From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Pandemic Flu Awareness Week II

07 September 2006

Bronco Bill – at 00:18

Continued from here

DemFromCT – at 19:01
To reiterate, there is discussion above re the press release and what needs to be done.

The PFAW 2006 page is here.

The press release (for editing) is here.

anon_22 – at 23:34
I have a thought. I tried to read the page as a somewhat skeptical newbie, and statements like this “A moderate or severe flu pandemic will cause widespread societal disruptions. Even a flu virus with a low kill rate will make many people very sick at the same time.” seems to me just some people stating what they believe. It wouldn’t have convinced me if I was skeptical.

So I am going to write a page called ‘Current Risk Assessment’ summarizing what we know, to give a slightly more detailed analysis of why we think what we think, and link that to the page, with something like ‘For a more thorough analysis of the current situation’ kind of link.

Its 4:30am. My neck hurts. I shouldn’t talk myself into more work.

But I have a few different pieces that I can put together and make that happen… Maybe tomorrow.

No, today.


Lauralou – at 08:33

Hi Anon_22

Please don’t view any of the comments on the page as finished work. I have just cut comments from this thread and put them up there so that we can “pick and choose” and create answers to the questions.

Like you, I don’t think all of them will be appropriate. However, that is easier to see when they are all gathered in one place. My thought was that we would add links from the wiki to support the information within our answers. The trick will be keeping the main page brief and succinct.

I think that the kind of risk assessment you are talking about would be excellent and would really be helpful.

DemFromCTat 11:44


Lauralou – at 15:14

bumping for additional questions AND answers!

Ranchgirl – at 21:39

Dem - The new logo looks great! As I mentioned in my last post, I was waiting for more comments before editing the press release. The one that is connected to the link at the top above doesn’t allow me to edit. Can I email you the word document (which contains the edits you suggested) and you can post it as a Word document?

The main things that are missing in order to complete it are: 1. A contact person (who at fluwiki is the official communications person?) 2. An email address for that person (preferably using an email address that is 3. An official fluwiki person that we can quote for the quotes, and who would be available for additional comment.

Once someone provides that specific information and it has been approved, then we can finalize it and encourage everyone to forward it to the editor of their local newspapers, business journals, etc. etc. Also, can we arrange for some existing publication to publish it immediately so others can pick up on it via Newsnow or

anonymous – at 21:50

A BF awareness week is a very good idea. The more that know, the better.

If people want to discuss things and come to this forum, is it capable of handling an influx of new people?

Science Teacher – at 22:44

Ranchgirl, the link to the press release is here:

I have edited it already to reflect some of Dem’s suggestions. I am not too sure if we should go with the press release comments about snowbirds, etc. Will this distract people from the message? I think we need to focus on H2H instead of birds. What do others think? I really don’t know much about press release wording except that it should be plain and simple so that reporters can take it and add their own spin to it. My perception of what I remember years ago from English class may be totally outdated. This is just a totally layman’s comment here. The message sounded cute to me and I liked it. Could others comment?

Lauralou – at 23:01

Ranchgirl- when you go to Dem’s link, look in the top right corner of the screen. You will see the word “edit”. Click on that and it will open in a page that you can change. Then you can preview and save your work.

08 September 2006

Please add suggestions – at 10:55

The PFAW2006 page needs your help. Please suggest questions, answers or links. Thanks!

DemFromCTat 13:42

Melanie Mattson is the official FW contact person at

The forum can handle several-fold volume increase but not a 50-fold increase in traffic, but most traffic will got to Flu Wiki which is on a different server.

09 September 2006

Lauralou – at 14:26

Science Teacher- I agree with your comments above at 22:44. I think the definition of pandemic flu is actually that it is transmitted from human to human. Would someone else comment on this as well?

HELP NEEDED – at 14:34
Bronco Bill – at 15:04

What do you think of placing the PFAW logo above directly to the left of the wording “Welcome To the Flu Wiki” on the Main wiki page, or directly below the swans in the upper left?

Monotreme – at 15:19

Lauralou and ScienceTeacher, you’re both right. Bird-to-Human is unfortunate, but is a relatively minor threat. Human-to-human is the real threat and really doesn’t have much to do with when birds migrate.

The point that I think should be emphasized is that H5N1 has spread human-to-human-to-human, at least once. Even the WHO acknowledges this. This is what increases the risk of a pandemic occuring.

H5N1 in birds in North America will make a lot of headlines, but what it’s doing to humans in Asia is much more important.

Lauralou – at 15:28

Monotreme- The point that I think should be emphasized is that H5N1 has spread human-to-human-to-human, at least once. Even the WHO acknowledges this. This is what increases the risk of a pandemic occuring.

So- It seems to me that this is the start to answering the question on the PFAW 2006 page: “What is the current situation?”

What would be a good link for this?

Science Teacher – at 17:36

Lauralou, you are doing a great job handling this. You have my support in whatever way you chhose to go on this. : )

Monotreme – at 18:15


Here is the something written by the WHO regarding Avian influenza – epidemiology of human H5N1 cases reported to WHO from June 30, 2006.

I’m still looking for a reference that says H2H2H. I’m sure I saw, but haven’t found it yet.

Monotreme – at 18:22

Got it!

