From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: All Pan Flu Flyers Here

14 October 2006

InKyat 08:27

These are all the flyers posted in the last week for Pandemic Flu Awareness Week and beyond.

InKy’s 3 versions (front and back, print or email): all available at

Rob T’s (front and back, right click and save to hard drive if you have Publisher to edit this document for use in your community)

WAprepper’s paper-saving versions for distribution and public posting: Full page for community BB, with tear-offs Half page for community BB, with tear-offs 2 to a page

Copy for Jane’s mini flyer - lay this out yourself in whatever word processor or page-layout software you use if you want to fit four flyers to a page.

RobTat 09:03

InKy, thank you.

lugon – at 10:34

this could go to a wikipage (at some point in time)

Goju – at 11:21


InKyat 18:18

I’ve asked that the pandemic flu flyers have a permanent home somewhere on the Wiki, but in the meantime - bump.

libbyalex – at 23:28


15 October 2006

InKyat 12:41

One last bump for PFAW. (Sounds as if we need Pandemic Flu Awareness Year, to me.)

Grace RN – at 13:06

Also available:

link to site:

Flu Pandemic Information Brochures, Publications and Articles Directory A listing of publications and articles about flu pandemic, pandemic causes, spreading, strategies. A public service of Free web information from federal and state governments, national health organizations, and private business. This is not a government Website.Flu summary, state by state. Check conditions where you live.

Weekly Flu Map by Nat’l Centers for Disease ControlOur Bird Flu, Avian Flu Information Directories: General Information Bird Flu, Avian Flu Flu Pandemic Flu Vaccines, Vaccination Flu Symptoms Canine Flu, Dog Flu

Description (or title) of article, brochure or publication, source information, and our comments

brochure or publication: BIRD FLU AND YOU, A Quick Guide to Protecting Yourself and Your Family from Bird (PANDEMIC) Flu

source: National Defense University

file size: 1 pg. languages: English; date: 2005

our comments: United States government poster gives steps to protect yourself and your family (cleanliness issues); plus basic information about seasonal flu and bird flu. (copyrighted)

brochure or publication: FACING THE FLU: From the Bird Flu to a Possible Pandemic, Why Isn’t America Ready?

source:Trust for America’s Health

file size: 9 pg.,

our comments: from the document: “Between 10 and 20 percent of the U.S. population is estimated to contract influenza annually. Each year, it is responsible for approximately 36,000 deaths in this country. However, the nation lacks a unified and effective flu management strategy.”

brochure or publication: A Killer Flu?

source:Trust for America’s Health

file size: 21 pg., languages: English

our comments: from the document: “Scientific Experts Estimate that “Inevitable” Major Epidemic of New Influenza Virus Strain Could Result in Millions of Deaths if Preventive Actions Are Not Taken”


source:Trust for America’s Health

file 4 pg., languages: English; date: 2005

our comments: What a pandemic flu could mean to your business; steps your business can take; prepare for a pandemic flu in order to maintain business continuity.

brochure or publication: Pandemic Influenza - FAQ’s

source:Department of Health and Aging Australian Government

file size: 4 pg. languages: English

our comments: Basic information about what is a pandemic, how does a pandemic start, and how to control a pandemic.

brochure or publication: Pandemic flu - FAQ’s

source:Department of Health (Britain)

file size: 16 pg. languages: English

our comments: Advisory to British citizens about what a pandemic is, and how it spreads.

brochure or publication: Responding to the avian influenza pandemic threat

source:World Health Organization

file size: 22 pg. languages: English

our comments: Recommended strategic actions; activities that can be undertaken by individual countries, the international community, and WHO to prepare the world for the next influenza pandemic

brochure or publication: FACT SHEET: Information About Influenza Pandemics - Pandemic: A Worldwide Outbreak of Influenza

source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

file size: 4 pg. languages: English; date: 2005

our comments: from the document: “An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of disease that occurs when a new influenza A virus appears or “emerges” in the human population, causes serious illness, and then spreads easily from person to person worldwide. Pandemics are different from seasonal outbreaks or “epidemics” of influenza.”

brochure or publication: INFLUENZA PANDEMIC - Report to Congressional Requesters

source:United States General Accounting Office

file size: 40 pg. languages: English; date: October 2000

our comments: report issued about a plan needed for Federal and State response in pandemic conditions

brochure or publication: INFLUENZA PANDEMIC: Challenges Remain in Preparedness

source:United States General Accounting Office

file size: 24 pg. languages: English; date: May 26, 2005

our comments: Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives

brochure or publication: The Next Influenza Pandemic: Lessons from Hong Kong, 1997

source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

file size: 9 pg. languages: English; date: April, 1999

our comments: from the document: “The 1997 Hong Kong outbreak of an avian influenzalike virus, with 18 proven human cases, many severe or fatal, highlighted the challenges of novel influenza viruses. Lessons from this episode can improve international and national planning for influenza pandemics in seven areas:”

brochure or publication: National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza

source:The White House Homeland Security Council

file size: 17 pg. languages: English; date: November, 2005

our comments: The official United States administration approach to address the threat of pandemic influenza, whether it results from the strain currently in birds in Asia or another influenza virus.

This public sector information is brought to you as a service of

pogge – at 14:15

I posted this in the Moderators thread too. If you’re looking for a good spot on the wiki to post links to these flyers, how about the Raising Awareness page?


Or as crfullmoon suggested, there’s the Handouts section on the Prep Guide page. Or both.

InKyat 15:29

Rob T, WAprepper, and Jane - Pogge suggests Flu Wiki readers will see the flyers faster if the Raising Awareness thread links to an independent site rather than this thread. I’ve posted a link to on the Raising Awareness page, but I’d like to include your links to your flyers on that page, too, so that visitors would find links to all flyers on one page. With your permission, I’ll revise that page at to include all our links.

16 October 2006

RobTat 03:02


Sounds good to me, go for it.

InKyat 06:00

Hi Rob - It’s back to work for me this morning, but I’ll make the revisions within the next few days.

waprepper – at 20:41

Thanks Inky, sounds great! Thanks for all you are doing. Here’s a .pdf of Jane’s quarter page flyer:

InKyat 22:49

I’ve revised the page at to link to all the flyers now :-). They’ve had thousands of hits, by the way. I hope that means that they are still being downloaded, printed and distributed. Thanks Rob, waprepper, and Jane for putting together a variety of versatile formats. It’s now easy for anyone to share the facts about pandemic flu and make the argument for preparedness. So much depends on what we are willing to take the time to do, especially when the message isn’t coming through loud and clear from other sources.

RobTat 22:55


And thank YOU for kicking off the flyer exercise with yours.

Now, I think it’s time to see how we can get some air time on the MSM to have these issues aired, debated, and SIP recommendations put to the public.

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