From Flu Wiki 2

Forum: Open Thread I

pogge17 February 2007, 22:27

So what’s on your mind?

DemFromCT17 February 2007, 22:58

a cottontop special!

she requested, we complied.

This is an experimental thread. it joins news and ask the mods as the only open threads.

See Flu Wiki forum for current conversation about today’s news.

Bronco Bill18 February 2007, 07:38


cottontop?18 February 2007, 18:39

Gee guys, I hope I haven’t started something. But it is nice to stop by and post a message to all, and still encourage people to come over and see the new forum. (Diana, if your lurking, come join us!!)

Your great!! Thanks bunches ;-)

Jane?18 February 2007, 22:36

Big smile here! I’m happy to see something new at this site. :)

Hi, cottontop-I like your sandbox on the new site, too!

cottontop?19 February 2007, 07:43

Jane- Thanks. It’s alot of fun to have our own sandbox. I’m surprised others don’t use their’s more.

I just miss this site, and check here often. Aren’t these guys the best?!

DemFromCT19 February 2007, 22:35

new forum is down.. network issues…

Bronco Bill20 February 2007, 06:02

New Forum is back up now

Nanabee?20 February 2007, 20:22

Hello everybody! It’s Nanabee here, in spite of all the help I’ve been given, I still can’t post on the new site sooo I give up, I’ll lurk. I just wanted to pass along my most heartfelt thanks to the person (Grace?) who wrote this as a reason for prepping “Gram, would you make me some macaroni and cheese?”…while I’m picturing empty store shelves and hungry grandkids. I got off my duff and bought a camping stove with oven, water barrels, water filters, beans, rice, sugar and other food. I’m prepping for real now and I thank you.

Bronco Bill21 February 2007, 06:08

Nanabee---have you registered on the new site yet? It makes it much easier to post there, and more features are available that way…

cottontop?21 February 2007, 07:20

Nanabee, good for you. You’ve taken a very important step and one that will become addicting. As Greenmom said, “it snowballs” It does.

Don’t give up on the new forum. Your input is valuable to all of us.Register first, then see if you can post.

Bronco Bill21 February 2007, 10:54

To everybody still here:

A couple of new features have been added to the New Forum! First, the old “Bump” feature has been added. You can see the most recently changed diaries atRecent Active Diaries

Second, we can now email diaries to individuals. To do this, simply open the diary you want to send, and look for the “Send As Email icon” at the end of the opening comment.

And last, but not least, we can now print diaries without the sidebars! Look for the “Print Friendly View” icon next to the Send Email icon. You’ll need to sign in for all of these new features to be useable, but it’s well worth it!

This is a huge step in the right direction to make the New Forum much more user friendly. Come on over and visit

gs21 February 2007, 13:18
 >You can see the most recently 
 >changed diaries atRecent Active Diaries 

good !

 > look for the “Send As Email icon” 

doesn’t seem to work. I got an email, but only with the link, not the diary:

gs ( has sent you a news article. ------------------------------------------------------------ fsdfds The BIG picture ============================================================ (your site name here) (your site link here)

 > Look for the “Print Friendly View” 
 > icon next to the Send Email icon

only for the main entry, not for the comments ?

ABH47?21 February 2007, 13:38

Hello! Thank you for this thread! I have been reading the old fluwiki(s) for over a year, but I am a new poster here. I have recently posted 2 times on the new site, but cannot find where to ask this…. I have to buy new pillows and like feather/down pillows. I found a company that only gets feathers from Canada (most companies get them from Europe). I would like to know how long the virus could last on feathers inside pillows….in other words, how long should I isolate the pillows before they would be safe to use. I did try looking for this information before coming here, but couldnt find the answer. I know someone on fluwiki will know the answer or be able to direct me to the correct link. Thank you so much in advance! ABH47

cottontop?21 February 2007, 15:38

ABH47- Hi. So glad you decided to post. Hope you keep trying the new forum. It really is a great place not only in the people, but the information is top-notch. We are in dire staits to get people to realize the threat H5N1 is, and start prepping NOW.

As to your question, this was asked a while back, I think it was here, can’t be sure. And we concluded that there really wasn’t any worry about the avian virus in feathers. I personally don’t find feathers “a threat”, if I did I wouldn’t have bought my oldest daughter a feather body pillow for christmas. We’ll get more input on this, so stay tuned.

