as it destroys infectious germs in the body. Thyme is in the same realm as garlic, as being a natural antibiotic and replacement for penicillin and various sulfa drugs. It can be used in handbaths, footbaths and as a douche to get rid of nail fungus, athlete’s foot, reducing a fever, treating yeast infections. It may be used to bathe wounds and burns and in the form of a compress on bumps and bruises and as a wash for sore eyes. It has been used in toothpaste for people suffering with tooth and gum diseases. A homemade thyme salve can be made to help heal cuts, bruises, acne, rash especially on the face neck, throat and forehead. It can also be used for burns, wounds and sores on any place on the body.

TOMATO - To turn a sunburn into a tan, puree a thinly peeled tomato with a little buttermilk and spread over sunburned skin. In New Guinea some Stone Age tribes pound leaves of wild tomato plants into poultices as a means of helping to heal old wounds and sores. Tomatoes are an excellent food for hypoglycemics who have low blood sugar causing constant fatigue and lack of energy. Fresh tomato juice is extremely effective in accelerating blood sugar formation of the liver. Ripe tomatoes are especially high in glucose and fructose.Tomatoes contain two very important detoxifying trace elements, chlorine and sulphur. Natural chlorine helps to stimulate the liver in its function as a filter for body wastes and further assists the liver in its efforts to remove toxic waste products from the system. Sulphur helps to protect the liver from cirrhosis and other debilitating conditions.

TROPICAL FRUITS - Guava, Mango, Papaya, Pineapple - In the Phillipines, ripe guava is used as a tonic for strengthening weak hearts. The Choco Indians of Panama use ripe guavas to overcome congestion of the lungs and throat. In parts of the West Indies, an alcoholic extract is made from the pounded leaves of guava plants for treating epileptic seizures and convulsions. The tincture is also rubbed onto the spines of young children and young adults besides given internally. On the island of Curacao, people drink a decoction of the semi-dried mango leaves for high blood pressure. It has a sedative action, eremophilene, which also occurs in the herbal tranquilizer, valerian. There are also a group of tannins called anthocyanidins in mango leaves that are present in a watery extract (tea) of mango leaves that are used by doctors to treat diabetes, blood vessel problems and eye complaints related to this disease. They help to slow down the progress of diabetic angiopathy (disease of the blood vessels due to diabetes.)The healing influence of these leafy compounds on the blood vessels in and around the pancreas has been observed. A tea made from the leaves with 2 tbsp of guava, mango or papaya juice is ideal for strengthening fragile blood vessels, treating purpura and varicose veins and in the prevention of bleeding accidents through the use of anticoagulant drugs. Ripe mano papaya and pineapple are all extremely useful for any disturbances of the G.I. tract. Pineapple and Papaya contain remarkable digestive enzymes. They can bring quick relief to the heartburn common to rapid eating and poor chewing habits and heavy meals. The proteolytic enzyme in papaya, called papain, is highly effective to help treat poisonous snakebites of cobras, black mambas and other deadly species. Papaya tablets are available from some health food stores. 5 papaya tablets and about 1 level teaspoonful of Adolph’s meat tenderizer dissolved in a cup of warm water, should be enough papain ingested to begin neutralizing quite a bit of any such snake venom. First swallow the tablet one by one, then take small gulps of the warm water and meat tenderizer solution. Raw pineapple (with its digestive enzyme bromelain) has been use in acute cases of tendonitis. Sometimes a day of eating nothing but raw pineapple will clear it up. Many doctors prescribe bromelain and bromelain products for individuals engaged in heavy athletics such as jogging, running and weight lifting because it can reduce the inflammation and speed the healing dramatically. Or eat nothing but raw, ripe pineapple and drink only pineapple juice several days before competition to greatly minimize the pain and inflammation expected from grueling tests of physical strength and human endurance. For those with thick blood and poor circulation, the rat poison compound called warfarin has usually been the standard drug prescribed for them by their physicians. But warfarin, coumadin and related medications are toxic and can produce nasty side-effects in the course of time. Now scientists have discovered that the bromelain in ripe pineapple and pineapple juice can also thin the blood and prevent blood clots from forming, not to mention helping increase circulation more. One cup of pineapple juice daily is recommended in place of harmful drugs for the above conditions. Hemophiliacs and others with bleeding problems should avoid this fruit. Pineapple juice is highly effective in reducing mucus overload from respiratory illness. The juice breaks down the mucus. Pineapple and papaya are very useful in getting rid of warts and corns. In Jamaica the milky latex of the green papaya fruit is slowly dripped onto warts several times each day for a week or less. This gummy residue shrivels them up and they soon fall off of their own accord. A slice of pineapple rubbed gently on a wart will remove it but several applications are necessary before success results. Cut off a piece of the peel and bind it on the corn with wide adhesive tape, making sure the inner side of the peel faces the corn. Leave on all night and soak in hot water in the morning. You may have to repeat 4 or 5 applications. The papain in papaya had an incredible ability to digest dead tissue without affecting the surrounding live tissue and has the reputation of being a ‘biological scalpel’. Strips of the fruit has been used over lingering wound and surgery infections with much success.Cold sores around the lips and inside the mouth, cracked and furred tongue and inflamed tonsils can all be readily cleared up by sucking and chewing on several papaya tablets a couple of times each day until healed. In Brazil, a piece of the fresh leaf is chewed for oral sores or else just tied onto a wound or external sore with good success. Some Indians of the Amazon boil the rind of ripe pineapple with rosemary then frequently wash skin rashes and hemorrhoids with the concentrated decocotion. You can also wash eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, jock itch and diaper and posion ivy rashes with it. Fresh pineapple or powdered guava leaves can be put on ringworm with good results. For those experiencing nausea while flying or traveling on a ship or train, or for pregnant women with morning sickness, an 8 oz. glass of canned pineapple or papaya juice diluted from concentrate may be just the perfect solution. Soak athlet’s foot or fungus around the fingernails in canned pineapple juice each day for 1 hour.

For hundreds of remarkable health-promoting uses of common fruits, vegetables and herbs, I highly recommend ‘Heinerman’s Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs’ by John Heinerman, as an extremely valuable addition to any survivalist’s library. This book may be obtained from Parker Publishing Company, West Nyack, New York 10995.

Malachi – at 06:51

My dad told me his mom used to make he and his siblings wear a “ginger tee shirt” when they had the flu.She would boil ginger and the tee shirt for several minutes,wring it out and put it on them along with several blankets.

14 October 2006

LMWatBullRunat 17:46


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