From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Indonesia Outbreaks XIX

30 October 2006

Bronco Bill – at 11:16

Continued from here

Pixie – at 09:32

Comment: H5N1 did not get the memo that it was supposed to be on holiday. Tanjungbalai appears to be a small island about midway between Sumatra Island and Singapore.


Monday, 30 October 2006, 09:28:13 /

Serang bird flu Tanjungbalai Masyarakat the District of Subdistrict tusks Datukbandar the Tanjungbalai City currently dicekam the fear.

‘’‘Hundreds of poultries peliharaaan, as the chicken and the duck, suddenly died suddenly. They worried the plague of bird flu attacked his area’‘’.

To anticipate expanded him the spreading of the bird flu illness, the community then quickly burnt all the poultry that died. Not only that, several citizens also took part in burning his chicken coop.

Map of Tanjungalai:

Commonground – at 10:46

They are frightened. From Pixie - at 09:32: Not only that, several citizens also took part in burning his chicken coop.

Tiger Lily – at 15:38

70 flights from Soekarno-Hatta airport delayed on Sunday

Tangerang, Banten (Antara News) - At least 70 flights to various cities of destination in Indoesia and some other countries both from the domestic as well as overseas flight terminals at the Soekartno-Hatta international airport of Jakarta had been delayed on Sunday.

“flights to some destinations such as Jambi, Palembang, Padang, Pekanbaru, Batam, and Denpasar had been postponed”

Michelle in OK – at 16:30

That is interesting Tiger Lily… I searched for additional information, as these types of delays may someday be our first warning sign. I found another article which explained that the airport had been closed because of the haze, and only a few of the airlines had resumed flights on 10/28.

Link to ANTARA News

Tiger Lily – at 17:22

Michelle in OK at 16:30

I thought it was interesting too. I searched the web for further info/clarification…no luck.

Given developments in todays news (Egypt, new H5N1 strain possibly creating a third wave) I am a little curious.

chillindame – at 17:27

The best source for info on the fires in Indonesia is channelnewsasia, a Singapore news site. The Singapore government is very frustrated with the lack of effort by the Indonesian government to stamp out these fires which can cause haze on a regional level. This website is lousy for birdflu though, they are unlikely to post anything that reflects bad on business and the stock markets.

Influentia2 – at 20:10

The poultry in Rancasari Positive Bandung Bird Flu, (HOMEWORK). - the Case of bird flu to the poultry again was found in the Bandung City. This time, the positive poultry bird flu was found in RT 05 RW 08 Kel.Cipamokolan, Kec.Rancasari. The discovery of bird flu was to the kept poultry preceeded with the report on the citizen to the agricultural Service (Distan) the Bandung City. The report mentioned, on Monday early afternoon (30/10) 20 chickens belonging to Ruhendy, the citizen Cipamokolan, died suddenly. According to Kadistan the Bandung City, Ir. Yogi Breakingprep Supardjo, M. The. That was contacted via telephoned, after accepting this report his side immediately dropped the team of the control of bird flu to the location off. After being checked, positive results. After being known positive, Distan the Bandung City through Tim the Control of Bird Flu (TPFB) did depopulation against poultries in this area. However, the extermination was only carried out in the environment one RT. The Number Of poultries that has didepopulasi till yesterday totalling 80 tails. Apart from depopulation, TPFB also carried out the revaccination and bio-security with sprayed disinfektan. Basically, according to Kabag TU Distan the Bandung City that also the Co-ordinator TPFB the Bandung City, Wise Prasetyadi, this area was done by the revaccination and bio-security to Monday last week. Wise also said, the owner of the chicken that died suddenly this, Rohendy, showed the sign was sick. He has memeriksakan himself to the Rancasari Community Health Centre. According to head information of the community health centre, Rohendy was reconciled during immediately memeriksakan himself to the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS). However, till yesterday afternoon, Rohendy has not still filled this reconciliation. “Kata him, Rohendy was not yet ready memeriksakan himself to RSHS,” said Wise

Does this sound like Rohendy is NOT in the Sadikin Hospital?

pugmom – at 20:15

New Death (unknown name) in Makassar and more news on Ilyas reported on earlier today. dated 10–31–06, Makassar: the Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Makassar Hospital, South Sulawesi again received the assumption patient of bird flu. While an other patient who was not yet known by his identity died before could be treated. Was like this information that was encompassed by SCTV in Makassar, recently.

Ilyas, villagers Maero, the Jeneponto Regency, are currently treated in RS Wahidin Sudiro Husodo isolation space. Before being treated by Ilyas could contact with his neighbouring poultry that died suddenly. Pascakontak, Ilyas direct the high fever was accompanied by the cough and breathless. The hospital side has taken the example of Ilyas blood to be researched in Laborotarium the Department of the Health in Jakarta.

When Ilyas positive bird flu, meaning that the spreading territory of the bird flu virus in South Sulawesi spread. Beforehand the regency that has terjangkit bird flu was Parepare, Sinjai, and Bone [read: Hasrullah was reconciled to RSU Andi Makkasau]. Time almost simultaneously, tens of thousands of poultries in Parepare came back divaksin mass. The vaccine spread in several areas like in the Soreang Subdistrict, the Bacukiki Subdistrict, and the Tip Subdistrict. Giving of the vaccine to hinder the spread of bird flu from the poultry and humankind.

pugmom – at 20:28

note: in Influentia2′s post at 20:10: “the owner of the chicken that died suddenly this, Rohendy, showed the sign was sick. He has memeriksakan himself to the Rancasari Community Health Centre”---sounds like a possible new case in Bandung, possible name of Rohendy.

Michelle in OK – at 23:30

pugmom and Influentia2 posts… I’ve included 3 new suspected cases today:

Michelle in OK – at 23:30

Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 10/30/06

Cases DiscussedJun-06Jul-06Aug-06Sep-06Oct-06Total
Died, no test results2243617
Died, tested positive4323315
Other tested positive013105
Symptoms, tests pending42463830120
Tested negative062619758

31 October 2006

Commonground – at 05:41

New Bandung West Java
2 Cases
Bandung — MIOL: two patients suspect bird flu, the Spirit, 62, and Int, 3, entered the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung and both of them were treated in space of the Poinciana Tree isolation after getting reconciliation from puskemas and the hospital that treated the two patients. The patient the Spirit, the citizen Rancaloa RT 05/08 the District Cipamokolan the Rancasari Subdistrict, Bandung entered RSHS Bandung on Monday night (30/10) around struck 20. 00 WIB. Now the patient Int, the citizen Sindang Panon the Bandung Subdistrict of the Regency Row entered RSHS Bandung on Tuesday morning around struck 08.

00 WIB. According to the Chairman Tim the Control of Bird Flu in RSHS Bandung, Dr Hadi Yusuf, in Bandung, on Tuesday, said, the patient the Spirit was the consignment from the Cipamokolan Community Health Centre because of having the story of contact with the poultry that died suddenly totalling 13 tails and this poultry after being done by the inspection by Distan the Bandung City evidently positive bird flu. He said, was based on the speech on his family, the patient the Spirit already three until four days experienced the temperature of the hot body and had the sign of the cough, but was not breathless. Because the patient the Spirit had the sign like bird flu, then the patient was treated as suspect. The patient the Spirit was not helped the implement pernasafan like the ventilator because did not experience breathless. Now the patient Int reconciliation from RSUD Soreang that since znumanyz days ago experienced the temperature of the body that was high enough and experienced breathless. Despite this, the patient continued to be treated in space of the Poinciana Tree isolation and was helped the respirator. “To ascertain the illness of the two patients, we to this Tuesday sent the sample of blood, apus the throat and the nose to Balitbangkes in Jakarta”, he said. In the meantime, Vice Chairman Tim Penanggulangan Breakingprep Flu Burung, Dr Djatnika Setiabudi, proposed, the patient Int has clinically been fulfilled as suspect bird flu because of contact with the clear poultry, namely 11 tails of his property poultry died suddenly and had the sign of bird flu, like the hot body, fast breathing, and was pilek as well as breathless. In the place was separated, the Managing Director RSHS Bandung, Dr Cissy Sudjana the officer, said, at this time was treated intensively in space of the Poinciana Tree isolation. According to him, with the existence of two patients suspect that just, then the total patient suspect bird flu that entered RSHS Bandung totalling 66 people, eight people among them positive bird flu, namely six people died and two other people were still living

Commonground – at 05:42

Link for 05:41:

Commonground – at 06:26

New Banda Lampung South Sumatra

The hospital of Abdul Moeloek, Banda Lampung, on Monday night (30/10), again received the patient suspect bird flu. This patient was the baby was 10 months that were reconciled from RS Ahmad Yani, the Metro City, old Banda Lampung. The patient that at once was brought to this isolation space was known in the limp condition as well as experienced the breathless sign and the temperature of the high body. According to parents of the patient, Tati Supriatini, his child suddenly experienced the hot fever as well as coughs since Ahad (29/10) nights. He afterwards brought his child to the medical aide near the house. However the official told him to go to RSUD Ahmad Yani. The official of this hospital had finally reconciled the patient to RS Abdul Moeloek because of showing the sign was similar to bird flu

Pixie – at 07:40

Influentia2: It does sound like they let Rohendy find his own way from the Rancasari Community Health Center to Handsome Sadkin Hospital (RSHS), and that he took his time in getting there, in spite of being a suspect H5N1 case. He seems to be there now, though.

Also, they moved Int from RSUD Soreang to Handsom Sandkin (RSHS) although I think RSUD Soreang is a WHO H5N1 reference hospital.