ABH47?21 February 2007, 16:27

Thanks so much, Cottontop, for answering my question! Like you, I remember something being discussed here, but just couldn’t find it. I did tell the guy I was ordering from, whose company carried other pillows, why I was not ordering those with feathers from Europe….I mentioned bird flu to him….just to maybe make him think a bit on the subject…

Thanks again for answering me!!!!!! I really appreciate it! And I do read the new fluwiki daily. I am registered there and keep trying to figure it all out. Still, I’m grateful this site is still around!!!!!!!!!!! I live alone and have learned to much from everyone at fluwiki!!!!! To say I’m scared of this virus would be a huge understatement. I have gotten my grown kids to prep, so I do feel somewhat good about that. Take care….

cottontop?21 February 2007, 16:52

ABH47- You got your kido’s to prep! Good for you. The piece of mind you’ll have when this hits will be priceless. Have you introduced them to the new forum yet? I am glad that you at least read the news on the new forum even if you don’t post. At least you are stil keeping informed, and that’s great. Do keep trying to post. We’d love to hear from you.

cottontop?21 February 2007, 20:38

These are the top countries to watch currently. To view info on each, follow link:

Indonesia Egypt Nigeria Russia UK(europe) Pakistan

cottontop?21 February 2007, 20:46

Sorry about that folks. Wrong link. That is the old Lookout Post. Bad cottontop!


Bronco Bill22 February 2007, 06:16

gs — 21 February 2007, 13:18 --- You are correct on all points. I’ve been in touch with the software author and made the same points.

The email link is because some diaries could be very large if there are embedded videos or pics in them.

He’s looking into the printing issue

cottontop?22 February 2007, 08:34

Hi BB!!

Bronco Bill22 February 2007, 08:52

Hey ct….w’sup?

Jane?22 February 2007, 14:59

Did anyone watch Jericho on tv last night? It answered some questions, but I still don’t know about the secret-identity guy. It looked like he had a bomb in his truck, and his group had a list of targeted cities, but that size of bomb (one 55-gal.drum) wouldn’t make a mushroom cloud. Besides, he went to Jericho, not a targeted city. Is his group working with Ravenwood? It was a really elaborate plot, with a furnished house all ready for him to move into. Did his fellow plotters help with that or was he sneaking his family into Jericho? I want his computer-it’s one of those tough Hummer-type setups.

Jake hasn’t been in prison, anyway, but was he in the service or was he a mercenary? The government questioning him was a bit confusing.

gs22 February 2007, 18:49

what’s RSS Feed ?

Bronco Bill22 February 2007, 20:04

gs — 22 February 2007, 18:49 ---

Really Simple Syndication - A format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites.

I’ve never used it much, but it’s a fast way of seeing what has changed on websites that you can subscribe to (usually free feeds) in order to see when they’ve updated.

DemFromCT22 February 2007, 20:07

use with an RSS reader, or an RSS compatable browser.

Bronco Bill26 February 2007, 06:07


Bronco Bill06 March 2007, 05:43


Bronco Bill07 March 2007, 05:54


Bronco Bill11 March 2007, 09:14


cottontop?11 March 2007, 18:50

BB- Hope your better soon. How’s your typing? ;-)

Bronco Bill12 March 2007, 01:07

Heh thanks….One and a half hands worth! But it doesn’t hurt!

Bronco Bill18 March 2007, 18:33


pogge20 March 2007, 23:44

Bumping after sidescroll patrol.

Bronco Bill28 March 2007, 09:42


Jane?29 March 2007, 17:36

The new FW forum is down.

pogge29 March 2007, 17:41

It’s there for me.

cottontop?29 March 2007, 17:46

I’m trouble accessing too.

cottontop?29 March 2007, 17:53

It’s when I hit the refresh or read a comment that it comes back, “page cannot be displayed”

cottontop?29 March 2007, 18:16

All better now.

DemFromCT29 March 2007, 20:41

it had a server glitch… fixed, now…

Bronco Bill29 March 2007, 21:14

Hmmm…still glitchy….better get out the pepper and make the server sneeze real good! ;-)

cottontop?29 March 2007, 21:15

Hi Dem- Glad to see you made it back.

Mojo29 March 2007, 21:48

Still broke.

pogge29 March 2007, 22:13

The data centre where the site is hosted is having “networking issues”. They’re working on it.

cottontop?30 March 2007, 05:32

It’s a conspiricy I tell you!

