From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Fluwiki Email List

08 November 2006

Malachi – at 08:26

heres mine…..malachiw_o@yahoo dot com

I want to know yours too…..

Michigan Mom – at 08:41 put flu in the header or i’ll not read it!

Gladys – at 08:44 As Michigan Mom said, put flu in the header, or it will be deleted.

Wolf – at 08:46

Flu in header please: Love to all

I’m-workin’-on-it – at 08:48 — put flu in the header or i’ll not read it either

Bronco Bill – at 08:50

wturner3 at gmail dot com

Same as above—Flu or FluWiki in subject line.

Wolf---interesting email name with the domain name added in! ;-)

Homesteader – at 08:55

ditto on the fluwiki

Carrey in VA – at 08:55

CarreyinVirginia @

lohrewok – at 08:58

yeah, ditto.

why are we doing this?

anonymous – at 09:03

careful guys. i noticed the thread above this was spam. hope you know what you’re doing.

anonymous – at 09:18

Me too!!!

tabby1678 at cox dot net

Tabby – at 09:18

Me too!!!

tabby1678 at cox dot net

Wolf – at 09:26

Bronco Bill – at 08:50

HA! Never looked at it that way! :) Having problems adding a ‘list’ to this address… arrrggghh (took a day off from work today - celebrating)

Gary Near Death Valley – at 09:33 please add thanks

Gary Near Death Valley – at 09:33

~T – at 09:47

sorry, that was me at anonymous 9:03. haven’t posted for awhile and have had to reset my puter. Lost all my online sign ins. So, my ‘name’ did not come up.

My point was, at 9:03, another thread was started about the same time this one did, and it was spam generated. I hope the addys posted here were not meant to be spam fodder. Sharing addys is a great idea. but is there a more ‘secure’ avenue for doing so? ~T

Dennis in Colorado – at 09:55

What is the intended purpose for this … other than “show me yours and I’ll show you mine”?

cottontop – at 10:04

Dennis in Colorado-

I was wondering the same thing. Reluctant to do so, as mine has my REAL name in it.

Bronco Bill – at 10:06

Most of the SPAM ‘bots won’t pick up an email address if you spell out the @ and the . in the address. It should look something like: johndoe at yahoo dot com

Bronco Bill – at 10:08

Dennis in Colorado – at 09:55 --- I’m gonna use all these addys to set up an auto email so that I can sell them to the highest bidder, get rich, then retire. Isn’t that what Geewgle does? ;-) <jk>

Goju – at 10:14

wiltonresident1 at yahoo dot com

JWB – at 10:22

Betcha this thread gets long in a hurry!

JWB – at 10:25

jwbatfluwiki at yahoo dot com

JWB – at 10:30

Mods please delete my JWB - at 10:22 Thanks!

LEG – at 10:42

lkara at aol dot com

captain1 – at 10:42

kbhattyatlaw at msn dot com - like everyone else please put flu in the subject line! Thanks

Bird Guano – at 10:46

It’s in the profile.

This is unnecessary really, and just an invitation for spambot harvesting and further slowing down the wiki’s response times.

cottontop – at 10:57

O.K. here’s my problem-

My e-mail address has my Real name in it, and of course I want to protect my privacy, is it a problem with anyone for me to contact them should I need/want to, then of course that person will have my e-mail address. I just sorta have a slight problem with giving this out soooooo freely. Sorry.

Malachi – at 11:01

No problems cottontop…..It’s all optional…I got a yahoo addy with my screen name just for that reason.

Bronco Bill – at 11:05

cottontop – at 10:57 --- No problem here…

Bird Guano – at 10:46 --- One thread shall not a slow-down make. With the number of threads we’re closing each night, a single thread won’t slow things down…pogge’s working on the spam’bots

cottontop – at 11:14

Great guys. I really do thank you. Perhaps I should see if I can get my email address changed, and drop my last name. Daughter’s been having problems with her email so this would be a good time to tend to it.

In a way, I do think this is helpful. Like when the wiki went down and I went into distress, thinking chicken little had landed, and I had no one to contact. It really was a bad feeling, not being able to check with someone. As long as nobody abuses this privilage, I think it will be a postive thing.

(I’ll just email you 2–3 times a day!!) Kidding!!!!!

silversage – at 11:17

BB are you, in fact, a PIRATE? I loved you in the Pirates of the Caribbean

Jack Sparrow: What’s your name?