Human Flu Transfers May Exceed Reports

New York Times, June 4, 2006

While Dr. Niman is an irritant to public health officials, his digging sometimes pushes them to change conclusions, as it did in the recent Indonesia case. The W.H.O. at first said an undercooked pig might have infected the whole family, but Dr. Niman discovered that the hostess of the barbecue was sick two days before the barbecue and the last relative was infected two weeks after it.

His prodding, picked up by journalists, eventually led the W.H.O. to concede that no pig was to blame and that the virus probably had jumped from human to human to human.

ANON-YYZ – at 19:41

Monotreme – at 18:22

Ms. Cheng of the W.H.O. said that even if there were more clusters, the alert would remain at Level 3 as long as the virus dies out by itself.

“A lot of this is subjective, a judgment on how efficiently the virus is infecting people,” she said. “If it becomes more common, we’d convene a task force to raise the alert level.”

As long as an outbreak is contained by a Tamiflu blanket, it will remain at Phase 3. And when a Tamiflu blanket fails i.e. confirmed infection has gone international, then we may see WHO changing to phase 4, may be two weeks after WHO convenes a task force.

10 September 2006

Lauralou – at 15:38

Monotreme- thanks! I’ll work on getting those up on the page…probably tomorrow.

Any additional comments, answers or links from anyone reading this thread would be appreciated. I believe this really should be a consensus activity if we are going to present Pandemic Flu Awareness Week to the general public as a fluwiki community initiative.

It takes a village… to build a wiki page!? ;-)

Lauralou – at 15:41

oh, and here is the PFAW 2006 page…

anon_22 – at 17:47


Thanks for your efforts. I need to make a confession, and apologies to everyone who’ve been working so hard on this and the Red Ribbon project.

Very recently I realized that I have some form of (don’t laugh, I’m serious) dyslexia/writing/thinking blockage, where it’s very hard for me to help build things in small pieces at a time. Things and thoughts either coalesce almost in one go into something flowing and coherent, in which case they won’t connect up with anyone else’s ideas. Or if I try to plug in bits of my ideas into other people’s ongoing work, they all kinda fall apart and none of it makes sense.

That took me a long time to figure out. :-) So here’s what I’m going to do. I am going to download and work on those 2 pages tonight, and put up what I’ve got for everyone to comment, alter, delete, whatever. I wanted to put my explanation here first just so y’all understand it’s not because my version is better than anyone else’s, just that I can’t seem to get my brain to work in any other way.

Come to think of it, I never got any report card in kindergarten about whether I played well with others … :-(

Lauralou – at 19:37

anon_22- That would be fine, I can work that way…

Part of my background is as an editor, so I have no problem merging things together: yours, mine, everyone’s…. If I have the info to work with, I’m fine. I am not a scientist- just a word-smith… so put the info up and we’ll all get the job done.

Okay, but here’s the disclaimer: editors can never resist the urge to change another’s copy….. fair warning! ;-)

Ranchgirl – at 23:20

Hi folks - I have gone onto the press release and incorporated comments received to date - changed the headline to get rid of the cute bird approach and just hit it straight forward. Also added the word “grass roots” so others would know that it’s more an “of the people by the people” approach.

What I really need is for some in-the-know people to look at specific information for accuracy, including the quote and the list of items needed. I also still need to attribute the quote to someone that’s a credible member of fluwikie. By the way…do we refer to this as fluwiki or fluwikie (with or without the e?)

I also changed the date to September 14 vs. 24th. Any member who wants to pick this up and send it to their local media can do so and simply change the date to the day they send it out. The press release also mentions a picture or image of the red ribbon. I believe the actual press release should be emailed out as a separate document but also ATTACH the ribbon photo with an appropriate caption. Additionally, each person sending it out in their own respective community might want to add a paragraph to the very bottom that says something like: For more information about where to find your Pandemic Flu Awareness Ribbon, please contact - and then insert your own name and email address. If nothing else, you could then tell them how to make their own ribbon if necessary but at least invite them to and give them suggestions on what areas might be the most helpful to them based on their current awareness level. I know that I couldn’t take on the responsibility of making enough ribbons for everyone who might call, so that’s my concept of a back-up plan should the inquiries come flooding in (not that I’m expecting them to at this stage!) Wouldn’t that be great tho???

Can we please get some input where needed so we can wrap up the release and post it as a Word document for everyone to access and distribute? As soon as the team feels like the website and in particular the Pandemic Flu Awareness Week page is ready for public consumption, we can release the release and start inviting people to come hither.

I noticed that there is a question about the ability of our system to handle more hits…and trust that the editors will let us know if/when we can start our PR campaign, yes? Also…who specifically can distribute the release to the primary national and international media?

And on a final note, I noticed for the very first time that the website posted a handful of links to fluwiki for the first time (or at least it was the first time I had seen that). Can fluwiki be categorized as a media outlet and if so, would this press release be first “published” by the fluwiki and therefore picked up by all of the other internet search engines?

Lots of questions cause I just don’t know how all of the internal workings work. Sound like an inquisitive 5 year old, don’t I???

11 September 2006

lugon – at 05:56

Awareness Week will be October, not September, right?

lugon runs around, watch in hand, wiskers all shakey

Lauralou – at 08:26

Hi Lugon- Yup, Week is in October… but the press release would be dated in September if it is sent out then. (Thanks for the link, btw)

anon_22 – at 11:17

OK, I’ve put up a draft on the press release page here. I didn’t do the ending as I’m not sure exactly what the final message should be.