Bronco Bill02 April 2007, 05:59


cottontop?07 April 2007, 22:57

Happy Easter Sunday Everyone!!

Bronco Bill08 April 2007, 08:07

Thanks, cottontop. Happy Easter Bunny Day to you and yours…

cottontop?11 April 2007, 20:26

Some of these threads are wild to read!

I do still use this place for some good reading. Once again Mods, thanks for keeping it open for us.

Bronco Bill12 April 2007, 06:12

ROTF!! It’s almost like looking back through my old high school yearbook again!!! I just finished reading the “Just a Fat Old Housewife” thread, and I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!!

cottontop?12 April 2007, 06:38

That’s what I thought when I read it! And yes BB, it is just like looking through a year book. I find myself saying,”Did I say that?! Boy was I a dork!” ;-)

Bronco Bill20 April 2007, 06:44


soxandshoes?23 April 2007, 17:26

While the new thread is gorgeous—I am unable to get comfortable posting there. It must be my learning disability but, I can’t move around or find things over there…I’ll keep trying but, I like being able to read the “old news” here where I can find it:o)

Bronco Bill24 April 2007, 06:17

soxandshoes --- If you need any help, please feel free to ask myself or AnnieB or any of the Mods. You do need to be signed in, in order to post comments on the New Forum… :-)

Bronco Bill24 April 2007, 06:21

soxandshoes --- Once you’re signed in over there (I noticed that you’ve already registered), click on the picture in the upper left corner…that will make sure that you’re on the Front Page. Scroll down ‘til you find the Community Open Thread. Click on that header, and that Diary will open for you. If you want to post a question or comment, simply click on “Post a Comment” at that end of the first entry. Give your comment a short title, and in the comment box, type away! :-)

lugon28 April 2007, 06:06 doesn’t work right now, does it?

Bronco Bill28 April 2007, 06:51

lugon---I just got online, but it looks to be okay now…

lugon28 April 2007, 06:55

it works now

Bronco Bill04 May 2007, 15:14

Hiccup on New Forum?

Bronco Bill09 May 2007, 09:38


Sailor11 May 2007, 09:24

Can some one tell me how to register to get on the new site? Thanks

Bronco Bill11 May 2007, 22:42

Sailor --- go to New Forum Front Page and in the upper right corner of the page you’ll see “Make a New Account” in the Menu Box. Click on that link and follow the prompts. It’s easy, it’s painless, and the benefits are wonderful! ;-)

Bronco Bill11 May 2007, 22:46


Bronco Bill15 May 2007, 20:56


Bronco Bill16 May 2007, 09:54


cottontop?17 May 2007, 15:21

Hi BB! Hope all is well.

And to all you lurkers out there, come and join us at the new forum!!!!

Bronco Bill18 May 2007, 14:54


Bronco Bill21 May 2007, 16:57


Bronco Bill23 May 2007, 14:55


cottontop?30 May 2007, 12:04

new forum hicup? Hit refresh, and page cannot be displayed comes up?

DemFromCT30 May 2007, 12:29

temprarily down, working on fixing it!!

cottontop?30 May 2007, 20:31

I was just wondering, if people will come here in the event something happened to the new forum that lasted for more than, say an hour or two. I don’t know what would cause something like that. Just wondering. (O.k. I’ll stop wondering.;-)

cottontop?06 June 2007, 12:11


DC?06 June 2007, 18:14

Hate the new forum- I am one of the posters that stopped posting.Now I just lurk!

cottontop?06 June 2007, 20:44

Hey DC, Glad you stopped by. What is it exactly you don’t like about the new forum? It’s really not as intimindating as it looks. And there’s more help than you can possibly use, if you get in a jam. Bronco Bill is always around and very helpful. Just don’t ask him how to debug flour. You’ll have one heck of a mess! ;-) Seriously, give it another try. If you are having trouble posting, I’m always cruzing by here, as Bronco Bill is. Give a shout.

Bronco Bill08 June 2007, 21:06

See? I’m here, just now as we speak? ;-)

Seriously, DC, what’s up? The New Forum simply takes a little bit of getting used to…we all had to spend a couple of hours learning how to navigate the new site, but now it’s a breeze…

Bronco Bill11 June 2007, 21:24


cottontop?14 June 2007, 22:12


Bronco Bill15 June 2007, 08:38


cottontop?25 June 2007, 23:37

We’ve been SPAMMED! ;-(

Bronco Bill26 June 2007, 06:28

All gone. For now. Thanks…

cottontop?26 June 2007, 12:30

Thanks BB. What would we do without you? I hope we never find out!;-)

Bronco Bill26 June 2007, 20:48

Don’t worry…I’m replaceable.

