and…we’re back :)
May I repost this, unread at end of previous thread:
anonymous ¡ª 03:00
Deserves greater emphasis yet! Re-read his above post on previous thread and especially:
¡°ANDREW JEREMIJENKO: This had been a test to see whether Indonesia could control a pandemic virus. Basically they just failed the test.
¡°We now know it was a large cluster, there was possible human-to-human transmission and we have pigs testing positive.
¡°Discharging a patient and then allowing him to come back a few days later when he was very, very sick and died is dangerous.¡±
How devastating this, on top of all else. And I (ha-ha) was just speculating this cluster etc was ¡°just another hiccup, soon to be forgotten¡± was I?
< Crystal ball into rubbish bin. Re-do Course ¡®Lurking 101¡ä >
we’re did all the ockers go?
Still here lurking in the mist …24/7 .
I was starting to think i saw spinifex grass in this thread ;)
I sympathise W’stock! My feeling yesterday after I posted about three times and no company!
BUT, on curiosity I went to PREPPERS UK, checked the date of first and last posts, about three months now! An unchanged title still, while we’ve gone through a DOZEN sequences in the same time! And that too with their population over three times ours!
This is an active and prosperous thread, believe me! So much for the image of the stoic Aussie, uncomplaining, strong but not very articulate!
Cheers, first morning coffee time!
Hello folks,
Do not dispair. Your threads are interesting too. I personally feel more connected to the world just knowing you two have it covered down under. Its easy to lose focus as the fluwiki participation grows. Someday we might be depending on these relationships for survival. So glad to know you both and any other lurkers nearby. Stay well and be happy. :)
1mother: Thankyou! and Good morning Nikolai! Today i am off to spend yet more money. Heating is an issue for me given my physical problems and i’ve been putting off buying a decent heater. No more! today i shall go forth…
(looking at the few coins rolling around in the bottom of my savings account)
1mother: Thank you so for visiting and for your good wishes. Facing this terrible possibility all alone is impossible for most of us. Fellowship means a huge amount. All the best to you and yours!
Hi all from New Zealand - pleased to report that at present many pharmacies over here have Tamiflu available if would rather have their own than rely on the 8 million capsules the government is storing.
A large order arrived in March or April which more than covered backorders (I think many people had their names down at more than one pharmacy, but the pharmacies got in enough for everyone on their list). The expiry date for this lot of capsules is November 2010.
doldrums, you should have left that author name for one of us over here! Half your luck would do me on getting Tamiflu! And in New Zealand it would be genuine, not something coming from Taiwan via Thailand and packaged and mailed from India…
I’m still here, just uber-busy back at work again…
Good to hear that NZ has a good stock in, I wonder when (if) Australia has some arriving?
Morning , some info to read Google committee meeting minutes state pandemic , then for aussies add australia 2006 . all minutes from different meetings . happy reading …
Candles: Thanks for the tip and reminder.
Hitting Google Search after entering “flu pandemic Australia 2006″ could be described as ‘rewarding’ but upsetting. So much to read, starting with SMH (Sydney Morning Herald) of 15 May, but going on…
There is some, and increasing, awareness out there.
Why didn’t anyone post to my #13 thread?
Would you mind sharing relevant news with us? It seems you might be having some winged visitors momentarily as will Canada and the US.
A ‘crossed threads’ incident. Woodstock, jokingly?, said she was superstitious and would like to skip #13 and just go to
You, not knowing that, or mischievously?, started #14…
King Solomon would probably recommend we combine the two as number thirteen and a half …
No big problem, except she will likely reply on Fourteen to anything we post on Thirteen!!
Shall I double-post, then? < grin, grin >
Please, would ‘-philic’ yield to the pressures of ‘-phobic’ and let us all just proceed on Fourteen?
13 was mischievous, I know, but I have this admiration of noble, prime numbers.
Loving yield to fearing? OK, I suppose.
So we 2 agree on 14, which is a pair of primes (7′s).
Did anyone read the Ryde council plans for pandemic ? about the isolation wards etc the extra funding etc ? I live in another state , thought you guys were in NSW area . I have read so many minutes now , news doesn’t seem to count . Seems the only control on our lives will be our preps .
i just thought we have enough bad luck threatening us atm ;) Hence skipping 13..
I’m not in NSW Candles, but a quick search of the Perth council minutes reveals nothing about flu, influenza, pandemics or anything avian. Don’t hold out much hope for my local council either.