As I said, feel free to alter, re-write, delete any of that content. thanks!

anon_22 – at 11:19

Also, I wasn’t sure exactly what activities are included. And I don’t have any experience writing press releases.


Ranchgirl – at 12:48

Anon_22 - I write a lot of press releases. When I drafted this one, it was done without alot of meat because we hadn’t really come up with anything “newsworthy”. (You have to have something newsworthy or the media won’t pick up on it). The only thing that the current press release says is that we have a grass-roots effort of making and distributing the ribbons for this particular PAweek. If there is actually something HAPPENING, then we would want to use that as the hook. But…since we are all scattered across the globe, it seems difficult to have a happening, other than us making ribbons, etc. Open to other ideas of creating something that will be “Happening” to toot about.

The idea of adding a final paragraph is to enable the fluwikian who downloads it and sends it to their LOCAL press to make it more LOCALIZED in nature. Here’s a suggested paragraph that can be added (if the local fluwikian desires):

An active member of Fluwikie, Tom Jones of Palm City, is serving as a local contact for anyone interested in participating in Pandemic Flu Awareness Week. He can be reached at for more information.

Such an ending paragraph WOULD NOT be appropriate for any releases sent out to regional or national media…just hometown stuff.

Ranchgirl – at 13:14

I just went to the press release and liked anon’s version much better so deleted mine. I did a little editing (primarily to avoid run on sentences) so take alook everyone so we can finalize sometime soon!

Science Teacher – at 13:21

Anon_22, Great job! Is there anyway you can fit the red ribbon campaign into the release?

anon_22 – at 13:28

Thanks! How would you like to describe that activity? Me being non-American, it’s better that you give me sentences or phrases that would work. Or you can finish up the job :-) by adding it in there somewhere.

Science Teacher – at 15:37

anon_22, I hate to disrupt your excellent writing. If you could decide where to put something like this that would be great.

The fluwiki will launch it’s grassroots Pandemic Influenza Awareness Campaign this week. Red ribbons with the gold initials P and A will be worn and distributed by those that are helping to promote the awareness and understanding of this serious health issue. Resource cards will also be included. Please visit (unknown link) to download materials and help spread the word.

Anyone, please add your ideas to describe the above. Does anyone have a way of contacting Dude to see how he is coming along with the download? Where do we want him to download it to?

anon_22 – at 15:56

The fluwiki will launch it’s grassroots Pandemic Influenza Awareness Campaign this week.

OK, now I’m confused about the dates. Can you summarize for me exactly what is happening when?

Asks the confused Mod….LOL

anon_22 – at 15:58

Anything else that I missed? Don’t assume I know what I’m doing, ok?

I’m serious. I have too many balls up in the air to be absolutely confident that I know what the plans are.


Lauralou – at 16:17

anon_22- the idea, as I understand it, is to use PFAW to announce the Red Ribbon Campaign as well. So, ultimately, the press release should reflect that effort as well. We’ll get it all in there- no worries.

Science Teacher- would you stick that in the release? We can always smooth out the flow of the release later if we need to.

Science Teacher – at 16:19

The fluwiki will use October 9–15, 2006 as Pandemic Flu Awareness Week.

Lauralou – at 16:21

Science Teacher- I think Dude has an email address in his profile. LL

anon_22 – at 16:25

Science Teacher – at 16:19

Actually, why don’t you guys go ahead and add, edit, or do whatever with the info that you want to put out. Please. It’s easier for me that way.

I will start working on the PFAW page later tonight.

anon_22 – at 16:29

I mean, I could do it, but if you read my post at 17:47 yesterday, it will take me a ridiculously long and painful time. I know, its very weird, and I’ve only figured it out recently.

I think I can make better contributions if I just write pieces and let you guys do the arranging.

What do y’all think?

Lauralou – at 16:44

Yup, stick your content on the PFAW page tonight, and I’ll start the arranging tomorrow! :-)

Ranchgirl – at 22:46

Lauralou- Do you know how we can distribute this press release once it’s finalized (other than fluwikians sending it to their local press?

Goju – at 23:10

I will attempt to do my first prep event in my town on sunday the 15th. It is a very ambitious timetable. I am meeting with town on 9/22 - have support from the local paper, have contacted a major supermarket chain, the UN, Safe America… and if all goes well, i am meeting with a major TV network that may cover it. If we could pull this all together it would be a fantastic kickoff to continue the campaign to get prepared.

If i need more time, and the network will cover it, can we push the date back? - I will know by 9/22 where i stand.

You could use a national press release company - costs about 500 but goes nationally. But what else would it do? It has to be tied to more activity. I send out press releases all the time and it shows up in a google search. But for BF? so many search results - this would get buried. We need major media coverage - that means some kind of event. It’s just that no one is ready to stick their necks out - i am and i hope i still have it when IT starts.

PS - i hate to say it but “Fluwiki” is a funny name… wrench in the works? perhaps - but i believe in alchemy and it can be turned into a very useful tool. Thinking about this catastophic event will shut people down… we all have seen it a thousand times. My approach will be one of edutainment - a fun filled day of prep education from local professionals and entertainment from celebs and local talent - have to get the kids involved. Many at the conference stressed getting to the parents through the kids.

