108, 10, 052(3) , Gout 2718, 382, 043 , Cancer of the buccal cavity 209, 30, 173 , Suicide by crushing 1186, 199, 111b , Ulcer of the duodenum 795, 134, 171 , Suicide by cutting or piercing instruments 312, 55, 107a , Chronic interstitial pneumonia incl. occupation diseases of lung 1453, 274, 091a , Aneurysm 948, 189, 072 , Tabes dorsalis (locomotor ataxy) 106, 22, 106 , Pulmonary emphysema 1006, 209, 182 , Accidental drowning 881, 194, 168 , Suicide by hanging or strangulation 1926, 436, 076 , General paralysis of the insane 1724, 435, 089 , Angina pectoris 91, 23, 107c , Other diseases of the respiratory system 2519, 643, 188 , Accidental injury by other forms of crushing (road vehiclesÞ etc) 201, 53, 102(1) , Empyema 67, 21, 029 , Tetanus 2121, 685, 090(1) , Aortic valve disease 116, 38, 202 , Other and unstated forms of accidental violence; Execution 1529, 571, 091b(2) , Arterio-sclerosis without record of cerebral vascular lesion 555, 219, 048 , Cancer of the skin 6182, 2443, 101a , Lobar pneumonia 25, 10, 205(3) , Cause not specified 742, 300, 038 , Syphilis 96, 39, 035 , Tuberculosis of the joints 68, 28, 194 , Excessive heat 16735, 7011, 031 , Tuberculosis of the respiratory system 1064, 448, 185 , Accidental injury by fall 240, 102, 122a , Cirrhosis of the liver returned as alcoholic 3010, 1280, 101b , Pneumonia (not otherwise specified) 57, 25, 155(1) , Acute infective osteo-myelitis and periostitis 142, 63, 066 , Alcoholism (acute or chronic) 27, 12, 193 , Excessive cold 2182, 979, 111a , Ulcer of the stomach 24, 11, 104 , Gangrene of the lung 2910, 1385, 099b , Chronic bronchitis 107, 51, 181 , Accidental absorption of irrespirable or poisonous gas 205, 98, 152 , CarbuncleÞ boil 23, 11, 175 , Food poisoning 73, 35, 070(1) , Cerebral abscess 27, 13, 158 , Other diseases of the organs of locomotion 411, 204, 102(2) , Other pleurisy 6133, 3056, 049 , Cancer of other or unspecifed organs 1565, 807, 122b , Cirrhosis of the liver not returned as alcoholic 136, 72, 112(2) , Other diseases of the stomach 302, 163, 041 , Purulent infectionÞ septicaemia 121, 67, 036d , Tuberculosis of the genito-urinary system 230, 128, 065b , Lymphadenoma 52, 29, 180 , Accidental mechanical suffocation 756, 422, 169 , Suicide by drowning 232, 130, 133(1) , Cystitis 151, 85, 087 , Pericarditis 42, 24, 199 , Homicide by other means 224, 129, 132 , Calculi of the urinary passages 31, 18, 098(2) , Laryngitis 74, 43, 205(2) , Other ill-defined causes 744, 438, 167 , Suicide by poisonous gas 61, 37, 156 , Diseases of the joints 178, 109, 204 , Sudden death 1186, 727, 105 , Asthma 39, 24, 097(2) , Diseases of the accessory nasal sinuses 1832, 1138, 099cÞ99d , Bronchitis not distinguished as acute or chronic 2667, 1657, 100 , Broncho-pneumonia 218, 137, 108(1) , Diseases of the teeth and gums 2989, 1914, 011a(1) , Influenza with pulmonary and pneumonic complications 17, 11, 192 , Hunger or thirst 100, 66, 037a , Disseminated tuberculosis acute 213, 143, 153(1) , Cellulitis 470, 321, 205(1) , Heart failure (age 1-70) 19, 13, 024 , Meningococcal meningitis 16, 11, 030(2) , Other mycoses 471, 324, 090(3) , Aortic and mitral valve disease 250, 173, 090(6) , Dilatation of heart (cause unspecified) 95, 66, 119(2) , Other diseases of the intestines 79, 55, 155(2) , Other diseases of the bones 242, 169, 037b , Disseminated tuberculosis chronic or unstated 9144, 6427, 044 , Cancer of the pharynxÞ oesophagusÞ stomachÞ liver and annexa 75, 54, 086(1) , Diseases of the mastoid sinus 160, 116, 084(4) , Paralysis agitans 100, 73, 172 , Suicide by jumping from high place 420, 307, 050 , Tumours not malignant (brain and female genital organs excepted) 385, 282, 165Þ166* , Suicide by solid or liquid poisons and corrosive substances 884, 674, 073 , Other diseases of the spinal cord 73, 56, 177 , Other acute accidental poisoning (not by gas) 57, 44, 091c , Other diseases of the arteries 140, 109, 103 , Congestion and haemorrhageic infarct of lung 158, 124, 086(2) , Diseases of the ear 24, 19, 064 , Diseases of the spleen 68, 54, 032 , Tuberculosis of the central nervous system 320, 262, 112(1) , Inflamation of the stomach 190, 156, 