18 March 2006
captain1 – at 07:26
Mike Leavitt was just on Saturday Today. Indicated BF will be in the USA very soon via migration. Said that there is a “cascading probability” for mutation to H2H as more species and people are infected. Referred folks to the pandemicflu.gov website and advised to have supplies of food, etc. on hand. No mention, however, of for how long. Better than nothing for the John Q. Public I guess.
Nikolai---Sydney – at 07:38
Lots better. Every crumb is appreciated when we’re starving
for some progress. Thanks for sharing, this is the sort of
news we just do not get in Australia.
KyJack – at 12:16
I thought this was a good report. I like his down to earth style, that and his title should persuade a few more people that maybe they should look into this matter.
26 May 2006
BroncoBill – at 00:10
Old thread closed to speed Forum access
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