Goju – at 23:15

Dont go on hate’n me but i gotta get this off my chest - there are several good flu sites out there… i myself have the grand honor of being banned from one 3 times! and suspended once on another for a week. Don’tcha just love internet drama?

I propose if we are really serious about the flu blogshpere doing this, then we have all get together on this.

It will take a lot of ego and positioning dropping. If you truely are serious about getting america and the rest of the world prepared it will be done.

Remember - you are only as prepped as the houses around you. We are all in this fight together.

12 September 2006

Lauralou – at 09:10

Okay, I have brazenly taken elements from Ranchgirl’s press release and Dem’s version 3 and combined them into anon_22′s version.

In addition, I moved one graph to the PFAW page that was more technical in nature. The truth is: the release needed to be shorter. There are a couple spots where I think we need to state our source to be credible and I have added italics to mark those locations… if you know of the source, please post.

Now, anyone can make changes or “restore” the page to the previous content. It will continue to need refining to drive traffic to our PFAW page.

Ranchgirl- the blogoshere will be a great asset to getting the word out, probably better than the mainstream media who suffer from a general malaise regarding panflu reporting.

Lauralou – at 09:11

blogoshere=blogosphere coffee now!

Lauralou – at 09:13

For those just catching up: press release(s) here

Science Teacher – at 09:38

Lauralou, Your edited version looks great to me!

I emailed Dude to ask about the download for the ribbon card in its final form but haven’t heard back yet. Maybe he is away.

anon_22 – at 14:06

I have just done another round of edits on the press releaseand added references.

Here are some of my thoughts as I went along:

  1. define flu wikie early on
  2. don’t need severe pandemic to kill millions, mild ones do too
  3. “you only need to worry about bird flu if you are in contact with infected birds”- use ‘you’ early on, to get readers engaged, and use the way that people think in their mind, the language that they would use in their heads – after that, switch to proper terms
  4. immediately connect that misconception with what the real truth is
  5. join up logic between world economic forum and what makes leaders worried. People tend to believe that TPTB know things that they are not telling. So we are sharing with them what TPTB worry about, backed up with evidence.
  6. we HAVE TO make the argument that the CFR may not drop, IMO this is one central theme for naysayers as well as the WHO – although I have to check with JKT whether he is happy with the quote
  7. watching children die – do we want to scare them or not? My thinking is, we only have 1 chance in 1 year. I personally want to scare them more and let them challenge us, as long as we have connected the dots to that argument. ie not enough healthcare + high CFR + targeting young
  8. ‘resilience’ is a better word than preparedness
  9. we are quoting WHO, CDC, HHS, taubenberger, Davos, Harvard Business Review, Science magazine…not bad, I think
Lauralou – at 14:47


In my opinion, I think we need to remember the audience… a press release goes to media- not to individuals or businesses. (There is no guarantee that any media will actually run the release.) We want to drive traffic to the PFAW page, where media, business and individuals can do more research.

All of our arguments need to be on the PFAW page, not necessarily in the release. The release is the tease, the welcome, the intro…. in my opinion, the meat is on the PFAW page and in the wiki.

Others are welcome to disagree….

Lauralou – at 14:54

After thinking about this for another minute, my additional thought is that we are now doing this backwards.

The PFAW page and all of its links should be established first. Then, the press release would be crafted to promote the highlights and drive the traffic. Not the other way around.

Lauralou – at 15:31

From the first thread-

To help with further discussion:

DemfromCT at 10:36

“Plan for a minimum of 2 weeks (and in some scenarios, 6–8 weeks may be needed)…” is a way to get the message across without getting hung up on the exact amount. I agree with anonymous above. You have to look at it as a way to introduce this without looking like a nutjob. Like it or not, a healthy proportion of the population will go to and see what they recommend. Presenting opposing information is not the way to persuade them. It’s got to be more in the way of “we agree, and moreover…”

Is this our consensus thinking, or not?

Science Teacher – at 16:14


imo, if the press release is too long it won’t catch the readers attention ,i.e. whomever we send it to in the media. Just a few salient points are needed. The 2 ‘hooks’ are Pandemic Awareness Week and the start of the international red ribbon campaign. Deeper pros, cons in the ‘meat’ of the information should go on the PFAW link. I agree with Dems comments above but feel they need to be followed by the “however, many experts believe…” Maybe we should start from scratch with a new press release targeting the salient points?

Science Teacher – at 16:18

I really liked Annon_22′s revised edition. She makes some great points!

anon_22 – at 16:41

I’m kinda doing 4 things at the same time so this is a little disjonted. Apologies.

Did I get the ribbon and resource cards bit right?

There are several considerations, length being one of them. :-) I’d like to make it a bit shorter, but it’s iMO extremely important to make the case with anything less. The audience may be the public, but the bigger problem that I see at the moment is that the media are the ones who need to get it. Really.

If they media gets it, a) they are more likely to run it, b) we are giving them the points to write up, so they won’t write stupid pieces, which is what’s been happening, and c) I hope they pay more attention and maybe decide there is a story.

I’m not too worried about the content of the PFAW at the moment, cos will be everything that we have said on this site.

I just got word from JKT, I don’t think he wants to be quoted. And I quite understand. So I’ll edit out that bit.