My boss tells me that all the time! :-)

cottontop?27 June 2007, 07:37

Coffee spew! LOL!!

Jane?27 June 2007, 13:11

I was looking for solar/generator threads for another poster. The index gave a page full of links to music business stuff. Spam junk. :-(

Bronco Bill28 June 2007, 10:19

Jane — 27 June 2007, 13:11 --- Sorry about all the spam you’ve seen lately. Forum Topics is one of the threads that has been getting hit constantly by spammers. We’re trying to catch it as often as possible, and restore the file when we see spam on it. We’ll just need to be vigilant and keep our fingers crossed…

Bronco Bill28 June 2007, 10:25

Jane…here’s the original Solar Generators For Dummies page

A much faster way to search for something on Old Yeller is to use, and enter the search parameters in their search box this way: solar generators

cottontop to BB?30 June 2007, 10:08

Hi BB- I was wondering if you could come up with a banner for the new forum, for the 4th of July, like you did for christmas. It’s just a thought. Thanks.

Bronco Bill to Cottontop?30 June 2007, 16:17

I was thinking about it, but I wonder if it might put off some of our international friends? Independence Day is more a US-centric holiday, and many around the world may not appreciate it on an international site. If the Mods don’t mind, then yes, I’ll be happy to do it!

cottontop to BB?30 June 2007, 16:46

As usual, you have a point. Never thought of that. I just forget this is an internation sight.(selfish) Right. We’ll leave it to the mods. Great minds think alike! ;-)

Bronco Bill30 June 2007, 20:34

Dem? pogge? Melanie? Revere? What do y’all think? A July 4th banner? See the above 3 posts and let us know.

BB asks pogge: do Canadians have a 4th of July?

Jane?01 July 2007, 15:53

Thanks for the site address and the search hint, Bronco Bill!

DemFromCT 06 July 2007, 13:57


cottontop to BB?09 July 2007, 08:51

Are we having a hiccup on the new forum this morning?

cottontop ?09 July 2007, 08:57

whoops! didn’t reset my name. Sorry BB.

Bronco Bill09 July 2007, 09:45

‘sokay ;-) I noticed the same on New Blue around 8am…oh well…just means I need to go to work! :-(

FrenchieGirl09 July 2007, 10:13

Hi all. Newfluwiki2 is unreachable at the moment. There’s no swan-tipping game, is there? Thanks.

Snowhound109 July 2007, 10:23

I am also unable to bring the site up…it says “Error 504 Gateway Timeout”

Bronco Bill09 July 2007, 10:39

All---it looks like the Forum is down temporarily. Dem and pogge are checking with Soapblox as we speak to remedy the situation.

bird-dog09 July 2007, 10:55

Too bad! I guess that I’ll have to actually get something done for a change. ;-)

pogge09 July 2007, 10:58

New forum is back for me.

FrenchieGirl09 July 2007, 11:01

Yes, it’s fine now. Thank you.

bird-dog09 July 2007, 11:02

Me too! and “Hi” Pogge. Glad to see you back in the rat-race! I hope that you’re feeling *much* better!

cottontop ?17 July 2007, 23:26


cottontop?01 September 2007, 01:17

BB- looks like you’ve been busy! Haven’t seen some of these threads in a LONG time! ;-) Thanks for bringing them up. More good reading.

Bronco Bill01 September 2007, 06:24

Hey cottontop! I have been---I don’t think any of us realized how many threads had sidescroll on them. I’ve just been going through the Forum Topics Index for now…but eventually I’m going to get started on the Last 1000 Threads list :-)

cottontop?01 September 2007, 22:01

You don’t get paid enough, BB!

Bronco Bill01 September 2007, 22:49

Heh heh…thanks, ct. I get paid 20,000 an hour times 0. Doing what I do here? It’s worth every penny!! ;-)

cottontop?06 September 2007, 22:33

BB, while thinking about flu season around the corner, the thread, “Old Habits Are Hard to Break” popped into my mind. So I came over to see if I could find it, and low and behold, you had it already for me. Had to scroll down a ways, but there it was. No search required! I want to create a new diary on new blue, based on that diary. Thanks for still tending to ole yeller. Still a much needed site, in it’s own right. Hey that rhymed!