BTW, if authorities in Indonesia begin to believe, as Dr. Nidom has urged them to, that human infections are not coming directly from the chickens, I think we will see a new slowness in response time on the part of the government to poultry outbreaks, and more occasions where the farmers are left on their own to deal with them. I have so far seen three recent complaints about government slowness in responding to suspect poultry outbreaks.

Influentia2 – at 08:12
 Halo Pixie 7:40 

Thanks yesterday for your comments regarding the doctor’s comments coming out of East Java. I didn’t see your response til late after the thread had been continued.

Do you have a link for Rohendy being in the hospital or is that the meaning of some of the words that didn’t translate?


Pixie – at 09:26

Halo Influentia2 - at 8:12 Yes sorry I’m away from the ‘puter for some long stretches these couple of days and when I come back there are interesting doctor’s comments on the Indo thread, news of another binding receptor domain change in Egypt, and golly gee news of a Tami blanket in India. I’m playing a bit of catch up.

Now, I have to go back and find the info I thought I saw on Rohendy. I went through the news sources and thought he was listed as a “current” at Sadkin in one of them. I really do hope he’s not walking around.

pugmom – at 09:37

Mamuju, Western Sulawesi now coming down with bird flu. dated 10–31–06.

Mamuju Positive was attacked by MAMUJU Bird Flu, on October 31: the Sulawesi Province West, especially the Mamuju Regency, that uptil now is categorised as the free area of the bird flu virus, currently the nickname was obliterated, after the Big Veteriner Hall (BBV) Maros found the existence of the bird flu virus that attacked the chicken livestock in the area.

The section head Agriculture and Mamuju Regency Livestock Breeding, Ir. Bustamin Bausat, in Mamuju, on Tuesday, said, the deadly illness dozens of tails of the chicken in the District Karema South, Mamuju on Wednesday (25/10) was stated positive was attacked by the bird flu virus. “We have accepted results of the research of the Big Veteriner Maros Hall today (on Tuesday, 31/10), that the sample of the chicken that died suddenly to last week that was stated positive was attacked by the bird flu virus,” he said in gaps of the pen of the chicken livestock of the spraying activity in the location was attacked by the bird flu virus.

According to him, the attack of the bird flu virus that happened to the chicken livestock in Karema South that was kasuistik, that attacked dozens of tails of the local chicken that diternakan the local people. “This bird flu incident still kasuistik happened in Karema South.”

In another place, both the local chicken livestock and efforts of the piece poultry farm were not yet found by the existence of the sign of the attack of the bird flu illness, he said. Bausit also acknowledged, there was the incident of several tails of the local chicken that also died similar to the sign of the bird flu attack in the Binanga District, of Mamuju on Monday night (30/10). Therefore, his side took the sample of the chicken on this day to be sent to the BBV Maros Laboratory to be researched. “We immediately send the sample of the chicken to the Big Veteriner Maros Hall laboratory today to be researched further,” he said.

To anticipate expand him the attack of the bird flu virus, said Bausit, his side destroyed the chicken that was attacked by the bird flu virus by means of burnt and buried into the land. Moreover, his side carried out spraying of the pen of the people’s livestock with medicine anti this virus until the radius around 500 metre from the location.

Concerning the source of the bird flu illness, Bausit said, so far his side still could not have ascertained the origin of the bird flu illness that attacked the people’s livestock, because in the location of the livestock that was attacked by the bird flu was the local chicken livestock for generations for four years. “According to information from the chicken breeder who was attacked by the bird flu virus not bring in the livestock animal from outside, but suddenly emerged the bird flu virus, in fact the Mamuju Regency and the Sulbar Province were uptil now known as the free area of bird flu,” he said. Antara observation since spreading him rumours of bird flu in Mamuju lately that so far was not yet found by the existence of human casualties who were attacked by the bird flu.

pugmom – at 09:40

The Indonesian name for “Spirit”, the 62 yo BF suspect from Bandung is “Roh.”

Commonground – at 10:06

Hi pugmom. So Spirit and Rohend are one and the same and he is in Sadikin Hospital. Thanks for checking on that.

pugmom – at 13:07

By gosh CG, I think you are right. I didn’t glom onto that until you pointed it out.

pugmom – at 13:37

The 3 yo from Bandung is a female. dated 11–1−06.

Bandung, (HOMEWORK). - the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung again received and treated two patients suspect bird flu. Ro (62), the citizen RT 05 RW 08 Kel. Cipamokolan, Kec. Rancasari, the Bandung City was run off with to RSHS, struck 20. 00 WIB, on Monday (30/10). Whereas In (3), the female child from the Sindangpanon Village, Kec. The row, Kab. Bandung, began to be treated on Tuesday (31/10) struck 9. 00 WIB…….

Commonground – at 15:20

pugmom - I thought you were pointing it out to me!! Re: Post 13:37, In (3) is Int (3) from 05:41.

pugmom – at 18:36

New Case: 39 yo man from Aceh/NAD: dated 11–1−06.

 Another the Acehinese Citizen ‘Suspect’ Bird Flu was reconciled to RS Adam the Owner

Medan, (the Analysis) The case of bird flu up to now evidently still not was lost and still continued to haunt the community. Proven another the Acehinese citizen was expected (suspect) bird flu was reconciled to the central Public Hospital of H Adam the Medan Owner (RSUPHAMM), on Monday (30/10).

This explanation was sent by Kasubdin P2PL (the Prevention of the Direct Spread Illness) the North Sumatran Health Service Dr H the Dharma Sun in his office, on Tuesday (31/10) responded to the development of bird flu in North Sumatra. Said the Sun, the patient of a man was 39 years from Street Sedap Malam Kecamatan Gunung Meriah Aceh Singkil old (NAD).

However the condition for the development of the health of the patient till Tuesday (31/10) increasingly improved. Moreover did not experience crowded, he also did not experience the fever so as the big possibility of the illness that was experienced by the patient not bird flu, but only normal fevers. However in spite of that the side of the health service carried out the inspection specimen to confirm whether the patient suffered bird flu. This action was carried out was North Sumatran preparedness of the Health Service in order to anticipate the spreading of the case of bird flu in Indonesia generally in fact in North Sumatra especially that until this was still haunting the community, he said answered the Analysis question. The sun said, specimen take the form of sample that was taken swaf the throat and the nose were sent to the Centre of Research And Development Department of Health RI Jakarta. However the side Department of Health North Sumatra was still waiting for results of this inspection to be slowest one week, stressed the Sun……

 The case of bird flu again struck three citizens of the Karo Land.

However the three of them dinyatakanan the negative doctor suffered bird flu. The case of bird flu continued to become an epidemic to Deli Serdang three citizens were attacked by bird flu. However results of the doctor’s inspection the three of them were stated by the bird flu negative. Moreover bird flu also struck two Medan citizens. However both of them from results of the inspection of the negative doctor of suffering bird flu. Finally bird flu also struck a citizen of the Cudgel. However results of the doctor’s inspection of the patient were stated by the bird flu negative.

pugmom – at 19:25

Pixie posted a 39 yo man from Aceh, but he entered on 10–25. This 39 yo man entered on 10–30. Also they say “another.” Can anyone with more details figure out if this is the same case?

Pixie – at 21:12


01/11/2006 07:16 / Liputan6 /

The Handsome Sadikin hospital, Bandung, West Java, again treated two patients with the clinical sign similar to bird flu.

Rohendi, the citizen Ranca the Main Point and pre-schoolers the Diamond, the citizen Sindang Panon, the Row, is currently treated in isolation space because of having the story of contact with several chickens that died suddenly.

The plan is, today the sample of blood and the saliva both of them were sent to the Body of Health Research And Development (Balitbangkes) Jakarta.

As far as this is concerned from 66 patients who were treated in RSHS nine people were stated positive bird flu and seven including dying. Finally, mid October set Mama Komariah, 67 years, died after nine days were treated [read: the Bird Flu Patient in Bandung died]. (ADO/Patria and Guidance Divine Guidance)

Pixie – at 21:24

Comment: More on AI in the Mamju Regency territories. The citizens don’t seem to be too willing to have their poultry destroyed.


01 Nov 2006 /

Mamuju Positive Burung Flu

Several territories in the Mamuju Regency at this time were positive terjangkit the bird flu virus. This was based on results of the inspection of the chicken carcass of the sample laboratory in the Big Veterinir Maros Hall.

“His report we received from Maros earlier (yesterday) the night, said that the sample of the chicken carcass that was taken to last October 24, positive was affected by the AI virus (afian influence), the” headword” and Mamuju Livestock Breeding of the agricultural Service, Bustamin Bausat, were accompanied Kasubdin the Health of the Animal and the Veterinir Community, Muh Arifin, when being found in survey gaps of the poultry in the Environment Karema South, the Simboro District, the Mamuju Subdistrict, on Tuesday October 31, yesterday. According to Bustamin, the chicken that was stated positive this bird flu belonging to Rasyid, the citizen that lived in Street Nelayan Breakingprep II, the Simboro District. At that time, the number of livestock belonging to this citizen who died suddenly totalling 20 tails. Was based on the data, the number of chickens that died suddenly one week before Ramadan in Mamuju has reached approximately 200 tails more.

Arifin added, after the AI virus inspection, the official from the Veterinir Maros Hall again carried out the inspection to know the existence of the virus of H5 N1 that could spread to humankind.Bustamin said, his side currently carries out steps in anticipation. As doing spraying disinpektan 500 metre from the case point. Moreover tightened the livestock traffic that entered Mamuju by involving the official of police.

“Moreover we in fact has wanted to do the mass extermination since October 27.” But the citizen who was visited by us refused his livestock was destroyed, he said. His side then, continued he, immediately coordinated with the Head of the Village Head Simboro, Sahari the Month, to do the approach to his citizen. He hoped the citizen gave his poultry that it was suspected was attacked by the bird flu virus to be destroyed willingly.