So let’s think about this some more.

anon_22 – at 16:44

I took out the JKT reference but haven’t changed the text yet.

anon_22 – at 16:44

iMO extremely important to make the case with anything less.

I meant ‘extremely difficult’. :-)

Siam – at 16:48
Siam – at 16:52

I would like to suggest that Goju has an excellent idea,going with 2 or 3 other boards, would show the community at large that we are all very serious, and that this is a very serious situation that we are facing. What do you all think?

anon_22 – at 16:53

Lauralou is right, Let me know which bits you want to tone down, cos there could be various ways to reach the right ‘tone’.

anon_22 – at 16:54

Siam, I need to check with Dem and Melanie, etc about going with other boards. I haven’t replied to Goju yet cos of that. :-)

anon_22 – at 17:11

Re: that bit about looking like a nutjob (or not), my initial inclination was just to refer to the 2 weeks from HHS and that would be it.

So should we mention:

  1. minmum of 3 days (need source)?
  2. HHS says 2 weeks?
  3. some experts (also need source) say 6–8 weeks?

I’m for making it simple, just this: gov says 2 weeks, its a good start. that’s it. credible. simple.

DemFromCTat 17:47

I am okay with number 2 or 3. The HHS source for 2 weeks is this, but as long as we’re not dogmatic about it, either is fine.

We will not be doing this jointly with other boards, as a practical matter. It’s not possible to keep different agendas in sync. We are working hard to get our own POV in line. ;-)

But consider what PFAW really is… a call to be aware. Last year we asked blogs to post the logo, which does not refer to Flu Wikie, and simple put up something of their choosing about panflu. It coulkd be a link to us or to or an original post or whatever.

Anyone can do that.

anon_22 – at 17:52

Dem, do you have a source for number 3? That might be a problem with some people.

Science Teacher – at 17:52

annon_22, I really like the way Dem wrote this part:

“Several governmental websites suggest preparing for a minimum of 3 days, and the HHS site suggests having food and water on hand for two weeks. That’s a good starting point, but many scientific experts agree that individuals might need to be prepared for 6–8 weeks or more in a worst case. “

His phrasing gently moves the reader to the possibility of more lengthy prepping, something that most of us, I think, find necessary to our group message. Perhaps folks could comment on this aspect?

Regarding your comments on the red ribbon campaign, I agree with everything you wrote but feel we should also add to this: “Members of the public are invited to participate by wearing these ribbons, which can be obtained from any of the volunteers, and to spread the word to their communities.” Can you add to this that the directions for the ribbons and cards can be found at this link (to be provided by DUDE). We want people to make their own ribbons and cards, also, to help this grassroots campaign spread.

Regarding Goju’s current posts about about our PFAW plans on other boards, I think we should all wait until we have our PWAF plan and press release finalized before we ask others to participate. Just IMHO.

anon_22 – at 17:57

Can you add to this that the directions for the ribbons and cards can be found at this link (to be provided by DUDE). We want people to make their own ribbons and cards, also, to help this grassroots campaign spread.

Sure. Now I have a question. While I was writing it, I felt that we ought maybe to finish off the press release with what we want people to do. But then it would also go well in the section where the ribbons are mentioned.

Do you want it in the middle or the end?

Or maybe, in the middle, say members of the publicare invited to participate by making and wearing these ribbons, instructions for which can be obtained either from the volunteers or from the Flu Wiki website, then add a reference no with the full link to where the instructions are?

anon_22 – at 18:03

Also, dumb question:

How exactly do we want to spell fluwiki when we are not referring to the URL?

  1. Flu Wiki
  2. FluWiki
  3. Fluwikie
  4. any other versions?


Dude wanted – at 18:05

“r maybe, in the middle, say members of the publicare invited to participate by making and wearing these ribbons, instructions for which can be obtained either from the volunteers or from the Flu Wiki website, then add a reference no with the full link to where the instructions are?”

I like this idea the best. : )

anon_22 – at 18:12

Actually, we don’t need to give out where to find the ribbon instructions just yet, if Dude is not available. Cos we will just put it right in the PFAW main page, in big letters, you know.

I also shortened it somewhat.

Waiting for the verdict on how many weeks/days to prep,… :-)

Dude wanted – at 18:13

sorry, that was me at 18:03. ST

anon_22 – at 18:14

BTW I don;t think we can/should say 6–8 weeks without a solid source. Plus I’m worried that that is the one item that will have us classified as loons, if anything… Anyone?

anonymous – at 18:36

I don’t think 6–8 wks would classify us as loons if public aware of likely length of a pandemic wave. Plus, way it is couched in less alarmist advice tones it down.

DemFromCTat 18:43

The original writing from tha last thread was:

The US Health And Human Services Department recommends at least two weeks of supplies, and many experts recommend up to 6–8 weeks or more based on previous pandemics and their length.

So that becomes:

Several governmental websites suggest preparing for a minimum of 3 days, and the HHS site suggests having food and water on hand for two weeks. That’s a good starting point, but many scientific experts agree that individuals might need to be prepared for 6–8 weeks or more in a worst case, based on previous pandemics and their length.

Yes, it’s Flu Wiki. No e. I can’t type.

DemFromCTat 18:57

Want a reference to length?