Bronco Bill07 September 2007, 11:29

cottontop---I knew you’d be looking for that thread!

Hey! You’re a poet, and didn’t know it!

cottontop?10 October 2007, 20:22

Hi BB! Hi MaMa! Are you back for awhile? it’s good to see you here. Thought you’d forgotten about us. We get busy, and things get pushed to the side. Just glad your back. Hey, you know how BB debugs flour?

He pours it out on the counter, and turns the fan on!

Bronco Bill10 October 2007, 21:08

Heh heh…you should see how I debug computers!!! :-D

Bronco Bill10 October 2007, 21:09

Besides…flour’s dry. Bugs is protein!! :-P

cottontop?11 October 2007, 05:43


Bronco Bill14 November 2007, 19:02

Just a bump

Bronco Bill13 December 2007, 18:57

Hmmmm…it’s been a month now. So lonely. You’d think the whole of man had disappeared from the Earth. I know better, but yet, it seems so quiet, so….forlorn. Is anyone out there? Does anyone know I’m here? How will I signal them, let them know I’m still alive? Do I even want them to know?

—I Am Legend

cottontop?09 January 2008, 15:36

Ummm BB, me thinks you’ve been here by yourself too long!!

Came to say hi, and read. I tried to leave you some bubbles, but it didn’t take. ;-(

Bronco Bill09 January 2008, 19:12


I’ve been here so long…used to being alone….my thoughts, my dreams…all shattered now. No more emptiness, too many people. They come, bearing bubbles, but share them not…

Oh woe…where has the silence gone?!?


Poppy09 January 2008, 23:11

I was surprised to find any new posts here. I never have figured out the new forum so I gave up even trying to post since I can barely even negotiate the threads to read them. I tried to look at it tonight and got discouraged and came here to see if there was anything new. Bronco Bill, I am in OK now. These people here seem to have no clue about the threat of H5N1. Which is worrisome. Other than that we like it. I’m glad to be out of CA. How are you doing?

cottontop?10 January 2008, 07:26

Your too funny BB!! Sorry, but the emotioncons won’t work here.

Hi Poppy! BB can answer any questions you have about the forum. The new forum can be frustrating I know. I’ve been there. But as Dem says, you can’t break it. Must be true, ‘cause I would have already broke it!! The folks on the new forum are great for help. I hate to see you stuck here. Keep trying. Would love to see you on the new forum!

Bronco Bill10 January 2008, 12:09

Oooohhh nooooooo!! Now there’s TWO people here!!! Solitude no more!! LOL!

Poppy — 09 January 2008, 23:11 ---

Hey there! What’s up in OK? Thought you were thrilled to be in TX?!? I have a cousin in OK….Midwest City to be exact! Just SE of OK City…

Anyway, we’re finally out of FresNo!! We got the house sold and made the final move all the way to Williamsburg VA. Love it here, and unless a Cat5 hurricane blows us back West, we’re staying here…we’re right on the James River, and the Atlantic coast and Chesapeake Bay are so pretty. Not as nice as my Pacific Coast, but close enough!

If you need some help on the new Forum, just jump in and ask. There are several folks who can help you navigate, but you do need to register on the site to post comments. You can change some of the settings for you best reading experience. It does take a little getting used to, but now that I’ve been on it for over a year, it’s super easy to figure out. A cool thing is the fact that you can create your very own “Sandbox Diary”, and play in there. You can ask questions, and folks will post comments with recommendations and suggestions to help you out.

Cottontop—you’re right—emoticons won’t work here ‘cuz this site doesn’t use HTML…it’s a language called PMWiki. Thank goodness for little things…otherwise, I’d have all these little people waving at me and shouting…it would be soooo noisy here in “the quiet corner”! ;-) ;-)

Bronco Bill10 January 2008, 12:14

Poppy---go to the new site, “New Forum”, and go ahead and register in the upper right corner. Once you’ve registered, click on the Swan logo in the upper left corner…that’s what’s called the Front Page. Scroll down in the center ‘til you see Community Open Thread, click on the title, and that opens the Diary (thread) to read. If you want to make a new comment, click on Post A Comment in blue. If you want to reply to someone else’s comment, you’d click on Reply directly below their name. ‘Seasy!!