Will Turner: Will Turner.

Jack Sparrow: That would be short for William, I imagine. Good stong name, no doubt named for your father, eh?

Will Turner: Yes.

Jack Sparrow: Well Mr Turner. I’ve changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell, I swear on pain of death, I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonnie lass.

I’m-workin’-on-it – at 11:23

I added my email in case anyone would ever want to get in touch with me before, during or after a pandemic for whatever reason.

It is NOT my main email address….I have 2 yahoo addresses and one gmail address for various things that I do, and this gmail address above was set up specifically for this purpose for my Alabama contacts.

If you’d like to, you can easily set up emails with Yahoo or Gmail. I DO get a lot of spam on gmail, BUT they catch most of it and make it VERY EASY to delete as spam, which helps them to catch it again should the spammer resend to your address. Gmail is a lot easier to clear the spam from than Yahoo, but there are features I haven’t figured out yet (‘cause I’m busy doing other things) but it hasn’t stopped me from using the email feature to receive and send & that’s all I wanted it to do.

Hope that makes sense.

Bird Guano – at 11:52

Bronco Bill – at 11:05

cottontop – at 10:57 --- No problem here…

Bird Guano – at 10:46 --- One thread shall not a slow-down make. With the number of threads we’re closing each night, a single thread won’t slow things down…pogge’s working on the spam’bots

It’s not the thread I’m worried about.

It’s the multitude of spambots crawling the site and harvesting email addresses that will slow it down.

09 November 2006

JWB – at 11:10

BUMP for updating.

MaMaat 11:18

mine’s in my profile

Petticoat Junction – at 13:40

Mine’s in my profile, too…an account for just this screen name. :)

Surfer – at 13:55


Ya don’t have to change your email address. Just add another one, and give that one out to the wikians. Try hotmail or yahoo. They are free. I gotta dozen.

David – at 14:56

email address in header… if anyone wants a gmail invite, just send me an email asking so google can’t harvest you cell phone number…

cottontop – at 15:56


Thanks. That sounds much easier to do. And I like that idea better.

Bronco Bill – at 16:02

silversage – at 11:17 LOL!!! Yes, I have been asked. Many times. I can personally guarantee that there is no resemblence between me and Orlando Bloom. ‘specially in the wallet! But the last part of the quote is a bit off.

It’s not “I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonnie lass.”

It’s “I shall take you to the Black Pearl and hang your bony a@@.”

farm girl – at 16:16

chicks_n_heifers at yahoo dot com if anybody ever needs to know.

cottontop – at 16:48

O.K. had to get daughter to do this.

surfer- thanks bunches for the info on the email.

Influentia2 – at 18:35

in my profile

Kimt – at 18:46

in my profile to

mcjohnston92 – at 19:07

If anyone cares to send, my address is my screen name at hotmail dot com.

anonymous – at 19:39


You got it. Good luck.

cottontop – at 19:43

Just a little quiz here, can somesome tell me where I got 2112?

Cygnet – at 19:49

Mine’s Put something in the header like, “I’m from Fluwikie!” as I get rather large amounts of legitimate e-mail on a daily basis.

He thinks I’m crazy too – at 19:57

at mindless dot com

10 November 2006

Malachi – at 06:54

Cottontop @ 19:43….Rush?

cottontop – at 07:44

Malachi- Yeah, good job. You get a years worth of MRE’s.

shadddup – at 07:46

babeshades at yahoo dot com

Malachi – at 07:55

HEHEHE yippie I can use those!!!!

Thom – at 13:02

As above - FLU or WIKIE in header please

Newname – at 16:16

newname9 at sbcglobal dot net

Please use FLU in header. Thanks.

FriscoParentat 17:02 flu in the subject line please! Thanks!

12 November 2006

FrenchieGirlat 05:26

silkski at yahoo dot fr - fluwiki in subject line please thanks

Thinlina – at 05:37

thinlina at yahoo dot ca

Albert – at 08:56

albert AT bangla DOT net

Green Mom?15 December 2006, 07:49

Somehow I missed this first time around. I don’t want to be left out! kygreenmom at yahoo dot com

DemFromCT15 December 2006, 07:55

see also

ChuckE15 December 2006, 08:28

I sent mine to MaMa anyone who is going to administer a list please ask MaMa for mine. Thanks!