Evidently the Head of this Simboro District also just knew if in his territory uptil now had the sign of bird flu. Sahari acknowledged, he just knew had the bird flu virus when was informed the official of Livestock Breeding that informed him of the Service.

“Today I at once carry out the approach to the citizen.” Hopefully tomorrow (today, red) has had the assurance from the citizen, he said.

Michelle in OK – at 23:06

pugmom at 19:25… I can’t tell for sure. But since the article said ‘another,’ I’ve added a second 39M from Aceh.

I went back to the article posted by Pixie on the previous thread. It stated that the man admitted 10/25 had a 38 degree fever and had been slaughtering chickens for relatives he was visiting in Medan. It did not give a street name or city in Aceh.

Michelle in OK – at 23:06

Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 10/31/06

Cases DiscussedJun-06Jul-06Aug-06Sep-06Oct-06Total
Died, no test results2243617
Died, tested positive4323315
Other tested positive013105
Symptoms, tests pending42463833123
Tested negative062619758

01 November 2006

Commonground – at 05:26

We need to keep this in mind for this area:
Banjarmasin, Kompas - Almost all day long the Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan, on Wednesday (1/11) dark. This condition happened resulting from the smog attack from land fire and scrub increasingly serious. Apart from the adult, the kindergarten students (TK) as far as the senior secondary school in this city most suffered resulting from the air pollution because most they went to school without using the mask. The Kompas monitoring on Wednesday morning, the thick smoke attack in Banjarmasin happened began struck 07. 00. This smoke attack was very annoying the sight the users of the highway because of the distance of the revolving look 50 through to 100 metre then. Resulting from this situation apart from must make use of the mask, the drivers were forced to switch on light to avoid the accident happened. Apart from the land transport, that also serious happened to the river transport. This happened because of the smog attack in the Martapura River that divided the Banjarmasin city also very thick. Several boats in fact be forced confused went slowly to avoid the collision happened to the boat had an other engine. Serious him this smoke attack began to be felt by the citizen since last Tuesday morning. This air pollution it was suspected happened as a result of continuing to take place land fire and scrub in city outskirts, including several subdistricts in the Regency territory Barito the Estuary, the Series, Banjarbaru and Tanah Laut that shared a border with Banjarmasin. The city that have a population more 600.000 souls were really surrounded the smoke so as the sun was difficult penetrated because also did not have the gust of the wind. More here:

Commonground – at 06:03

Update South Sumatra Lampung
Baby (10 months) - name is Yoshua
Yoshua, the flattest patient bird flu, that since Monday night was treated in Abdul’s Hospital Pompous Banda Lampung his condition was still limp. The head of Abdul’s Space of the Hospital Isolation Pompous Banda Lampung Karizabet Dalela said, results of x-raying the patient were ten months old showed the existence bronco-pneumonia on the baby’s lungs. Till this Wednesday (1/11), resistance Sukadana of the citizen’s body, Lampung East, this was still weak. This was seen with the low level the level of glukosit in his blood. Results of the laboratory test showed, leucocytes in the patient’s blood far below the normal figure. The hospital side has sent the sample of blood and Yoshua mucus to the Research And Development Body (Balitbang) the Department of the Health in Jakarta to know positive or not the patient was attacked by bird flu. According to the mother Yoshua, his child indeed could contact with his kept poultry. Early last October, 25 kept chickens in their house died suddenly.

cottontop – at 06:28

Halo Commonground- I’m telling you, gotta get up awful early if I’m going to catch that early “bird”! The news that I found this morning has already been posted by AnnieB. Doesn’t she ever sleep?

Influentia2 – at 06:34

UPDATE ROHENDI, AND THE DIAMOND, Bandung: the Handsome Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, West Java, again treated two patients with the clinical sign similar to bird flu. Rohendi, the citizen Ranca the Main Point and pre-schoolers the Diamond, the citizen Sindang Panon, the Row, is currently treated in isolation space because of having the story of contact with several chickens that died suddenly. The plan is, today the sample of blood and the saliva both of them were sent to the Body of Health Research And Development (Balitbangkes) Jakarta. As far as this is concerned from 66 patients who were treated in RSHS nine people were stated positive bird flu and seven including dying. Finally, mid October set Mama Komariah, 67 years, died after nine days were treated [read: the Bird Flu Patient in Bandung died]. (ADO/Patria and Guidance Divine Guidance)

Influentia2 – at 06:36

Halo, I know that my punctuation is wrong on that post, need more coffee.

cottontop – at 06:44

Halo Influentia2-

You can bet one of my preps that I hit the hardest is coffee. I plan on using a strainer, a coffee filter, and boiling water. Instant coffee maker.

Hope you have a good day.

Influentia2 – at 06:48


If needed we can always use our camping coffe pot. Campfire coffee can be strong stuff too. Have a good day all, may be back a little later today, lots of things to attend to at home. Hope to come back to no new news too.

Commonground – at 06:49

Good Morning Influentia2. I get up at 5:00 EST. Dutchie at CurEvents posted this article (#51 Indo thread). I hope you don’t mind, Dutchie. Can someone add to the list of sources? I would but right now, I can’t with the move. You can’t copy and paste right from the page. What I did was “select all” then paste it into my word program, and then copy it over to black ink, and then translate it.

Bandung - casualties suspect bird flu in RS Handsome Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung, again improved. After beforehand, the Diamond (3), this morning was treated in space of the Poinciana Tree isolation. Tonight the older brother, Edi (14) also was treated in the same place. Was based on information the staff of space of the Poinciana Tree isolation RSHS Block Rasmita, Edi’s condition when being brought to RSHS relative luckier. Was not as serious as the condition for his brother “His temperature was good, his breath was not too crowded.” His blood pressure was in the normal limit, he said when being contacted detikcom, on Tuesday (31/10/2006). However although his condition was good, Edi including the patient suspect bird flu with the high risk. Edi it was known carried out direct contact with the poultry when burying his chicken that died. Tonight according to Block, the sample of blood the settling adolescent in the Sindang Panon Village, the Row, Bandung, that will be taken to undergo the further inspection. The sample of previous blood was sent to Balitbangkes Jakarta to know whether Edi positive bird flu or not. The case suspect bird flu in Sindang Panon was that first that happened in this area. The concern of the case emergence cluster bird flu emerged after the older brother was siblings the Diamond and Edi were treated because of experiencing signs that were similar to bird flu, that is breathless and hot high.

Commonground – at 06:51

Should read

Okieman – at 07:43

cottontop – at 06:44

Cowboy coffee: pan of boiling water, clean sock, coffee.

Put the coffee in the sock, tie it off in a knot, drop it into the pan of boiling water. When done, untie sock, invert and shake vigorously, rinse, repeat the next day.

cottontop – at 08:23

Okiemen- Like that idea better than the strainer and filter. No repeat filtering! Thanks for the suggestion.

Pixie – at 09:02

Halo Cottontop! I think AnnieB is in New Zealand, so while we sleep, she is awake. I envy her living in New Zealand, maybe the country most prepared for pan-flu. They have a great pandemic flu plan there, one they seem to continually work on, and an engaged government.

cottontop – at 09:11

Hey there you are! I’ve been wondering if you found a mountain cabin. Yes, I forgot AnnieB is in New Zealand. I’m just not with it today. YOu posted yesterday @ 21:24, that the citizens don’t seem to be willing to have their poultry destroyed. This is what the Egyptian officals are complaining about too. People are not be cooperative. Can;t say I really blame them. Somebody wanting to take away my food source, no matter what is going on.

Have a beautiful morning. The sun is shining here, (maybe we can put the ark on hold!)

Homesteader – at 09:15

cottontop at 6:44

Regular old fashioned perk coffee pot. Works on the stove top, on or next to a fire. No filters needed, doubles as tea kettle. 9 cup Stainless steel off of ebay for about $9.

Pixie – at 09:19

cottontop: Don’t worry I have not retreated to a cabin! We just have had a major, major, holiday around here (at least if you are my kids, we have!).

cottontop – at 09:29

The kids and hubby wore me out last night. “Just one more house!” All three were so wound up, it was 11:30 before they crashed. Halloween is my second favorite holiday.

It seems, for me at least, the more interesting things get here at the wiki, the less time I have to spend here. Holidays don’t help any. Anyway, have a great day.

pugmom – at 09:31

So, we finally have a name on that 10 month old—”Yoshua”. That is good, I thought the name ws Tati Supriatini, but I think that is the name of the parent. CG: I have always used detik as one of my sources, but I don’t remember having problems opening anything there. It has rarely yielded up information though. So, we currently have 3 patients being treated in Bandung, West Java: “Rohendi” and the 2 siblings “Int” and “Edi.” It will be interesting to see if any more cases surface there.

Medical Maven – at 09:34

Pixie at 9:02-New Zealand being the best place to ride out the pandemic seems to be the general consensus. I am totally on board with that.

BUT if things really get bad elsewhere New Zealand will be a “plum” of resources and functioning infrastructure that some in East Asia may want to pluck.

They should beef up their National Defense, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Australia will probably not be able to help them. And Pax Americana will be a dim memory. What’s left of the Pacific Fleet will no doubt be pulled home to hold the homeland together.

pugmom – at 09:46

Choking smog causing throat problems in Samarinda, Kalimantan: dated 11–1−06.