Did you find a heater Woodstock? I am yet to get a load of firewood for this winter, perhaps next weekend…
Superstition about numbers is different in different cultures. In many asian cultures the number 4 is incredibly unlucky - don’t know how 14 would fit there!
NS1: I’m delighted to see another mathematical mind here! I learned to count all the way to 100 in highschool, though I’d be pretty rusty now! I do kind of remember the even and the prime numbers, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Woodstock, you mischief maker you! No more skipping, please!
I tried just everything I could to get that CD to play as a movie. Even counted at it. No success. I got the sound-track clear and loud, but only a choice of abstract ‘skins’ as visual. There must be some programme I just have never encountered to download. Any idea? I use Windows XP Prof. so it probably isn’t that.
Nikolai - you might need to install a codec for Windows Media Player (I assume that’s the application you’re using)?
Look at these two articles - they also have links to download the codecs
Windows media player. Click “Play” on the menu across the top and then on the dropdown menu, click “DVD, VCD or CD Audio”
I believe that the number 4 is also the symbol for death and the number 8 may be life in Chinese?
I always was fond of 9 and 27, triple triplets, tripled and all.
How are you getting on with that CD now after the above advice Nikolai?? I ran the cd through all the way to check it was ok so it must be a software issue. Hope you get it sorted.
Azi: Yeah i found a heater and the one i got was 25% off as it turns out! Electric which may be dumb but my options in a unit are limited. I will get a brazier for the balcony as well which would do for a bit of cooking on top of the gas BBQ if things get bad…
Many thanks to many, but no success on the CD visual. I think I may need to go to a shop and ask. Feel I am doing something in an unacceptable sequence … eg order of starting the Media Player/inserting CD/ accessing codec or something.
I downloaded codec v 3.11 alpha (free) as Azi advised, but it met resistance on attempting installation — Windows says it is an older version than on machine already! So I presume I do, already, have codec.
Must pause on this problem and come back to it later.
Many thanks, but!
i’m disturbed by the latest news today as i’m sure a lot of others are. What the hell is going on in Indonesia? I mean ANOTHER cluster? And as for the supposed “ebola” thing …well i mean really! Ebola? Coming out of a mahor city? I don’t see how it could be…But! It could be flu …maybe. Whats disturbing about this is how its not being handled by the media. If this (god willing) turns out to be nothing dreadful, i think we have had a disturbing reality check today: Business as normal at the hospital the woman was taken to, No statement from Health authorities and very little midia coverage. I’m off to buy more things for the baby…
RE Thread : IS IT TIME FOR A DRY RUN? I made this post a few minutes ago, but will copy it here for interest/amusement of we locals.
Re: Myself — 22:20
“It’s still scary enough, let me admit on reflection! What I will do next weekend is ‘merely’ totally self-isolate from Friday at 6 pm until Monday at 6 am, SIXTY HOURS. <shudder >
“By ‘totally self-isolate’, I mean lock my door, unplug: the phone, computer, tv, radio, music players so that SOCIALLY I am utterly cut off from the world. For two and a half days.
“Robinson Crusoe with electricity, water, sewage etc but not even a man Friday! In all my years, I don’t believe I have ever done that, though I am blithe enough to TALK about SIP for three months, if necessary.
“Well, I’ve ‘talked the talk’ but I’d better find out if I also can ‘walk the walk’ huh? If not, change my survival plan pretty radically.”
< For later analysis and plans revision, I’ll keep a log of what I do, how long, in chronological order. >
Woodstock — 01:29
You know you’re not in a ‘Lonely Hearts Club’ on that worry!
Wouldn’t it be droll for me if this thing broke Friday next at EST 18:01 !! My sixty hours would sure get extended in the rudest possible way !!
Depending on what the news is like then Nikolai, perhaps you should give yourself some computer time each day. Say a half hour in the morning and another half hour in the evening?
i agree Azi. That sort of isolation is unhealthy unless absolutely vital
Hmmm, that’s a thought. The Flu Wiki is too social and too enticing, even just reading, for the purpose of my test. I could just enter for five minutes, to see if the red flag has been put up by the moderators….
I might also hedge my bet by laying in some extra bread, milk, eggs, cheese and such ‘last minute’ items.
Really feel I NEED to test this, and test my ‘plans’ for how to pass the time as though this actually were for months! I will exercise, do chores, read during the daytime, as if it were real.