Poppy10 January 2008, 18:11

Hi Bill and Cottontop, We were thrilled to be in Texas at first. The thrill wore off quickly. I won’t live there again if I have a choice. My eldest put it best one day when he said he thought when Jeff Foxworthy did his routines that the man was just telling jokes, not being honest. The issues there are too many to list and it cost as much to live where we were as it did in California. The only good thing I can say is at least the director of the county health department there takes the potential for a flu pandemic seriously. I see nothing about it here and that is worrisome. We moved here for jobs and so far we like it but then we have not been here very long. We are NW of OKC. We have friends who recently moved to Virginia. They are on the peninsula, Belle Haven, enjoying retirement. Glad to hear you are enjoying Williamsburg. I don’t blame you I wouldn’t go back to live in California either. A visit maybe because I do miss the coast. I will try the new forum again. It may take me a day or two. Things always seem busy around here so I don’t get on the puter as much as I used to. I’m definatly looking for gardening tips for Oklahoma on either forum. I couldn’t hardly prep in Texas so I’ve got lots of catching up to do.

Bronco Bill11 January 2008, 09:38

Poppy---speaking of gardening in OK, do you get HGTV on TV? (It’s a cable network). If so, on Saturday mornings there is a guy named Paul James who has a show called Gardening by the Yard. He’s IN Oklahoma and his show is centered there. I LMAO every Saturday morning when I watch the show…it’s quirky and funny, but the guy is a master at what he does!

Bronco Bill12 January 2008, 11:38

POPPY!!! Not only did you register on the new forum, you even started a new Diary!! AWESOME! Good job…and welcome to New Blue…

pogge12 January 2008, 18:25

You mean we’ve brought someone else over to the dark side? Awesome, indeed.

Bronco Bill12 January 2008, 19:08

Ain’t it great?!? My old (sort of) neighbor…posting once again! And a great Diary at that!

cottontop?14 January 2008, 06:54

Great job Poppy!! Getting around the new forum gets easier with time. Welcome!!

franko?15 March 2008, 14:08

Has anyone out there heard about It seems like a way better service then wasting money on PPC. Apparently they are using refering websites ( forums, blogs, wiki, etc. ) and have a viral word of mouth distributed approach to it. My friend told me he got around 100 visits from single post which cost him $0.40c. I am going to give them a try today . In case you are intrested here is it.

pogge15 March 2008, 14:40

From the link in the previous post:

“Publishers carefully analyze the rules and regulations of each website before posting their message there to see whether posting such message would be allowed and to ensure that posting is completely relevant to the target audience.”


Bronco Bill15 March 2008, 14:52

Wellllll…..maybe it IS relevant. It does say “wiki” and “forum”, doesn’t it?!? LOL!!

And, exactly what the hell is PPC? Is that the latest street drug?

pogge15 March 2008, 15:53

PPC = Pay Per Click

This is about web advertising so, no it isn’t at all relevant to this site. It’s really spam but the irony of the quote I pulled appealed to me so I let it stand.

cottontop?26 March 2008, 06:11

“And, exactly what the hell is PPC? Is that the latest street drug?”

LOL!! Hey now days you never know BB!

milr7?10 April 2008, 11:03

Hi all does anyone know SCW AZ she hada photo of a hand made berkey type filter and it is not showing up any more. Can you contact her and let her know I would love to see it.

Bronco Bill13 April 2008, 16:11

milr7? — 10 April 2008, 11:03

I’ve passed your request on to SCW.

Juli?14 April 2008, 11:45

Hi all, I’m new here and haven’t quite figured out this site yet :) Anyway, I have a question - even before this becomes a human pandemic, I am concerned about a couple of things. We live near a lake that has a flock geese. I am concerned about keeping these and other migratory birds out of my yard - one because I am starting a garden and two I am concerned about pet/child exposure to bird droppings. I don’t think they are testing birds around me (Atlanta suburb)

Anyway, I have seen there are products that repel birds some that emit ultrasonic waves, others that are like strobe lights. Do any of you know if these work? Once there are confirmed cases, I will bring my dogs in, and maybe create a dog run.


pogge14 April 2008, 11:57

Our new forum is here and you’re more likely to a response there at this point. We’ve left this site up for archival purposes but there hasn’t been a lot of action here for over a year. In fact, we’re shutting this down in June.

cottontop?18 May 2008, 00:10

I’m gonna miss this place pogge. I cut my teeth here on H5N1! ;-)

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