Oshkosh - (5 to 6 weeks)

DemFromCTat 19:02

One can also add a line to soften the 6–8 weeks:

Several governmental websites suggest preparing for a minimum of 3 days, and the HHS site suggests having food and water on hand for two weeks. That’s a good starting point, but many scientific experts agree that individuals might need to be prepared for 6–8 weeks or more in a worst case, based on previous pandemics and their length. Whatever the length, preparation should include prescription medicines and key supplies such as batteries, etc…

anon_22 – at 19:14

as long as there is a reference, we are covered. :-)

DemFromCTat 19:49

iirc Robert Webster mentioned in an ABC news interview prepping at least that long.

Lauralou – at 21:15

anon_22 at 16:53- Lauralou is right, Let me know which bits you want to tone down, cos there could be various ways to reach the right ‘tone’.

Yes, this is the heart of it for me- consensus on the tone and consistent use of it on both the PFAW page and in the press release.

Wow! great conversation going on here btw-

Lauralou – at 21:19

DemfromCT at 17:47-

We will not be doing this jointly with other boards, as a practical matter. It’s not possible to keep different agendas in sync. We are working hard to get our own POV in line. ;-)

LOL, ain’t that the truth!

But consider what PFAW really is… a call to be aware. Last year we asked blogs to post the logo, which does not refer to Flu Wikie, and simple put up something of their choosing about panflu. It could be a link to us or to or an original post or whatever.

This is what is so cool about it. This is the part that appeals to me the most. Let everyone find their own way- that makes the message “customized” to many different audiences. Fabulous.

anon_22 – at 21:31

Hi, just to let everyone know I probably won’t get online a lot tomorrow. Something came up and I’ll be occupied all day/ Please carry on and have fun!

Tomo – at 23:59

I can’t remember what name I posted on before, I’ve been lurking a long time it seems. I will be able to remember this one….

Anyway. I wanted to throw a tweeked version of the press release up but am having problems with the formatting. Played in the sandbox and got it to come up there fine but can’t get it to copy and paste into the press release page without loosing all my formatting. ugh!!! help, someone.

I am totally behind the awareness week and all of you are doing a great job. I know the final version will be great with all the contributions and hard work of all of you. I tried reading it with a freash eye, slightly removed and came up with a few ideas. Like them or hate them, no big deal. If you want to read them now it’s saved in the sandbox until I can figure out how to transfer it….

13 September 2006

lugon – at 06:10

Tomo, you mean this sandbox? And you want to put the stuff here (with links to 2 versions by anon_22 and DemFromCT?

With this links, I hope Tomo or others will be able to help. :-?

lugon – at 06:16

A comment: I find the page set up by WHO, with the updated confirmed cases, with the countries sorted alphabetically, doesn’t tell the story like our page (which btw has links to the WHO page and to other more graphical pages) does.

Maybe we could have both in the same bullet?

Something like “official WHO page here and same information sorted historically here”? Not tersest writing right now, so feel free to improve!

Goju – at 07:27

if you say more than 2 weeks, most of the world just will not be able to do that nor will the JIT be able to provide it. Safe America which is backed by major corporations - inc Walmart and all gov agencies is saying 2 weeks. That should be IMHO the target. Go longer as the main target and you may turn many people off regardless of our references. No one knows those references anyway.

If you are truely interested in saving lives DemfronCT - you will ask the other boards for input and participation… not after you have finished and sealed the doc. Perhaps i may recommend you finish the doc and send it on for comments. Then take em or leave em. The other boards may have that one person who can put it over the top…. who knows… maybe a very influential person reads a different board…..

This is a truely amazing project and i want to say thank you to Fluwiki and all who have worked so hard to make it a reality.

On another note - DemfromCT - if CT meaning the state - perhaps we can join forces and bring the cyberworld into the real world if i am successful next week with my Town.

lugon – at 08:56

ask the other boards for input and participation… not after you have finished and sealed the doc.

It’s as easy as saying “work in progress” and some will come. This should be enough. We have to work on one platform anyway - it doesn’t matter who provides the blackboard, er, wiki.

This can be done officially or by ANY of us. Be it done! (I don’t visit other boards, sorry.)

Regarding “2 weeks or more”:

I think we must look at the text with all eyes: what’s good, what’s bad, what might be stated differently, what’s in it for me now (food for unemployment period, etc), what if there’s no pandemic (in some given time frame), what are other ways to go about it (not so much stock-up but try to be self-sufficient, growing your own food etc)?

We’re now in the “expansion” stage. Then we can “shrink” the text to make it shorter. (I suggest.)

Goju – at 09:03

I also think the timeframe is way too short. We need to get “the real world” involved in one way or another.

Please consider this. When i spoke to my friend at the TV Network about doing an event last week in Oct - he said “i could do it, but i doubt you could get everyone to move that quickly - he should know… he directs one of the big morning shows.

Please don’t make this a “we are Fluwiki - this is OUR show” kind of thing - i am begging you.

lugon – at 09:08

Who among us visit other boards? No one needs permission!

Tomo – at 11:01

Lugon, yes, that is exactly what I want to do. I just can’t seem to get it moved over without loosing all the formatting. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

Lauralou – at 13:27

DemfromCT- 17:47

But consider what PFAW really is… a call to be aware. Last year we asked blogs to post the logo, which does not refer to Flu Wikie, and simple put up something of their choosing about panflu. It coulkd be a link to us or to or an original post or whatever.

Anyone can do that.