I can see why it’s good to try it out before time (if needed), but if there’s the smallest concern that you might miss some “big news” and your trigger to do this for real, then I think it’s worth allowing some of the real world to spill in just in case…
Nikolai - laying in the extras could be a good thing to do, so long as if they’re not needed you’ll still use them before they turn!
I do believe you’ll get a head start on most of the rest of the population by reading here, a quick check twice a day will still give you that without intruding too much (I hope!) on your test.
i’m thinking that now that i have most everything i “think” i need that i might wind back the shopping to twice a week. I just looked in my MS money file and saw how much i’ve spent this year on preps: scary!!
Just a short note to say thanks for the CD with the “Fatal Contact” movie which arrived safely Friday afternoon and which I only watched this evening.
Despite the various criticisms posted earlier, I thought the movie did a good job (despite the technical faux pas). As others have said, it seems to me that the movie was made primarily made as a preparatory video for the general public. It certainly gave me a good kick up the behind.
I found that the movie wouldn’t play on Windows Media Player. I’m not very good with the computer stuff, but I downloaded a free movie viewer (15 Mb) from which played it beautifully. This movie player only appears to work on Windows XP.
Nicolai - If you’d like me to send the program to you to play the movie, just let me know [my email address is prepperautsralis at hotmail dot com].
Like everyone else here, I’m watching the situation in Indonesia….finalised my last minute prep list tonight.
Prepper Australis:
Huge thanks! I feared I was doing something erratic, but you reassure me and seem also to show the solution:
“I found that the movie wouldn’t play on Windows Media Player. I’m not very good with the computer stuff, but I downloaded a free movie viewer (15 Mb) from which played it beautifully. This movie player only appears to work on Windows XP.”
I’ll download, I hope the SAME programme, and see what it does for me. As you advise, I do have Windows XP.
BUMPED to encourage folks outside of Australia/New Zealand to
comment, encourage, advise … or just say Hi!
Good morning all :)
Hi fellow down-unders
Are we talking about the rugby? No, I guess not. (I live in Wellington - Friday night was HUGE!)
I only contribute on weekdays to the Wiki - a work-thing really. I am determined that my weekends should be happy times so I avoid anything bird-flu related for two whole days - assuming that if it really got ugly the media would finally come to the party.
I think this week will be an interesting one as the news out of Indonesia keeps coming. Just saw this morning that a shuttlecock maker has succumbed. Who said badminton wasn’t a dangerous sport. (Please, no offence intended with that somewhat flippant comment.)
Have a great day everyone
Morning to all. And very early hereabouts! Cold in Sydney, relatively. We don’t KNOW what cold is, happily. Hate to be in northern US, or central Europe in the winter.
I have just read, for first time, the thread on veterinary and pet antibiotics. What a discovery! I shall follow up on that at Pet Shops, etc and see what situation is.
If you haven’t read that thread, I URGE you do so and think about it for future reference. Also please share here what you discover for availability here.
You got the right Nikolai! dang its cold! Well for us Aussies it is anyways. Interesting to hear that Aust. and NZ will close borders at Stage 4 of the WHO Pandemic alert. Considering the traffic through us with Indonesia, that would have severe economic repercussions for all concerned. Does this have anything to do with still being at stage 3? Hmmm…
I have not picked up the latest on closing borders, I gather!
Where do we have that? Any more detail?
Melanie mentioned it on another thread. Thats authority enough for me.
Aziraphale hi keep searching , near every council has had meetings over BF , some keeping very quite some not , anyone with child care centres , and people living in their shires have had one , most early March onwards , some late last year .but like most of Australia they are sitting on it. Hopeing it will go away. I live in small shire , but know they all met and terrified most there , and now they won’t talk about it .But did tell me all councils had or where having meetings.
Woodstock – at 18:58
Please be aware that this is not correct.
At stage 4 there will be border screening for influenza - like illness in travellers from affected countries and possibly exit screening for travellers going to unaffected countries.
Not until stage 6 is it proposed that the internationl borders be closed.
Aussie One: i stand corrected, thankyou
Good Evening Campers. I suggest that everyone start tonight with a whisky as i am. It makes reading the latest updates SO much easier :)
whats SO??
ABC item about BF
Woodstock — 03:44
I think I now need a drink, after sudden, unexpected death of
head of WHO, Lee Jong-Wok, at age sixty-one. He knows where a
‘lot of bodies’ are buried in China … read suppressed data?
Then the Niman posts of INDO…9 and on NEWS…22 about death
of the uncle in Indonesia!
* Cyberspace toast to you and yours!
and moving along to number 15….