Wednesday, November 1 2006 Smog, the Patient the Cough of – Pilek Meningkat SMOG that imprisoned Samarinda did not fail to make the number of affected patients the disturbance in the area of the throat, experienced the increase. Public relations RSU AW Sjahranie Samarinda Dr Nurliana acknowledged, the graph of the cough patient – pilek in this October increased drastic. “Bulan-month beforehand, in general only 20 to 30 cough patients – pilek per the day, from the child – the child to mature. But this October the cough patient – pilek that entered, was recorded by more than 50 people per hari,” Nurliana words. He confirmed, the patient cough-pilek this always was not caused by smog. However, he also suspected, the increase in the patient for this illness kind could be resulting from smog that covered Samarinda. Clearer, during this October, both the child’s polyclinic and the public’s polyclinic as well as the serious service the emergency, received as far as 50 patients who complained about the disturbance of the throat daily. “Padahal, during January up until September, the graph for this illness had not had the jump. And when entered in October, his graph suddenly jumped tajam,” he said. He added, in general the patient with the complaint in the throat part only underwent treated the road. Because, this illness be classed as still could be done by the maintenance in the house, without must spend the night in the hospital.

pugmom – at 10:01

New case: dated 10–20–06 in an obscure newspaper. 40 yo named “Wagiem” (I believe) from Dumai, Riau, Sumatra. comment: I think we are missing cases. I have started reading obscure newspapers and every word, not just flu burung in the cari. This is worrisome, as this is the first case from Riau. See blurb on Dumai below; it is a major crossroads/port city.

The patient was suspected Bird Flu was returned on Friday, October 20 2006 Dumai - the Patient that was expected terjangkt Wagiem bird flu (40) the Citizen Bangko Jaya Rohil, that uptil now was treated in Irna D RSUD Dumai isolation space has been permitted to come home. This was caused by his health that has begun to improve. The head of the Secretariat RSUD the Dumai City, Dr Syaiful, was accompanied by Kasi the service Dr Rita Novery, to several reporters, on Wednesday (18/10) explained, the return of the patient at the request of his family. That was also supported with membai him his health. Said Wagien was the settling citizen in RT 02/RW 03 Bangko Jaya was the reconciliation patient from the Bangko Jaya Community Health Centre yamg underwent treated inap in RSUD the Dumai City since Sunday (15/10). “Wagiem experienced the high fever, was accompanied by the cough, flu and was sick to salur­an breathing.” Now in his residence of dozens of tails of the chicken died suddenly, after being investigated evidently the chicken positive was attacked by the virus HSN-1 or bird flu. However we could not say Wagiem was attacked by bird flu because still was waiting for results test blood that already dikiri to Diskes Riau, his seal. Told in RSUD Dumai Wagiem under the handling Dr Erman Fauzi, But mamasuki the fourth day underwent treated inap, his health appeared to begin to improve, so as on last Wednesday morning (18/10) upper permin­taan the family, Wagien had finally been permitted to come home.

Dumai Sumatra’s major east-coast port is Dumai, 189km north of Pekanbaru and just across the Straits of Melaka from the Malaysian city of Melaka. Dumai recently became a visa-free entry point, and a fast ferry runs daily to and from Melaka (2hr 30min). Regular buses run between Dumai and Pekanbaru, but if you get stranded you can stay at the City Hotel, Jl Sudirman 445 (tel 0765/21550; $5–10).

Pixie – at 10:10

Comment: At first I thought this story was going to be just an update on the 39yo male in the Medan hospital. However, this intrepid analisadaily reporter has added a list of several small clusters of suspect H5N1 negative cases to the end of his report. He sounds just like one of us.


Edisi Rabu, 1 November 2006 /

‘’‘Another the Acehinese Citizen ‘Suspect’ Bird Flu was reconciled to RS Adam the Owner Medan’‘’, (the Analysis)

The case of bird flu up to now evidently still not was lost and still continued to haunt the community.

Proven another the Acehinese citizen was expected (suspect) bird flu was reconciled to the central Public Hospital of H Adam the Medan Owner (RSUPHAMM), on Monday (30/10).

This explanation was sent by Kasubdin P2PL (the Prevention of the Direct Spread Illness) the North Sumatran Health Service Dr H the Dharma Sun in his office, on Tuesday (31/10) responded to the development of bird flu in North Sumatra.

Said the Sun, the patient of a man was 39 years from Street Sedap Malam Kecamatan Gunung Meriah Aceh Singkil old (NAD).

However the condition for the development of the health of the patient till Tuesday (31/10) increasingly improved. Moreover did not experience crowded, he also did not experience the fever so as the big possibility of the illness that was experienced by the patient not bird flu, but only normal fevers.

However in spite of that the side of the health service carried out the inspection specimen to confirm whether the patient suffered bird flu. This action was carried out was North Sumatran preparedness of the Health Service in order to anticipate the spreading of the case of bird flu in Indonesia generally in fact in North Sumatra especially that until this was still haunting the community, he said answered the Analysis question.

The sun said, specimen take the form of sample that was taken swaf the throat and the nose were sent to the Centre of Research And Development Department of Health RI Jakarta.

However the side Department of Health North Sumatra was still waiting for results of this inspection to be slowest one week, stressed the Sun. The sun added the case of bird flu until this was still becoming attention of the Official especially government the North Sumatran Health.

According to the Sun, the case of this bird flu not the new problem because of beforehand the case of this bird flu also struck the citizen of eight people Kabanjahe the Karo Land where six people including dying.

However a person including being stated the positive doctor suffered bird flu. Even so the case of bird flu struck one Simalungun citizen. However the patient was stated by the negative doctor was infected by bird flu that could turn off that.

The case of bird flu again struck three citizens of the Karo Land. However the three of them dinyatakanan the negative doctor suffered bird flu.

The case of bird flu continued to become an epidemic to Deli Serdang three citizens were attacked by bird flu. However results of the doctor’s inspection the three of them were stated by the bird flu negative.

Moreover bird flu also struck two Medan citizens. However both of them from results of the inspection of the negative doctor of suffering bird flu.

Finally bird flu also struck a citizen of the Cudgel. However results of the doctor’s inspection of the patient were stated by the bird flu negative. (Ms)

Commonground – at 10:12

pugmom - at 10:01 - I agree as far as search news. I will copy the list of the index and translate it. Because it won’t necessarily have “Flu Burung” in the headline. It seems this patient Wagiem was discharged on the 18th of October. I guess we are missing cases.

pugmom – at 10:16

Riau are a group of islands that are close to Singapore and Malaysia, but are considered part of Sumatra: my geography is rusty, but go to this link to read about them in greater detail and see a map. They are close to Singapore and Malaysia. RIAU : BRIEF HISTORY

The 3,000 islands of the Riau province straddle the Straits of Malacca, one of the oldest and business trading routes in the world. For centuries the islands have provided a safe haven to traders and sailors from Europe, India and China and as a result they have strong foreign historical links. Riau, which includes a large part of East Sumatra, is the heartland of the Malays and the source of Indonesia’s Malay-based national language…..

Pixie – at 10:21

Commonground had Wagiem from Dumai on 10/25 at 11:23 on the Indonesian XVIII thread.

I remembered because I remembered looking up Dumai in Riau Province and posting the map at that time.

Don’t worry - we’re all loosing our minds here. Wouldn’t it be nice if the WHO or at least the Indonesian Bird Flu Czar would simply offer an accurate and succinct summary of confirmed cases, suspected cases, and outcomes every few days? Or has no one over there thought of that? Or are there other reasons why that is not being done. Rhetorical quesitons all. Now back to our day jobs here.

pugmom – at 10:55

The WHO should be doing that, in the sevice of all humanity. But maybe they don’t know all the cases either. Maybe they come here to find out. What I do know is that we have 3 new, previously unreported regions in Indonesia that have come to the forefront lately: Kalimantan, Tarakan, and Riau. And these are cases that don’t get reported on by MetroTV or Liputan, ot the usual outlets we all go to. It behooves us to widen our search and catch as many news sources in the outlying parts of Indo as we can. And lets not forget PNG (Okieman is keeping his eye on that one.)

Pixie – at 11:00

Well, the Dumai hospital is a WHO H5N1 reference hospital (I looked that up last week when the new case came up). All the H5N1 cases quickly end up in H5N1 reference hospitals. All WHO has to do is call their designated reference hospitals and ask them about new and suspect cases. They’ve probably got their phone numbers.

Commonground – at 11:09

10:21: “Commonground had Wagiem from Dumai on 10/25 at 11:23 on the Indonesian XVIII thread.” Ha! Ha! Yes I did!! It didn’t even occur to me to see if I had it listed. That means that my life has turned into the turmoil I knew it eventually would until I move. Or it means I’m 49 years old. Not sure which!!! LOL!!! It really might be easier if they had names like Chip, Frank, Ernie, I would even be happy with Ivan…..

Commonground – at 11:24

…..then I go to record the fact that Wagiem has been released, and….I’ve already got it written down. Good Grief Charlie Brown.

pugmom – at 11:34

I agree Pixie—i have been saying for awhile that the WHO should be having daily news conferences with updates and cumulative numbers. We have been tracking since June or so and there are over 130 unresolved cases. Someone is sitting on that information. After all, this group doesn’t do this because we think it is fun. We are doing it as a service, first to the members of the FW, and secondly, as a service to all of humanity out there in the great abyss. It is maddening that the WHO doesn’t feel the same moral obligation to educate and inform, to leave us all dangling after working so meticulously to uncover these cases, then give us no resolution. We report on them openly and freely here on FW—why can’t the WHO do the same thing? Why is everything in secret, behind closed doors, in their little hush-hush meetings? I have given up on transparency ever being one of the WHO’s objectives.

Fiddlerdave – at 12:41

Why is everything secret? To review: Information on key issues that is not disseminated is very valuable and desired by powerful interests. No one at a policy level has not been vetted for support of information control. The following top interests provide the motivation for control:

1. Tremendous moves in stocks, bonds, precious metals will occur as pandemic looks more or less likely. Trillions for the insiders.