Green Mom?15 December 2006, 10:52

ChuckE and Dem—actually, I was on “New Blue” yesteryday and saw ChuckE’s post which led me back here so I posted here. Is this the right place, or is there a list on the other forum?

History Lover?15 December 2006, 13:38

Mine is jerebishopfranco at aol dot com. I’m in West Texas and hope that there are others in this region.

Bronco Bill15 December 2006, 13:50

Green Mom --- This is the larger list…yer fine here.

MaMa15 December 2006, 14:18

I guess I’m the ‘listy’ person and I’ve got down everyone on this thread, everyone in the profiles here and those individuals who chose to e-mail me directly to get added to the list.

Any volunteers to co-administer the list?

Kelly P?16 December 2006, 01:39

mlkphan at yahoo dot com

cabingirl?16 December 2006, 19:48

kdwb41 at yahoo dot com

RNeville20 December 2006, 14:11

dmrbarrett at comcast dot net

highdesertAZ?20 December 2006, 14:30

rrteacher21 December 2006, 02:41

lifeisgreat22 December 2006, 06:30


thanks you guys. if the site went down now i know someone someday will find me. that actually does mean a lot to me. no sarcasasm intended. merry christmas one and all

cloud9?22 December 2006, 08:29

cloud 9 at strato dot net

MaMa22 December 2006, 13:38

Hi all!

I’ve sent out a test e-mail to all of the people on my list in order to be sure I’ve got the right addresses. If you do not get such an e-mail from me please let me know by e-mail (my addie is in my profile) and I will add your info.

Thanks and have a great Holiday Season everyone!!!

lugon23 December 2006, 05:30

lugon (at) singtomeohmuse (the usual dot) com

DDT?25 December 2006, 22:23

soxandshoes?26 December 2006, 10:36

my e-mail is soxandshoes at aol dot com.

I’m-workin’-on-it29 December 2006, 10:27


bump?29 December 2006, 17:52

Have a safe holiday weekend…

Globie?29 December 2006, 18:21

I don’t wirte but I do read.

Globie?29 December 2006, 18:24


Hunter Gatherer?30 December 2006, 10:03

please add me to the list!

cbridgers at verizon dot net


cactus30 December 2006, 11:34

Add me also, please.

nancyflubie at yahoo dot com


MaMa30 December 2006, 19:52

We’ve got you all down on the list and you are very welcome- let’s hope it’s never needed, eh?

Happy New Year to you all!

I’m-workin’-on-it30 December 2006, 23:40

Same to you MaMa!

I’m-workin’-on-it03 January 2007, 10:07


I’m-workin’-on-it03 January 2007, 10:36


MaMa04 January 2007, 00:17

Globie, can you please confirm your address for me? We were concerned due to the space in your addy and I’d like you to e-mail so we’re sure we’ve got it right. My address is in my profile- thanks!

Thanks IWOI- it was lovely! I hope yours was too.

Bump - Bronco Bill?04 January 2007, 08:58


preppiechick04 January 2007, 11:27

Thanks for the bump! I missed this as I have been hoping around sites and spending time with the chicklets, who have now gone back to school! Please add me to the list (and make sure to put flu or fluwiki, so it doesn’t get deleted!):

preppiechick51(at)yahoo (you know the rest!)

Lady Biker07 January 2007, 19:36

Just incase the SHTF and I’m lost out there somewhere in the South Fourty, someone please e-mail me and let me know to run for cover please. maybe I can at least dig a hole. my address is margieh at netins dot net . is that right and legal and all? yall have been great and I’m kinda scared about this forum closing cause I keep gettin lost on the new one let alone register or something. I tried once and guess I did the wrong thing so maybe someday I’ll get the gumption to try again. LOLOL…..yall are just wonderful. thought I’d tell ya all now , just incase I get lost somewhere out there in cyber space. LOL…..maybe someone will reel me back in. :)))

ICP?08 January 2007, 09:12

Please add:


Newyorkprepper?09 January 2007, 13:40

I would like to be added to the list too…

misslab at yahoo dot com


diana?09 January 2007, 13:56

diana is lilly-lily at Hotmail dot com.I’m not into E mail interaction, but this might be a valuable connection for everyone. I don’t check it often.

I’m-workin’-on-it09 January 2007, 14:52

diana, I’m glad you’re willing to keep in touch with everyone! Just to make sure, that’s lily with ONE “l” right?

diana?09 January 2007, 14:59

Right. lilly with two - and then lily with one l. small letters.

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