Goju, does this not address the issue? We are all on the same side here. Anyone can participate in the PFAW. They can come to Flu Wiki or not. They can put up their own info or not. They can make their links to us, or to other boards or to government sites. We’re not restricting anything here….just promoting awareness….

Science Teacher – at 16:20

I agree with Lauralou. Goju and others, None of us working on this want this to be a “flu wiki show”. We are all working toward helping more folks become aware of the issues involved and in doing so motivate them to start prepping. Dem has said the PFAW logo will be shared with other sites. Each site has developed their own character and interests with regular posters. Each site can tap into their own creativity in discussing the PFAW and maybe even find better ways to develop the issues involved through their own posters. Anyone is invited here to share in the development of the ideas on this site. I see this activity as many pieces of a pie: as we each eat our own piece we are reminded of the whole pie. Please do not view this board’s efforts as developing into a ‘competition’. There is plenty of room in cyberspace for that. Goju, I applaud the efforts you have recently made here and elswhere in rasing awareness. Let’s keep this conversation a positive one, please.

AzNewBeat 16:48

Love the press release. I’d like to print it up for my work place as well as send it to my local paper. I’ve been asking my DM weekly what company plans are and get the brush off everytime. Either he knows and not saying, or he’s in the dark along with the rest of the masses. Just drives me crazy as we are a very public company spread out across the US and Canada.

DemFromCTat 17:46

Goju, there’s nothing magic about Oct 9. If Dec 3 (or whatever) works better for network TV, let them do that week. No one says there can’t be another, and we’re happy to participate at that time. For now, just copy the image logo and put it wherever. Anyone any everyone can participate, but do it your own way.

See what Aetiology did that week, for example. This is what Daily Kos did here and here).

Nightowl – at 21:57

Hello to the Flu Wiki Writers Guild! You all are doing such an incredible job with the writing. I just read over everything. Such a nice crew you have here.

Anyhow, it seems to me, in reading over the threads and all, that you folks could use a ‘Researcher’ to track down those pesky sources and links you need as well as thinking material when you need it. A sort of “Nightowl, can you find us some quotes for this? or Nightowl, would you find sources for the prep time? or Nightowl can you get us some background material so we can bounce ideas off it for the PFAW page? I can start to fill in the holes that are obvious where you are already calling for links and such, and you can ask for future things.

So, I humbly submit my research and link skills for your consideration.

Tomo at 11:01 - is that you CAPmom? I couldn’t find your piece? Where is it now?

Lauralou – at 22:05

Nightowl- we would love your help! Really. Please.

Nightowl – at 22:20

Well, Lauralou, since you wear many hats - writer, copy editor, editor, and Editor-in-Chief - I’ll take that as a job offer, and I accept!

What do you need most right now in terms of sources, links, etc.? I’ll start tonight.

Goju – at 22:28

This is a truely amazing experience

Tomo – at 22:43

My piece is in the sandbox at the very bottom. I am still stuck with how to cut and paste it into the press release thread without loosing the formatting. If anyone of you could do it feel free, or let me know how. I don’t have much on line time tonight to figure it out. You guys are an inspiration, all the hard work and contributions from everyone. I love this spirit.

14 September 2006

DemFromCTat 01:05

Nightowl, we need expert links to suggest 6–8 weeks of food and water, the more the merrier. What’s an expert? Ah… now that’s a good question. But it has to be a source that a skeptic would note as credible, even if they disagree.

i was just sent something that has 6 weeks as a recommendation, which I’ll post tomorrow.

lugon – at 04:46

During and after PFAW, a number of people will come around. Many will have some information, and many will be having their own personal adjustment reactions. Could we make things easier for them, and also get ourselves ready for the (exciting, if we think it was about time) “noise”?

How do we help each and all of them? Awareness Week will add to people’s motivation to learn (make their own minds, create their own models of where we’re at and what to do next). How do we facilitate their “accelerated learning”? This might even have its own thread. What would we call it?

DemFromCTat 06:30

Links! For example, here’s a .pdf brochure from nebraska. In it, it says:


regular prescription drugs.

hand, such as pain relievers, cough and cold medicines.

time, so think about how you will manage if everyday life is severely disrupted.

brochures like that, easily accessible, reinforce the message from an authoritative and credible source.

DemFromCTat 06:40

For anon_22 and others, there’s the link and we now have two (Oshkosh and Nebraska) that say 6 weeks. So,

Several governmental websites suggest preparing for a minimum of 3 days, and the HHS site suggests having food and water on hand for two weeks. That’s a good starting point, but many scientific and government experts agree that individuals might need to be prepared for 6 weeks or more in a worst case, based on previous pandemics and their length. Whatever the length, preparation should include prescription and non-prescription medicines and key supplies such as batteries, radios and other emergency preparations one would ordinarily make for severe storms or other natural disasters.

lugon – at 07:13

(video) Three months(Dr Webster).

noodles – at 08:35

how about contacting service organizations like the Kiwanis, Lions club…scouts. They have meetings weekly and its pretty easy to become a speaker at one of them. They generally are very active in the community and take helping and serving the public serious. A 15 minuite presentation or more depending on the time limit they give you, handouts with ribbons locally in our communities.

Just a thought, not sure if it was brought up before.

DemFromCTat 08:37

What fluwikians take off the web and to their community is invaluable! We hope to give you the tools, including donated speaker slides.