2. The first good vaccine will be worth trillions, I estimate a shot of that vaccine early in release will be at a minimum $10,000, if not 10 times that. Having there be only 1 vaccine contributes to that price, regardless of the millions of deaths that result from hoarding information, pharmaceutical interests do that now, and will do it for H5N1. Personal research credit/profit is in here too.

3. Governments will use this information to position themselves (possibly their countries, but not necessarily) to control food, shipping, supplies, and moves to war (for control of land, supplies, any agenda) to take advantage of the pandemic situation. Also, to conceal their own degree of disease difficulties to hide vulnerability and to maintain tourism and exports.

Don’t ever think for a moment that the groups that live on this power and money don’t have a very heavy hand in WHO, CDC, individual governmental policies of information transparency. You see the results in the above attempts to do the tracking that any rational agency would be already publicizing.

Fiddlerdave – at 12:45

Sorry! Even I would call this off topic! Glad to start a thread for it if people would like to shoot me down.

AnnieBat 15:08

Hi good peoples and thanks for the amazing work you do here with the Indonesian news and tracking - wow! Each day when I do the News Summary, I so hope that the figures will have stabilised but no such luck …

Thanks also for the NZ views - yes I consider myself so fortunate to be in a country that is taking this so seriously. I think we also have the advantage of a ‘distributed’ population - we have one large city of over 1 million people (Auckland) then the next biggest has 320,000 in the entire metropolitan area - to be declared a city in NZ takes a population over 20,000 or a cathedral!

As to helping out others as suggested .. on a per capita basis our aid and assistance work is comparatively high. Will we be ‘plucked’? I hadn’t thought about that .. will go do some contemplating.

If you all want to move here, bring skills and money and we will love you ;-) - that is a crass summary of our immigration policy.

JWB – at 15:59

I have a question that may have been raised recently on another thread, if so it’s worth repeating IMHO.

All of these people that are testing negative but sure are showing all the signs, could it be the new Fujian strain already in Indonesia?

My reasoning is this: If the current vaccine doesn’t work on the Fujian strain, wouldn’t the current test also fail on the Fujian strain?

Me don’t know. Anybody?

Commonground – at 17:11

JWB - you may be right, and if so, the Fujian strain is mild, as these people are recovering without the aid of a vaccine, if Tamiflu isn’t working.

pugmom – at 17:18

Results for patients in Jakarta: talking about Aulio Rahman and his family that were tested. Remember, the sibling of Aulio was also a suspect case, but it is strange they don’t mention the results of his testing. dated 11–1−06.

The Interactive TIME, Jakarta: the blood Test and throat mucus three citizens Ulujami Pesanggrahan, Southern Jakarta was not infected by bird flu. The inspection was done by the Body of the Health of the Department’s Research And Development followed the death of the Merciful Saint, the child 13 years that lived in this location.

“From the Litbangkes report, results of the negative, there were no sign anything against them,” said the Goddess R Anggraeni, the spokesperson the Ethnic Group of the Southern Jakarta Community of the Health Service in his office, today. According to him, the taking of the sample was carried out against the close family the Saint that often direct contact with casualties. They were the father, the mother and his servant, that is Romani, 42 years, Masofa,32 the year and Kokom, 37 years. The Merciful saint died to last October 13 in RSPI Sulianti Saroso. From results of investigation, casualties often carried out contact with the poultry around the house and his kept birds.

JWB – at 17:25

Commonground – at 17:11

I suppose it could also be just severe cases of ‘normal’ flu.

pugmom – at 17:40

Lots more chicken deaths in Hall Cape and no help from the government. dated 11–2−06. comment: I don’t know where this is, can’t find it, but it is in a Sumatra paper. Can anyone else find it?

Suspected of being attacked by Bird Flu, Hundreds Of chickens in the Hall Cape died Suddenly The Hall cape, (the Analysis) Hundreds of kept chickens the citizen in the City of the Hall Cape, died suddenly it was suspected was attacked by bird flu that increasingly raged for a last week. The death of the chicken, not only happened in one location but has spread all through the corner of the city. Was based on information was assembled by the Analysis from the community, on Tuesday (31/10) mentioned, the plague of bird flu that killed the kept chicken the citizen happened in Perumnas Sijambi belonging to one of the citizens was named Alogo, in the New Market District the Sei Tualang Raso subdistrict was also reported by the chicken peliharan belonging to Elida as many as 7 tails died suddenly. From the Yacht strait Datuk the East Port also it was reported happened the similar case that killed hundreds of tails of the citizen’s chicken. Although the plague of bird flu has spread dipenjuru the city until this did not yet have the precaution maupuin medical treatment from the related agency.

This made the inhabitants become restless, because the bird flu virus that has killed the kept chicken it was worried about will spread to humankind if immediately was not dealt with. “Kami very frightened, because the chicken died suddenly and now our chicken has been finished not tau what because of him, if like that bird flu whether this will spread to our humankind also did not know, we hoped that the government immediately acted to overcome the problem ini,” revealed Elida Until this, said Elida the related service as the health and livestock breeding had not descended gave the socialisation about bird flu.

When the citizen’s chicken was attacked by the illness did not know must do what to treat him. “Di television, the government gave information to the community about this bird flu danger, but we had not been given by information let alone being given medicine so that his chicken sehat,” katanya

Responded to the citizen’s complaint, the Secretary of the Young Man Muhammadiyah the City of the Hall Cape Ahmad Junaidi SH urgent, so that pemko the Hall Cape went through the related agency so that proaktif in responding to the plague of this bird flu, before spreading to humankind. When pemko immediately will not do the socialisation and the prevention of this virus in the near future would attack humankind. The plague of this bird flu virus clear very dangerous and was proven could kill humankind, was appealed to to the citizen to not consume the chicken at random, moreover the chicken that has been sickly and when needing for the time being to not maintain the chicken in order to be avoided from the plague, he said…..

Pixie – at 18:43

pugmom – at 17:40: pugmom’s bolded from the above:

Although the plague of bird flu has spread dipenjuru the city until this did not yet have the precaution maupuin medical treatment from the related agency…..the health and livestock breeding had not descended gave the socialisation about bird flu.

Another lack of official alarm about the bf in birds. Birds all over the city have AI, the citizens are frightened, and the government authorities are taking their time getting there.

Pixie – at 18:51

JWB – at 15:59 & Commonground – at 17:11:

But then there’s the Tamiflu quesiton. I think that the application of Tamiflu blankets, and the dispensing of Tamiflu to patients perhaps before they are tested, really complicates the picture here.

Tamiflu may be preventing full-blown cases from developing, as they hoped it would. It may also be giving us an undercount of those who have contracted it. That they are maybe surviving is good. But how many people are testing “negative” due to Tamiflu? That’s a question the world and its medical practitioners need to know. It does, though, really bring up the harsh reality that most of the world will not have access to Tamiflu.

Can we think of a rationale as to why, if the Tamiflu is effective in stopping further H5N1 damage in family members/contacts that WHO and Indonesia would not want to tell us?

JWB – at 20:07

Pixie – at 18:51

Can we think of a rationale as to why, if the Tamiflu is effective in stopping further H5N1 damage in family members/contacts that WHO and Indonesia would not want to tell us?

IMHO, it’s a damned if they do, damned if they don’t situation. So, no action is always the easiest decision. Sadly.

Michelle in OK – at 22:11

Indonesia Summary - Updated as of 11/01/06

Cases DiscussedJun-06Jul-06Aug-06Sep-06Oct-06Nov-06Total
Died, no test results22436017
Died, tested positive43233015
Other tested positive0131005
Symptoms, tests pending424638340124
Tested negative0626197058

02 November 2006

Influentia2 – at 06:12

I need more coffee, Jakarta: Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari asked the community to guard against the bird flu virus that often was contagious in the season pancaroba like at this time. Although the bird flu virus in Indonesia still the kind for a long time continue to have to be guarded against. “Immediately the vaccination or the immunisation.” The normal flu had his vaccination, said Menkes in Jakarta, recently. In the season pancaroba, the breeding and surviving bird flu virus older because of the temperature of air that colder. Together with went him the change in the season from dry to the rainy season, the community usually more susceptible terjangkit influenza. This condition enlarged the possibility of the bird flu virus of marrying the normal flu virus so as to produce the virus that more raging. “So don’t have the marriage between normal flu and bird flu,” stressed Menkes. The virus that bermutasi like was depicted above has been proven was in China. The local circle of the health expert acknowledged him as Fujian bird flu. According to them, this new kind virus was more resistant and deadly the poultry also humankind. (Ken/Tim Coverage 6 SCTV)

Influentia2 – at 06:16

Update, Bandung: the assumption Patient of bird flu that was treated in the Handsome Sadikin central Public Hospital, Bandung, West Java, improved one. Edi that was expected terjangkit bird flu was run off with to RSHS recently. He was the full sibling the Diamond that already more previously was treated because of being expected terjangkit bird flu [read: two patients the Sign of Bird Flu were isolated]. Edi that was 14 years old was treated in space of the poinciana tree isolation. The citizen of the Row, this Bandung Regency clinically menunjukan the sign was similar terjangkit bird flu and had the story of contact with the chicken that died suddenly. In the meantime, after three days were treated by the condition for the health of the Diamond and the assumption patient of other bird flu, Rohendi improved. However both of them continued to have to be treated in isolation space although the temperature of his body descended before results of the sample inspection of their blood showed the negative terjangkit bird flu. Results of the sample test of blood both of them will be known this coming Friday. (YAN/Patria the Guidance and Guidance Divine Guidance)

Commonground – at 06:43

Good Morning Influentia2. I posted your 06:12 article in the News Thread. So, I read the interpretation in that article to say that the combination of the regular seasonal flu and avian flu is the definition of this “Fujian” flu which has been proven to be in China. How did you interpret that article?

anon_22 – at 06:44

Commonground – at 06:43

Good Morning Influentia2. I posted your 06:12 article in the News Thread. So, I read the interpretation in that article to say that the combination of the regular seasonal flu and avian flu is the definition of this “Fujian” flu which has been proven to be in China. How did you interpret that article?