084(5) , Other diseases of the nervous system 30, 25, 036b , Tuberculosis of the bones (vertebral column excepted) 556, 466, 128 , Acute nephritis (including unspecified under 10 years of age) 4878, 4106, 090(7) , Other or unspecified myocardial disease 45, 38, 151(2) , Other gangrene 45, 38, 153(2) , Acute abscess 40, 34, 109(2) , Other diseases of the pharynx and tonsils 1005, 857, 117 , Appendicitis 102, 89, 126 , Peritonitis without stated cause 35, 31, 108(2) , Ludwig's angina 18, 16, 008 , Scarlet fever 5757, 5141, 129 , Chronic nephritis (including unspecified over 10 years of age) 808, 722, 118b , Intestinal obstruction 1524, 1362, 091b(1) , Arterio-sclerosis with cerebral vascular lesion 204, 183, 071 , Meningitis 30, 27, 096 , Other diseases of the circulatory system 11, 10, 007 , Measles 985, 898, 011a(2) , Influenza with other pulmonary complications 34, 31, 084(1) , IdiocyÞ Imbecility 363, 333, 021 , Erysipelas 13, 12, 178 , Conflagration 49, 46, 154(4) , Other diseases of the skin and its annexa 942, 893, 099a , Acute bronchitis 128, 122, 001a , Typhoid fever 45, 43, 070(2) , Other encephalitis 71, 68, 088(2) , Other acute endocarditis 127, 123, 119(1) , Intestinal stasis 304, 295, 088(1) , Malignant endocarditis 169, 164, 092 , Embolism and thrombosis (not cerebral) 106, 104, 083 , Cerebral softening 698, 690, 084(2) , Cerebral tumour 912, 902, 011b(1) , Influenza with non-pulmonary complications 429, 428, 011b(2) , Influenza without stated complications 403, 403, 023 , Encephalitis lethargica 18, 18, 036c , Tuberculosis of the lymphatic system (abdominal glands excepted) 4578, 4621, 045 , Cancer of the peritoneumÞ intestines and rectum 62, 65, 088(3) , Acute myocarditis 2432, 2573, 090(9) , Heart disease (undefined) 17, 18, 110 , Diseases of the oesophagus 124, 133, 113Þ114(1), Ulceration of the intestines 11, 12, 059 , Diseases of the pituitary gland 1166, 1280, 090(5) , Fatty heart 305, 337, 131 , Other diseases of the kidney and annexa 301, 334, 075a , Hemiplegia 437, 495, 084(3) , Disseminated sclerosis 668, 759, 078 , Epilepsy 4100, 4691, 090(4) , Other or unspecified valve disease 345, 395, 051 , Rheumatic fever 226, 259, 065a , Leukaemia 53, 61, 075b , Other forms of paralysis 49, 57, 016c , Other or unspecified dysentery 246, 289, 113Þ114(3), Other diseases included under diarrhoea and enteritis 150, 181, 034 , Tuberculosis of the vertebral column 478, 593, 074b(2) , Cerebral thrombosis 43, 54, 052(1) , Chronic rheumatismÞ chronic arthritis 194, 246, 125 , Diseases of the pancreas 175, 223, 033 , Tuberculosis of the intestines and peritoneum 461, 603, 074a(2) , Apoplexy (lesion unstated) 18, 24, 094 , Diseases of the lymphatic system (lymphangitisÞ etc.) 111, 149, 063 , Diseases of the adrenals 1409, 1896, 057 , Diabetes 573, 777, 118a , Hernia 53, 72, 069(1) , Purpura 1158, 1589, 058a , Pernicious anaemia 4840, 6671, 074a(1) , Cerebral haemorrhage so returned 115, 159, 109(1) , TonsillitisÞ Adenoid vegetations 102, 142, 082 , Hysteria and neuritis 16, 23, 001b , Paratyphoid fever 14, 22, 036a , Tuberculosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 15, 24, 120 , Acute yellow atrophy of the liver 329, 529, 124 , Other diseases of the liver 345, 555, 090(8) , Disordered action of the heart 41, 66, 010 , Diphtheria 18, 29, 164(1) , Senile dementia 18, 29, 164(2) , Other forms of senile decay 71, 117, 113Þ114(2), Colitis 14, 24, 154(3) , Pemphigus 12, 21, 108(3) , Other diseases of the buccal cavity and annexa 2346, 4148, 090(2) , Mitral valve disease 154, 275, 093 , Diseases of the veins (varix ÞhaemorrhoidsÞ phlebitisÞ etc.) 138, 248, 074b(1) , Cerebral embolism 477, 874, 077 , Other forms of insanity 54, 102, 069(3) , Other general diseases 37, 71, 154(1) , UlcerÞ bedsore 13, 26, 159(3) , Other congenital malformations 107, 222, 179 , Accidental burns (conflagration excepted) 71, 158, 058b , Other anaemias and chlorosis 375, 917, 052(2) , Rheumatoid arthritisÞ Osteo-arthritis 265, 736, 123 , Biliary calculi 21, 100, 060b(3) , Other diseases of the thyroid gland 118, 1091, 060a , Exophthalmic goitre 19, 178, 060b(1) , Myxoedema 39, 7256, 047 , Cancer of the breast