Lauralou – at 09:38

I have taken Dem’s graph at 6:40 and put it on the PFAW 2006 page under “How can I prepare my family?”

Personally, I would love to see each question have an answer that follows this same model:


Lauralou – at 09:44

Hi Nightowl- I’m just sweeping up the floor every day and putting all our “good stuff” away. ;-) Don’t want it to get lost!

Just jump in anywhere that looks good to you-

Nightowl – at 11:33

lugon - There are some great ideas there. You may be interested in reading Ranchgirl’s first post that opened this thread and launched this year’s PFAW. It is about looking at Flu Wiki through the eyes of a newcomer.

Goju - If the time is too short to do the Awareness thing with your friend who directs the show, then I would like to see you with your project, ScienceTeacher with Red Ribbon Campaign, and Osterholm on that show together at some point! ====

OK, Dem

I’ll have to add links later.

Dr. Robert Webster: 3 months

Dr. Gratton Woodson, author of …..3 months

Council on Foundations; 2–3 months (a membership organization of more than 2,000 grantmaking foundations and giving organizations) Prep article on their website was written by John Ruthrauff, Program Manager, World Bank - Civil Society Initiative of the American Council for Voluntary International Action They are talking about their role in a pandemic, too.

Nebraska Health and Human Services: 6 weeks

University of Louisville: 4–6 weeks

Oprah Winfrey website: via Osterholm program: 4–5 weeks

Osterholm to his hometown area: Stockpile food, etc. A pandemic will be like a 12 to 18 month blizzard

Tom Brokaw: prepped

Larimer County, Colorado: 2 months

The climate is changing at the organizational level. A lot more awareness. Lots of websites that recommend 6–8 weeks but they don’t come right out and say it. They always say something similar to: “stockpile food, water, and medicine.” The 1918 flu lasted….. and came in three waves of…

It is the same reason that many of us here at Flu Wiki have prepped longer. It is based on what we have learned, not on what someone or the government has told us.

I think we have to move away from the idea of expert toward the idea of credible source. To many, the government is a credible source of information. So we have agreed to give the governments’ official flu site the nod as a minimum. Now we are searching for the credible source for the other folks who don’t trust the government at all. What now is their source or sources? You also have to consider Flu Wiki’s credibility. It is listed nearly everywhere I searched, and I’ve been at it for hours. I did not find any site dealing with a pandemic that recommended three days of anything. Disaster prep sites might, but I even saw some that said post-Katrina, 72 hours is old thinking.

Nearly everyone that is suggesting preps talks about 1918.

Lots of sites default to the government’s two weeks.

I searched by intervals. The gap in the data for 6 to 8 weeks is definitely because of 1918. You don’t have to say it if you can illustrate it. So the other datapoints are falling on either side of this. I just threw in a county, a university, an NGO, etc. to show what is going on. This debate is a tough one because who knows what will happen. We could have a wave that lasts 4 months. And since no one knows, all we have is 1918. H5N1 sure doesn’t look like its going to be like the mild ones.

The real teachable moment and reference point in my view is 1918. Knowing about it makes the unimaginable possible. Obviously, that is why so many organizations include it.

Nightowl – at 11:41

Hi Lauralou!

noodles at 08:35 - great idea!

anon_22 – at 11:45


Thank you for the links. Now we can go out and congruently say 6–8 weeks without getting bashed. :-) Well done!

Nightowl – at 11:56

I am lobbying hard to have the 3 days removed. I really think it will tarnish Flu Wiki’s credibility. In fact, you’ve got the 2 week gov, the 6 week gov and I would give the 2–3 month Council on Foundations

Nightowl – at 12:23

I am going to urge everyone on this thread to go to the above link and pull the list of members who attented the pandemic meeting. That was just the conference.

Consider that this non-profit organization has 2,000 members from around the world. It represents the Who’s Who of the grantmaking foundations and giving organizations in the World.

They are getting involved in pandemic planning and can make a difference, especially for those living in poverty. Please read the pandemic preparation material that these folks are reading.

And we are afraid to get in step with them?????????

anon_22 – at 13:12

I agree with Nightowl in that the 3 day message is in conflict with the message we are trying to put out, that this is serious threat. I think it’s time to go out and actively discredit any official agency that is recommending that, as being insincere or clueless.

Just my 2C

crfullmoon – at 13:28

Not just Get Aware - Go Prepare

Too wordy to add “Preparedness” this year?;

Pandemic Flu Preparedness Week, or,

Pandemic Flu Awareness & Preparedness Week

(No fun being a year or two ahead of the audience, who may not have a year or two ahead of them to consider paying attention…)

Keep at it; most of the public needs to be more prepared for everything, anyway.

Bronco Bill – at 13:55

Closed for length and continued here

Last relevant posts copied to new thread

Science Teacher – at 14:03

Nightowl, thanks for bringing your abundant energy and skills to this thread! Just wanted to say that I agree with all your comments and ideas. I do agree with your and Annon_22′s comments about the 3 day message for preps. Do any of us want the newcomers to read that and think ‘I don’t have to worry, I already have 3 days worth in my kitchen.’ We have all discerned from hours of research reading here and elsewhere that we will need months of preps. New folks reading this site may not have the time to do that in light of recent events in the world. That virus is marching on and I think that it is time for us to do the same.

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