I answered that on the News thread, but its important enough to repeat here. The new Fujian strain is not a reassortant between H5N1 and seasonal flu. It’s a new strain of H5N1.

Commonground – at 06:54

Thanks anon_22, I’m just confused. Couldn’t the new strain of H5N1 be a combo of both to form a deadly strain? So seasonal flu cannot combine (reassort) with H5N1?

Influentia2 – at 07:32

Halo CG

I am trying to get a definition of the word bermutasi that did not translate in the article. My first thoughts were that Supari was trying to say don’t look at us look at China. I think Indo is still worried that with the rainy season there will be big problems. I thought her comments were misleading and I was confused too since I also thought this Fuji-like strain was a new strain too as Anon_22 has said. I am not an expert on any of that and rely on what the experts have to say. I also was thinking I read an earlier post and Supari made some comments a few days ago about Sulawesi and the situation there and the comments she made then were misleading and confusing too.

As far as reassortments, and all that I will defer to the experts on here, I just translate articles and half the time I hate to speculate on what they mean. The other half of the time I usually get it. These comments today fall in the first half. Plus I still need that second cup of coffee.

Hope you have a good day and get your questions answered too.

cottontop – at 08:44

Commonground, Influentia2 Halo.

If I understood the reports from China, this is a completely new strain, not a combination of the two.

annon_22-thank you so much for helping us, and wanting to do this.

pugmom – at 09:36

Go to this link: and take a look at the picture showing all the brand new UN white trucks. Ten of them headed up the road in Indo. I thought, finally, the cavalry has arrived to help the Indos with the Tamiflu blanket and to contain the outbreak! Turns out, they are UN trucks getting off the US ship The Wilson to get those troops Indo promised to help out with the situation in Lebanon. Need more coffee.

Pixie – at 09:57

Halo and good morning all!

There are 5 clades or strains of H5N1 currently circulating in the world. It is like they all are members of the same family with the same last name and overall genetic similarity, but with individual genetic differences. We have had a Fujian strain circulating for some time. I am asking around now to see if this is a new and 6th clade, or if China is right and this is the same Fujian strain that has been circulating.

The new news, however, is that the Fujian strain seems to have pushed out the other strains in China. I would worry about that strain’s strength, then.

The Fujian strain is not a reassortment. So far it has not reassorted with any regular flu. However, what the story Influentia2 posted at 6:12 above said was that they are very afraid of that happening and are well aware of the danger, although I think that the Indonesians too may be a bit confused about the situation in China:

This condition enlarged the possibility of the bird flu virus of marrying the normal flu virus so as to produce the virus that more raging. “So don’t have the marriage between normal flu and bird flu,” stressed Menkes. The virus that bermutasi like was depicted above has been proven was in China.

Sniffles – at 10:07

Pixie – at 09:57 “So don’t have the marriage between normal flu and bird flu,” stressed Menkes.

That may be easier said than done. Their concern is that a person with seasonal flu also becomes infected with the Fujian strain of H5N1. This has been our concern all along - that any strain of H5N1 infects a person with seasonal flu and gains the ability to spread more efficiently. I do not know how they will be able to prevent this. I suppose this might be why there is so much concern about getting through this winter (flu season) without having a pandemic begin. Too many opportunities for this devil of a virus and its cousins to get their act together.

Pixie – at 10:10

Comment: Do we not wish that Dr. Mahardika was running the entire show in Indonesia?

Possibility of avian influenza epidemic a worry

November 02, 2006 / I Wayan Juniartha - The Jakarta Post /

It seems that Bali is not only a paradise for vacationers, but also for H5N1, the dangerous virus known as avian influenza, or bird flu. While visitors seek a memorable experience, the virus is struggling simply to ensure the survival of its kind.

It may not be appropriate to bracket the leisure of the tourism industry with the menace of the avian influenza epidemic. It certainly is not a pretty comparison. “Pretty or not, it is a fact that we are all have to deal with right now,” Ngurah Mahardika stated.

Mahardika is the team leader of the Avian Influenza Detection and Identification Program, an ongoing, government-funded project carried out by the school of veterinary medicine at Udayana University. Since late 2005, Mahardika and his team have conducted extensive surveys in Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara, searching for the dangerous virus.

The results are scary: The virus has infected poultry populations in 37 of the total 55 subdistricts in Bali. “We took samples in 152 villages and we found infected poultry population in 53 villages,” he said.

The bad news didn’t stop there. Recently, following a series of tests on 800 pigs across the island, his team has identified over 20 pigs infected by the virus. Back in 2005, when they tested 400 pigs, no infection was found.

Being a virus expert — he holds a PhD in molecular virology from Germany’s Justus-Leibig University — Mahardika knows perfectly well the dangerous implications of that recent development. “It means that the virus has succeed in inching closer to the human population,” he said.

So far, there hasn’t been any reported case of the virus infecting the human population of the island. Yet, it is a grave, tragic error to think that it will forever ignore an opportunity to infect a new host. “Honestly speaking, I’m now very worried about such a possibility,” he confessed.

Unfortunately, the majority of the island’s human population still does not view avian influenza as an immediate, growing threat.

The island is not properly prepared to tackle a possible avian influenza epidemic. “The problem is the prevailing atmosphere of indifference. Many people have mistakenly assumed that avian influenza does not pose a grave threat to the island,” he said.

Sadly, such indifference has also persisted among the majority of the island’s media outlets, public institutions and government agencies. Their levels of apathy are not similar, but the end result is the same.

The general public’s lack of awareness of avian influenza, the lack of effective, standardized and island-wide detection and prevention measures, and the lack of an emergency response management are some of the results of such apathy.

“We don’t have any kind of scenario, let alone a worst-case one. We don’t know which parts of the island are the most vulnerable, the speed of the viral transmission or how many people will have been infected before we will be able to effectively contain the epidemic,” said a doctor, who declined to be named.

Being the only health service provider in a rural village in northern Badung, he was quite afraid that the village didn’t stand a chance against the epidemic. “There are a large number of chicken farms in the village. The human population is quite dense. It’s not rocket science to realize that this village is vulnerable to the epidemic,” he said.

“At the same time, we don’t have enough manpower, facilities and medical supplies to carry out an emergency operation if there is an outbreak of avian influenza,” he explained. To a large extent, the village is a miniature version of the island. The poultry population on the island totals over 12 million while the pig population is around 900,000. The island is also populated by 3.4 million people.

“Bali is densely populated by poultry, pigs and humans: All have been positively identified as possible hosts for H5N1,” Mahardika said. “Bali bears disturbing similarities to various dense areas in China. Such density provides the virus with a paradise, where they could duplicate as many times as they wish,” he added.

The density factor is further aggravated by two particular practices commonly employed by poultry and pig farmers in Bali. One practice — letting ducks search for food in newly harvested paddy fields — exposes the ducks to probable transmission from migratory wild birds.

“Paddy fields are the primary source of food for migratory wild birds. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified such creatures as the primary agent of transmission of the avian influenza among poultry populations,” Mahardika stated.

Moreoever, Tumpang Sari, a practice of keeping pigs and poultry in the same spot, has increased the possibility of the virus “jumping” from one species to another — poultry to pig. “The danger of having the virus in pigs is that the pig could serve as a host for various subtypes of the virus,” he said. “In pigs, the subtypes could also get involved in a ‘reassortment’ process to adapt themselves with the new non-poultry host,” he said.

Moreover, it has been known that pigs could also be infected by the human influenza virus. If avian and human viruses are mixed and reassorted inside the pig, the results could be devastating. They will either produce a more powerful version of the old viruses or new viruses with a lethal ability to penetrate the barriers.

“The mixing and reassortment process will make it easier for the virus to get into the next available host — human beings,” he pointed out.

The only hope, Mahardika believed, lies in community-based prevention and detection programs. In the absence of an island-wide, government-initiated prevention measure, the powerful traditional institutions, such as desa pekraman (traditional villages) and banjar (neighborhood organizations), are the only institutions that could mobilize the Balinese to act in unison.

“The key to dealing with an epidemic is detection and prevention. We must educate and empower the traditional institutions to perform those actions,” he said.

Moreover, pecalang (traditional security guards) could be assigned with another responsibility: supervising the poultry and pig farms and keeping a close tab on poultry trade and transport. The role of pecalang will be particularly significant since the government’s much-publicized measure of prohibiting the transportation of live poultry into the island ended in failure. Through bribery and ingenuity, the poultry traders managed to send poultry from Java and Lombok into Bali on a regular basis. “Every day they unload live poultry from Java in a street in west Denpasar,” said Putu Tapa, a resident of that area.

Mahardika believes that the education and empowerment of the traditional institutions will play a critical role in warding off the threat. “With support from those institutions there is a huge possibility that we will be able to prevent the occurrence of an outbreak or confine the outbreak to a limited geographical area,” he said. Education and empowerment are effective ways to wipe out the general public’s indifference toward the threat of avian influenza. After all, public indifference is borne out of a lack of knowledge.

Mahardika, however, still has to deal with another kind of indifference; that which has been borne out of fear and greed. Many, including government officials, have accused him of tainting the island’s image as a prime tourist destination. They argue that Mahardika has made a lot of fuss over an empty threat and, by doing so, had damaged the island’s tourism industry.

“They are afraid that tourists will not visit the island if they know about the possibility of an avian influenza outbreak,” Mahardika said. Mahardika doesn’t see it that way. As a responsible host for tourists, he argued, the Balinese should make sure that their guests are well-protected from any harm.

“If we can show the world that we have taken any necessary precaution to protect the island and its human population — the foreigners as well as the natives — I believe that it will boost, instead of degrade, the image of our tourism industry,” he said.

Denials and cover-ups, on the other hand, are simply fruitless. “History has taught us that viral epidemics move swiftly, mercilessly and indiscriminately. If such an epidemic takes place in Bali, even the mightiest of the tourism industry’s public relation agency will not be able to salvage the island’s image,” he warned.

Pixie – at 10:18

Sharp end in Bali’s war against possible bird flu outbreak

November 02, 2006 / The Jakarta Post /

Inside a dilapidated two-story building in a dusty corner of Udayana University campus in Denpasar, lies the Veterinary Medicine Department’s molecular biology laboratory, the sharp end of the island’s fight against avian influenza, or bird flu.

Prior to December 2005, a sample from a suspected infected animal had to be sent to Jakarta or Hong Kong for positive viral identification, a process that could take up to a week.

Currently, this lab can complete the process in a day or less. Moreover, it can process up to 300 samples at a time. “Give us a sample in the morning and by the afternoon we will give you the result, which includes the specific subtype of the avian influenza virus,” the lab’s head Ngurah Mahardika said. From the perspective of prevention, the reduction from one week to one day is very significant.

“Imagine what the epidemic could do in six days to a tiny, densely populated island like Bali; and, what we can do in six days,” Mahardika said. “Those six days are the line that separates life-saving measures from life-threatening epidemic,” he stressed.

The laboratory contains a three meter by five meter glass chamber, where most of the dangerous work of preparing the virus for identification takes place. Two centrifuges, an ELISA reader and a thermocycler stand on a table at the chamber’s north section. Facing the table is a Laminar flow cabinet and a laboratory-grade oven. Currently, several additional chambers are being constructed to upgrade the laboratory’s capability and increase its bio-security level.

Pointing at the newly arrived Liquid Nitrogen Container right outside the glass chamber, Mahardika stated that the lab received generous contributions and assistance from several concerned individuals. “That is one of the personal donations we have received. Help comes from many places, such as from my colleagues in the University of Hong Kong and Iowa State University,” he said. Worth around Rp 40 million (US$4,400), the container can maintain a steady internal temperature of −196ř Celsius, which is ideal for storing virus samples.

So far, Mahardika and his dedicated staff of around 20 students and lecturers from the veterinary medicine department have collected and tested more than 8,000 samples. Using the complicated yet accurate method of PCR (polymerase chain reaction), the students carefully render the virus powerless with a mixture of fenol, chloroform and alcohol. They then isolate and extract the virus from the sample using the centrifuge machine, which rotates the sample at a speed of up to 11,300 revs per minute.

The RNA (Ribonucleic acid) thus extracted is then mixed with a buffer solution, several enzymes and genetic primers before being placed inside a thermocycler instrument, which repeatedly manipulates the temperature surrounding the mixture. This process transforms the RNA into DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and also multiplies the amount of the DNA.

The final step, an electroforesis procedure conducted on the resulting DNA, will reveal the type and subtype of the virus. “A more complete result, which includes the virus’ genotype, could be achieved if we took another step, placing the DNA in the sequencing machine. Unfortunately, we don’t have the necessary machine yet. We must send the DNA sample to Jakarta for that step,” he said.

Having his lab fitted with a Rp 2.5 billion (US$275,000) sequencing machine is Mahardika’s current aim.

Pixie – at 10:24

Dr. Niman got back to me quickly with an answer to my question on the new Fujian strain. He says:

It is one of the six sub-clades of clade 2 (sub clade 3).

WHO document with familial H5N1 chart (scroll down 3 pages for chart):

tjclaw1 – at 10:33

Anybody seen this article yet? Hope I’m not double posting.

Migrating flocks declared H5N1-free National News - October 28, 2006

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

A surveillance study conducted over the past year by the Forestry Ministry has found that migrating flocks of birds are not carrying strains of avian influenza.

Commonground – at 10:45

Right Here: From Pixie at 10:10:
Moreover, it has been known that pigs could also be infected by the human influenza virus. If avian and human viruses are mixed and reassorted inside the pig, the results could be devastating. They will either produce a more powerful version of the old viruses or new viruses with a lethal ability to penetrate the barriers.

Commonground – at 10:50

Pixie, thank you for the article. I’m sending it off to my friends/family.

Quote from article: “The only hope……..” Unfortunately, I don’t have any optimisim for this “only hope”. Wish I could feel differently.

Pixie – at 11:16

Commonground - at 10:50

The thing that stood out for me with this article was that even with his absolute command over and knowledge of the subject of H5N1, Dr. Mahardika in Bali, Indonesia, ended up with the same end-conclusion that many of us are coming to here. We are not so different, in our “advanced” technical world, than the island of Bali after all.

Here, as well as there, if the government does not get it together and embark on leading us in a unified approach, that action and leadership will necessarily devolve to the local level (and the local level, then, had better get ready):

In the absence of an island-wide, government-initiated prevention measure, the powerful traditional institutions, such as desa pekraman (traditional villages) and banjar (neighborhood organizations), are the only institutions that could mobilize the Balinese to act in unison.

Dr. Dr. Mahardika may have just offered us some very good advice from his perch at the front lines.

anon_22 – at 11:22

Commonground – at 06:54

Thanks anon_22, I’m just confused. Couldn’t the new strain of H5N1 be a combo of both to form a deadly strain? So seasonal flu cannot combine (reassort) with H5N1?

Yes, it can, and that’s a big worry. At the moment, the Fujian strain is not a reassortant with a human seasonal strain, just a variant from existing H5N1 strains.

To recap on the virology, a pandemic can happen if a new virus reassorts, ie swaps genes with a circulating seasonal human strain ie one that is fully adapted to humans. If that happens, the resulting pandemic could happen explosively, but there is some hope of a lower CFR (case fatality ratio) because of partial human immunity. Which was what happened in 1957 and 68.

A second way for a pandemic virus to form is by gradual evolution until it is adapted to humans. New strains of H5N1 being continually forming in southern China since 1996 is the biggest source of worry for this. The new Fujian strain appears to be more ‘fit’ than existing H5N1 strains at least in avian population. We don’t know whether this will reflect its fitness in h2h transmissions should that occur. But certainly this is a route for a formation of a pandemic virus. If this happens, the start may not be (or it may be) as explosive as when you have a reassortant event, but the CFR may be much higher, since there is no immunity. This is what happened in 1918.

I don’t know which is worse…..

Pixie – at 11:42

Comment: They are still trying to get the poultry culled in Mamju, and are trying to arrange government commpensation for farmers’ losses.


November 03 2006 / FajarOnline /

The Bird Flu virus Threaten the Citizen

MAMUJU — the Avian Influeza Virus (bird flu) that was found in the Environment Karema South, the Simboro District, the Simbkep Subdistrict, Mamuju recently, evidently threatened the safety of the citizen.

His article, from results of the further inspection in the Big Veteriner Maros Hall Laboratory, the sample of the chicken carcass that was stated positive the AI virus, evidently also has been positive the virus H5N1.

“We have accepted the report from BBV Maros that the sample of the chicken that was stated positive was affected by the AI virus also has been positive the virus H5N1,” said the Section Head Agriculture and Sulbar Livestock Breeding, Idris Mappakaya when being found in his office, on Thursday, November 2.

According to Idris, the virus H5N1 that just was found this, the danger to infect humankind. So as 300 available citizens in Karema South was asked to be on the alert. The citizen it was hoped was careful if being directly in contact with the poultry, let alone touching directly his waste.

The bird flu virus also threatened Governor Syamsul Arief Rivai and the Section Head Agriculture and Livestock Breeding, Idris Mappakaya. The house the two officials still the neighbour with the house and the chicken coop belonging to Abdul Rasyid in Street Nelayan Breakingprep II, the place of the discovery of the bird flu virus. “In fact I also really was threatened with bird flu,” said Idris Mappakaya sembari laughed. To overcome this bird flu, Idris admitted to coordinating Officially Agriculture and Mamuju Livestock Breeding to do further steps. Among them, did repeated spraying by making use of the disinfectant material as far as the radius one kilometre. All the poultry belonging to the citizen in this environment also began to have data collected on it to be done by the mass extermination. Therefore, Idris hoped the citizen no longer maintains his livestock that will be destroyed.

According to Idris, his side also coordinated with the Mamuju Regional Government to give poultry compensation that will be destroyed that. The amount between Rp10-Rp50 thousand for each tail of the chicken.

“It was more important that now was how rescued humankind from this virus,” he stated.

Commonground – at 11:48

All I can say is I am so thankful to have all of you here to go through this with me. Thanks anon_22, you made me understand now and that lowers my level of anxiety. For me, I need to know what’s coming my way, even if it is grisly. Thanks Pixie, Sniffles, Cottontop, Pugmom, Influentia2. You are all really important to me.

Pixie – at 12:08

Comment: This is an article about two agriculture and education officials whose heads may roll after they did not turn up for work after the Lebaran holiday. They defend themselves here, and say that they were away on official business when an apparent surprise inspection from the governor took place.


03 Nov. 2006 /

Matter of the sanctions Threat because Bolos the Work

MAMUJU — Two section heads that was threatened with receiving removal sanctions, because bolos in the first day went to work after Lebaran, gave clarification.

Respectively the Section Head Agriculture and Sulbar Livestock Breeding, Idris Mappakaya, and the Section Head National Education, Ismail Hasanuddin. Idris Mappakaya that was met in his office, admitted to submitting with sanctions that will be given.

But, said he, before leaving Mamuju, has asked permission orally to Sekprov, Tashan Burhanuddin. Because of at that time, he hurriedly departed for Maros to know results of the laboratory against the sample of chicken blood in the Big Veteriner Hall in Maros. During in in the trip, he continued, he just ordered his staff to send the assignment letter to the assistant II. but apparently the assignment letter not yet arrive in the hands of the assistant Ii. When the governor carried out the sudden inspection, the letter not yet until.

So as when the governor clarified about his assignment, the Assistant Ii, admitted to not yet knowing him. “So I only submitted and handed over all these problems to the Most Powerful Lord,” said Idris Mappakaya, yesterday. “Supposing that I did not depart there, possibly results of this bird flu inspection do not yet go out up until now.” Because at that time, the implement that was used in Maros broken. But I urgent continued to be speeded up, he said.

Idris said was willing to be removed from the position, provided that in the situation undertook the task. Than was removed without doing anything. The section head National Education, Ismail Hasanuddin, separately said that he did not go to work in the first day, because of getting the task from the governor.

According to Ismail, at that time he was ordered to take part in the meeting of the governor’s co-ordination more than one Indonesia with Menpora to discuss the youth and sports problem in Jakarta. Was in a meeting this, said he, was opened by Vice President Jusuf Kalla.

Moreover before departing he also asked for permission to sekprov and his task letter was signed by the assistant II. “So in principle I was not missing,” he stressed.

FrenchieGirlat 12:14

Pixie – at 10:18 - Currently, this lab can complete the process in a day or less. Moreover, it can process up to 300 samples at a time. “Give us a sample in the morning and by the afternoon we will give you the result, which includes the specific subtype of the avian influenza virus,” the lab’s head Ngurah Mahardika said. From the perspective of prevention, the reduction from one week to one day is very significant.

That’s not quite what the WHO report I posted on the news thread says. In fact, WHO speaks with both sides of its mouth, page 7, second paragraph,

‘’Testing of suspected human H5N1 infections is performed rapidly in the national laboratory, with parallel confirmatory testing performed in the NAMRU-3 laboratory. Three tests are used in Indonesia: RT-PCR, haemagglutinin inhibition with horse red blood cells as a confirmatory assay, and DNA sequencing. Some 34 viruses have been characterized, and none has shown evidence of reassortment. ‘’‘The country does, however, face a backlog in the testing of samples arising from active surveillance for influenza-like illness. Around 1000 samples are now being submitted for testing each week; testing can face a backlog of as much as 3 months, occasionally resulting in the delayed confirmation of a human case.

Commonground – at 12:24

FrenchieGirl - at 12:14, the lab in Pixie’s article can’t do the final step, DNA Sequencing. Sending it on to Jakarta. So could this be producing some of the backlog?

Quote from Pixie at 10:18:

The final step, an electroforesis procedure conducted on the resulting DNA, will reveal the type and subtype of the virus. “A more complete result, which includes the virus’ genotype, could be achieved if we took another step, placing the DNA in the sequencing machine. Unfortunately, we don’t have the necessary machine yet. We must send the DNA sample to Jakarta for that step,” he said. Having his lab fitted with a Rp 2.5 billion (US$275,000) sequencing machine is Mahardika’s current aim.

FrenchieGirlat 12:59

Commonground – at 12:24 - Sorry I don’t know, the WHO report says no more on the specific routing of samples. Could be though.

pugmom – at 14:19

Dated 11–3−06. commnet: filled with contradictory statements.

YOGYA (KR) - Kesehatan Breakingprep Hewan Ditjen Breakingprep Peternakan Deptan Director, drh H Musni Suatmadja, said since mid 2003, Indonesia was colonised by bird flu or Avian influenza (AI) in a deadly manner 5 million poultries.

If in August in 2003 bird flu just attacked poultry livestock breeding especially the chicken in 9 provinces, in 2005 the illness has touched 25 provinces, in fact 2006 has been contagious in 30 provinces. ”Ha him the Moluccan province, the North Moluccas and Gorontalo that not yet terserang,” revealed drh H Musni to talc show ‘Ada What with Burung’ Flu in the RRI Yogya auditorium, Street Gejayan, on Wednesday afternoon (1/11). Talc show this was the part road show the campaign crushed bird flu to 7 cities in Indonesia. The death of the poultry resulting from the AI plague in Indonesia, indeed increasingly descended.

”Kalau originally often infects the thoroughbred chicken, now most only to the chicken not the race that was maintained behind the house that most also not terkandangkan,” he said. So he warned, the breeder’s community especially must guard so that the poultry pen does not be dirty, must be washed with the soapy water. ”Jika had the chicken died that clear was affected by the A type virus the sub-type H5N1, must be destroyed and health apparatus of the fast animal acted to do the free vaccination. The claim, will be replaced. The fund that was used from Rp 30 billion just was used by Rp 2,5 billion. Next year was prepared by us again, so that the breeder and the community near the maintenance of the freest poultry from flu burung,” he revealed. The head of the Subdivision of the Pulmonologi part Pulmonary Disease and Medical Respiration FK the Indonesian University (UI), Dr Fachrid Harahap SpP explained, from so many respiratory disease kinds (the lungs) far more many if being compared by respiratory disease that was caused by bird flu. Moreover the Tuberculosis illness (the TB) every day his death rate could reach 400 people.

Abuse of illegal drugs far more dangerous because of threatening continuation of the life of the nation. ”Tapi the reporting of the TB or abuse of the illegal drugs was not as sensational as bird flu that until this only caused the death 52 people from 69 cases…….

pugmom – at 14:29

Info out of Medan, Sumatra: dated 11–3−06.

The number of patients ‘Suspect’ and Positive Bird Flu in RSU H Adam the Owner 25 people Medan, (the Analysis) In penghujung 2006 was recorded by the number of whole that was combined between the patient suspect and positive bird flu that was treated in the central Public Hospital of the Pilgrim Adam the Medan Owner (RSUPHAMM) totalling 25 people’.

With details 19 people suspect bird flu and 6 positive people of bird flu. From six that positive this bird flu 5 including dying and 1 person recovered.

That was said by Wadir I the Medical Service and Education Dr HM Nur Rasyid to the Analysis in his office, on Thursday (2/11). According to Rasyid, the patient suspect bird flu that was reconciled to RSUPHAMM came the Simalungun area, Deli Serdang and Aceh. Whereas the positive patient bird flu came from the Karo Land. The APBD FUND When being touched on by the problem of the APBD fund for the patient suspect bird flu and that positive bird flu, Rasyid said, did not yet know him. They this was treated by making use of the Gakin card. “Jadi I did not know how many funds that were spent for the patient suspect bird flu and positive bird flu when being treated in this hospital because of his data still was in pusat,” obviously Rasyid. In the meantime Wadir the Public and Finance Dr Azwan Hakmi Lubis SpA MKes when it was confirmed the Analysis about the APBD budget fund for the patient suspect bird flu and positive bird flu said the same matter did not yet know how many funds that were spent for the patient suspect and positive bird flu. However he said, the hospital side has received the circular from the Director General that all the patient suspect bird flu and positive bird flu that was treated in RSUPHAMM his cost was borne by the government. He appealed to the community when there are those that was expected terjangkit suspect bird flu should not be frightened of reporting to the Community Health Centre and the Level of II. “Bila had the report, they will immediately refer to RSUPHAMM,” Azwan words. (the ember)

DennisCat 14:31

nice picture of Indo children with masks:

and pictures of handing out masks in villages:

pugmom – at 14:40

I just had a vision of this group still sitting here 2 years from now, faithfully translating away all the Indo articles. Of course, by then, the thread would be titled “Indonesia Outbreaks MCCLLXXIX” or whatever Latin number soup we would still be hanging in there for. But we would all be speaking fluent Bahasa by then.

Pixie – at 15:44


From your lips to God’s ears!!!

Commonground – at 15:47

Good one pugmom!!!

Influentia2 – at 15:58

Pugmom 14:40

I guess two more years means we will be either eating a lot rice or making large rice donations to a food bank:)

OBTW, Visions belong on the rumor thread:)

FrenchieGirlat 16:06

DennisC – at 14:31 - Well, though this distribution of masks is done in the context of atmospheric pollution with smoke, it’s probably a good mental training for the future need of having to wear masks in public…

pugmom – at 14:19 - Kalau originally often infects the thoroughbred chicken, now most only to the chicken not the race that was maintained behind the house that most also not terkandangkan

Eureka !!! I knew it !!!! Several weeks ago I made the comment that I was puzzled by the reporting of journalists mentioning whether the sick/dead chickens were “thoroughbred” or “ordinary”. We did not find a really satisfying answer. There is a sizeable difference: the genetic makeup of thoroughbred chickens is necessarily narrower than that of ordinary chickens. What I understand is that they are saying here that previously it was the thoroughbred chickens that got ill, but now its _also_ the backyard ordinary chickens. Does that remind you of something?

Karo! WHO which keeps saying there was somehow a genetic link in that family, and another report (can’t remember if it’s WHO, I think it is), that women get the illness more than men. Akin to Karo human thoroughbreds. Akin to female thoroughbreds.

So if the virus evolves in humans as I understand it has in chickens, the next human targets will be more genetically diverse… Any ordinary human, male or female, not necessarily within family links, not necessarily the same gender…

Is this logic? If you confirm this reasoning is logic, then I think we should be scared to hell, because we’re witnessing the first baby steps of the virus to become adapted to all humans.

FrenchieGirlat 16:08

Yeah, and the Turkey cluster, too.

Michelle in OK – at 21:51

I started a new thread due to length. Please post new comments here

03 November 2006

Closed and Continued - Bronco Bill – at 06:18

Closed for length and continued here

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